A Group Hug

Hey, Darling Things! You guys just equipped me with some of the most profound material and insight I have ever seen in that previous post about “Acting a Fool.” Lord have mercy, I can’t tell you how many of those entries made me nod and say out loud, I’ve been THERE. Thank you so much for helping me out. I just closed the comments because the numbers can get so overwhelming that people tend not to read them anymore. I’m cutting and pasting them on a document and printing them out for a notebook I’ve already begun on the subject. You have helped me immensely. Pray that God will use this material to bring forth much fruit.

The thing that made me laugh out loud was the comment that I just brought in a few minutes ago on that post that said (in all caps like this), “Beth, WE WOMEN NEED A GROUP HUG!” Yes, we do! And I know a huge God who has everlasting arms and is up for the task! In fact, I’ll just quote the whole passage: (BTW, this was a memory segment I wrote in a spiral two years ago and still think about all the time)

“There is no one like the God of [you and me], who rides on the heavens to help [us] and on the clouds in His majesty. The eternal God is [our] refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out [our] enemy before [us] saying, ‘Destroy him!’ So [we] will live in safety alone; in a land of grain and new wine (new Welch’s for the Baptists), where the heavens drop dew. Blessed are you, O [Child of God]! WHO IS LIKE [US], A PEOPLE SAVED BY THE LORD? He is [our] shield and helper and [our] glorious sword. [Our] enemies will cower before [us] and [we] will trample down their high places.” Deuteronomy 33:26-29 NIV

Girlfriends, we may have some sad and embarrassing stories back there but we are not a sad, pathetic people. Who is like us, a people saved by the Lord? We have a Healer! A God who grants “incomparable power” to those of us who keep believing Him. It is the same power that He exerted when He raised Jesus from the dead. (Ephesians 1:19-20) Lord have mercy, if He can raise the dead, He can heal our insecurities. Now, here’s what I want from you in response to this post. Write ONE PHRASE or ONE SHORT SENTENCE (no longer than that or they won’t be able to be posted here) that testifies who we are or what we possess in Christ. Let’s balance off the previous post with some mighty confessions that can help demolish strongholds of defeated thoughts that make us feel and act insecure WHEN WE’RE NOT. This is a defeated frame of mind, not a defeated state of life. If we’re believers in Christ, the truth is, we’re NOT insecure. But we do indeed feel that way. And too often behave that way. We need an overhaul, Girls. Let’s shake a little ground by confessing some Truth! These do not need to be anonymous. When you read these comments, say them out loud, personalizing every single one of them for yourself. You’ll feel the power of confession. Keep in mind, Girls, we most believe what our souls and mouths most often confess.

PS. As for our Siesta who is doubting her salvation even though she truly accepted Christ several years ago because somebody with authority told her he doubted it, please read Romans 10:8-10. If you’ve done or will do TODAY what those Scriptures say, you are as saved as Billy Graham. None of us lives consistently every moment but we press on toward singlemindedness.

It may take me a while to bring these in today so be patient if you don’t see your comment right away. The Mister and I had a slumber party last night and in a little while Mommy (who calls herself VVPG – Very, Very Pregnant Girl) will be over here and we’ll spend the day doing all sorts of things out and about. Curtis is speaking this weekend so Bibby is jumping with glee into her official role as family party animal. 2 Girls and A Boy just wanna have fun.

I love you guys!


200 Responses to “A Group Hug”

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  1. 151
    Anonymous says:

    I’m Free!

    I’m Forgiven!

    His mercies are new every morning, great is his faithfulness.

  2. 152
    Anonymous says:

    Jesus said to His disciples long, long ago, "In the world you will have many trials & tribulations, but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world".

    To me, this just says it all!! This verse has given me much encouragement and strength over many years.

  3. 153
    Anonymous says:

    I forgot to include the scripture reference just now. It’s John 16:33 – “In the world you will have many trials and tribulations, but be of good cheer, as I have overcome the world.”

  4. 154
    Karen says:

    So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
    -Genesis 1:27

  5. 155
    Things Above says:

    I am a princess; daughter of the KING! Amen.

  6. 156
    JULIE says:

    We are not products of this world -of certain football teams, of certain denominations, or certain name brand clothes & cars – we are products of the resurrection of Christ.

  7. 157
    Michelle Bentham says:

    I am accepted in the Beloved. (Ephesians 1) I am my Beloved’s and His desire is toward me. (SONG OF SONGS 7:10)

  8. 158
    The Ploof Family says:

    For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
    Psalm 103: 11-12

  9. 159
    Kari says:

    I am Kept by the King.

  10. 160
    Sandy says:

    I was chosen!

  11. 161
    Gayle says:

    I can do ALL things through HIM who strengthens ME!!!

    Phil 4:13 (NAS)

  12. 162
    Kayb says:

    Isaiah 33:6 for me
    He is my sure foundation, a storehouse of salvation, wisdom and knowledge, the fear of the Lord is my treasure.

  13. 163
    Siesta OC says:

    We love you Girl!
    Thank the LORD for salvation and what freedom it brings, even to those in physical captivity. Freedom in Christ. Let’s share the hope.

  14. 164
    jennyhope says:

    I am seriously signing my 3 year old Morgan up for the scripture memory. She is cracking me up because she knows if she memorizes one she gets a price. Her little cousins are calling her and asking her what her verses are…it is hysterical.

  15. 165
    jennyhope says:

    Psalm 118:17-19 (esp vs 18)
    17 I will not die but live,
    and will proclaim what the LORD has done.

    18 The LORD has chastened me severely,
    but he has not given me over to death.

    19 Open for me the gates of righteousness;
    I will enter and give thanks to the LORD.

  16. 166
    Pat says:

    I am Believing God

  17. 167
    Anonymous says:

    I’ve made a fool of myself all my life, thanks to insecurities, and no one knew it. It’s amazing how flash-backs from my childhood have held me captive for so many years, 66 to be exact.

    First, I was the second child in our family and my older sister was 10 years old when I was born. I sensed the closeness of my Mom, Dad and older sister. They were the family and I was an outsider.

    My mother often told me that my big sister kept begging for a sibling and so my parents had me.
    I wondered why she was telling me this and began to ask myself if my parents really wanted “me” or were they just fulfilling my sister’s wish?

    I was named after my Dad’s great aunt who helped to raise him. The name was an old fashion name with an old fashion nickname. I don’t think my Mom was fond of either and so she called me by a nickname that she liked. My Dad hated nicknames.
    When I was with my older sister and she would introduce me to her friends, she would ask what I wanted her to tell them my name was. Talk about confusion. Who was I anyway? And, which parent did I choose to please/offend?

    The most vivid memory, at the age of about 4, has to strongest affect on my being insecure. It was the day that I wanted so desperately to be with my parents. I remember begging and crying just to be with them. They finally understood my need and, even though they knew it would be a long day for me, they let me go along with them. The day was not a happy one for me. I felt that I was a bad girl for asking and then, throughout the day, I was teased about being there. From then on, I never asked anyone for anything that I wanted or needed for myself.

    Every time I entertained the thought of making my needs or desires known, I felt that same sick “feeling of rejection” again and again.

    Thanks to “Breaking Free”, I know that I am loved and I was wanted by my parents. I know my name and I choose to be known by it and I can unashamedly say it out loud to strangers. (I realized of was free of the “name game” the first time I didn’t use my daughters name at a carry-out window.)

    The LORD also used “Stepping Up” to continue the process of freeing me from the bondage of the fear of rejection. Last Christmas, because of loneliness and my inability to ask my children to spend time with me, I decided I would run away to Florida this year. As I wrestled with the “feel of rejection” that was waring against my needs and desires, I asked the LORD to help me understand these feelings. God honored my request as I prayed face-down and flat-out morning after morning. He clearly told me that those feeling were lies!

    The happy new beginning of victory came as I was talking to my daughter Christmas Eve morning. She asked me to join her family at her in-laws that afternoon. I first declined (insecurity) but then I realized that the gift of freedom rested on my answer. After some hesitation I said yes. Not only did I go and have a great time but I was warmly and lovingly thanked for coming. I was blown away!

    As I look back over so many years, I realize just how long I have given Satan free reign of my feelings. Why didn’t anyone know about my years of insecurities? I was an expert at hiding them!

    I’ve said “yes” and made my wants and needs known since Christmas Eve day and that terrible “feeling of rejection” is gone. Praise God!

    I know that I must continue to put myself under God’s authority every morning, flat-out and face-down before Him. He lovingly and delightfully accepts my sacrifice of praise and worship and He rejoices in my obedience.

  18. 168
    Tammie says:

    Grace, grace, God’s grace. Grace that is greater than all our sin.

    Julia H. Johnston

    Tammie Moore
    Abilene, TX

  19. 169
    jalley says:

    He takes me back in His arms again and again.

  20. 170
    Katie says:


    Thank you for the phone call on Sunday. Our conversation and your prayer blessed my soul in such a special way! You are so sweet to take time out of your day to bless me!

    Praise the Lord as I have tasted yet again that you Lord are GOOD! (1 Pet. 2:3)

  21. 171
    Yaya and Papa says:

    [God] has made known to me the path of life; He fills me with JOY in His presence!

  22. 172
    Anonymous says:

    I am an Extreme Makeover: GOD’S EDITION!

  23. 173
    Laurie T. says:

    I stand before Him as though I’ve never sinned!

  24. 174
    Sharon Gowen says:

    God created me, and he loves me forever. Yahoojah!!

  25. 175
    Dee says:

    I am accepted in the Beloved.

  26. 176
    Cathy Davis says:

    It is for freedom that Chris set us free!

  27. 177
    Anonymous says:

    I have wiped out your transgressions like a thick cloud and your sins like a heavy mist. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you. (Isaiah 44:22 / NASB)


  28. 178
    Jesusistheparty! says:

    Luke 1:46-50
    “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me– holy is His Name. His mercy extends to those who fear Him, from generation to generation.

  29. 179
    Connie says:

    Psalm 45:11
    The King is enthralled with my beauty!

  30. 180
    Anonymous says:

    With Him and because of Him, I am enough!

  31. 181
    Mel @ Studio MCA Designs says:

    I am known.

  32. 182
    Ashley says:

    I cannot be separated from the love of God. (Romans 8:35-39)

  33. 183
    Jaded says:

    My Lord reminds me, “My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

  34. 184
    C Chamblee says:

    I am who God says I am; Blessed, Chosen, Adopted, Accepted, Redeemed, & Forgiven. I'm believing God!!!

    Believing God, Ephesians 1:3-7

    C Chamblee
    Philadelphia, MS

  35. 185
    Anonymous says:

    He has given me the heritage of those who fear His name!

  36. 186
    Anonymous says:

    Crushed down but not defeted.

  37. 187
    Mary in Bama says:

    He delights in me. Zeph 3:17

  38. 188
    Anonymous says:

    I am the bride of Christ.


  39. 189
    CathyG says:

    I am blessed, chosen, adopted, redeemed, loved, and forgiven.

  40. 190
    Lora says:

    My memory verse for these two weeks:

    Surely God is my help; the Lord is the One who sustains me.

  41. 191
    Anonymous says:

    I am more than a conquerer through Jesus Christ. . .

    Marcia/Portland, OR

  42. 192
    Gwyn Rosser says:

    It is for FREEDOM that we’ve been set free!!!!

  43. 193
    Becca Joy says:

    God’s love for me is big enough for him to forgive all of my sins!

  44. 194
    Ti-Leigh says:

    I am of a royal line. A princess, crowned and radiant.

  45. 195
    Anonymous says:

    I am a living, breathing, loved child of God.

  46. 196
    tealovingmom says:

    He is our mighty Hero to save!

  47. 197
    Anonymous says:

    The One who called me is faithful and He will do it. Amen!

  48. 198
    Anonymous says:

    I am not incompetant…I am highly favored, chosen and set apart. I can do all things through Christ.

  49. 199
    Mary Ann in LebMO says:

    He brings me from glory to glory!!!

  50. 200
    Anita says:

    I just noticed this date was not closed any more for entering your verse. So, I would like to add my verse for Jan. 15th. Psalm 42:11 (NIV) Why are you downcast O my soul? Put your hope in God for I will yet praise him, my savior and my God.

    Anita- Austin, TX

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