So, I’ve been reading Leviticus. Yep, you read that correctly, Leviticus.
Many of you have graciously inquired in your posts about how I approach biblical research. At some point, I would love to type out a step-by-step process and post it for you, but for now I will simply say that my first step before consulting any biblical resource is always to read the book of the Bible that I am studying in full, all in one sitting. Sometimes I even read the text aloud. I do this because I find that I gain a much better comprehension of the book if I read it all in one sitting than if I break it up into little segments over a longer period of time. After I read the whole book in its entirety a couple of times, I go back and study the chapters, then the verses, and finally the various phrases and words. In brief, my methodology being a very simple-minded woman is to start with the whole so that I can understand the parts.
Well, the last couple of nights I have read Leviticus in full because for the life of me, I cannot remember the last time that I read it. I think it was during my first year at Moody Bible Institute in Old Testament Survey. And mostly I was reading it to get the grade, if you know what I mean. Okay, I was only reading it to get the grade! Anyway…I know reading a book of the Bible in its entirety might sound daunting at first, but ya’ll, Leviticus is only 27 chapters, which means that it took me less than two hours to read it the first time and just a little over an hour the second time. This is not that much time if you think about it, considering we spend at least two-three hours a day feeding ourselves and almost half that much time blow-drying our hair and putting on make-up. If a book can’t be read all in one sitting, then the next best thing is to break it up over two sittings. You get my drift!
Back to Leviticus…Since we are living on this side of the cross of Jesus Christ and are not “Levites” per se and are certainly not camped out in the Sinai wilderness, what relevance does Leviticus have for us? Perhaps the main theme of Leviticus can point us in the right direction as to how we can apply this significant text. In quick summary fashion, the book of Leviticus gives instructions to the Israelites about how to be holy before a holy God, and how to live amongst the people of God and even foreigners in a way that reflects this holiness. The Hebrew noun that is rendered “holy” in our English texts is used in its various forms over 120 times in Leviticus. Since I am a little slow sometimes, I really love it when an author slams a term, phrase, or theme over and over again so that I simply cannot miss it or disregard it. But, what does it mean for God to be holy? I love how one of my favorite professors, Dr. John Walton puts it: “God’s holiness is not a separate attribute but the result of the sum total of all of his attributes- including but not limited to his sovereignty, omniscience, love, and righteousness. Holiness is a term that implies comparison. God is holy in relation to the people he created. When God asks his people to be holy as he is holy, he means we are to maintain distinctions between ourselves and the world around us by imitating God himself” (The Essential Bible Companion, 19).
I am sure there are a number of good applications that we could make from Leviticus, but I can only mention a few that hit me between the eyes as I re-read Leviticus. First, Leviticus reminds us that it takes incredible sacrifice to eliminate or wipe away the effects of our sin so that we can be in the presence of God. Bottom line: Sin is serious. This is convicting to me personally because somehow over time I have worked-up a nonchalant relationship with my sin. For example, when I sin I tend to do so in a way that deliberately predicts the grace that I will receive immediately when I confess. I personally do not have to participate in any intricate process for my sin to be obliterated, so I think to myself, “there is now no condemnation for those of us who are in Christ Jesus” and that nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus Christ (Romans 8). While these things are certainly true, the New Testament reiterates that grace should never cause us to feel some sort of stagnant peace with our sin (see Romans 6:1,15; Hebrews & James, also). As Christians each of us have been given the confidence to enter the “holy place” by the blood of Jesus (Heb. 10) and though we may not offer up grain offerings or animal sacrifices like the ancient Israelites did, we do well to recall often that our merciful standing before our holy creator God required the sacrifice of Jesus Christ’s flesh. Texts like Leviticus 10:1-3 provide a good corrective to my inappropriate abuse of God’s grace through Jesus Christ. If you don’t have a Bible with you, that text presents two sons of Aaron as offering unwarranted incense before the Lord. Aaron’s two sons, Nadab and Abihu, were immediately consumed (a.k.a killed) by fire that came out from the presence of the Lord. The Lord’s words that follow directly after this incident give me goose-bumps. He says, “By those who come near me I will be treated as holy, And before all people I will be honored.” And then the text follows, “So, Aaron, therefore, kept silent.”
I’m just relieved Aaron kept silent.
Sometimes we can get so comfortable in our theological constructs that we need to read something shocking to awaken us from our spiritual slumbers. One of the things that the wonderful and legendary Dr. Greg Beale used to say in class at Wheaton was: “Sometimes you need to comfort the afflicted, but other times you need to afflict the comforted.” I have this phrase written in the front page of my Bible because I have found it very useful in my own walk with the Lord. Sometimes I am so broken and so desperate for hope that I need to meditate on a comforting passage in Scripture, but other times these dry bones need a rebuke so that they can dance once again.
My second application is perhaps a little more questionable, maybe even controversial, and has proved difficult for me to form into words. Forgive me in advance for my lack of precision. It tends to characterize my generation more than it does my Mom’s generation. It has to do with my generation’s all-too-often nonchalant relationship to our holy Creator. While I am sure we could exposit this for hours, I just want to give one main example. Lately I have overheard several staunch believers publicly utter words like “I am so ticked off at God” but the word used wasn’t ‘ticked’, if you know what I mean. I’ve heard even more crass statements than that one to describe this same sort of thing but do not feel comfortable quoting these words on a blog because most of them involve swear-words. I am sure you can imagine the type of thing I am referring to. Most of these people connect their confession of anger toward God with “being authentic” and “keeping it real”. I am getting the feeling that there is some sort of underlying and unquestioned assumption that “keeping it real” and “being authentic” means sharing and expressing to others most everything that our soul emotes, even in its darkest and most wicked places. A few times I have actually gotten the sense that some might even parade their anger toward God as some sort of boast of their own authenticity. Something about this makes me unashamedly queasy. One of the reasons crass comments like “I am so ticked off at God” bother me is that they sound suspiciously similar to the rants of the rest of the world which continually condemn God for everything gone wrong, minor or major. We should be set apart from the world, especially in our confessions of God’s faithfulness and justice.
Having said all of this, I do think my generation’s love and passion for authenticity is tremendously commendable, I am just not sure it is always fleshed out appropriately. I think the reason we prize authenticity is because the temptation of the generations before us might have been toward quietly bottling up their anger with God while serving Him ingenuinely in their local churches. But, I guess my question is, in our desire to “keep it real”, “to be authentic”, and to flee far from hypocrisy, are we disrespecting our God? And if so, where is the line?
I don’t think there are any simple answers and I am certainly not out to offer solutions, because I simply don’t have them. I do think, however, that the thin line here lies somewhere between the paradox so eloquently described in Matt Redman’s words in the song “Face Down”. The lyrics go something like this, “Welcomed in to the courts of the King, I’ve been ushered in to your presence…Lord, I stand on your merciful ground, yet with every step tread with reverence.” The paradox that we experience as a Christian is this: we may stand on merciful ground, but we do so ever mindful of God’s other-ness. The paradox gives us the luxury to confidently pour out hearts before our God who is our refuge and with whom we have a personal relationship through Jesus Christ. The paradox, however, never allows us to do so in a crass or unacceptably colloquial manner that undermines the holiness of God. The hard truth is that we are going to endure times that we feel God is absent or even that He is forsaking us in a certain situation but we should be careful how, when, and to whom we verbalize it. Perhaps, in smaller matters that mostly have to do with our distrust in God, we may need to repent of our unbelief. In matters of great disasters that leave our heads completely spinning in devastation, perhaps we should first confess to Him our anger and grief in our personal prayer lives or maybe even with an individual and very trusted accountability partner. He obviously knows when we are angry with Him, so we should confess this to Him, plead with Him, and pour out our hearts to Him in truth, but must we always publicly express our displeasure toward God? Perhaps you have better answers and solutions than I do, but I do fear that our crass expressions may expose our disrespect for an almighty God more than they expose our personal authenticity.
Jesus promised that in this world we will have trouble, so let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful (Heb. 10). And when those moments come that we feel abandoned by God, let us take heart knowing that for now we see in a mirror dimly, but there is going to be a day when we will see face to face. Yes, sister, one of these days, we shall know fully (1 Cor. 13:12). God simply has not revealed all of the information we need to be able to judge and assess all the trials in our lives and all the suffering in our fallen world. We may never understand the trials we go through on this side of glory. Consider Job’s sufferings and how he never once knew the reality behind his suffering. We, the readers of Job know why he suffered, but he himself never knew and after forty chapters of questionings and turmoil, all Job could do was utter to God: “Behold I am insignificant…” and “I know that Thou canst do all things…I have declared that which I did not understand, Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know…But now my eyes see Thee, Therefore I retract and I repent…(Job 40-42). I believe that when we know in full, we will declare God just and true, and that perhaps we will wish that we hadn’t been so quick to condemn Him for all our earthly trials.
“Great and marvelous are Thy works, O Lord God, the Almighty; Righteous and true are Thy ways, Thou King of the nations. Who will not fear, O Lord, and glorify Thy name? For Thou alone art holy; For ALL THE NATIONS WILL COME AND WORSHIP BEFORE THEE, For Thy righteous acts have been revealed.”
Revelation 15:3-4
Anxiously waiting for ALL of God’s righteous acts to be revealed,
Melissa Moore Fitzpatrick
Oh Melissa…
I read those words on a blog last week and felt so disturbed.
How dare we become so relaxed in our attitude toward God. YES He is personal and involved in every last detail, but my goodness…HE is God! Give Him the respect He deserves…
Thank you for this challenge! Hope to meet you in S.A.!
Thank you Melissa. I love your posts, you have wonderful insights, and explain yourself very well. I studied Hebrews 10 this morning!
Thank you, Melissa, for so beautifully sharing your insight on the Word of Leviticus. I’m in Romans right now, but you’re getting me all fired up to flip to Leviticus soon.
I have a prayer request…Many of us (fellow siestas) are in the predicted path of Tropical Storm Faye. It’s already taken one life…it’s creating catastrophic flooding. Would you kindly lift us up in prayer for a hedge of protection around us in Jacksonville, FL. It is expected to reach us in full force tonight and tomorrow.
On a personal note, we are gearing up for another Chick Night (large-scale outreach event) on Oct. 9. This storm is cancelling meetings and much needed to-dos. Would you please pray that this storm passes fast with no damage so we are not distracted from our mission. Naturally, your prayers for Chick Night are greatly appreciated, too. Thank you!
Thank you for afflicting the comforted in me… This was an especially need WORD…in a desert that I have been watering with my tears. Praying as I prepare myself for what He desires for me this weekend… and Praying for God to continue to change my heart! Can’t wait to see you all this weekend!
Love you Melissa Moore Fitzpatrick!
Thank you for your insight. I have been thinking and feeling the same way for a while now. I appreciate you putting words together that I could express.
I am definitely sending this on to to others to spur on some great conversations:)
Oh Melissa…this was recently a topic of discussion during a small group summer book club. We were discussing “The Shack”, and one of the girls in our group said that she had a really hard time with how “human” God was portrayed in the book. She mentioned that while she understood that we could relate to God freely, because of the sacrifice of Christ, she felt that there wasn’t enough reverence for the fact that He was still God – not our “buddy”, not our “pal”, but God. It launched us into a deeper discussion of how the mercy of God doesn’t negate the holiness of God – one is incomplete without the other.
I was convicted after that discussion that maybe I was becoming a little too complacent in my own relationship with God and not regarding Him with “holy fear” and reverence. Thanks, for this subsequent reminder.
See you in San Antonio…heading to the airport now!
I have to add this story to my last blog.
Three and half years ago we were planning a big dinner and dance to celebrate my parents’ 50th Wedding Anniversary where they were going to renew their vows in front of all 11 of their children, 24 grandchildren, and some of their closest friends.
My mom went into the hospital to have some minor surgery done a few months prior to that event and as the Lord would have it, He used that opportunity to call her Home to Heaven. While in the hospital, my mom had a stroke and I was dumbfounded. I couldn’t believe that in the midst of these HUGE plans that WE had, God had plans of His own. I prayed every scripture I knew to pray for healing – truly believing that God would heal her and perform a miracle that I know He is so capable of doing. My mom had to be put on life support and I remember praying over her in the hospital and saying, “Lord, it is the 11th hour and a great time for you to show up.” The day we had to unplug the machines I was devastated…….
I was sitting on the side of the road in my car, overcome with grief, and crying out to my God. It was a daughter’s deperate plea on behalf of her beloved mother. I have to tell you, I was not holding back. I CRIED out to Him from the depths of my soul. “God, where are YOU??!! I have prayed with faith believing that You would show up and show off!! You said in Your Word, BY HIS STRIPES WE ARE HEALED!! Why haven’t You healed my mother??! You said that You would never leave me nor forsake me and I don’t see You anywhere!! WHERE ARE YOU???!!!”
I have to tell you the entire time I was crying out to Him, my phone kept ringing and I kept silencing it. After about 45 minutes of praying, yelling, and crying, I was able to drive on to my home. Again my phone rang but only this time I answered it. It was a friend from several years earlier that I kinda lost contact with. I answered the phone and the first words out of her mouth were, “Roxanne, this is Linda. God told me to call you.” I kid you not. Those were her EXACT words. I didn’t even really hear them. I had new ears to tell ALL of my problems to and I didn’t miss the opportunity. It wasn’t until later that night when I was in my bed praying and crying and feeling sorry for myself because I didn’t have an earthly momma anymore that I heard these words…
I told God how I felt so let down by Him and asking Him why, when I needed Him the most, He was nowhere to be found. This is what I heard from God – so loudly that it could have been an audible voice but I am not sure.
God said, “Roxanne, I am God all by myself. I was there the entire time. I even called you on the phone!”
I just started crying and repenting asking Him to forgive my selfishness and self-centeredness. In the midst of my greatest pain, God was there all the time holding me and giving me the strength to breathe.
I know He heard every single one of my prayers and caught every single one of my tears.
He is God and He is Holy! He deserves our utmost respect and adoration. I had to learn this lesson in a hard time in my life.
I praise Him and I thank Him for His faithfulness, and unconditional love!
Amen!!! Reverence has been something that a friend and I had been discussing recently…And I have been trying to figure out how to explain that to my 9 yr old daughter.
Thanks 3girls mom for your comment about manners.
I’m a Leviticus lover too! About being mad at God…I’ve learned to simply take it to God, it’s just between Him and me. And when I verbalize it I find I don’t really believe it cause I know Him too well, He’s right. It simply allows me to put my anger somewhere and release it when I don’t understand my crazy feelings. After I’ve expressed myself it diffuses because I imagine He’s laughing and I can feel Him say “Darling, I’ll help you sort this out”. I just want the truth cause it set’s me free.
(You don’t need a cuss word, Sometimes all I say is “Uh! God! What!)
This very thing has been heavy on my heart lately, though I would never have been able to put it into the perfect words as you have done. As much as I’d love to be, I am not a deep thinker and have to pray everyday, as I get into the Word, for God to “make me smarter than I really am.” 🙂 Thank you for expressing yourself so well.
Bravo, Melissa!
Just yesterday, I found this which may be of interest to you (and the other siestas):
It’s an article from Christianity Today about a church that observed the Levitical laws for one month.
My goodness, I thought Beth was writing that until I got to the bottom! I arrived in SAN today and have just gotten into my room. I was in here by myself reading that and wanting to stand up and shout,”Preach it”!
When I was younger and would get mad at my parents, there was a line you did not cross! I think that we have to remember that with God. Of course, we all have emotions and we can take them to God, but respectfully. That is with any relationship that we have. We have to respect God for who he is and respect others, for He created them! I believe that we need to also remind ourselves when we are feeling that way, we need to TRUST him!
Thanks for the reminder, Melizza. We want to live in freedom but also remembering that our sin is serious!
Lord, you are holy! We thank you Lord that we are able to come to you through your son Jesus, the One and Only. Help us to always remember, that you are worthy of our praise in all our circumstances. We want to trust in you Lord and Believe that you can do what you say you can do! Thank you, God, for being Holy and for loving me! and all my siestas!
Thanks again Melizza. Great Word!
I needed that~!
Thank you so much for this. It’s an answer to prayer.
Melissa, thanks for your words. That is some deep stuff. The “authentic” life of which you speak has been a hot button issue in and around me lately, and I really appreciate you bringing the word as you do! That’s all. (:
This was excellent. Rachel was spot on as well. I don’t think it is totally just your generation that has gotten away from reverence for God. I think all of us suffer from thinking that we are entitled to an easy ride, and then blaming God when we don’t get our way.
I am just glad we don’t have to follow Levitical dietary laws…..
Jill S
Tara, that article in Christianity Today is what got me itching to read Leviticus!
I really appreciate this post. I think that you are correct….this is something our generation struggles with far more than our mom’s generation. I also think that you’re correct that we generally think it’s okay to say those things because we’re “just being real,” but in that moment of being real, we forget the sovereignty of God. He deserves much more reverance. He is our friend, but He is our God. Big stuff.
I remember in the BBC video of Anne of Green Gables, Marilla at one point says “To despair is to turn your back on God.” She says it with such conviction and reverance that I can hear her say it when I’m getting more mopey than need be.
Wow, Melissa! Thanks so much for sharing what God’s been talking with you about. Because I recently hashed out some anger with God, that was the point that caught me. As someone who is afraid of anger, it took me a long time to acknowledge that I was having that emotion against my Lord because of the circumstances I am experiencing. I was embarrassed to have such strong emotion and afraid of revealing it, even though I know full well how much He loves me regardless of my emotional state. Through a worship/prayer service during a youth servant week, God helped me see how my anger was a barrier to His love for me. I had to confess the anger out loud, acknowledge His sovereignty and plans to prosper rather than harm me, and finally accept His mercy and grace. I’m free from that anger now!!
To say “I am so angry with You, Lord” was not a “ticked off” passing statement — you’re right, the casual rant doesn’t begin to reverence God’s holiness. But for those of us (older 🙂 who struggle to be real, we have to learn to express the deepest pain even as it contrasts with God’s holiness. To be freely myself, with God’s full acceptance — that is a wonderful gift.
“grace should never cause us to feel some sort of stagnant peace with our sin”- that quote is going in the front of my Bible.
Bless you, precious child of God!
Amen and Amen! I have a feeling when some of us get to heaven we are gonna behold His majesty and say “You know what… Never mind”!!! Or most likely just think it as we fall on our faces! I can’t wait to fall on my face! Love you all. Have fun this week end, I have to wait for the Fiesta in Heaven!
Karen E- I appreciate your post so much. Your perspective is definitely why I tried to be so careful to explain this as a very thin line issue, because it is so important to be able to pour our hearts to God about deeply painful issues in our hearts.
Much Love to you Siesta.
I agree with you…one thing that makes me go, “Hmmm?” when people are going through a “Job” period… Is like Job, they think they have the authority or right to question their maker…I personally??? acknowledge God’s sovereignty in the fact that He is almighty and we are not… and thus He NEVER has to tell us what He is thinking nor why He does anything/nothing…He doesn’t answer to us! But that is the one thing that most people seem to expect…Him to answer to us. Now, don’t get me wrong …I too would like some answers…and I don’t think He will or does withhold anything from us just because He can…That is not the God I know. But in no way will I demand answers or expect to be able to ever demand them. *smiles* And that’s “keeping it real”
Your thoughts concerning how we/others speak out about God…is scary for He is Holy, and I’m not sure that our world today, is much different than 2,000 plus years ago. Lots of grumbling, and not enough grattitude!
Somewhere, we totally changed “the fear of the Lord” to the “respect for the Lord” which is not an entirely good thing.
People nowadays have neither fear nor respect for God.
I know that as Christians we do not face condemnation in Hell, but I sure He meant something when He said that the fear of the Lord is the beginninf of wisdom.
Dear, sweet Melissa, you can sure teach a Word! Thank you SO much for sharing and reminding us of God’s holiness today! It ties in so perfectly with something I’ve been spending some time on recently in Jeremiah. I was fascinated with his dialogues with God.
I could ramble here, but I won’t! 🙂 I’ll just say AMEN Siesta!!!
Wow. I thought this was written by Beth…then I read your name at the bottom. Very convicting. Especially since I’ve been stumped in Leviticus, hard to make myself hash through it, for 2 months now (I can cruise through the new testament easily). Thanks for showing its palatability in a whole new light.
I also really loved your comments on our generation…so right-on, and so good to hear from a leader within ministry. Many ministry leaders I’ve been in contact with lately were the ones who were “ticked off at God”…to put it mildly. And I’ve also been guilty of such haphazard comments. Thanks, Melissa. Good reality check. I needed that today.
I love this post if only for the Word count. Printed out how many pages do you think it would be?
I have had my Names of God study on hyatus over at my blog the last few weeks, but have been known to post so many words that it takes days for some to read through!
Leviticus has more meaning for me each time I approach it. I really appreciate the “simple” depth of insights that you shared in this post! Word On – Siesta, Word On!
Melissa- Wow! This is amazing…you are a powerful teacher and writer…and thank you for these words.
Though I haven’t expressed it crassly, I have told many people in my life that I was so frustrated at God, etc. and this really made me think about that and His Holiness. So thank you.
Thank you for sharing what God is teaching you through His Word. He has been dealing with me about his sovereignty lately as well. I have had to simplify it for myself like this…
God is God. I am not. He sees the “big picture” and knows how everything I am going through now is going to affect me and countless others now and in the future. I have to know and trust that He is in control and He really is working everything out for my good (while working things out for everyone else’s good too! WOW!) — whether it is the “good” I’d like to see or another “good” He has in mind!
Your mom describes it something like “each ‘NO’ means there is a ‘greater YES'”. (I’m sure I butchered that. Please forgive me!)
I’m so thankful He is God. He has the end worked out from the beginning, and I take a lot of comfort from that fact!
I love your enthusiasm, but your posts are too long for me to work thru! It seems like you are writing a thesis or something. Please simplify future posts for us simpletons!
Love your passion for God’s Word… keep it fresh!
Melissa, you are absolutely brilliant! Please don’t think I am trying to flatter you either, I REALLY mean it. I say brilliant, because you took something that has been on my mind about our generation and was able to articulate it into words in a way I, for the life of me, couldn’t. I LOVE THIS! I am so printing it out and keeping it. Thank you for taking the time to type what God has placed on your mind, I am so honored to be part of your generation and to be your sister in Christ. Love you girl!
“Sometimes you need to comfort the afflicted, but other times you need to afflict the comforted.â€
Oh, Melissa – your post was wonderful. Words my “too comfortable” heart needed to hear. He is the Holy One of Israel and there is no other. A great word of caution to find that balance between being real and reverent. We can be both… completely real and honest while reverencing our Maker…the One who gives us each breath we have to breathe.
I just love these words and will be reading Leviticus soon.
Thank You!!
Although I don’t attend a church where “thee” and “thou” are used, I must say I haven’t experienced the type of behavior you wrote of. And I’m thankful for it. I don’t think I could stomach it if I did.
I think it’s okay to express our questions, anger, confusion, etc., in a humble and respectful manner as one desperately seeking God, as I think your blog asserts. But the other way makes me very sad. Sort of like calling God “Dude.”
Thank you for this blog, Melissa. May His holy Name always be reverenced.
Whoa!! I have read this 3 times now. I tell speaks deeply to me Melissa. Thank you. I’m passing this along to a seminary student at Emory.
Have a wonderful evening! Hopefully see you in SA.
The first words that come to mind…WOW! You really hit the nail on the head with that one. I teach in youth and there are alot of 20 somethings around a lot and I have heard this type of talk as well and they have the attitude of, “Well, I’m just keeping it real”, just like you said. I guess because I tend to be from more of your mom’s era I was not comfortable with it at all, but couldn’t put words or feelings to what it really was. You did it so well! Thanks for sharing, it was great.
Thank you.
Thanks for sharing, Melissa. The last time I read Leviticus, I too was stunned at how applicable it was. God is holy and we, as his people, are to be holy too.
Can’t wait to see you in SA–you are coming, RIGHT?
Wow! That certainly gives my mind some food for thought!
Boiling Springs SC
That is a GOOD WORD right there. Thanks, Melissa. This post hit home with me in about twenty different ways.
“…but I do fear that our crass expressions may expose our disrespect for an almighty God more than they expose our personal authenticity.”
Amen, Melissa.
One of my go to verses on this line of thinking – especially when dealing with life when it doesn’t go as planned – is that of Job 6:10 “But it is still my consolation,and I rejoice in unsparing pain,that I have not denied the words of the Holy One.” (NASB)
When I can’t comprehend His ways, often the only comfort I have is in knowing I didn’t defame His Holy Name on account of it.
I LOVE your manifestos. Keep bringing it!
Thanks Melisa for carrying on the tradition of following hard after God. Erwin McManus was saying its alittle like when you look out the window of your car when your going 65 mph and all the trees look blurry. But when you look at the car next to you traveling the same speed you can look at the person inside and they are not blurry. god is moving and we need to chase after him thru prayer,serving,and
study, in order to see him clearly.
You know, Beth has mentioned on more than one occasion that you have challenged her in many areas in life….I bet Bible study is no exception to this!! I am sure between you, Beth and Amanda (the Moore girls), you all have some real conversations about God’s Word, life and how God’s Word applies to life.
I don’t know if this is appropriate or not, but when I am waiting on God’s word or direction, I do get “ticked off” at him, BUT it is for making ME be patient and humble to receive what I am supposed to receive. Life is not a pretty journey, it is what we make of it that makes the journey worth while. I truly believe being “ticked off” at God is quite natural (a human condition, for lack of a better term) because we are humans. BUT, as we mature in Christ and God’s Word, we discover it is OK to be “ticked off” at God….just make sure that feeling is put into perspective. I also believe that being “ticked off” at God is a “touchie feelie” kind of way to approach God….AND I am not into the “touchie feelie” kind of way to approach Him. I prefer the “fully conscience” and “understanding the concept” approach to God. “Touchie feelie” is scary to me, so I prefer the “thinking and feeling good about what I am understanding” approach to God. NO, I do not understand everything, but I am not supposed to either, so understanding the principles to live by while being tested by God is important to me! As with Job, he understood the principles of God and stood by them in life. When his hour (or hour(s) as the case was) came, he endured and stood strongly on the promises of God.
Thanks so much for the thought-provoking entry today. Your family is truly blessed with words!!! Beth, Amanda and you share your gifts unashamedly and are wonderful to read!!
Melissa you GO GIRL! Tell it like the Lord Loves It!
I was sharing the same sentiment with a friend today. Our words and actions seem to be in contradiction to our words – dare we be viewed as hypocrites to the Lord! In our attempt to be “authentic” and “real” we mistakenly give attention and “glory” to Satan and not the praise deserving God for his mercy. Aren’t we called to praise him for tribulation? We risk playing god to God by showing our wrath and anger. That is plan dangerous! Thank you so much for speaking a word over all of us – you are your Mama’s and God’s girl!
I will sit and read an hour or more on a fictional book, but how often do I sit and read the Bible for so long? I get it!
Also, I must go back and read Leviticus. All I can remember is icky stuff about scabs and oozing and such. (Or is that Numbers?):o)
Thank you for the reverance reminder. Too many times I act as if I have an option to obey Him. I needed to hear what you had to say.
WOW – very powerful words. Thank you for sharing this with us – and sharing yourself too 🙂
Have to confess, I was not quite concentrating at the end, as my mind went off on a side thought…which is:
What amazing and power women of God your mother has raised, I sit here at my computer, pondering what the future will hold in store for both you and Amanda and how our Awesome Lord will work though you too to bring Glory to his name. The thought of this is bringing tears to my eyes.
Praise His wonderful name!
This was exactly what I needed today! Thank you so much…
My own feeling is that disrespect is so ingrained into society today that many people don’t even recognize it for what it is. But I agree that we need to revere our God with our whole lives, not with just our “church face” — and I know that I for one, need that reminder every now and again.
Thank you again!! Hope you have a blessed week!
Such wisdom at such a young age. Beth you are so blessed to have daughters who are wise beyond their years in spiritual matters. Melissa, thank you for putting some perpective on the Holiness of our mighty God and the reverance by which we should approach the throne.You young spirits can teach us more seasoned spirits any time. God Bless you sister
I wish I could give you a great big southern hug right now, thanks just doesn’t say enough WOW !!!
Thank you for that Melissa. I’ve been teetering back and forth on the whole is it even right to be angry with God. When He’s done so many good things for me. This one thing that happened, hurts. When you said that He knows that we’re angry with him and we should confess that anger, it hits home. I guess I can’t really hide things from God, huh.