Before Baby Girl Comes

As the time for Baby Girl approaches, I’ve been feeling more and more reflective. I told AJ that a few days ago, I looked for something in an old purse and found a diaper and wipes and had that wonderful feeling come over me just how blessed I am to have babies in my life. I love it so much.

Late yesterday afternoon I asked Amanda if she and Curtis wanted to have a date because I’d so happily keep that boy of theirs. They took me up on it and by the time Jackson got to Bibby’s house, I’d erected a tent in the middle of the floor (made out of chairs and a big bed spread) and had a home-made track for our Hot Wheels coming out of it like a long tongue. After we played a while, we sat, he and I, at the dinner table and ate supper (macaroni and cheese and the world’s best white cake leftover from Baby Girl’s LPM shower – but we didn’t exactly eat them in that order. Don’t tell mommy.) I took in everything about him last night. Every word he said. Every expression he made. Before we know it, there will be two to share our attentions and we can hardly wait but it’s still so good to have a moment and reflect on this one little dude and the huge impact he’s had on three families.

Lord have mercy. He’s such a boy. Three years ago, he turned our girly Moore-lives upside down and we’ve been drunk on him ever since. I remember when Amanda first began entertaining that she might want to have children but one thing she knew for sure: they’d need to be girls. Only girls. She couldn’t handle…that other kind. Then we found out about four and a half months into her first pregnancy that she was having a man-child. I was ecstatic! It was about time for some more Testosterone around here. She was happy about the prospect by then and Curtis was completely beside himself. I remember Amanda having a dream some days later that a nurse came to her with a baby wrapped in pink and said, “Mrs. Jones, we have your baby now. You can trade back in that baby boy.” And she said what you think she said. Not on your ever loving life. She was hooked.

Tonight my full-term darling firstborn is going with her man and her nearly 3 year-old son to the Monster Truck show. (Yes, with earphones for protection and extra wraps. Please don’t make her more overprotective than she already is!) This will undoubtedly be the best night thus far of Jackson Curtis Jones’ entire life. He could practically say Monster Truck before he could say Mommy. Slight exaggeration but I have never seen a little boy more obsessed with vehicles in my life. I, the slowest driver in the entire Gulf Coast and the leading cause of road rage in America (per my daughters), have been known to break the sound barrier just to catch up with a truck I knew he’d want to see. “Go faster, Bibby! Faster!” So I put the pedal to at least 45 mph of metal just to make that boy squeal.

Of course, the men could go to the Monster Truck show without Amanda but she’ll have nothing of the kind. To be honest, I wish I were going myself. But could you imagine my hair afterward? Don’t you think the noise could do follicle damage?

Amanda, on this eve-season before Baby Girl blesses our lives with every shade of pink, I want you to know that you have been a fabulous boy’s mom. I will treasure for the rest of my life seeing cars in your purse every time you open it to get out your wallet. I know all the times you’ve nearly gotten your hind-end stuck, crawling into the playground equipment to make sure your wild little man wasn’t killing himself. And all the while your friends with girls got to actually finish their conversations. He is an incredible little boy. So full of life. And, yes, I know, such a handful. You’re not imagining things. He is a whole lot of person. A whole lot of delightful person.

Curtis Jones has been one of the best dad’s I’ve ever seen in my life, but, young lady, I want you to hear your mother say this loud and clear: YOU HAVE BEEN A TERRIFIC MOM TO THAT UNSTOPPABLE LITTLE FORCE WE CALL JACKSON JONES. Great job. G-R-E-A-T J-O-B.

Now that I’ve got that off my chest, let’s have us a girl. Feel anything at all?? A single little cramp? Like every five minutes?

PS. Tomorrow’s Scripture memory day, Siestas! Have yours ready and look for that post.


196 Responses to “Before Baby Girl Comes”

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  1. 101
    Laura Bonham says:

    Your post brought tears to my eyes. I have one boy, out of three babies, and he to is “all boy”. I never thought I could be a mother of a son because I didn’t think I would understand it. Now, I love it. We just celebrated his sixth birthday, and I would not trade his scraped knees, dirty fingernails, car loving, Jesus freak boy for any girl in the world. Thank you for reminding me what a joy boys are because they are just that – boys.

  2. 102
    Deidre says:

    A girl wants to know she’s doing a good job at this ‘mother’ thing and to hear it from your own mother is icing on the cake! Such sweet words. I cannot wait to hear/read how the girl dynamic interrupts the Jones life. What a treasure!

  3. 103
    Linda says:

    What a happy, wonderful time for all of you. Little boys are just special and little girls precious.
    I know Amanda will treasure your words Beth.

  4. 104
    Melinda says:

    We went to the Saturday night service at church tonight and I saw another VVPG. It made me immediately think of Amanda and smile at the thought of the many pics that will be coming our way over the next few weeks of the newest princess in the Land of Moore.

    SO happy for all of you. And, Amanda, I just want to echo your mom’s sentiments to the degree I can. You have been so open and real about your mothering and, as a mom on the other end of the “mom road”, I want to say GREAT JOB, sweet girl. GREAT JOB.

  5. 105
    Patty says:

    I am so excited for your family and I have been praying for Amanda and her baby girl!! I, also can’t wait to see all the pink!! Being a mom of 2 sons, they just never agreed to wear pink. lol

    Love you,

  6. 106
    screamofcontinuousness says:

    I want to be this kind of mom. One that can be so proud of her daughter and say so. At the top of her lungs with no guilt trips attached.
    You are delightful Beth. And Amanda, we are all praying for you and baby girl. Hope you had fun at the monster truck rally.

  7. 107
    Lauren Kelly says:

    That is soooo stinkin sweet Beth ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. 108
    glorysuzy says:

    I can feel your heart tonight, Beth. I spent the day with my three grandsons, 4,5 and 7. I can’t help myself. I look at them and just can’t beleive that those beautiful, ornery, full of life little boys are my grandchildren. I can’t imagine how I am so blessed.

    My daugher was an only child and pretty much focused on what she wanted in life and how she was going to get it. A career woman for sure and not entirely sure she would have kids. We were like you, we beleived when/if she did have a baby it had to be a girl. I was sure when she got pregnant that it was a girl. Of course, when they told us she was having a BoY it was almost like someone took the girl and slipped in a boy. We really had to adjust our thinking. Of course she was for sure going to go back to work. Oh my, when that baby arrived I saw my daughter turn into the overprotective mother lion. The girl who always wanted to sleep was up every 2 hours feeding a little guy who just wouldn’t eat much at a time. No way she was going back to work. And that precioius little boy! We felt sorry for anyone that had a girl! They was so boring! As you can see, she and her husband has filled their house and she dedicates herself to taking very good care of all 4 of her boys. They live on a tight budget becasue of the single income and she just blows my socks off at her dedication and toughness.

    And I often just sit and look at them. And take in (like you said)every expression, how they talk to each other, they often sit on the couch with their legs all tangled up together and watch tv or one looks at the other with admiration when his brother does something especially cleaver or funny. Stuff as a mom I never thought to look for but as a grandmommy I take all the time I need to get my heart full of them.

    How did God think of giving us this kind of blessing! I don’t know but it brings rest to my soul. You think one is fun! Just wait Beth. Your not going to be able to stand double the fun it will be so good!

    Eagerly waiting to her news of that little girls arrival!

    Paula in Tulsa

  9. 109
    Cindy in Ferndale says:

    That was beautiful mama Beth!
    Praying for a quick and easy delivery and a beautiful healthy baby!
    love you all

  10. 110
    twinsplusone says:

    praise God!! Beth– great job being a mom, and amanda great job at being a mom too!

  11. 111
    Lauri says:

    Bethmoore thank you for modeling what my heart has yearned for from my mom. Like yours, she can be very affirming but never has quite opened her heart or revealed her heart to me in the way you’ve just done for your VVPG.

    Trust me I am doing my very best for it to look different in this very “blue” house. 3 man-child(s) (I don’t think there is a plural) and all gifted to a girl with only a sister, a mom who is an only child and a dad with a sister.

    But this blue house has been the ride of a life. And I am so grateful to see you pour it back out to your grown girls and all over that darlin’ grand-boy.

    So thank you Bethmoore for the “ugly cry” tonight. Thank you for reminding me to do it different and in the words of 1 Cor. 15:51-52…

    “Listen I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep but we will all be changed~in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. The trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed!”

    I will patiently wait for the words I long for to soothe my heart, but while I am here I will do it different for my men. I’m trusting God.

  12. 112
    GratefulinGA says:

    what wonderful heart felt words of praise and encouragement.
    How blessed are you all.
    Praying you much ‘more’ of the same!

  13. 113
    Rachel in Louisiana says:

    That was just the sweetest post. You reminded me that it’s so important to let our kids know on a regular basis when they make us proud and how much we love them.

    Praying for that baby girl to bring much joy in the Jones house.

  14. 114
    B His Girl says:

    A monster truck show might start some rumbling inside Amanda. Baby girl might want to know what in the world is going on! This is all a blessing Beth for them and your whole family. Enjoy. I pray the delivery goes well and Jackson thinks his little sister is as cool as a monster truck!

  15. 115
    Anonymous says:


    What a beautiful heartfelt post. I can so relate with Amanda. Our family was ruled by girls after my brother and cousin Chris entered the world. My little bubby is now 31 and has a little darlin’ girl of his own that he is crazy about. She will be two in May. Every time I hear “All-American Girl” by Carrie Underwood, I think of him. I get a ginormous smile on my face. She has him wrapped, he is completely in love with her. At first though, he was having Mountaineer dreams and thinking boy. He could not love her more, she stole his heart bigtime and her Mama’s.

    Anyway, my first child, Adra came along. As girly as a girl can be.

    Four years later, here comes Michael. I, like Amanda, was sure that I was having a girl. I did not think I could have a boy. Already had him named either Emma or Sarah Grace. Neither did my precious Maw Maw, she said she could not see me having anything but a girl, but she thought I looked like I was having a boy.

    I was literally shocked when ultra-sound time came. I probably scared the technicion when my eyes got this blank look of shock and big eyes popped out, looking at my hubby like “What do I do now.” He just smiled, he knows me well. Thank God for my husband, he is all boy too and I knew he would teach me things. He did. I can give anyone the lowdown on all the characters and superhero movies, etc. I was so intrigued with the strange boy things Michael did, like walking around on his knees and hands (at three) and he loved to drop in the floor and just roll. You know, practicing his sword fights. He would go outside and try to fight those birds away, again toddler age.

    Well, my family was thrilled with both of mine and all of the family’s new children. My family adores new life into our big family. We all love it. My girl was the first baby in two years to live close to home, but my boy was the first boy in 18 years, on both sides. So, you can imagine. My dad finally got to buy boy clothes for a boy, b/c he bought them for my daughter until his wife set him straight.

    Bless his heart, all these years later, my daughter is thirteen and he sent her a Care Bear card for Christmas and Michael (9) got a puppy coming out of a stocking. Like the boy clothes bought for Adra, he simply does not know any better. But I love that he tries and that is how he shows his love. Plenty good enough for me. Bonus, we all get a heartfelt laugh out of it, but he’ll never know. He is not a miesta.

    I look forward to the 1st and 15th of every month. I love the scripture memory and I know mine. I have wisely picked versus that I could memorize, baby steps and versus that I do want to know in my soul. I have been thinking for two weeks what to put next and I can’t wait. I’ll have to after church….I called my best friend, Rachel M. from Hurricane, WV to quiz her tonight. I love to do that to her b/c I’m going to be a teacher and she gets a big kick out of it. I tell her I need to practice on her. More importantly, we are holding each other accountable. I am so grateful that she decided to do this with me. She is one godly, obedient woman and a huge inspiration to me.

    Again, absolutely beautiful post about your two precious grandbabies. I have been in and will continue to pray for you all. Especially for Curtis, Amanda and little Jackson. It will all be so wonderful. What a blessing! AND, I- -CAN’T-WAIT-TO-KNOW-HER-NAME!!!!! I love names and I look in the newspaper just to find names that I haven’t heard. I am so weird, but I love looking at those names. In our church bulletin, I head straight to the new births to see the names. I love to search names on the internet too. I just type in categories, most southern names, northern names, you get the picture. I love old names. My Adra is just one letter away from being Ada. Love that name, but my girl was meant to be Adra. Michael was meant to be Michael, but my hubby had to pick that one. I had no clue, but now I love it and can’t imagine another boy name.

    P.S. It is hard for me to admit to the becoming a teacher thing on here b/c I love to use incorrect language on here. It is liberating. It is a blog and I just let loose and don’t proofread anything. I have to proofread so much, that it feels good to type and let my incorrect lang. flow.

    Your family has been a true blessing to mine.

    Very Sincerely and with much love,

    Barbara Shrewsbury
    Katy, Texas

  16. 116
    Living day by day for Jesus says:

    Simply precious…

  17. 117
    Anonymous says:

    Beth and siestas,

    These comments have truly warmed my cold heart tonight. Thank you. I love the different stories of boys and girls.

    Ya’ll are in for an adventure. We have all pink American girl parties, in every shade of pink you can imagine. My mom, the most awesome seamtress makes American Girl costumes for my Felicity and her friends. American Girl could probably sue us they are so much like the real thing, probably better.

    Boy parties, lots of light saber fights, dressing in costumes of every superhero over the years. Well, my son has gotten over that now, to my distress, but it is still wonderful b/c now we go do laser tag and stuff like that.

    Adra has no shame, she refuses to quit dressing up for Fall candy hunting. She says she will never stop. I’m kinof glad, I like to keep them little as long as possible.

    Okay, I’m getting off of here now. I’m going to my journal and not going to hog the blog.

    Barbara S. Katy

  18. 118
    Grammy and Olivia says:

    How beautiful! We’ll be praying for Amanda and all of you in the upcoming days. Can’t wait to see some pictures of Jackson and his adorable baby sister!

  19. 119
    Anonymous says:

    What a great post. I am crying wishing I too had that kind of relationship with my mom. Thanks Beth!!

  20. 120
    Tara says:

    Precious post. Thanks, Bibby, for giving us an insight into your “date-night” with Jackson… It sounds like a grand night indeed! And thank you also for letting us be a part of your anticipation for Baby Girl. I know that your words will be cherished by Amanda forever. Though I don’t know your family personally, I praise God for the glimpses that you’ve given us on this blog. And I can tell that she is a great mother…to a boy and soon to a little girl! What a wonderful example she has to follow. I sure love ya’ll and can’t wait to hear when Baby Girl arrives!

  21. 121
    Anonymous says:

    Shannon, I was one of those girls, outside making mud pies, with rock decorations on top, mind you, with my official recital ballet costume on!

    Growing-up in WV, we played outside from dawn until dark and we did not want to come inside at that point. We explored every bit of woods in a 100 mile radius. Except me and my cousin, Adrian, always wore her mom’s night gowns(over our clothes), you know, for the princess affect.

    Oh, and for Curtis Jones, watch out. Your going to have a Daddy’s girl on your hands. Trust us siestas on this one. My little bro won’t let Jess cut Bella’s hair, but he got all fussy when he came home one day and she had piggy tails in. He said “What happened to the baby I had last year.” My poor hubby, well, our daughter is 13 and the over-protectiveness has gotten way worse. We are worried for him. I truly believe every dad of daughters needs a support group. I mean that with true love and concern. My husband almost went to the school and had a talk with a 5th grader that had a crush on our daughter! The VP’s son too. UGG. That is the day I realized, boy, are we in trouble! He did not grow-up with girls.

    Praise God! He has restored our family and my mom expresses her love to me every time I talk to her and I can talk to her about anything and she is there. My dad does the same. His is in the man way, but if I really need him, he is there in the deep mom sense. It has been a long, painful road, but we are on the other side now. By the grace of God and I continuously thank Him for it. Forgiveness is key for us.

    I have friends that have unwilling parents and I feel so deeply for the ones that can’t get that restoration. But, I read a very profound book by Stormie Omartian called “Stormie.” It is heart- wrenching, her autobiography. It is so brutually honest, it is hard to read in some parts, but it was worth it to me. I could not put it down. I read it four years ago in a day. She made a good point…that although her relationship was never restored with her mother, it was in every way through her daughter. I will take a step out here and suggest to anyone struggling with the lack of love from parents to rent or grab a copy of that book. May be one in the church library. Again, it may shock you, the brutal honesty, but for me, I can only read authentic stuff, have no room for fluff, thus, why I LOVE BETH MOORE! It was worth it for what I got out of it.

    Okay, journal time. I am so getting off here. I am so dang rude! B-katy

  22. 122
    Queen B says:

    Blessed with boys – this girly mom has chased down trains, has watched and played more Star Wars and Indiana Jones than I ever thought possible – crazy about Legos too. Know that there is such a precious bond between Mommas and their little boys. I will always remember that I was the first girl my boys asked to marry! God bless you, Amanda.

  23. 123
    Janice says:

    This takes me back to bringin’ up my boys! I was the youngest of two older sisters so I did not have a clue what boys were like!! It was definitely an adventure; as I look back I wouldn’t trade ’em for the world! Now I have an absolutely wonderful God-given daughter-in-law AND a GRANDdaughter!! AS well as a GRANDson!!I just love ’em to pieces! May GOD bless!!

  24. 124
    Momuv2 says:

    So beautiful! As I make my way (clinging to the Lord) through the teen years with my daughters, I sooooo look forward to the day when they marry and have children of their own.

    Praying for you Amanda!

    Also, really looking forward to a new bible verse post. God’s word has been powerful in my life lately from memorizing His word. So thankful to be a part of this.

  25. 125
    Sara says:

    How could Amanda be anything but a good mother when you Beth do such a great job at mothering your daughters.

    I’m very proud of you both.

    And I’m with about 70 other people who say they wish they’d be able to hear this from their own mother’s. My mother has an addiction. She wasn’t really all that engaged in raising me. Now that I have my sons. She’s intemidated by the mother I’ve become.

  26. 126
    CountryKat says:

    What a sweet post!

    I totally giggled over the mention of cars in her purse. When my daughter was born I always had spare hairbows in my purse. Now that my little boy is 2 I have cars in my purse and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

    In fact last night, my hubby was looking for some money in my purse to tip the pizza guy with and he said, I don’t see the money but I see a bunch of hot wheel cars… I told him to look under the cars! LOL!

    Your comment to us Siesta’s was just as sweet. I am so thankful that I now have a wonderful relationship with my Mom and and blessed to hear from her that I am doing good at the mother thang, cause it is HARD!


  27. 127
    Andreea says:

    I love that you called Jackson a man-child. LOL! How funny!!! =) Hugs to both of you!!

  28. 128
    Cindy- My Life HIS Story says:

    As much as I love calling you our Siesta Mama, I want you to know that I am more glad that A & M get to call you Mom. While you have impacted so many of us in ways that I truly don't think you will truly fathom this side of eternity, the legacy you are leaving those girls is one that will live forever in them.

    I've been especially mindful lately of my sweet mom who is now an inhabitant of Heaven because she would say things like that to me…and always somehow at just the right time.

    Oh, Sweet Lord, let it be said of my by my own sweet girls.

    Thank you, Beth, for making me a better Christian, better woman, better wife, and better mom.

    I am praying for safe delivery and joy abounding with the arrival of the Princess.

    Oh, and Amanda, if those 'cramps' are 5 minutes apart, don't let your mom drive you…hitch a ride with the ice cream truck if you have to. Jackson will enjoy the ride and you might get there faster.

    Love to all – Cindy

  29. 129
    BK says:

    I know you can’t wait to get your arms wrapped around that little girl. I hope Jackson will share with you – you know how big brothers can be.

    Jumping a day ahead on the memory verse blog…I was so excited when you started the memory verse accountability. I set down and wrote the 8 verses for January through April. I had learned the first one, but I lost my index cards January 12 and couldn’t remember the next verse. I jokingly told my daughter if I don’t find them God’s going to have to give me a verse. He did! It was a verse from the study “Discerning the Voice of God”. I wrote it down and January 15th there were my cards eye level on my book shelf. I tore out the filled cards, wrote my new one down, but I paper clipped the others in the back because I was going to use them. Well here it is the 31st and He gave me another verse. Each verse just flows into the next one with how God is dealing with me. Someone else could probably look at these 3 verses and not see any connection, but He didn’t give them to somebody else. God’s Word is so personal and precise รขโ‚ฌโ€œ not just for memorizing. Aren’t His love pats great!

  30. 130
    Anonymous says:

    Beth I was at your conference the weekend after Curtis was born when you put his adorable pictures on the screen and sat on the floor and just beamed and gleamed looking at him, then taught us about generations. One day he'll be able to thank you and Keith for all the prayer and work you went through to give him the precious heritage he has in his parents and grandparents and aunt & uncle. I haven't been blessed with grandbabies yet, but my sister said she was not prepared for the joy of seeing her daughter become a mom. I sense the same in you. What fun to have one of each! God is so good to allow us to have love that multiplies rather than divides. Can't wait to hear the applications that will come with her tender life. Your family blesses all of ours. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  31. 131
    Kristin says:

    What sweet words for your sweet Amanda! Being a mom is so much harder than I ever thought it would be and encouragement like that is so needed! I wrote in my journal when my two oldest were small to remember to tell them often what a great job they were doing because even at 26+ I so needed to hear that I was a good mommy!
    Can’t wait to “meet” that sweet baby girl ~ Kristin

  32. 132
    Go-Between says:

    I am always blessed by encouragement to your girls. It encourages me!
    I had always wanted to have boys! I have three beautiful girls! First girls in four generations for my husbands family. It has been more wonderful than I could have ever imagined! I did so much pink, my poor girls can hardly handle the color now. (They do pray about pink!)
    Our prayers are with Amanda and our joy with you!

  33. 133
    Cheri-Beri says:

    You have really encouraged me with this post. I tend to be a bit verbose and from now on, I’m just going to write the lengthier things down and give it as a letter. Plus, if I verbalize it, I usually end up getting choked up and lose my train of thought.

    Great job, Siesta Mama!

  34. 134
    Nancy says:

    It’s a boy! Robert Edmund, 7 pounds 3 ozs 21 inches long. Born 9:44 pm California time (I’m in Texas though) Thanks to all who kept Rachel, our daughter-in-law, and son Jason in prayer since we got the call that her water broke earlier today. They had to do an emergency C section as the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and legs. Doctor said it was the longest cord he’d ever seen! All are doing well. PTL!


  35. 135
    Maria Cristina says:

    I second the emotions of many of our Siestas when I say that oh… sometimes I wish I could have had the tightly woven relationship that you and your daughters enjoy. I am unfortunately the product of having been raised by a mother whose of curbing my little girl’s enthusiasm was to smash my head against a concrete wall. but I’m not saying this to raise self-pity nor to externalize any kind of envy! quite the opposite! I totally rejoice in the knowledge that the Unconditional Love that God has imparted upon us all as His children is, indeed, reflected in the lives of real mothers and daughters, and that I , too, can be both recipient and giver of this very same Love, regardless of past circumstances! (I hope I’m making sense, it’s way too early in the morning for me! :)) )

    Praying for Baby Girl’s safe arrival! wooo-hooo!!!

    maria cristina

  36. 136
    jennyhope says:

    I am sure a monster truck show could cause labor.

    I felt like I was going to have a meltdown today because my child is a wild girl. Non stop wide open and already a tom-boy. So yes I am with you in saying Amanda is a good momma! Since hunting season is over today for my man I pray to have a day to get a sanity break. It is 3:09am and its the only time I could get the laundry done without her going behind me messing everything up.
    I can not see you being a slow driver. Whew.
    love jenny hope

  37. 137
    Joyce says:

    I just wanted to say a word to the anonymous poster who expressed such anguish at being childless.

    I am not in your situation but the honesty of your post touched me. I will pray today that the softness of God’s peace will fall on you in a very real way this day.

    Take care, Joyce

  38. 138
    Anonymous says:

    Dear Beth, Again a sweet and touching post. I really appreciate the blessing you bring with your words. Words are powerful. I am sharing the anticipation and excitement and praying for Amanda and baby’s safety and health and good hospital staff. Everything in God’s perfect will and timing. My heart was touched as I read the blog of all who need an encouraging “GREAT JOB.” My prayer is that God would hug each of you and speak this over you in a way that you know is from Him. In Jesus’ Love Kathy Knoblock

  39. 139
    Grandma Pam says:

    Beth I love reading your blog. I love going to your Bible studies. You and I have something in common. We both have a grandson named Jackson. My Jackson will be 7 in March however he does not talk or walk yet. Does not feed himself yet. See how I keep saying “Yet.” I haven’t given up HOPE. Jackson never had the privilege of knowing his sweet birth mama. She went to Heaven 4 hours after Jackson was born. Your Bible studies have been a tremendous help to me. Thank you for your amazing love for Jesus.

  40. 140
    Karen says:

    What I would give to hear my mom say those words to me about my mothering. Continue to tell Amanda all the good that she does. She needs to hear it and it is one of the most important jobs mothers have when their children are grown.

  41. 141
    dm says:

    Such a sweet post! I got on to do my memory verse and I am so glad that I got to read that! I just had a baby boy 3 weeks ago and I have a 3 year old son. I just told God sometime in the middle of the night last night that I feel like my words are so inadequate to do praising Him justice. I am so thankful.
    I know Amanda is so thankful for you and the encouragement you give. I can’t wait to see pictures of baby girl:) Hold on to her tight, it goes by so fast!

  42. 142
    Anonymous says:

    I have a boy and a girl. We treasure each of them for their boyness and girlness…
    I have a fun boy/car story to tell you. Our son was 3 or 4 years old at the time. He was zooming his cars around on the living room floor. A friend of ours started playing alongside him. Our friend acted like a police officer and told our son to “pull over”. Our son smiled and didn’t pull over his car. Our friend said, “Are you resisting arrest?” Our son replied, “No, I’m not sleepy yet!”
    Right on, brother! He was (and still is) ALL boy!! LOL

  43. 143
    windi says:

    Thank you Beth, for taking the time to write such encouraging words of affirmation to your daughter and for all of us to see. We as daughters, especially those of us who are daughters and mothers LONG to hear those “well done daughter” praises – and we need to hear them. I pray that I remember to take every opportunity to affirm my children in the things they do well – and to wrap them with love through my words every day.

    ~windi in Travelers Rest, SC

  44. 144
    Miranda says:

    I’m just thrilled to pieces for y’all!!!! As I have two precious nieces!! So I reckon’ I relate more to Melissa! *wink*wink*

    Praying over your delivery Amanda!!!

  45. 145
    sagreen125 says:

    I have a grandson, and then our daughter had her second baby a granddaughter. Now they live 6 hours away. But all the pink is really nice. She is only 5 months old. But myself and my other 2 duaghters have so much fun with the pink, and dolls and whatever. I am even going to buy her a tea set.
    Grandchildren are awesome. A blessing. Enjoy that granddaughter when she comes

  46. 146
    Anonymous says:

    We experienced 4 generations yesterday… Aunt, my cousin, my cousin’s daughter and my cousin’s grandson! What I sight…4 generations…it doesn’t happen very often, but we were delighted to spend time with every one of these generations – from 74 to 46 to 24 to 18 months (and another on the way)!

  47. 147
    jaye says:

    Amanda I know you are so proud of those words from Mom. Put them in your scrapbook so you never loose them. Hey that tells my age you probally put them on a dvd or something. But that is high praise comming from your Mom (even if she is Beth Moore) I was really just reflecting on any Mom and remembering how blessed I am to have 6 grandchildren under 9 yrs old. My two boys gave us 3 a peice and all at about the same time. Man do they keep us jumping but it is a blessing, it is amazing how your heart has so much love for even more! Can’t wait to hear about delivery, will be praying for you and Bibby too.

  48. 148
    joyful heart says:

    What awesome words from Mom to daughter…I’m sure Amanda will treasure them. As the mom of two boys, I RELATE! and love them dearly. All the best with Baby Girl and the NEW family! Love in Jesus, Kim in PA

  49. 149
    MarciaBrady says:

    That is probably one of the best post’s I have EVER read!! You forgot the tissue warning!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m so excited for you all! Such a sweet time in life.

    I too, like Happy Mama, wish I had a relationship like that with my mother. You’re a GREAT mother!

  50. 150
    Heiress of God says:

    You know I wish I had a mother daughter relationship like this one… Oh how I would love to be able to feel so close to my mom like Amanda and Melissa do.. But alas at this time is it not meant to be… But I do cherish what I read with your family.. thanks for sharing…

    And Jackson well… he couldn’t have a more wonderful Bibby than bethmoore… oh and now another little one … in pink.. wow … so much love bubbling from the Jones, Moore and Fitzpatricks houses … I can feel it from here and the overwhelming joy brings sweet tears to my eyes…

    Now Amanda if you have that beautiful baby on the 11th that would be great cause I can share that day with her, but if not … No matter when you do… she will be loved by women all around the world that love your family.

    Beth thanks for sharing this with me this morning… I love you all so much.


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