Prayer Update

Hi ladies! I’m checking in to let you know that you prayed our Beth to Portland. Thank you, thank you, thank you for talking to our Father about it. He heard you and answered your prayers. I got a text from her a little while ago and she had just been picked up from the airport. We’re having some awful weather here in Houston today. I think the whole area is under a tornado watch until 5 p.m. She is so blessed that she didn’t have awful delays.

Could you pray now for her sleep? My mom often has a hard time sleeping after her Friday night sessions. I know she would be incredibly thankful to wake up refreshed tomorrow morning.

Thanks, y’all! Your intercession is priceless to us. May God be greatly glorified in Portland!


101 Responses to “Prayer Update”

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  1. 51
    KR says:

    Praying, praying, praying.

  2. 52
    Georgia Jan says:

    Amanda – as I type this – it is almost 10:30 p.m. Friday night here in Georgia and I was just praying before I logged on – thinking that Beth is just getting started there in Oregon.

    I asked the Lord to give her clarity of heart and soul and mind.

    And now I will pray for sweet sleep for my sister too.

    I love y’all,
    Georgia Jan

  3. 53
    Whitney says:

    I am praying right now!

  4. 54
    Anonymous says:

    Dear Lord,
    Please take care of Beth and help her to be able to unwind and relax in her room tonight. I pray that sleep will come to her easily and that she is able to get a few hours of great rest. Hold her tight. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

  5. 55
    Fran says:

    Praise for Beth’s safe travel today!

    Prayers continue for our dear Beth and for her need of a good night’s sleep.

    Also- prayers for our great and wonderful God to do a mighty work in every heart this weekend! I am still full from and grateful for His work in me at the New Orleans event April 3-4.

  6. 56
    Lauren Kelly says:

    Praying for sweet Beth :o) So glad she made it safely!!!

  7. 57
    Kimmer says:

    Praying for Beth and team… to have a night of good rest… to wake up refreshed tomorrow… for the Lord to lead as He wills in the sessions and touch every heart present

  8. 58
    Lindsee says:

    Praise the Lord she was able to get there with no delays. It was just nasty here! (My dad still isn’t home due to tons of delays…and it’s 11:00!) Praying she gets MUCH rest tonight.

  9. 59
    Kara says:

    I’ll be praying! 🙂 God Bless.

  10. 60
    Holly says:

    Praying tonight for sweet sleep filled with dreams of Heaven!

  11. 61
    bethany says:


    As I head to bed tonight here in CA. I know that you’ll be heading to bed in Portland somewhere around the same time, so I’ll ask God to bless you with sweet rest tonight and total refreshment tomorrow.

    Sweet Dreams Mama Siesta!

  12. 62
    Anonymous says:

    LORD I just pray a sweet still peace over Beth as she sleeps tonight. I just pray she wakes refreshed . Thank you Jesus.

    Ladies while we are praying would you please lift up my nieces daughter Brooke, she is 7 and has been doctoring for a staph infection ( MRSA) for some time now. she has a weak immune system. I just got an email from my sister and Brooke had a bone scan today and it is in a bone in her hand. We need your prayers for this please.They are very concerned. I know that nothing is too big for God. and will thank him for her healing in advance. Thank you so much.
    Pam in Indiana.

  13. 63
    Anonymous says:

    Been praying for Beth and will continue to do so. Lord bless Portland with the mighty power of your Holy Spirit! Amen!

  14. 64
    Warm in Alaska says:

    Jesus – please come shut Beth’s eyes, calm her heart, settle her spirit, slow her thoughts, and let her get a deep, deep sleep. In Your Name. For Your glory. Amen.

    Warm in Alaska.

  15. 65
    Sherry says:

    I prayed more fervently than most because I was among the 7,200 headed to the Rose Quarter in Portland to hear Beth. Thankful that she made it! Using the siestas’ assignment to sum up our life in six words, she is teaching us some supreme objectives and supreme obstacles from Galatians 2:20-21 and 4:15-20. Powerful! Now I should be sleeping but instead I’m awake praying that Beth is sound asleep. Oh, and my wakefulness might have something to do with the fact that I got to chat with Travis and the praise team in line at Burgerville after the session.

  16. 66
    Maria Cristina says:

    praying our Abba Father for Mama Beth to sleep soundly, deeply right now… 🙂 and for her safe , stress-and delay-free return home to Houston!!

  17. 67
    Margaret says:

    I had traveled to Portland (from ID which is now my home) to go hear Beth with dear friends. I had SO looked forward to it, but fell ill and had to drive the 6 hours home on Friday. I had an extended time to pray for Beth off and on during my trip since I was alone.
    I almost wonder if that was a better idea in God’s mind than me simply going and being blessed!It was my privilege and definitely the high spot of a 6 hour drive with the flu!

  18. 68
    Kim says:

    Lord, thank you for answered prayer! Please continue to hold Beth and every single person associated with the Portland event in the palm of your mighty hand. You alone are God and worthy of all praise, honor, and glory. Amen.

    Doswell, VA

  19. 69
    Sharon says:

    Heavenly Father,

    I can’t wait to hear how You showed Yourself off in all Your glory in Portland.

    Amanda, thanks for the update.

    Much love,
    Sharon, NC

  20. 70
    gg2002 says:

    Missed Amanda’s post yesterday – I have been praying for our Siesta Mama from previous post – praying now for a blessing and a word to share today – Saturday – and a safe trip home back to Houston.
    If she should not make it to Houston but lands in Dallas – contact me at and I can pick her up from the Dallas airport and get her taken care of until she can fly into Houston. Lots of love to you sweet family of four.


  21. 71
    ocean mommy says:

    Thanks for the update! We’ll keep praying here.


  22. 72
    Heather C says:

    Praying that she woke refreshed and well rested this morning. 🙂

  23. 73
    Kim Safina says:

    The Journey Continues ~



    Prayers are with YOU=AMANDA as you find rest and peace with motherhood!

    I can see the dark circles and the BARNEY BRAINS/CHARACTER BUILDER BRAINS as you deal with daily duties! 🙂

    LOVE YOU!!!
    With "Heaven Bound" blessings,
    Kim Safina

  24. 74
    Canadian Mom says:

    I’m on my knee’s praying….



  25. 75
    Pam B from SC says:

    Meant to leave this comment yesterday-

    Thanks for letting us know Beth made it safely. I was hoping you would.


  26. 76
    Cheri-Beri says:

    Beth was such a blessing to us in Portland. She hinted at coming back and OH how I hope she does.

  27. 77
    Nesha says:

    The prayers now are for a safe return into Houston with all the delays from the weather! Let us know she also arrived home safely.

  28. 78
    katiegfromtennessee says:

    Praise the Lord that Beth made it to Portland! I was praying for her and the crew. I tried to pray during the times she would be speaking yesterday and today. Strangest thing…I woke up at 4AM thinking about the event, and prayed for Beth to be able to sleep and have a calm spirit and mind. I prayed for awhile until I fell asleep again. Hope the prayers helped:) Those events, I’d imagine, could get your mind going, and make it hard to sleep! I’m thinking God showed up big in Portland!!! Blessings to ya’ll:)

    Love in HIM,


  29. 79
    Anonymous says:

    I was at the Portland event and it ROCKED! God dropped big time in that place!! WooHOO!!

  30. 80
    MooBee Mama says:

    Beth rocked PORTLAND! I drove 3 hours to see her and know many who drove a lot further than that! Beth is such a blessing to my family for teaching me enough in 2 sessions to keep me learning and teaching others for months! The Northwest is drowning in secularism. Thank you Beth for showing up with some sorely needed personal floatation devices!

  31. 81
    Cathy says:

    I understand about Beth having trouble sleeping after Friday night’s teaching. Whenever I sit under her teaching at a LPL, I have loads of trouble sleeping on Friday nights too. God bless her.

  32. 82
    Tawny says:

    I just got home from LPL in Portland. It was WONDERFUL. God
    DID drop, Beth. I love seeing Him in you. You have shown me what the Spirit can do in a person. Thank you. I believe there were many women changed by Him this weekend. Awesome, Awesome, Awesome. Should I do six of them? 🙂

    These were my six words “Rejoice Always, I am with you” XO

  33. 83
    puzzlepiecesista says:

    Oh Amanda, your mom making it to Portland, OR was a definate answer to prayer….I don’t think she got alot of sleep last night, but I will tell you, she had her GAME ON and she BROUGHT IT!! We had us a JESUS weekend together and we loved every “holy” minute of it and we had us some HOLY ones!! Annoited worship, annointed word and some mighty fine fellowship!! Miss her soooo….much already!!! Love on her neck for us and let her know that. We love her so dang much!!! Got to see a darlin’ picture of that sweet Annabeth smilin’ with the joy of the Lord all over her!! Precious, just precious!!! We love you all so much and thank God we get to do Jesus with you all!!!

    Angela Larson – Redmond, WA
    (hisfivefooter and I went together!)

  34. 84
    Debbie says:

    Oh Amanda we just got home from LPM-Portland event. The Lord spoke volumes through your mom. We did not want her to stop. (can she move here, haha) We were totally blessed by her, Travis and the praise team. How wonderful that they all use their gifting to glorify the Lord. Jesus blessed the socks off all 19 women in our group, one of which gave her life to the Lord for the first time. (What a testimony she has and will have) Praise the Lord. I don’t have words to thank Beth for allowing Jesus to stare through her eyes into our friend’s eyes and speak words of truth to her. So instead I will just brag on Beth to the Lord. Our friend could not stop smiling all the way home. Jesus has a hold of her.

    Our prayers continue to be with LPM, Travis and his team.

  35. 85
    BeccaM says:

    Beth had a great word for us in Portland. I was so encouraged! Thank you Father for sending the word we need when we need it. He took me from a “Loved. Frogiven. Blessed. why still discouraged?’ to a “Eyes off me, now on Jesus.” now to turn off my computer and talk to my husband (who came with me this weekend, Thank you Jesus!).

  36. 86
    Anonymous says:

    I pray Portland has been a blessing to all and would love to know if our dear Beth rested last night- I just looked at my St. Therese of Lisieux book mark- it is so true- Everything is grace- The Moore Family blesses so many of us- God Bless you dear ones, we are humbled by your gifts and service. You remind us daily that we are the “Body of Christ”

  37. 87
    Anonymous says:

    Can I just say GOD WAS GLORIFIED at Portland, I was there and what a sweet sweet time with Jesus it was. I’ve never been to anything like it before and it was such a blessing, I’ll remember it till I breath my last. I just want to thank Beth and all the others who helped to pull it all together, and most of all Christ for coming and making HIS PRESENCE KNOWN. Thank You Beth and all your team for being His Servant, what a blessing.

    *You’re a blessing. God bless you.*
    Stephanie Corvallis Oregon

  38. 88
    r1versedge says:


  39. 89
    Jina says:

    Oh mercy!

    Jina here from Portland, OR. I thank all of you for praying. Beth can address the sleep, but I can attest to the fact that GOD SHOWED UP!!!!!

    It was beautiful. Beth, sitting on the isle, a few rows back from the front I got to see your sweet face up close and personal. I have to tell you I am SO thankful for that self control the Holy Spirit gives us, because it was all I could do to hold myself down from putting my arms around your neck! And I must admit a little fear of the guy in the black suit! 🙂

    My mom came this weekend. It was such a TENDER moment when she came forward for prayer. She came to me! Wrapped her arms around me and praised the Lord for all He has done in my life. You see, as I have said before, God has used your teaching in my life. His heart has wooed me to ‘do the thang’ over the last 10 years to give me vision, perspective, hope and a jaw set as flint. Thank you, Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    By the way, a little basketball trivia…. Rick Addleman is from Portland, Oregon. We know his extended family personally and he is from a rich Catholic background. My husband reminded me that the Houston point gaurd, number 0 is from University of Oregon. You do have some Oregon blood on that Houston team of yours.

    Your always welcome in Portland, Beth. And for a family vacation you should check out Bend. There is desert country that might look a little familiar with pines and mountains that rise up like Mt Hood. Sun River is a beautiful vacation spot.

    Congrats to the Rockets.

    Love you,

  40. 90
    Jilly F. says:

    OH, He did show up in Portland, and I don’t know if we helped her get much sleep, but He (and Beth!) are keeping me up late tonight, STILL going over my notes and rereading scriptures and now LOOK, I just found this blog! We loved Beth out here in Portland, and it’s just SO NEAT that all you gals (and dudes, too, maybe?) were praying for her that whole time. He is good, he is good, indeed!
    Thank you, Beth, for firing me up again in Christ. I felt His presence and almost drowned in some of the words He gave you. Thank you for being you, I just love ya!
    From a Portland-area gal who wishes I had a Texas drawl like y’all!

  41. 91
    Anonymous says:

    Been praying, thank you for the update. May God be glorified, may Beth be protected and be given sweet refreshing rest. In Jesus’ Love Kathy Knoblock

  42. 92
    Jessica H. says:

    Jeremiah 29:11-13 NIV
    “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

    Jessica Hawkins
    West Palm Beach, FL

  43. 93
    Kim Safina says:

    The Journey Continues ~

    Looking forward to hearing the glory/blessings/answered prayer from your mother’s weekend and the video blessings of the Awesome Rich Kalonick ~
    Amen, Amen, Amen!!!!
    I pray that Beth is taking this Sunday afternoon off bundled up in her bed with jammies,pillows, puppies and Keith!
    Be Still…

    Thank you for updating us Siesta’s! We so appreciate you!
    With “Heaven Bound” blessings,
    Kim Safina

  44. 94
    Fran says:

    Loved, loved, loved reading the posts by the siestas who were in Portland! It was glorious to share in their thoughts, emotions, and praise for their beautiful weekend! I am still overflowing from the April 3-4 New Orleans Event, so it is very special indeed to read their posts today.
    Thank you, Beth, and more…thank you Jesus!

  45. 95
    choznforhim says:

    God set me free! He showed me I was locked in an actual cage in this one area of my life and I had been there ALL my life! As I was crying to be let out His Spirit came and said, “Daughter, the key is in your pocket.” I pulled out the key, opened the door and lept out! As soon as I did the mighty hands of God came and crushed that cage into fine powder, then He blew it away! I am FREE!!! Oh Praise His Name! I am FREE!!! Glory to God! Glory!

  46. 96
    Sandy From Eugene, Oregon says:

    Thank you all for your prayers over our event in Portland, OR. I am so humbled reading how women all over the country have been praying for our little corner of the world…what an awesome thing to behold! And boy, did God answer the cries of our hearts, of your hearts in a BIG way! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You JESUS!!! And a big thank you to the body of Christ!! And thank you Beth Moore for making yourself a willing servant…that in your brokenness…in your restoration, many will be restored. God bless Beth Moore and the entire living proof team and God bless all you siestas in Christ!

  47. 97
    Anonymous says:

    I was in Portland and let me tell you it was the most powerful thing I’ve ever experienced. If anyone can light a fire for our LORD and Savior, it is Beth. All I can say is WOW. I can’t wait to see if she will be in Oregon next year. Ten of us from my church in Merlin, OR went to Portland (a five hour drive) and every one of us came away from there in awe and on FIRE for our LORD. Thank you Beth!!! God bless you. Regina Richardson – Merlin, OR

  48. 98
    Anonymous says:

    As others have already shared, Beth, Travis & the whole team were a tremendous blessing and encouragement to the people in Portland this weekend. I brought a friend whose 15 year old daughter had just been admitted to psychiatric care five days before this event. For several months we had been planning to go to this conference, and I've learned from past experience that the Lord's timing is never wrong. So despite the tumult of life around her, we chose to attend, and as Beth said to us this weekend, find out "what in the heck" God wanted from us. As I sat next to my hurting friend we learned together what that was in particular for each of us. There was such comfort in the worship and wisdom in the teaching. We drove down from Washington (thanks to another wonderful friend), so we had a lot of down time on the way home to reflect on His goodness and discuss what we had learned. It was easy to do because it was so relevant and Spirit led! Thank you to all who were praying and thank you LPM for all the love and effort you put into your work.

  49. 99
    akatay says:

    What an emotional time our little group had at the Portland event this weekend. We had just finished Believing God and what a blessing!! Thank you so much Beth. I have decided to let Him fill all 5″5″ of me instead of just the 3 feet I have allowed Him.

    I am so happy to have strengthened an already growing friendship with Jori, Christine, Rebecca, Tammy and Kim. I can only say that what I came away with this weekend was “indescribable”.
    PS: I cant stop coming up with 6 word phrases!

  50. 100
    Anonymous says:

    Just for the record, I had not read the prayer request or know anything about this but now I know why I was praying for Beth. This was a great confirmation for me to always remember the saints in prayer. Love, Sandy

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