Another Great Scripture Video

I was telling my NOG group last night that every time I go over my memory verse I picture or hear in my mind about four different videos that you ladies sent in for our contest. They really did help me! I had many favorites, but I think this one might have been my ultimate favorite. I’ll let y’all guess why. Thanks to Jennifer Kittredge and her Florida Siestas!



83 Responses to “Another Great Scripture Video”

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  1. 1
    Janet in Amarillo says:

    WOW!!! Great JOB, Siestas!!!!
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. 2
    Amy Storms says:

    Oh, WHY did I cry in this?? Very fun. I’ve just loved this study, and this video is neat. Thanks, ladies!

    However I suddenly need to go on chocolate hunt in the kitchen.

  3. 3
    Anonymous says:

    Love it!!!
    Wow getting the men to participate, that is incredible.

  4. 4
    Moops says:

    LOVE IT!!! You FL girls are awesome. What a perfect way to apply Scripture to real life.

    “How sweet are Your Words to my taste…” Ps 119:103

    Bless you!

  5. 5
    Holly says:

    I can’t quite guess why it’s your favorite, but perhaps it is that they had all sons??

    I LOVED the wedding dress part! Great job, Florida Siestas!!

  6. 6
    Wendy P says:

    Standing ovation “AWESOME JOB”….great application to life also!

    Thanks for sharing your creativity!

  7. 7
    Mary says:

    Beth- This is the first time I have visited your blog. Thanks for sharing. I so appreciate your ministry! I have a question unrelated to today’s post, and it is not something I usually ask. Since you posted earlier that you didn’t mind and were flattered–here goes! Your skin and coloring look so gorgeous in your pictures. Since we have the same coloring, would you mind sharing your foundation brands and color names with me? Thanks so much in advance.–Mary

  8. 8
    Evangelism Chick says:

    From one cake-oholic to another, Amanda, I’m right there with you. Cake and scripture…what a delightful combination. Way to go fellow Floridians!

    Feasting on His wonderful word,


  9. 9
    Nichole's mom says:

    I LOVE IT!!!! You guys are so cute! You remind me of me and my friends! This was the perfect video! Beth… Don’t you have somemore gadgets? If I had something I would send it to you… Since I don’t I’ll send you my laughter and prayers

    your siesta


  10. 10
    Anonymous says:

    My favorite too!!! Loved it!!!

  11. 11
    Sheri Lyn says:

    Great video – very creative! Thanks Girls!

  12. 12
    Anonymous says:

    Oh! I just had half of a chocolate shake when I promised myself I’d start today to lose my summer weight gain. Wish I had watched it sooner.

  13. 13
    Julie says:

    I’m having a fat-free smoothie and fat-free soft pretzel right now. Someone can relate right here in this house!!!!

    Nice job ladies!!!!

  14. 14
    Anonymous says:

    Great video girls!! Lots of work behind it, as well as much thought.
    Congrats on getting the men involved.
    Thanks Amanda for sharing!!
    Bible Bunny in NO MI

  15. 15
    Patty says:

    Girls, I am so impressed with your video and I love it!!!

    Melinda, I thought that was you before I saw your name at the end.

    We have so many talented siestas and I am proud to be your siesta in Christ!!

  16. 16
    Beth says:

    I was going to say almost the exact same thing Amy Storms said, “Why does this one make me want to cry???” I loved the visual of people coming alongside us when we feel like we’re in defeat and that part “before all ages” when the children and husbands show up really touched me. That’s where it happens, Siestas. Fruit that only surfaces in our public lives is nothing but plastic. The real test is the home where frustrations and sameness loom. Great job, Florida Siestas! Love you guys.

  17. 17
    Karen E says:

    The video made me cry, too, as it did for Amy (comment #2). I’m not sure why, either, except that the idea of Jesus presenting me without fault and with great joy to our Father has been resonating with me through this memory verse. Jesus is excited about bringing me to God — big WOW!!!

  18. 18
    Shelly says:

    I’m crying from laughing! Thanks siestas!

  19. 19
    Beth says:

    Mary, welcome to Siestaville! So good to have you! I don’t mind you asking at all. Since I have to do so much work on camera, I have to use a fairly heavy foundation. It has to last through heated lights and copious sweat. I use Double Wear by Estee Lauder. (My shade is Wheat but one time I stood at the Dillards counter and baffled the saleslady by asking for the shade “Toast.” I guess I’d had wheat toast for breakfast. Blonder than she pays to be.) I get all the rest of my cosmetics – from blush to eye liner to mascara to eye shadows – at Walgreens.

    And don’t even get me started on hair color. I think I have three colors on my head right this second.

  20. 20
    Fizz Fam says:

    I did that yesterday with a Starbucks Apple Fritter! What a great way to think about that verse! Good Job, Siestas.

  21. 21
    Holly says:

    Toast—slays me!! ha! ha!

  22. 22
    lavonda says:

    loved this video! If I’d have seen this one first off, I might have memorized it even quicker. 🙂

    Is it wrong that this is what I had for breakfast the last 3 mornings in a row?

    (not what was in the bowl… what was on the plate)

  23. 23
    Susan B. says:

    That is toooooo cute! Love it! Way to go Florida Siestas!

  24. 24
    Mary says:

    Thanks for the warm welcome, Beth! I am blonder than I pay to be too–I meant to ask for blush shade as well. Love those Lauder foundations.

  25. 25
    Michelle V says:

    Siestas, that was an awesome video! WOW! Very creative and powerful!

    Beth, you crack me up! I’ll be smiling about the “toast” foundation all day!

    I am almost down to counting the hours until San Antonio!


  26. 26
    bahead(mimi24) says:

    Just so wonderful and creative!! Glory to THE ONE who is able. You Flordia Siestas are great!

  27. 27
    lbredhead says:

    That was wonderful… but I have to tell you I would like a big pieces choc cake right about now.

    Blessings and thank you for sharing.


  28. 28
    Cathy Davis says:

    Oh that is great!!! Thank you for sharing. (Was that chocolate I saw?) Not only was it great, but it looked almost like a page out of my day (without the presentation – I’m working on that).

    I just read Beth’s comment about her foundation…TOAST…HA HA HA HA!!!

    I too am counting down the days :-)!!!!!!!!

    I’m so looking forward to some fun and laughter!

    What color foundation? TOAST! (Buttered toast?)

  29. 29
    Marita says:

    Love the video. That was very creative. I like how the friends come along side to help her.
    For some reason I am craving chocolate cake. Hmmm…


  30. 30
    lbredhead says:

    ok,ok I just read the rest of the coments … Mamma Beth you crack me up… Toast…. foundation… if that sales person would have been on her game she could have said, white or wheat or rye… just a little bread humor sorry…

    We are so ready for next friday… the time is going by slow… we are ready to shout praises with all the Siesta to our wonderful God.

    Love you and thanks for making me smile today!

  31. 31
    Anonymous says:

    Wow!! that one is awesome!! love the wedding dress and all the generations of men:)

  32. 32
    jaycee says:

    Kudos to our siestas in Florda. Very Creative. I loved the application. Thanks for sharing!
    No wonder it is Amanda’s favorite with chocolate cake, boys, and friends along side we call siestas….what a great combination.
    Loved the “toast” comment….sounds like something I would do. I call it Mentalpause.

  33. 33
    Rose says:

    WOW, powerful, that one spoke to me 😐

  34. 34
    Anonymous says:

    Beth: I am one huge hormone today! Three H’s: hormonal, hot-headed, and horrified that I’m NOT hungry for all I’ve eaten. Those three sweeties on the video spoke to me. I need some Holy Spirit “NOW”! (small smile… pressing on…)

  35. 35
    Susan says:

    I love this video and like so many of my fellow Siestas I laughed AND cried. So able to relate.

    Okay, I’m not blonde (but my sweet girl is, does that count?), but I do have a non-video related question.

    Beth…I am so obsessed with God’s Mercy Seat right now. Am I correct in recalling you spoke about it in the Tabernacle Bible Study and can you point me in the direction to learn more about it? I feel that it is The Key to some (clearly) intense “talks” God and I are having right now.

    Love you and all of the Siestas.


  36. 36
    Rachel says:

    I love it! Thank you!!!
    I was not able to do the study this summer because my husband and I (we are married since May 10th this year!) are travelling a lot. And since not many people can read english in my Very-French-City in Quebec, I will do this study by myself! I am looking foward to do it!!


  37. 37
    Brad and Shana says:

    Fabulous, fabulous!!

  38. 38
    Anonymous says:

    Oh my goodness. I wish I had watched this BEFORE I went to the grocery store. God Bless you ladies. How inspiring. AWESOME!!!!!

  39. 39
    elaine @ peace for the journey says:

    Beth, you’re the best. On behalf of my new bloggie, a heartfelt thanks. I know you made her day.


  40. 40
    Anonymous says:

    Well, I’m a little late getting in on this study but was so powerfully moved just now by this video. Food has been one of my “idols” here lately as I feel like I’ve lost complete direction in God’s will for my life. We can never get too comfortable because we never know when God is going to allow a hill or valley to enter our path. I’ll have you know I just returned home from purchasing the NO OTHER GODS Bible study and am so thankful for this blog so I can go back to each video session. Thank you Florida sisters for this timely video and thank you Beth and Living Proof Ministries for your continued guidance and support.

  41. 41
    Jesusistheparty! says:

    Hey, really nice job there girls-fun for the whole family!! Yea, no skittles (fake fruit) there!!

  42. 42
    Cathy Davis says:


  43. 43
    Melana says:

    Oh, that was good, you guys!

    The chocolate hanging off the mouth…nice touch!

    Melana in Wyoming

  44. 44
    Anonymous says:

    Why do I identify with this video SO much…I guess it’s because I, too, have fallen to CHOCOLATE!!!!

    GREAT job Florida gals!!

  45. 45
    Anonymous says:

    That was fabulous! Thank you Florida Siestas I loved it.

    Forever His,

    Lawan Rivera
    Phil 4:8

  46. 46
    jennyhope says:

    YES!!! I HEART IT!!!

  47. 47
    Susan Murphy says:

    I love it ! I got tears in my eyes! Still makes me want a choco late piece of cake. Can’t ya tell it’s hormones. I went and bought these big index cards to hang scriptures on my bathroom mirror while I’m doing breaking free and My Husband(Kevin) who goes in there and shaves will see.(I ask all of my blog sista’s to pray for the Lord to save Him and deliver Him and marriage restoration ) Love to ya’ll and Hugs

  48. 48
    Yolanda says:

    Golly, I think this is my favorite!

    Beth, any words of wisdom for me, as I am 42 years young. In April, I had a top tooth pulled, and went into braces. I’m excited. Last month and then again today, he added new “moving” apparatus’ to my mouth. Thanks!

  49. 49
    Ivy Six-Pack says:

    Nothing like a little guilty conscious over the 4 oatmeal chocolate chip cookies I ate this afternoon – glad He still loves me!!!

  50. 50
    annette says:

    Beautiful video Siestas!

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