New England Nights Recap

New England Nights Tour 2008 from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.

Click here to see more on Rich’s photo gallery. Thanks, buddy!



78 Responses to “New England Nights Recap”

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  1. 1
    Anonymous says:

    When I see all the wonderful women who love Jesus- makes me so excited about Heaven. Can’t wait to meet everyone of them and be friends!

  2. 2
    Anonymous says:

    I love those recaps. And I agree with the first comment, it’s awesome to see those pictures of people of all colors, shapes and sizes.

    And they sang a new song, saying, “Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; for You were slain, and purchased for God with Your blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. (Revelation 5:9)

  3. 3
    Holly says:

    I have never seen a more BEAUTIFUL sea of worshippers in all my life. Beautiful. And Travis? That is OH! such a beautiful song. I am so glad for those chains removed…and that Jesus saves. Thank you Rich for you beautiful eye of capture. My, what a week.

  4. 4
    Fran says:

    For some reason, girls, this video got to me and made me cry. Just cry.

    Thank you Ms. Beth for being our teacher and being the vessel that you are. You inspire to go after Him like no other.

    Blessings and hugs,

  5. 5
    Laura says:

    The recap video makes me cry every time. This more so than most because I know these ladies do not have the strong churches that we have here in the Bible Belt. Especially loved the elderly lady and the lady with baby in Hotsling, both with hand held high to the Savior!!

  6. 6
    hisfivefooter says:

    Rich always leaves me in tears. Bawled my eyes out through that one also. Great song by Travis. Which album is that off of? Loved to see women moving toward Christ. Love to see all the different types of women! God bless each of them! Loved that someone prayed for individual seats! The picture of that prayer warrior praying over the seats just about did me in. Gives me chills and sets my heart on fire! Thank you so much for sharing that!
    On an entirely different note? Beth: spill your guts: Where did you get that DARLING cute pink jacket? I LOVED that! Thanks again Amanda for keeping us in the loop- you are precious to me.
    Lisa in Kirkland, WA

  7. 7
    Kimberly and Grace says:

    OK…can’t read a post these days without bawling! I loved the picture of the older couple and then the one of the girl’s face in Beth’s hands. Precious…

    How blessed we are to have a Father who loves us so!

    Thank you, Rich for sharing this with us!!

    Miss Beth I just love you!

    Travis…WOW…I can’t wait to get this CD in my hands!

  8. 8
    jennyhope says:

    Amen, Jesus saves.
    I heart all of your outfits…you are my fashion expert and i am only 28. I bought a topcoat this week that you would be proud of!!

    When I teach all the girls call all of my topcoats my Beth coats…they say I am trying to be like you…maybe so since you look so cute!! =)

  9. 9
    Luv2Praise says:


    You have such a gift for touching hearts through photography. Your eye for beauty makes me weep. It is amazing how a photo of two womens hands clasped can bring me to tears. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.

    I was at the Connecticut event and was AGAIN blown away by Beth’s ability to present God’s Word to us so powerfully. Her ability to reach out to us and pull us closer is an annointing of God.

    I watch her as she prays with women and how she longs to spend time with all who ask.

    Beth, you truly have a servant’s heart. I watched you as you were led away at the end of the event. As tired as you were, you stayed longer to pray with women who so desperatly reached out to you. God Bless you.

    I also took a couple of pictures of the Connecticut event, they are a little dark, however, you can make out who they are. Anyone who wishes to see them can click on my blog.

    Thank you LPM team for 10 years of Sowing Seeds for Christ!

    Luv2Praise, Lori

  10. 10
    MITZI says:

    There’s something about this particular video that touches me in a special way. I’ve got goosebumps! the love my sisters from New England have for Jesus hits me in my heart. I see such tenderness, love, abandon for the Lord in their faces. And those mama’s with their precious ones, it’s beautiful.

    Thank you Father for 10 years of blessings and miracles and changed lives through Beth and all of the Living Proof staff and volunteers. Thanks also for LifeWay and the wonderful work they do. Because of Your Son Jesus, we will NEVER be the same again. We are changed women. Glory to Your holy Name!

  11. 11
    pam b from sc says:


  12. 12
    Meg says:

    Still wiping my tears away…

  13. 13
    The Laughlin Family says:

    Ooh! I have chills, seriously! Thanks for sharing that experience. How awesome!

  14. 14
    Moose Mama says:

    As always, Rich, you did it to me again. Tears and lumpy throat. Just beautiful! Adorable pic of Beth by the Beth Moore (arrow) sign. Too funny.

    Thank-you Beth. Thank-you praise team. Thank-you Jesus!!!!

    Melana in Wyoming

  15. 15
    Anonymous says:

    This recap so encouraged me. To see arms lifted high…obviously hungry hearts turned to Him…women with their babies in slings…elderly women with outstretched hands…husbands there too…hands clasped together…women bowed down.

    It’s a pretty dry spiritual climate I am in…in my church even. This video encouraged me so much!

    Thank you.

  16. 16
    HIS Child says:

    Every stinking time it takes my breath away and makes me cry! I love that I can feel the Power of His Presence and see my sister’s in Christ rejoice and throw their hands up in worship of Our Mighty God. Thank you for sharing the culmination of an incredible journey with LPM. I can’t wait to see what’s next.
    Travis your pipes are truly anointed and Rich your eye for His priceless treasure is a gift.
    Love to all,

  17. 17
    helene says:

    Hey Rich!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU for having those pics posted to the LPM Blog!! I was at the CT night; in the fourth row, having been in line since 3:30 pm wanting to be able to have good photo opportunities. Because it was asked that no flash photography be used, I had no problem with that and did not use my flash. But, oh, I was soooo disappointed with my pictures!! I got one or two ok ones, but any movement would blur my half way decent camera’s attempt at the picture! I am so thrilled to see these posted here as a testimony to the moving of the Holy Spirit and a wonderful memory of the evening…you are gifted; thank you for sharing with the siestas some of what we here in New England were so blessed to have received through Beth’s commitment and love of the Lord Jesus… I thank you for your wonderful work!!

  18. 18
    Karen Towns says:

    Those pics brought tears to my eyes. I see worship and healing taking place. Just lovely to behold. I too have been healed from Beth’s ministry. Thanks Be to God.

  19. 19
    Kim says:

    Do you have any idea how encouraging these videos are? Wasn’t even there and I can sit here at my computer and cry. What a joy to see so many women – all ages, many races and I am sure as many denominations – seeking after the One True God. Hallelujah Lord – Hallelujah.

    Thanks to each of you, those seen and those unseen, who sacrifice so much to further His Kingdom.

    Kim . . . who is
    Grafted by Grace

  20. 20
    lavonda says:

    I just sit and worship during every single one of those recaps.

    Wish I could have been in New England.

    What you wrote Beth, in the post on the way home, near the end of it, speaking directly to us….
    it was the ugly cry before I could stop it.

    Thank you.
    More than I can tell you.
    For more reasons than I could ever share here.

  21. 21
    Anonymous says:


  22. 22
    rebekah says:

    It all looks so amazing! I wish I could have been to even one. All that sappy, life-changing spiritual stuff aside- Beth, I love the Peach top with the ruffle look! ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you’re having a great week. Love, Rebekah

  23. 23
    Emmy says:

    Oh Rich thank you! Awesome as always!

    Thank you LPM for always serving… beautiful! God uses you all to touch so many! : )

    I told my roommate from college who lives in Wilmington that if she could do one thing for me she had to go to see you! She went and took her Mom and said she LOVED it and was definitely going to do a bible study! Yeah Lord! I love that… LPM your love for the Lord is contagious! I am SO thankful! I praise you Lord for LPM! Such a gift! Bless them Lord and give them rest and let them know how loved and cherished they are!

    Thank you! Emmy : )

  24. 24
    roxanne worsham says:

    See the humblest hearts adore Him
    And the wisest bow before Him

    Amen! What a beautiful song, gorgeous pictures. I felt the power of the Holy Spirit just watching, listening, and praising Him for His infinite grace and love. Thanks for allowing me to be a part of New England Nights through this video.

    God bless all of your ministries.

  25. 25
    Anonymous says:


    I was so moved when watching this video. All I could say was, “bless her Jesus.” You are certainly in my prayers, and I’m so grateful for letting God use you! You have no idea the impact you’ve had on your siestas! Only eternity will reveal what God has done through you!

    Many blessings to you, my dear Siesta!



  26. 26
    Anonymous says:


    I felt so blessing when watching this video. Only eternity will tell what lives you have touched!

    Many blessings to you my siesta! I pray that God will encourage you this day and bless you and your family!



  27. 27
    katiegfromtennessee says:

    Oh, I do love this video…I can’t hold it together when I watch these videos! They really make me want the Lord. They make me want to be with Him. I don’t know how else to describe the feeling. I know that what happens at these events is just a taste of what Heaven will be like:) Being with the Lord is going to blow our minds, ya’ll!!!!!! I can tell why Spiritual Mom Beth loves to minister to women. That picture of Beth cupping that girl’s face in her hands while she cried…no doubt that girls heart was searching for the Lord desperately. That right there is what makes me want to cry!:)

    I love YOU LORD!!!…
    and I love ya’ll at LPM:)


  28. 28
    Anonymous says:

    Rich, WHOA—you truyly have a gift…you are a “miesta” dude! That song of Travis’ blew my heart away–“Lord, I am in awe of your deeds”! I wasn’t there for the events but feel such a part of them through the video and the pictures. Thank you so much for sharing them.
    Beth, thank you for continuing your journey and staying on the path that God has laid out before you! Even if and even when…God is so good and so incredibly faithful.

    Ruined for Him,

    Joni aka Grammy

  29. 29
    Anonymous says:

    dearest servant of our Lord, my dark night began about 11 years ago and I do celebrate your 10 year journey( I am wowed by how you have moved with the Holy
    Spirit during the past decade)- my journey has been less obvious, but no less dynamic-thank you! for your courage and love in sharing your personal journey with Jesus- as you have been a messenger and hope for all of us-I am humbled and encouraged by your willingness to serve- Lots of love!

  30. 30
    Tanya says:

    Thank you for this. Seeing women worshipping and ministering to each other is SO ENCOURAGING! Brings tears to my eyes.

    Oh, and the music … amazing.

    Thanks again,
    Blessings to you all,

  31. 31
    Living day by day for Jesus says:


  32. 32
    sammie says:

    Wow, that never ceases to make me cry. Well done Beth and the team.

  33. 33
    Debbie says:

    Thank you for letting us get a glimpse of sisters we may not see face to face this side of heaven. What encouragement to see other believers worshiping, praying and listening to His Holy Word.

    Love and Blessings, Debbie in Tennessee

  34. 34
    Constance says:

    WOW! This made me re-live San Antonio all over again! What a blessing you are to us Beth! We all love you so very much!
    Connie Hopkins
    Denton, Texas

  35. 35
    Susan B. says:


  36. 36
    Hannah says:

    Question from New England Nights, Connecticut… What is the name of the song that goes through the attributes of God? The gal with the long dark hair usually sings it… ๐Ÿ™‚ Would love to find it!

  37. 37
    jan in nc says:

    After that video, all I can say is “Amazing”. 100-50-10. Rest your feet for a while, then prepare for the next mountain!

  38. 38
    Anonymous says:

    Dear Ones,
    The video recaps always make me cry but I agree with the post that there was something special about this one. Maybe it’s because when there’s not as much spiritual encouragement available – when God does bring it, hearts are all the more hungry and appreciative.
    With all the obstacles and sacrifices that go with your ministry seeing those faces must make it all worthwhile!
    Love in Jesus!

  39. 39
    Heiress of God says:


    My heart is so tender to see all these lovely ladies worship together in His name! This video so pulled at me and tears just flow. I love the blessings Jesus gives to us and that he allows you and your team to bring it forth is awesome awesome awesome.

    By the way the song was wonderful.. Jesus saves! Yes Lord thank you for saving me.
    Thank you for loving us!

  40. 40
    connorcolesmom says:

    Joy in my heart
    Lost it on the Prayed for you Tag in each seat – wonderful idea!
    Beautiful recap and loved that song!!
    Glad it went well

  41. 41
    Anonymous says:

    Love the pictures! I was hoping ya’ll would post some. God is Awesome isn’t Isn’t He?! God Bless!
    Charlotte – in Georgia

  42. 42
    Mary Watkins says:

    Rich, you have done it again. You’ve blessed my heart by capturing God on the move in the hearts of women this time it was in New England. Thank you, my brother.

  43. 43
    cherrilynn bisbano says:

    As my 6 year old son, Michael, would say “I cried Happy Tears” watching the video! The Holy Spirit inside of me Lept for Joy!
    Thank you for all that you do. Again, thank you for your obedience!
    The pics and song are awesome and truly inspired by God!

  44. 44
    Tiffany says:

    This is just wonderful. So many women coming together to worship our Lord. Hallelujah!

  45. 45
    Melissa says:

    Beautiful….I can feel God’s annointing in this video.


  46. 46
    Anonymous says:

    Thanks a lot! I’m sitting here all ready for work and now my makeup has all slid off my face from crying!

  47. 47
    Kathy says:

    Beautiful beyond words. Had a case of the “Holy Ghost-bumps” and happy tears seeing the indredible photos, hearing the beautiful words/music, truly indiscribable. A little glimpse of heaven.

    Thank you Beth and the entire team of God-fearing, amazingly talented brothers and sisters. Praying for you all. May God richly bless you all for your faith and obedience.

  48. 48
    elaine @ peace for the journey says:

    My favorite recap thus far; not because the message was any different, but simply because it was more insistent…more intentional…a deeper pressing in and going forth. You, Beth, and your team are ambassadors of the Light. Keep to it. Keep to Jesus and keep pressing on in faith.

    You scattered some good and gracious seed on the soil of New England. One day you will witness the fruit of your obedience. Until then, trust God for the growth.



  49. 49
    Susan says:

    As always, Rich…you totally captured His Glory.

  50. 50
    Kay - Bluebird Sightings says:

    Just wept over this one. I was in New York city the week Beth was in New England and I could feel such a great need in that area of the country for an outpouring of God and His Word. God bless the women who attended those conferences – may it continue to bear fruit in their lives and may they hang on to the truths they learned and the commitments they made. Awesome.

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