Letter From Your Terrific Teacher, Kelly Minter

Greetings Siestas! (I’ve always wanted to say that).

I can’t tell you how blessed I’ve been to be a small part of your online journey. When I heard Beth was going to facilitate “No Other Gods” this summer on her blog I was thrilled and simultaneously ignorant. I had no idea what this meant, and I can assure you I never entertained thoughts that included hair tips, how to protect my neck from the sun, or creative ways to use your oven mitt. But, alas, this is why we admire Beth – for her love for the Word and her knack for the unpredictable. So… many thanks to Beth for being the catalyst behind this amazing summer experience.

I also wanted the specific opportunity to thank all of YOU who have spent time with God this summer through the study of Scripture. Your dedication and comments have been inspiring! It has been a blessing for me to watch your fortitude in dealing with truly un-fun things like, well, idols. I understand that it’s not the feel-good-study-of-the-year but the blessings that come from obedience and surrender are immeasurable…

Several years ago when the Lord began to deal with some of the false gods in my life, I wanted nothing more than to cling to the very things He was asking me to relinquish. Perhaps you can relate. A lot of the verses and passages of Scripture that helped me let go were the very ones I used in the “No Other Gods” study – my prayer is that they encouraged you as well. Since having written the study I wanted to share something that has been a new reality for me – living in the purpose of freedom. For so long I simply wanted to be free from the things that controlled me. What I didn’t understand was what that freedom was for. Although I am still very much learning, I wanted to tell you that God frees us from our idols so we can be free for His purposes. We get free so we can move and be and do the things of God. I am now doing things that I simply couldn’t have done before because I was tied up by my false gods (and please don’t think necessarily grandiose things – they are humble and quiet things, but they are awesome and they are things I am thrilled to be part of).

I hope this makes sense, as it’s an infantile understanding that’s still forming inside me. I just wanted you to know that saying goodbye to our false gods offers a tremendous freedom that is not simply for the sake of hanging out with our “new free selves”, but it’s a freedom that allows us to engage in the moment by moment things of Christ. Keep pressing forward no matter how awkward the journey. We have a jealous God, and I will gladly take jealous over passive any day. It is for freedom He has set us free!

Thank you Siestas for blessing me so much this summer and honoring me by your presence.




159 Responses to “Letter From Your Terrific Teacher, Kelly Minter”

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  1. 1
    Anonymous says:

    Thank You Kelly! I was challenged and God has really used this study with me. I have passed it on for our Wed. night Bible Study leader to consider for her winter study. God bless you!

  2. 2
    lavonda says:

    Dear Kelly,
    We all love your writing style… you are funny and practical and inspired all at the same time!
    Thank you for following Him in doing this study, so that we all would reap some benefit from Him through it this summer.
    We’ll be looking for more from you!!
    Our love and gratitude,
    Lavonda, Sheri, and Diane
    Marietta, Georgia

  3. 3
    Gaila says:

    Thank you so much for putting your experience and roadmap for leaving idols behind in book form. I am in a much better position (face down and submissive) to serve God Almighty now that room has been made. As always, traveling on a road someone has already been on and paved the way, is easier. Thank you for your committment and challenge to get those idols out of my life!

    Love ya dearly!

  4. 4
    Anonymous says:

    Beth & Co:

    I wasn't able to do the Bible study this summer, but would like to over the coming months. There might be other Siestas who feel the same way. Would you be able to post all of Beth's videos somewhere in one place so we can find them easily in the future?

    Thanks for considering. We appreciate you!

  5. 5
    Nicole says:

    I honestly thought there was not another person on the face of this entire earth that had ever felt like me or had ever gone through what I had gone through. You cannot imagine how floored I was not to find out I was wrong. Thank you so much Kelly for writing down into words your lifestory. You will never know what the story of your life has done to rewrite my own. I honestly feel as if my whole DNA has been rearranged. I promise you that I have always “known” Him but I had never “seen” Him until now and there is such a freedom in that intimacy that can never truly be explained in words written here on earth. I guess it is almost impossible to explain and unexplainable God. I thank you more than you will ever know for being the catalyst that has changed my very being and has driven me to the very One I now soley breath for. And with every bit of determination that is within me, I promise to spend the rest of my life giving back to Him in praise all that He has given to me in love. Whatever crown He gives me, He can have it right back at His feet. All I want is Him. Thank you for the opportunity to find out what truly matters most…Him… I hope you can somehow know that this changed woman is a part of the harvest He is reaping through you. Getchapraizon girl!!He’s Worthy!

    Nicole, SC

  6. 6
    Anonymous says:


    God bless you! I am free!!! The bible study has changed my life so much. I can not go thru a day without seeing Idols disappear that I would not have seen before this study. My study group was wonderful and have grown closer to my christian sisters. We are in Rome, Ga. from Pleasant Valley South Baptist Church.

    I am going to go thru the study again and know I will be blessed again.

    God Bless,


  7. 7
    Kel says:

    Thank you so much for listening to God and putting together this Bible study book. It is really what I needed right now. It hasn’t been totally fun, but definitely needed. Our group was not able to meet at the same time as everyone else, but we are still meeting and are looking forward to completing it soon! Thanks so much, Kelly!

  8. 8
    Holly says:

    It has been a life changing study, Kelly. Thank you for sharing your life!

    Many blessings upon you and prayers for you, Kelly!

  9. 9
    Melinda says:


    Freedom to move forward is the very gift that I’ve been experiencing from this study. I had no idea how some of this stuff was holding me back! It’s like God has breathed a huge sigh of relief and said, “Okay child, now that we’re done with that, can I just show you what I’ve been holding for you all this time?”

    Your obedience to write to this end has caused my opportunity to live to it – for that I’m forever grateful!

    Blessings Siesta!

  10. 10
    Michelle V says:

    Thank you, Kelly for being obedient to God’s call on your life! The study was one that will change me for life! I’m still a work in progress, but I see when something is or has become an idol in my life and I know that I have to clean out those idols and make room for God. Thank you!


  11. 11
    pinkboots says:

    Oh, what a nice surprise! Thank you, Kelly, for sharing more profound thoughts. We have been stationed many times overseas while in the military. I thought I had given up my idol with my career to follow my Air Force guy, but it’s replaced when lonliness sets in overseas. It’s amazing how we can turn to so many other things than our Lord. We are again overseas, so perfect timing to have this amazing study and dive into the Word to remind me not to slip into that same pattern! Thank you, Kelly, for following God’s call for this study!

  12. 12
    Dianne says:

    I did not participate in the online study this summer, but did purchase the book and am in the process of working through it. As part of our church’s women’s ministry team, we are seeking what study(ies) God would have us do this fall. I feel led to facilitate this study in my home beginning in September and look so forward to it. I plan to limit the group to 6 and am praying now for the ladies God will lead to this study. Love your encouragement that being free from our idols makes us free to carry on God’s purposes for us. Thank you for allowing God to work in your life to prepare this study. God bless you.

  13. 13
    Ann says:

    Sweet Kelly,
    Thank you, thank you! Thank you for letting the Lord use you to write a bible study for “me”. 🙂
    You continually hit home in so many ways. You and your girl friends are awesome. Thank them, too.
    God bless you for helping me work through issues. I look forward to more of your studies.
    I think we should dub you our new

    love, Ann

  14. 14
    Maria Cristina says:

    Dearest Kelly, your work has been nothing short of life-changing. I am now sooo looking forward to saying my “hellos”!!!!! 🙂

    I hope you will publish a new book, soon – your delivery and clarity of exposition is a breath of fresh air.

    thank you again Kelly! May God bless you continuously and abundandly!!! Ciao bella!!!!
    maria cristina

  15. 15
    Tonya says:

    Oh dear Kelly,

    I cannot even begin to put into words what this study has done for me. So many things were revealed to me as “gods” that I otherwise never would’ve dealt with or realized they needed removing from my life. I’m also so thankful for the blessing of awesome fellowship with the “siestas” in my group. I formed some new relationships and strengthened some old ones. Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time and digging so-very-deep to write such a meaningful study.

  16. 16
    doo-dah says:

    Thank you for being so open in your study and sharing your life with us.

    Keep those Bible studies coming!!

  17. 17
    Karessa says:

    Hi Kelly! Thank you for sharing what God has revealed to you and for your odedience in writing this study. I know it was hard work and deeply personal. Certainly, there are many people like me who are deeply blessed and (by God’s grace) profoundly changed by it. Press on.

  18. 18
    fuzzytop says:

    Oh this was a wonderful surprise, and a fabulo-fantastic ending to this Bible Study. I did the study solo this summer, and am hoping to lead a group of NOGs at my church this fall. I know they will, like me, be richly blessed.

    Thanks Kelly!


  19. 19
    Anonymous says:

    Thank you Kelly for doing this study. When I started I thought no big deal I’ve got things handled but in the first week God started getting my attention. This has been a life changing experience. There was and still is many areas in my life that I need to let go and let God have his way. I can honestly say that I am practicing identifing idols and getting rid of them daily.

  20. 20
    Momtotyandow says:

    I have so enjoyed the study. It came at a great time in my life as my family and I had to move and we are so missing our friends. I realize that God had to take me out of that comfort zone to see Him do great things in our family. That small town and all my friends were my gods. The “good” type that you just don’t realize they can be interrupting your relationship with God. I still miss them sooo much, I’m holding back the tears now, but He has shown me marvelous things through it all.

  21. 21
    Anonymous says:

    don’t ya’ love those “infantile understandings that keep forming inside” Praise Him! Thank You, Kelly

  22. 22
    Cathy Davis says:

    I didn’t participate in this study as I had already committed to another study (Steppin’ Up ~fabulous), but I have heard such good things about this study from others (who aren’t even a Siesta! can you imagine??). I’m looking forward to working it. Might it be a good to do during the Sunday school hour?

    I love the premise behind the study with the common meal and stuff too.

  23. 23
    Susan Dyess says:

    I just want to shout a huge THANK YOU your way! My life is truly changing as God has revealed my biggest idols of approval addiction and pleasing others. He has rocked my world in helping me search my motives in my relationship with Him. He doesn’t want me serving Him out of obligation or selfish motives. I am not completely finished with the study as I have been led to other resources to help me with this and have to admit that this freedom thing is wigging me out because it is all new territory to me. I am just trying to take it day by day and step by step. I love that God is a God who is into root issues and his patience never wears out! I was greatly encouraged by your post and really wanted to say thank you for your obedience.

    Susan Dyess

  24. 24
    annette says:


    Patty, Karen, and I thank you for the God given study you were obedient to write and for you sharing your heart with all of us. We are blessed by the study. I pray the Lord God Almighty showers you with blessings this day.

  25. 25
    Julie says:

    Thank you Kelly! Your study was a breath of fresh air. You brought things into the light that I had no idea were hiding. God Bless you for your faithfulness. I hope you publish another study soon. Thank you again.

  26. 26
    Patty says:

    Thank you Kelly!

    I enjoyed my journey with God in this study. It wasn’t easy and at times not pretty but I love the freedom that comes in Christ!!

    It was also an honor to be on this journey with you and your friends and can say that I enjoyed the recipes?!!! What a great idea to include recipes. :))

    I can appreciate the Titans story. I live outside of Nashville and I loved that story!! Maybe I will see you around NashVegas at a Starbucks. :))

    Have a blessed day and may God pour an abundance of blessings into your life.

  27. 27
    Matt and Amy says:

    Kelly, thank you so much for the heart and soul that you put into the study! It has helped to yield a fruit in me to lay down my idol of acceptance from others. It’s such a slow process that I am by no means finished with, but I’m getting there! Thank you also for your encouraging words today! What a neat way to wrap it up!

    May the Lord bless you and keep you and may his face shine upon you!

    Amy in Missouri

  28. 28
    Leslie says:


    I really appreciated your transparency and humble tone in this study. It was a pleasure to work through. The biggest take-away for me was that our fears protect our idols. I’ll be considering that for a long time! I hope that you write many more studies.


  29. 29
    Anonymous says:

    Dear Kelly,
    Thank you. I really enjoyed your study and I know it is something that I will refer to again!

    Cathy in Florida

  30. 30
    Rebekah says:

    Kelly thank you so much for writing this study! It really made me aware of how many things in life I was putting before God, now that those things are out of the way I feel so free! My walk with the Lord is getting so much stronger!

    Thanks again!

  31. 31
    Anonymous says:

    Kelly, so many ladies in our group have commented on how much they love your writing style. Casual, comfortable and heartwarming, all while drawing us closer to our Savior. You never go without reminding us that you have been through this process, and that it wasn’t always easy! Thank you for your loving spirit and encouraging words. You’ve blessed our group to make room and live our lives in adoration for our Great God! May God bless what is in store for your next steps of faith!
    Love, Amy in OK

  32. 32
    Anonymous says:

    Kelly, Love what you said today about how we’re freed up to do what God purposes for us. Not by accident, I started another blog study while finishing yours. The topic is change! The clearing out of functional gods, happened to flow right into the new study I am involved in.
    And finally, for any who have left a ministry (because God called them out) or a church, the final pages of your study spoke volumes.
    God is doing a new thing. Thank you for sharing a gift with us.

  33. 33
    Anonymous says:

    Oh Kelly! Thank you so much for this study. I, and my friend, have not finished it yet. We are still in the midst of growing through the study. It has been very enlightening so far. The weeks make me laugh, reflect, cry and turn toward the one and only God. It has been a great complement to my other study this summer “When Godly People Do Ungodly Things.” The seductions of life and how they actually are behind so many idols in our lives. Thank you for sharing the wonderful stories, your group experiences and recipes. Blessings to you and looking forward to hearing how God continues to work in and through your life.

  34. 34
    Poof says:

    Kelly, Thank you for the study. It was a great study, very helpful, and a fun way to spend a summer – studying with siesta sisters.

  35. 35
    godsgal says:

    What an awesome study! I hope to read more from you in the near future. God must have really wanted me to study this because so much of our Sunday School curriculum this quarter had to do with idols as well.

    God Bless You,
    Lynn Langford

  36. 36
    Rebecca says:

    O Kelly!

    Your study No other Gods change me life! And it changed my summer! You are an amazing women with an increadable heart for God and others! God Bless you always and keep serving the lord Kelly!

  37. 37
    Missy says:

    What a pleasant surprise to see you on here! I have LOVED your study and I’m a little behind on finishing it but I am pressing on and will finish it! 🙂 It is teaching me SO much and stepping on my toes big time…but I need to hear what you’re saying (and what God is saying to me!) so badly. I “amened” you on almost every page so far..haha!
    Thank YOU for your obedience to God and for writing this study. It has blessed and helped so many of us and is bringing glory to God! I’m also thinking about presenting your study to my women’s Sunday school group. 🙂

    I pray many blessings over you, girlfriend!!
    Missy in SC

  38. 38
    katiegfromtennessee says:


    Praise the Lord for your study and this letter, which is very touching. Getting to a place where I could finally release everything to Him: confessing my sin, all my fears, all my hurts, all my pain, was beyond freeing. Very painful itself-the hardest thing ever-but freeing. All my ques-just pouring my heart out to Him with my face down on the floor-crying all I want to because He can handle it. I can’t understand why many things happen. Then where would faith be? He is a jealous God, and I am blown away that He would choose me to be His own. Bless you Kelly. May God mightily use your life to glorify Him in all humility and obedience. May your joy be full. No matter what, Kelly, you hold tight to Him. Hold tight.

    Your sister-in-Christ,

    Phil. 1:20 (AMP)

  39. 39
    Kathleen says:


    You were a breath of fresh air! It was great to have perspective from a young, single gal. Your depth of insight reflects much time spent with God. I was unfamiliar with your work until a friend came back from Nashville having spent time with you and MB. She spoke so fondly of you, it was a delight to have the opportunity to participate in your study. After 25 years of various bible studies, this was definitely a favorite! Continue to fan the flame, girl. Your gifting in worship and teaching will bring Him much glory. Thank you…grace and peace,

    Kathleen – Albuquerque, NM

  40. 40
    Michelle Bentham says:

    AMEN! To what you said about Freedom, Kelly. You know this study is a part of the journey God has had me on the last year just seeking Freedom!

    The other day, my friend and I were talking on the phone and I said, “I’m not believing the enemy’s lies anymore, I’m not playing his game anymore. I did it too long. For 38 years I have been playing this thing his way, but I am now thoroughly convinced FREEDOM is worth it. For too long I was convinced that Freedom depended on me… what I could or could not do… But, all freedom depends on is God changing us from our hearts on out. I want to live totally and utterly free.”

    Thanks for showing us a doorway to walk through that leads to the gates of Freedom!

    Blessings and favor be upon you in the Name of Christ our Lord.


  41. 41
    Anonymous says:

    Thank you for your faithfulness Kelly and your study of His Word. Our group of 9 were challenged and thrilled to do this together. WE are all looking forward to your next inspiration.
    Blessings to you from Clarksville TN,
    Betty,Patti,Angel,Elaine,Melba,Joy,Debby,Michelle A.& M.

  42. 42
    Yolanda says:


    Thank you so much for the pain, time, and EFFORT placed into this study of showing us just what some of our idols were, disposing of them, making room, and filling that room with God Himself.


  43. 43
    SSharron says:

    Dear Kelly,
    This study has been great. I love your sense of humor. Thanks for being so transparent and authentic.
    I really appreciated the part of your post that mentioned how God frees us from our idols to fulfill His purposes not necessarily in grandiose ways but in the quiet and the humble ways. I have seen that very thing happening with me. Glorious Freedom!!
    God Bless you.

  44. 44
    Anonymous says:

    Dear Kelly, Thank you for this great study. It wasn’t always pleasant, but it was worth the effort. We had a great group of 7 in my home and we had wonderful fellowship and discussion. We agreed that we would be looking for your next study. I used a number of your recipes so I had fun with that as well.

    Your sister in Christ,
    Kay Martin
    Tupelo, Ms

  45. 45
    Anonymous says:

    Hi Kelly,

    Thank you SO VERY MUCH for your study, it felt like talking to a good friend as I was doing the homework! I love making room for God, especially as He is so lovingly consistent and also uniquely individual in how He deals with us, His beloved daughters. May He bless you abundantly as you follow Him!!

    Love, Karen 🙂 🙂

  46. 46
    Sherry says:


    Thank you so much for allowing God to use your talented self in writing this Bible study. 🙂

    I have completed the study and through it, have gained new insight and have come face-to-face with some areas that God is desiring to perfect in me.

    What a harvest you are going to have from all the lives you have touched! God bless you!

  47. 47
    Keri says:

    Thank you Kelly!! I’m sure you loved all my unsolicited comments in the emails I sent you, but the study really did change my life.

    I’m so excited to have snagged you for our event at The Met in April!! We are SOOOO going for Mexican food when you get here……..did have a moment where I was afraid mexican food may be an idol. That may have just done me in!

    Thank you for laying your heart out there for all of us to learn from!


  48. 48
    Courtney says:

    sorry this is for beth! our women’s group just started Stepping Up today and I just wanted to say thanks for doing another study…i love it already!

  49. 49
    BEBE says:

    Thank you Kelly,
    I have REALLY enjoyed this study. It opened my eyes and heart to the areas that I have made into idols as never before – I didn’t even think of those issues as “idols” but after doing this study, my heart is much wiser to the things I put my focus on – all of which needs to be on God Himself. It is freeing me up to focus on how He wants to fill me and free me to serve and follow His lead. It has also allowed me to be freed from the idols I had in trying to be the best “mother-in’law” out there – to just being “me” – and relying totally on God to handle it all.
    I hope you have another study out soon. May God richly bless you and your efforts as you are used by Him.
    BEBE in Texas

  50. 50
    Anonymous says:

    Much Thanks Kelly,
    God and I settled a matter that had kept me from moving forward for 26 years. Release and Surrender are difficult but oh so worth it.


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