Best Low-Guilt Treats

Hey, Siestas! I LOVED VANCOUVER! I loved the group God gave us so much! It was the best possible way to start a new speaking year AND our 10-year anniversary celebration. If any of you were there, let me begin this post by giving you a huge hug with words (if you’re the kind that likes hugs and, if you’re not, a really enthusiastic wave from about 12 feet away) and my deepest gratitude for having the joy of serving you. I just thought you guys were the cutest things. Very engaged despite my southern accent. (What someone once had the gall to call “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.” How rude.) Then again, I guess you probably had to listen really hard. I am glad, however, that we found immediate common ground with “Eh-men?” Much love to the Canadian Siesta who insisted in the last post that I really don’t just throw up on stage (as a speaking style – and sometimes almost really) but I am afraid I really do. I’m still a serious work in progress and sometimes I wonder how you all sift clear thoughts out of some of the messes I make. I really do have notes up there and try to come before you prepared. I don’t know what happens. (Please don’t feel the need to answer back to any of that stuff. It’s just mostly in fun anyway. We don’t want to take ourselves too seriously.) Nevertheless, God is so awesome and faithful and wonderful and even FUN and, as we learned together this weekend, HIS WORD DOES NOT RETURN VOID! That’s the only thing that lasts when the conference is over. The only thing with a promise attached to it. I’ve already been praying for you, especially those who brought things to the altar. Remember to take one day at a time with Jesus. Sometimes one hour at a time when you’re getting over a fierce addiction and please seek out a support group of other believers and find yourself a good Bible-teaching church if you don’t have one. We have to do this thing together. Whatever you do, stay in the Word and keep up your memory work! Because “The Word of God is ______________ and _______________ . Sharper than any _______________ -_____________ _______________, it penetrates even to dividing ________________ and ________________, __________________ and ___________________; it judges the _____________________ and ___________________ of the heart. Nothing in all creation is ______________________________________________.” You’re getting it! Yahoo-Jah!

As for the rest of you, I’m gonna throw something out there I think might have some potential fun attached to it. I just got back from the grocery store. That’s not the fun part of it but, come to think of it, there was a particular delight on the way in the door: cub scouts that were selling coupon books and were so cute I could have eaten them alive. Most of them didn’t have any front teeth. I could also tell that their mothers had fixed their hair and kinda slicked it back. The fun part I’m writing to tell you about is that I remembered to get one of my very favorite not-naughty treats while I was there and was so filled with anticipation that I grinned like those cub scouts all the way home. (Keith does most of the grocery shopping because he’s the much better cook so it’s kind of fun for me when I get to go and pick out a bunch of stuff he refuses to buy me. For instance, he wouldn’t eat a whole wheat carb if you bought him a new pair of cowboy boots to go with them – he’d say the latter would taste better anyway – and gets an expression on his face like he sat on a spur every time he sees one in the cupboard. Myself, I’m rather taken with Nabisco Garden Harvest Toasted Chips if I’ve had my quota of tortilla chips and hot sauce that week and am going to throw myself into a man-hole if I don’t have something crunchy and I don’t mean celery. That was a run-on sentence. I’m sorry. I’ve been in a time-change and I feel a little extra compulsive. Hence, this post on treats. I’m simply trying to tell you that Keith likes naughty treats that put five pounds on you while you carry them into the kitchen. So do I but one has to pace one’s middle-aged self.)

SO, today while I was at the Kroger I got me some of those low-fat ice cream sandwiches called “The Skinny Cow.” Have you guys ever had one of those? Now, that’s some good eatin’ right there, Siestas. I try to remember to get a six-pack (that’s how many come in a package and they’re big, too) every time I go but I usually end up getting all distracted on the hair product aisle and forget what I really wanted until I get home and trip over the dogs while trying to get to the kitchen. About the time I say “Dad-gummit!” I remember a few extra things I should be saying “Dad-gummit” about. I almost always forget half my shopping list…because I never make one. I’m a wreck. Anyway, for all you South Beachers, no, “The Skinny Cow” ice cream sandwich (in both vanilla and chocolate and even packs with both) is not low-carb but it IS low fat and not a ton of calories and, for crying out loud, it has 3 grams of fiber in it. What the heck do you want from me here??? I have you know it’s approved by “Best Life” and it’s mighty tasty to boot! (Much tastier than a boot. I don’t care what Keith says.)

OK. Now it’s your turn. What’s your very favorite high-taste, low-guilt treat? If you have to get it somewhere special, don’t leave your Siestas hanging. Give us the goods.

I’ll be checking to see what my Siestas like! I may be about to make my very first shopping list! Sure love you, you darling things. (P.S. I’ve already read a ton of these and they are just as fun as I thought they’d be! You’re even going to find some great recipes! Yep, I’m gonna be making another trip to the grocery store but not the same one because NOT ONE SINGLE TIME have I ever seen a Skinny Cow in mint. I feel betrayed.)


200 Responses to “Best Low-Guilt Treats”

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  1. 1
    sharon in katy, TX says:

    My latest afternoon delight ~ STONYFIELD FARM
    low fat yogurt
    MOCHA LATTE….It’s yummy!
    It’s 130 calories; 1.5 grams of fat, has the calcium we need & it’s full of “good bacterias”. Beth, given your love of coffee (& mine too), you might like it!

    This satisfies my sweet tooth!
    Hope you enjoy!
    Have a superb, faith-filled day!

  2. 2
    Emmy : ) says:

    I am on a diet like South Beach… and have lost 10lbs… some favorites below …

    Oh Yeah Bar! (YUMMY)
    When you read the package they seem awfully high in fat… and calories… but they are high in fiber, protein, low sugar they taste like a real candy bar… 1/2 for snack… whole for meal

    Sugar Free Jello/fat free cool whip/strawberries

    Soy Chips (for salty) (esp ranch)

    La Banderita (extreme fiber tortillas) you can use these at a mexican restaurant… they are so high in fiber that your body thinks your eating green beans- Instead of tortillas! (that and Natures Own Double Fiber bread)
    Can you all tell I have been on this diet! I think these things are delicious! LOL (well actually after watching your video on that… more like laugh inside- it is amazing how good things can taste when you haven’t had real thing in a while!)

  3. 3
    Anastasia says:

    I create my own receipts because I have a discipline in my life that keeps from gluttony. The one I am enjoying right now is 1 ozflax seed meal, 1oz wheat germ, 1oz soy butter, (I use the unsweetened crunchy from whole foods), .5 oz coconut oil, warm that up with liquid sweet&low & cinnamon then put 6oz yogurt on top. Let it sit for a few hours at least and eat. It is also great frozen and I have freedom and safety with food which tastes great and is the bigger treat! I am living an exclaimation point life because I have integrity in the kitchen at last!!!!! Love to you Beth I am excited to see you in Colorado Springs in May!

  4. 4
    Anonymous says:

    My husband and I really like this as a treat on a weekend afternoon:

    Drain a can of chick peas. Melt butter in a pan and add the chick peas, garlic salt, and whatever your favorite seasoning.Cook until slightly crisp. It’s yummy!

  5. 5
    Michelle says:

    All this chocolate talk is too much for a pregnant girl:) And icecream too. And then you try to talk about it being low fat. I must say, I love me some dark chocolate. ANd it makes me feel healthy, even though it is not. Other than that, I would much prefer the full fat treats…….!

  6. 6
    Anonymous says:

    Yes! Hubby and I both love the Skinny Cow sandwiches. I like to get the packs where half are vanilla and half are chocolate. Hubby will only have vanilla…and I like chocolate. I also like the cookies and cream ones. Dont care for the mint flavored ones…and havent brought myself to even try the peanut butter ones. When they are on sale, I stock up big time!

    When the kids go to bed we look at each other and grin and say, “wanna sammich?!”

  7. 7
    Ginger says:

    Soydream Ice Cream Sandwiches. They are yummy and have no sugar and are completely natural. Gotta love that!

  8. 8
    LeighAnne says:

    I love banana pudding so my momma created a low fat, no sugar version so I could indulge more often. It is easy, super quick, and actually taste pretty spectacular. Momma uses instant (or regular, whatever your preference is) sugar free vanilla pudding, reduced fat vanilla waffers, and fat free whip cream. Just layer the sugar free pudding, bananas, & reduced fat vanilla waffers and top with no fat whip cream. I made it for my in-laws and they had NO idea it was low fat and sugar free!! 🙂 Hope you all enjoy!!

  9. 9
    Melana says:

    My favorite no-guilt treat is so boring, I can’t believe I’m typing this. Pretzels. I love the little stick pretzels. I keep them in a zip-loc bag at my office. Crunchy AND salty, my favorite combo!

    Melana in Wyoming

  10. 10
    homedaisy says:

    orville’s smart pop microwave KETTLE corn. i eat the whole bag 🙂 my mom told me it only one point on weight watchers. yum.

  11. 11
    Anonymous says:

    Try the Fiber One granola bars…they are wonderful, filling and have 9 grams of fiber ! They come in chocolate chip, peanut butter and caramel.
    Only 2 pts. on WW !

  12. 12
    Yolanda says:

    Our whole family loves when I make this and it can be eaten as a salad or desert.

    One small carton of fat free or lite cool whip

    One bag of frozen fruit, thawed and drained of the juice.

    Match the flavor of the fruit to a carton of fat free or light fruit flavored yogurt.

    Stir together and serve.


  13. 13
    mburkum says:

    fudge bars, 100 Calorie packs of Chips Ahoy and Oreos (they’re so crispy), fresh strawberries with a little whipping cream all whipped up on top…yum…frozen grapes (so refreshing especially in the hot summer)…those no-sugar Stover’s mints are good, just don’t eat too many unless you’re daily constitution needs a little help – there is a sugar alcohol in them that gets you moving. :)You may need that though, so not only good, but can help you feel better all over. Just a little piece of Hershey’s with almonds or a Cadbury bar

  14. 14
    Chris says:

    I make home-made smoothies with 1% milk, Whole Foods CHOCOLATE protein powder, and frozen mangos (any frozen fruit will work.) I know it sounds too healthy, but trust me gals…with a scoop or two of that chocolate powder, it’s heavenly and totally low-guilt!! Tip: the soy-based powder is the way to go; skip the whey-based powder, unless you have an allergy.


  15. 15
    Julie says:

    I can’t resist Pepperidge Farm Milk Chocolate Milano cookies with a cup of coffee mixed with International Delight French Vanilla. It’s heaven.

  16. 16
    Jan says:

    Moo to you…
    Skinny Cows are best when you cut them in half (this takes a sharp knife) and eaten one half at a time with some fat free Smuckers hot fudge sauce. You gotta dip ’em though. It’s the only guilt free way.
    Don’t bother with the strawberry Skinny Cows–they taste too healthy 🙂


  17. 17
    babystepstoChina says:

    I just have to comment, not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, but even so, it is worth mentioning twice. My most favorite indulgence is Edy’s French Silk Ice Cream. MMMMMM A good mix of mocha, chocolate and a touch of vanilla. The beauty of it is that it is silky and creamy and yet you still get a crunch with the large chunks of solid chocolate mixed in. I’m telling you, you’ll never go back! Oh, did I mention it is 1/2 the fat, whatever that means. For me, it just means I get to eat twice as much!!!!!!!!!

    (I know here in the south it is called Edy’s but I thought I remember seeing it called something else in other parts of the country)

  18. 18
    Anonymous says:

    xGreat ideas. I make a pretty parfait when I layer fresh blueberries, Light and Lively fat free vanilla yogurt, and fresh strawberries. Sometimes I squirt a little whipped cream from a can or dab a little Light Cool Whip on top. It is light and delicious and no guilt. Dee

  19. 19
    Cathy Davis says:

    MMMMMM ice cream….I haven’t tried the Skinny Cow ones, but I’ve had the Slim A Bear ones. Yummy!

  20. 20
    Cindy-Still His Girl says:

    I finally had to stop reading the comments because they were making me SO STINKIN HUNGRY.

    I like it all. All of it. Now.

    Once upon a time I was able to find Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches that were 1/2 Chocolate and 1/2 Peanut butter. Heaven wrapped in freezable plastic.

  21. 21
    Patty says:

    You crack me up! I love your accent but I am from the South. 😉

    I make a grocery list BUT most times I leave home w/out it and in the few times I remember it, I get a thousand things not on my list. I laugh at my son who refuses to go to the store with me because he says I never go in for a few things, I come out with a buggy or shopping cart full of things! I am sure I need help one way or another but I do have fun if that counts. Okay, back to your question, I had to think on this: for something quick, the 100 calorie packs of cookies etc.. those are really good!
    I make this strawberry dessert: I buy an angel food cake, break it into bite size pieces, strawberries, strawberry glaze(fat free) and cool whip (lite). I layer the above ingredients in a 13x 9 or a big glass bowl,(finishing with the cool whip) and chill it for an hour before eating. This dish goes by quickly in this house!
    To be honest, you will find more Blue Bell in this house over the low guilt stuff. heehee. I need to know if eating mini oreos counts as low guilt treat?

  22. 22
    Jayanna says:

    My husband and I have been on a serious health kick here lately…one treat that’s really healthy and is just as good as ice cream is “Acai/strawberry/banana smoothies”. You can find Acai in a frozen pulp pack at a “healthy” grocery store like Wholefoods. It tastes like a blueberry but is about 5 times more potent. Take a 1/2 of a pack, put it in a blender with a frozen banana and a handful of frozen strawberries. Add about two TBSP of fat free vanilla yogurt and 2 oz. of milk. BLEND until smooth. PURE HEAVEN! (and you’re getting your fruit, what’s to complain about there). Read more about the Brazillian fruit,Acai, it’s health benefits are truly amazing.

    Much love!

  23. 23
    Fallingforward says:

    It’s gotta be Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches all the way! I eat the vanilla and my husband John likes the chocolate so the mixed packages are perfect for us. Our daughter Hannah likes the mint. You can find the mint flavor here in Arizona at Bashas. John was at Costco over the weekend and says they sell a mixed box with all three flavors!

  24. 24
    Dionna says:

    I’m loving all these good ideas. I really need them! I’ve weaned myself pretty much off of soda. I drink water and when I tire of it, I buy the powder packets to flavor your water. They have all sorts of flavors, kiwi strawberry, lemonade, fruit punch, lemon lime, grape, etc. If you look on the back – most of them have absolutely no sugar and are 0-2 calories! Love ’em!
    Now, I could use ideas to wean me off of chips and help at fast food restaurants! 🙂

  25. 25
    Anonymous says:

    Ok, so I am going to be serious, but real! I have two words for you siestas!!!

    1) ORGANIC


    Most of you are probably throwing your mouse at me, but Organic foods are soooo much better for you. They might cost a little more, but you are making an investment in your future health and well being. You are what you eat. Think of all the pesticides you are eating, when not eating organic. Think of all the partially hydrogenated oils you are eating, even in those low fat triscits and wheat thins. Did you know that you can buy the real whole food wheat thin or triscit in an oragnic variety(Back To Nature)???… and they taste much better than the ones by Nabisco.

    I could go on and on about Organic Foods and the need for it in your lifestyle. If you are intersted in learning more, please email me at, or log onto my husbands website :

    Moderation is always good. It allows me to eat a bag of peanut M&M’s from time to time, or eat that slice of 7 layer fudge cake at Cheesecake factory (in several sittings of course) from time to time.

    I LOVE YOU MAMA BETH, AND MY SIESTAS!! I have wanted to share this with you all for so long, and THANKYOU Beth for the opportunity!

    Kate in Charlottesville

  26. 26
    pfinne13 says:

    I love sweets (especially chocolate) as much as the next girl, but ever since my Mother-in-law introduced my family to this Sausage Cheese dip (Weight Watchers recipe), I have been hooked on salty/savory!

    Here it is:
    1 block 2% milk Velveeta Cheese
    1 can Rotel Tomatoes
    1 box frozen spinach (thawed and squeezed between paper towels to remove the excess water)
    1 lb. turkey sausage (or Light Jimmy Dean)

    While you are browning the sausage, melt the Velveeta and Rotel in the microwave (about 5-6 minutes on High). Drain the sausage (there won’t be very much fat) and add it and the spinach to the cheese mixture. Stir well and serve with baked Tortilla chips.

    This is the BEST dip ever, and wonderful to serve as an appetizer when company comes!!!! No one will know it is low fat 😉

  27. 27
    Hokiebabe says:

    Everything in moderation – even the yummy fattening stuff on occasion! A few good not-so-fattening:

    * Pet Lite Ice Cream Sandwiches
    * Popsicle Sugar-free Banana pops
    * Wendy’s chili (a great dinner for South Beachers.)

    And a great tip I read a long time ago:
    * Suck on an M&M until it melts.
    You get the chocolate taste for a long time and you’d be surprised at how satisfying it is! (works the same for Milk Duds!)

  28. 28
    Anonymous says:

    Movie theatre buttered popcorn and store made vanilla cake with buttercream icing. So Good… 🙂

  29. 29
    Heidi Hickman says:

    Put a cup of plain, nonfat yogurt in a blender with 1/2 cup of ice, half a banana, and about 1/4 cup of raisins. So good, and I pretend the raisins are chocolate chips:).

    Also, I love dip – so instead of traditional queso, I love to dip low fat/low cal crackers in a reduced fat queso: 8 oz reduced fat cream cheese and a can of rotel tomatoes. It’s great melted in the microwave, or served cold the next day.

  30. 30
    Girly Girl says:

    In the winter I can never warm up,and I always want something chocolate. I like the Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate packets. I just add water. My husband, who doesn’t need anything “low-guilt” has his with milk.

    I’m with the Siesta’s that have listed Edy’s juice bars. That’s my “go to” in the summer. So refreshing!

  31. 31
    BEBE says:

    YUM – my taste buds are going crazy reading some of these posts!!! I love cracked pepper and olive oil Triscuits with jalapeno cheese slices – cool or hot – it will wake up your senses. Also, my favoite night time “eat it with a spoon right out of the carton” is Baskin and Robbins jamoca almond fudge or the Haagen Dazs version is great also.
    Anything coffee!!

  32. 32
    Anonymous says:

    I love the skinny cow ice cream sandwiches too! Although, i don’t eat them often b/c i would much rather indulge in chocolate! Yep, the real deal but only a slither! 🙂 My favorite “treat” is peanut butter and apple slices! It’s a great snack! I know…it’s boring but that is what i indulge in almost every night!

  33. 33
    Giada says:

    My favorite quote is from the classic Sophia Loren, “Everything you see I owe to spaghetti.” Hahaha!

    Being that I’m a red-blooded Italian, I LOVE my pasta dishes. When I don’t feel like wearing a pan of ziti for a week, I’ll throw a serving of whole wheat pasta on and top it with a tablespoon (or so–depends on the time of the month or whether or not anyone is watching…) of I Can’t Believe it’s Not Butter and a dash of salt. Using ICBINB rather than regular butter makes me feel a little better about myself.

  34. 34
    mamabearbouch & co. says:

    Are y’all in Texas acquainted with a wonderful thing called Nutella?
    It’s French/Italian chocolate-hazelnut spread, and is not too bad when it comes to the ‘fat’ area. We love to swirl those chunky honey whole wheat pretzel sticks in it at our house -for Christmas I got everyone their own jar so they could ‘double-dip’ to their hearts content 🙂

  35. 35
    Mom2McKenna says:

    I’ve really enjoyed reading all the comments and gathering some new low-guilt ideas and items to try.

    For mine, I have no idea how many of you have a Braums in your area (probably most of the south Texas girls) but their Cappucino Chunky Chocolate Frozen Yogurt is TO DIE FOR! You have to specify the frozen yogurt as they also carry it in full-fat ice cream. I have heard they also have it in sugar-free — haven’t tried that one but I know 1/2 cup of my fav. is only 110 cals!!

  36. 36
    Marni says:

    Skinny Cows got me through MANY a rough day on my first weeks of Weight Watchers 🙂

    And another not naughty treat I love is sugar free strawberry preserves (Smuckers is my favorite) and the 100 calorie snack pack Nutter Butters. Just spread a little of those preserves on the low-cal Nutter Butters and it’s like having a PB&J without the monster calories 🙂

    I do so love this ministry of low cal treats! (Almost as much as I love your hair ministry from the Patriarchs) 😉

    Love you Beth! Thanks for all you do for God and His people.

  37. 37
    rm.holland says:

    Well, I didn’t like the price of all those 100 calorie packs. For less money, you can make your own 100 calorie packs. I buy the mini oreos or mini-chocolate chips cookies and make my own snack bags. Have also made my own oatmeal cookies w/less sugar (also add flax or bran cereal) so I know exactly what is in those cookies. I buy low cal or low carb ice cream (chocolate/almond) and the cal count is not too high.


  38. 38
    Li'l Rae says:

    Okay – seeing as how most of my growing up years were spent in the heart of Braum’s country, this whole Skinny Cow thing was new to me. Sooooo . . . I looked ’em up on the internet and they actually have a link to FLAVOR FINDER on their website! YESSSSSSS! So, Beth, if you really want to know where to find the Skinny Cow mint flavor go to this link and fill in your information:

    Me, I am headed to my local Albertson’s first chance I get to get the skinny on Skinny Cow!!!

    Oh by the way – it isn’t completely guilt free, but my man and I both adore Braum’s Light Ice Cream English Toffee. We think it is even better than the “regular” English Toffee ice cream – and that my dear siestas is an anomaly in our household!!!

  39. 39
    Lauren says:

    Have you see Skinny Cows in peanut butter? They are so good!

  40. 40
    Kay says:

    My favorite high-taste, low guilt treat is a rootbeer float, or a hot caramel sundae, or a piece of cheesecake. I absolutely refuse to feel guilty about what I eat.

    I don’t eat sugar for the most part and that keeps the weight off. So when I decide to have a treat, (once a month or so), I have one and enjoy it thoroughly.

  41. 41
    Anonymous says:

    Skinny Cow also has strawberry, cookies and creme, and peanut butter ice cream sandwiches! My HEB in Katy has them and my husband LOVES them! I’m 5 months pregnant and I live for these things.

  42. 42
    Kay says:

    I want to add that I used to be in total bondage to food! Praise God for His redemption! He completely broke that in me. It was painful, but so worth it to walk in freedom. That’s why I refuse to feel guilty about what I eat. I am free!

  43. 43
    Jill_in_AL says:

    I love reduced-fat Vienna Fingers, with coffee of course.

    Here is my recipe for homemade vanilla ice cream that is almost guilt free.

    1 fat free Eagle brand milk
    1 fat free Pet milk
    1 8 oz. container reduced fat Cool Whip (could use a 12 oz.)
    1 1/2 cups sugar
    1 1/2 Tb. vanilla extract
    1 Tb. lemon juice
    Skim milk to fill line (about 4-5 cups)

    Mix all ingredients and freeze in an ice cream freezer. This is really low cal/fat and tastes great b/c of the Cool Whip added. Yum! Makes me ready for summer!

    Bon appetit, Siestas! =) Jill

  44. 44
    Aimee J. M. says:

    OK you coffee lovers (and I know that you are out there), a great NO fat treat…
    Coffee Mousse
    3 cups of nonfat milk
    2 Tbsp. instant coffee crystals
    (reg. or decaf)
    1 large box (1.5 ounces) sugar-
    free instant vanilla pudding
    3 cups nonfat whipped topping,
    additional nonfat whip. top.
    In a med. bowl, mix milk w/coffee. Let sit a few minutes then stir until coffee is dissolved. Add pudding mix and stir constantly w/ a wire whisk for 2 minutes. Refrigerate for 5 minutes. Add whipped topping and mix well.
    Pour into a serving bowl or individual parfait glasses. Add extra topping if you desire!
    Ready to eat or serve later.
    96 calories, 0 fat, 3g protein.

    Beth, I have upmost confidence that you can do this! If I can, you got it hands down! It’s super easy and a great treat!!!
    Blessing from Bham, AL

  45. 45
    lynda says:

    I love the Weight Watchers ice cream sandwiches. They come in both vanilla & chocolate. 140 calories, 2 fat grams and 4 scrumptous grams of fiber. For anyone who knows the point system with W.W. Their only 2 points! Makes a great after dinner snack!
    Taste a lot like Skinny Cow. Have we ever truly seen a skinny Cow?

    Love these great “skinny” ideas!

  46. 46
    Anonymous says:

    As a “professional” life-long ( it seems) Weight Watcher gal, I have to set a couple of Siestas straight. One, the Fiber One Caramel bars ( and they ARE delicious are 2 POINTS, not 1. The same thing for the Skinny Cows..they are amazing, but they are 2 POINTS not 1. Each point is so crucial! Ha! One time I came across a COFFEE skinny cow…you talk about GOOD!!! Cookies and Cream Skinny Cows are very good too! My favorite low point snack is popcorn. On weight wathcers, you can eat a pretty good amount for very low points!! It satisfys my salt/crunch need almost every day..and popcorn has a good amount of fiber! Thankes Siestas for all the good ideas. I got tired of reading but added 4 things to my grocery list!

  47. 47
    Lorrie says:

    Well, I didn’t know until this morning that there was a BLOG so I could get a bit of Living Proof everyday! I was in Vancouver – came from across the water in Victoria.

    I was SO THRILLED to hear you say, Beth, that you liked Miss Vickie’s potato chips! They are my treat. I know they aren’t healthy, but they are sort of natural (as natural as frying something in oil can be) and since they taste so good, I would rather have a handful of them than a kazillion other “guilt-free” foods.

    This was my first LP conference and on Friday night I stood in the coliseum and thought to myself, “You silly woman, why didn’t you bring your daughters?” I was at Refresh and didn’t even think about bringing them. But I’ve warned them for next time – Seattle, or wherever, we’re all going for a girls’ weekend!


  48. 48
    gene54 says:

    Beth…as for the grocery list forgetfulness ( or lack of list!)…I have a great gadget my husband gave me for my birthday. It’s called SmartShopper. It stickes to your refrigerator. You push a record button and speak an item you want to get at the grocery store. When you get ready to leave, you push print and out comes your grocery list already catagorized!! It cuts my shopping time in half!! You’d love it!

  49. 49
    Melanie says:

    I agree, Skinny Cow ice cream is quite tasty – never realized it had 3 grams of fiber though! Cool. My grocery store typically carries only the van/choc, but I was sure I’d seen strawberry too. So I checked their website 😉 Just so you know, there is choc, van, strawberry, mint, AND choc/pnut butter. I think I may need to talk to the store manager about their stocking options.

  50. 50
    chalkdust says:

    This is a little hard to believe, but I love oatmeal with bittersweet chocolate melted in it.

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