Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Catching You Up in Pictures

Hi Siestas! I’ve been trying to come up with a great post about our first week with Annabeth, but I can’t seem to be in the right frame of mind to do it when I get a window of opportunity. I am so happy but sleepy and busy! So far, our adjustment has been a lot easier than it was when we had Jackson. It helps so much to have even the smallest clue what I’m doing this time. (Jackson’s diaper was the first I ever changed, if you can believe that.) Also, knowing that these sleepless nights really do end has done a lot for my attitude about sleeplessness. I find myself wanting to keep rocking my baby even after she falls asleep in my arms at night. I would give anything to go back and rock Jackson at this size one more time!

I know this post won’t address some of the questions I’ve been seeing about Annabeth’s name, how Jackson is doing, etc., but I plan on getting to those things soon. Thanks for all your sweet words over the last week. We love you girls!

This is Jackson at just a few hours old. My boy will turn three next Tuesday.

And here’s his little sister at just a few hours old.

Annabeth meeting her namesake for the first time.

Two grandmas trying to get a peek at their baby.

My mom and my sweet mother-in-law enjoying their first granddaughter.

This was right before we left the hospital.

You can see her going home outfit better here. I got that in the fall at Janie and Jack. It’s preemie size but still swallowed her. She had a matching hat and shoes, but they were enormous!

Here is Jackson holding Annabeth for the first time. He was so excited. We delayed this moment for quite a while just in case he was going to come down with that stomach bug. Unfortunately, he did get sick last night. At this point it seems to be a less evil strain of the virus than what my dad and sister had, for which I’m very thankful.

Here is a perfect picture of my son’s gorgeous eyelashes. I’m not ashamed to say I prayed for my daughter to be blessed with them. So far her eyelashes are blond. Her hair is light brown right now if you can’t quite tell.

Annabeth hanging out on her daddy.

The princess, all fresh and clean (and mad) after her first sponge bath at home.

Curt and Jackson went to church last night and my mom came over to keep us girls company. She brought Annabeth some preemie outfits so she would have something that fits for the next couple of weeks. They’re so sweet!

Look at those sweet little lips.

Leave it to me to show you a picture of baked goods. These are my favorite cookies in Houston. They’re from an Italian cafe’ called Paulie’s. Aren’t they beautiful? My co-workers brought us these, along with brownies and a feast of fajitas on the day we came home from the hospital.

Here’s the amazing cake we had at my LPM baby lunch. It was from Cake Affairs.


One Week Later

Hey, my dearest Siestas! Iā€™ve thought about you many times and in the midst of no small amount of activity. I so hope this post finds you well, full of fresh hope, enjoying the presence of God and receiving a Word from what Melissa affectionately calls ā€œThe Scripts.ā€

Today our little princess Annabeth is one week old. I canā€™t help but smile as I write to you about her. She is the most precious little thing. Both of my children and Jackson weighed the least bit over 7 pounds so our little 6 pounder is the smallest baby Iā€™ve ever personally cared for. Keith says she’s not even the size of a good trout. Make no mistake. Sheā€™s got some spunkā€¦and sheā€™ll need it with that precocious big brother of hers. Considering what a spotlight heā€™s held in three families (firstborn to Curtis and Amanda, first grandchild to both sets of grandparents), I think heā€™s done a terrific job of adjusting. I spent the night with them Saturday night when I returned from El Paso and when I went into his room the next morning after I heard him stirring, he said, ā€œHi, Bibby! Whereā€™s the girl?ā€ I loved it. Needless to say, I lifted him up to look into the crib and he was very pleased that she was still there. Since she was awake, I asked, ā€œDo you want me to get her out?ā€ Of course, he did. I sat with that tiny little thing on my lap while he fetched a huge pink stuffed bear from a chair and danced it around in front of her. I assured him she was very entertained despite the fact that she had the posture of Raggedy Ann and wanted to nap in the worst way. Sheā€™s going to love him so much. Lord have mercy, what trouble theyā€™re liable to get into together. I hope some of itā€™s at Bibbyā€™s.

Curtis and Amanda are sleepy but doing so well. They have an exceptionally good routine for life with such a newborn. She usually has a wide-awake time late at night so Amanda feeds her then goes to bed while Annabeth stays up with Daddy. Mommy then gets up for all the night feedings since she herself is the bottle and thatā€™s when Daddy gets to sleep in. So far, Baby Girl eats during the night and goes right back to sleep. If a week is any indication, she seems to be content to be awake without being fussy. Boy, would THAT be a wonderful enduring trait! She, however, does not like to be changed nor given a sponge bath but, at that weight, who on earth would? Sheā€™s going to need some body fat to warm up! We could not feel more blessed. She is honestly a living doll with the cutest wardrobe just screaming to jump off the hangers and onto her little self. Everything just swallows her right now so most of it has to wait. The footies on her footie pajamas just hang limp.

God was so thoroughly gracious to time that sweet childā€™s birth before our El Paso LPL event so that I could be completely free from concern that sheā€™d be born while I was gone. The event was already etched in stone when Amanda realized she was expecting. Both times Iā€™ve chosen (contrary to my anxious personality) to trust God with the timing and not stress that Iā€™d miss those grandbabiesā€™ births. God has been so faithful that I could bawl about it. He even allowed me to miss a vicious stomach flu that both Melissa and Keith got. (She got it first and took it so badly that sheā€™s still not completely over it.) I felt so sorry for them I didnā€™t know what to do. It caused Melissa to miss getting to hold her niece for three days of the six she was home. (You donā€™t want to try to come between Melissa and her niece. There could be blood.) If I had gotten that bug, Iā€™d either have missed the event (which God has never let happen in all these years), missed getting to help Amanda with the grandbabies, or exposed the entire Jones family. He didnā€™t let any of those things happen. I am so full of praise to Him.

Melissa and I went by on Sunday afternoon to pick Amanda up between feedings and take her to run a few errands while Curtis babysat. She needed some fresh airā€¦and some Starbucks, for crying out loud. Melissa talked us into trying the new London Fog Latte. So tasty! We got grandes even though a tall would have sufficed becauseā€¦well, because we are Moores and if a tall is good, a grande is better. I donā€™t get Venti because, not only do I not want to pay for it, I donā€™t have a lot of confidence about how to say it. It sounds dumb. Amanda, Melissa, and I are one anotherā€™s favorite people on earth (besides our men) and we laughed our heads off together on that Target run. Amanda kept saying, ā€œStop it, yā€™all! Stop it!ā€ because, needless to say, it hurt when she laughed. Which made us act even sillier. It was the best medicine on earth for all three of us.

By the way, I could NOT have loved our El Paso group more. If you watched the video and wondered about the trash can thing, it went with our subject matter. Rich did such a great job on portraying that. I would have brought every single one of those women home with me if I could have. Did you know Lucchese boots are made right there in El Paso? And would you also believe that I received a brand new pair of them as a souvenir from the event? The director of marketingā€™s beautiful wife awarded me a set of snake skins (thatā€™s one way the snake stays under these feet) and, let me tell you, they were not pearls before swine. I put those babies on the second I got onto stage and I was one happy girl in the Lone Star State. They will be put to much good use. They were the exact ones I would have chosen off a shelf: a rich brown which is my signature color (hello, Shelby) as much as I wish it were blush and bashful.

Well, I have Bible study tonight so I best not tarry here on the blog. We think of you every day and we are so honored to be your sisters and your servants. I wish you knew every single one of our staff members because youā€™d love them all so much. They serve you in one way or another every single day behind the scenes. Iā€™ll leave you with a picture of only about half of them taken in Amandaā€™s hospital room last week. They brought her a quilt with all their pictures attached to various squares. It was hilarious. All of us are shameless about babies.

Know that you are greatly loved and prioritized here at Living Proof Ministries. We exist to encourage people exactly like you to come to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ through the study of His Word.

Talk to you soon!

Beth (AKA your very own Siesta Mama)

The quilt from “Annabeth’s Village Aunts.”
They really wanted to hang it on the hospital room wall.

Susan, Linda, Beth, Nancy, Sabrina, Diane, Jenn, and Aunt Melissa

Annabeth at 6 days old


Living Proof Live – El Paso, TX

Living Proof Live – El Paso Texas from Rich Kalonick on Vimeo.


A Plea for Community

So this afternoon my Dad and I were having a semi-serious conversation, a father/daughter heart-to-heart of sorts in the kitchen, when my Mom busted in and grabbed a mysterious-looking package off of the counter. The following scene then played out:

Beth: ā€œWell, I guess you two donā€™t know that I ordered a Slanket!ā€

Melissa & Dad: Silence.

Melissa: ā€œHold up. Wait a minute. You bought a Slanket? The ā€˜As Seen on TVā€™ Slanket?ā€

Beth: ā€œYes. You mock, but wait till you see what it does. Youā€™re going to want one. Think how I can read with it.ā€

Melissa: ā€œSo, can you explain the scenario to me, the precise circumstances, in which you decided to buy the Slanket?ā€

Beth: ā€œWhat do you mean?ā€

Melissa: ā€œI mean, did you actually call the phone number listed on the lower right hand of the screen?ā€

Beth: ā€œYes, and they were so popular, they were sold out when I placed my order. Mine has been on back order for weeks. Iā€™m so happy.ā€

Melissa: ā€œWere you alone when you made this purchase?ā€

Beth: ā€œWell, what do you think, Melissa? Itā€™s Deer Season! Of course I was alone. Iā€™ve been alone for months.ā€

And then everything made perfect sense. My dear friends and blog-family, the moral of this story is the importance of living in community. If you are ever tempted to buy a massive Polyester blanket with oversized sleeves, stop and look around. Ask yourself, ā€œWould I do this if someone I love and respect were sharing this very couch with me?ā€ Looks like my Dad and I have another serious conversation on the horizon. I canā€™t believe I moved to Georgia. I love this place. If it werenā€™t for one very fine looking hunk of a man in Atlanta, I might just stay forever. Thereā€™s no place like Home.

Update: Okay, so in response to several of your comments I finally figured out that Melanie (a.k.a. BigMama) recently posted a similar but far more hilarious account concerning her Sister, apparently she had fallen victim to a similar brand called Snuggies. I fear a cheesy conspiracy is forming against us, Melanie.

Mom in the one and only Slanket:

Oh and on a much more sane note, here is a new picture of Annabeth and me:

A VERY IMPORTANT PS. FROM BETH: I have you danged well know that Melissa just asked for the one, the only Slanket. Yep. That’s right. Put it on. She got a stomach bug during the night and has had the worst day. When she first began to feel better a few minutes ago, she asked for a little sip of Dr. Pepper…and the Slanket. I said in my most juvenile voice, “I’m telling!” So I am.

And, by the way, y’all won’t waste a prayer on us right now. Please ask our very gracious God to cap this bug and not let a single Jones or Moore catch it. Jackson was exposed, too, and we don’t want that virus anywhere near our newborn princess or her mommy! I also have an LPL this weekend. Thank you so much! We love you guys and pray for you, too!



Miss Annabeth Ellen Jones
Born to Curtis and Amanda Jones
on Tuesday, February 3, 2009, at 11:38 a.m.
6 pounds, 6 ounces and 18.5 inches long

Little missy shares a birthday with her Pappaw Jones!


Bible Study Tonight!

Hey Houston Girls!
This is Sabrina. I am writing to let you know we are having Bible study tonight.

And… yes, Beth will get on and update you about the baby as soon as she is able. All is great!





Gotta take Jackson to Mother’s Day Out, go to the hospital and be with Amanda, then go back and get Jackson and bring him to the hospital and by then I bet we’ll be getting really close to time! I may not be able to get back on for as many as 24 hours (which means I also won’t be able to bring in comments much) but I will let you know something as soon as I can! We love you and know you are praying for this precious family and our darling Baby Girl!

Melissa’s flying in! WE ARE BESIDE OURSELVES! Thank you for sharing our lives.


Siesta Scripture Memory Team: Verse 3!

PS. In answer to the question “Is is too late to join?,” absolutely not! Welcome aboard! Just sign up on original post (click 1st and 15th Siesta Scripture Memory Team icon) then commit to 2 memory verses a month till the end of 2009 and watch for these posts on the 1st and 15th so you can record your Scripture. This is our accountability process and it’s a really important part of the victory. Jump on in!

OK, you mighty army of Scripture Memorizing Siestas, itā€™s February 1st so you know what that means! Itā€™s time for you to report in with your third memory verse out of your very do-able, very God-delighting commitment to 24 for 2009. Remember to give your name, your city, and your verse in its entirety with the abbreviation of which translation youā€™re doing.

YOU ARE DOING SUCH A FANTASTIC JOB! Keep it up! Spend much of the 1st week of this month practicing your new Scripture then throughout the 2nd week, say all three of them in your spiral over and over and OVER AND OVER AGAIN! Donā€™t you dare give up. Keep reading them, meditating on them, examining them and echoing them and I give you Godā€™s Word that youā€™ll sense divine power welling up in you. Youā€™ll win a battle you cannot even see before it makes it from the heavenly realms into your earthly experience. With each verse abiding in you, God is thoroughly equipping you for every good work He foreordained for you. Our paths are hard but Godā€™s plan for us is good. Nothing that really matters a hill of beans is easy. You, young lady, are a warrior. Keep holding up that Shield of Faith and wielding that Sword of the Spirit and the victory will be yours. I am so honored to march on this battlefield beside you.

Here is my 3rd Scripture and, as always, you are welcome to share it if it rings your bell:

ā€œFor everything that was written in former times was written for our instruction, so that through endurance and through encouragement of the scriptures we may have hope.ā€ Romans 15:4 NET

I used that at the beginning of Esther and told myself then that Iā€™d like to commit it to memory. Havenā€™t set it aside till now. Iā€™m going to attempt to do the next two verses as a bonus and, by the way, they remind me of the wonderfully diverse and sweet community God has built among us:

ā€œNow may the God of endurance and comfort give you unity with one another in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.ā€ Romans 15:5-6 NET

If youā€™re still looking for a verse to resonate with you, you might wait half a day and read some of the ones your sisters post and see if one jumps off the screen and hits you. Iā€™ve seen the most incredible verses on these memory posts. I thought Iā€™d also mention one of my favorites from last yearā€™s spiral in case itā€™s just the thing you need. Itā€™s the doxology in Romans 11:33-36 (take the whole month if you choose a long segment like this one!) and itā€™s great in any version. I memorized it out of the NET and here it is:

ā€œOh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and how fathomless His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counselor? Of who has first given to God, that God needs to repay Him? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever! Amen.ā€

OK, Girls, hit it! I canā€™t wait to see your verses! NO DROP OUTS! Weā€™re in till next December and, boy, will we celebrate! I love you, Siestas. May God make His favor upon your sweet life so obvious.

PS. Siestas, don’t panic if your Scripture doesn’t show up quickly. We moderate all the comments on this blog which means if I leave for church, etc., they stack up till I get back then I bring them in at that time. Only conclude that your comment didn’t make it if you don’t see it in 12 or more hours. At that point, try again. Thank you, you darling things!


Before Baby Girl Comes

As the time for Baby Girl approaches, I’ve been feeling more and more reflective. I told AJ that a few days ago, I looked for something in an old purse and found a diaper and wipes and had that wonderful feeling come over me just how blessed I am to have babies in my life. I love it so much.

Late yesterday afternoon I asked Amanda if she and Curtis wanted to have a date because I’d so happily keep that boy of theirs. They took me up on it and by the time Jackson got to Bibby’s house, I’d erected a tent in the middle of the floor (made out of chairs and a big bed spread) and had a home-made track for our Hot Wheels coming out of it like a long tongue. After we played a while, we sat, he and I, at the dinner table and ate supper (macaroni and cheese and the world’s best white cake leftover from Baby Girl’s LPM shower – but we didn’t exactly eat them in that order. Don’t tell mommy.) I took in everything about him last night. Every word he said. Every expression he made. Before we know it, there will be two to share our attentions and we can hardly wait but it’s still so good to have a moment and reflect on this one little dude and the huge impact he’s had on three families.

Lord have mercy. He’s such a boy. Three years ago, he turned our girly Moore-lives upside down and we’ve been drunk on him ever since. I remember when Amanda first began entertaining that she might want to have children but one thing she knew for sure: they’d need to be girls. Only girls. She couldn’t handle…that other kind. Then we found out about four and a half months into her first pregnancy that she was having a man-child. I was ecstatic! It was about time for some more Testosterone around here. She was happy about the prospect by then and Curtis was completely beside himself. I remember Amanda having a dream some days later that a nurse came to her with a baby wrapped in pink and said, “Mrs. Jones, we have your baby now. You can trade back in that baby boy.” And she said what you think she said. Not on your ever loving life. She was hooked.

Tonight my full-term darling firstborn is going with her man and her nearly 3 year-old son to the Monster Truck show. (Yes, with earphones for protection and extra wraps. Please don’t make her more overprotective than she already is!) This will undoubtedly be the best night thus far of Jackson Curtis Jones’ entire life. He could practically say Monster Truck before he could say Mommy. Slight exaggeration but I have never seen a little boy more obsessed with vehicles in my life. I, the slowest driver in the entire Gulf Coast and the leading cause of road rage in America (per my daughters), have been known to break the sound barrier just to catch up with a truck I knew he’d want to see. “Go faster, Bibby! Faster!” So I put the pedal to at least 45 mph of metal just to make that boy squeal.

Of course, the men could go to the Monster Truck show without Amanda but she’ll have nothing of the kind. To be honest, I wish I were going myself. But could you imagine my hair afterward? Don’t you think the noise could do follicle damage?

Amanda, on this eve-season before Baby Girl blesses our lives with every shade of pink, I want you to know that you have been a fabulous boy’s mom. I will treasure for the rest of my life seeing cars in your purse every time you open it to get out your wallet. I know all the times you’ve nearly gotten your hind-end stuck, crawling into the playground equipment to make sure your wild little man wasn’t killing himself. And all the while your friends with girls got to actually finish their conversations. He is an incredible little boy. So full of life. And, yes, I know, such a handful. You’re not imagining things. He is a whole lot of person. A whole lot of delightful person.

Curtis Jones has been one of the best dad’s I’ve ever seen in my life, but, young lady, I want you to hear your mother say this loud and clear: YOU HAVE BEEN A TERRIFIC MOM TO THAT UNSTOPPABLE LITTLE FORCE WE CALL JACKSON JONES. Great job. G-R-E-A-T J-O-B.

Now that I’ve got that off my chest, let’s have us a girl. Feel anything at all?? A single little cramp? Like every five minutes?

PS. Tomorrow’s Scripture memory day, Siestas! Have yours ready and look for that post.


A Great Time in the Big ATL

Hey, Siestas! I’m so glad to talk to you today! I’ve wanted to get on here since the moment I sat down on the plane to head home from Atlanta but I had a lesson to get ready and had to wait. However, I am so glad that my delay gave AJ the opportunity to blog because she used the word “inhairitance” and it is quite possible I have never loved her more.

OK, I had the best time. The only thing that would have made it better is getting to see every last one of you at the Siesta luncheon. The Southern Siestas (what they called themselves) were so cute! All sorts of different ages and types! I just love that. And how about Melana sending Miesta Moose with his little suit case since she couldn’t join us? That right there, Girlfriends, is why your Mama loves you so. You make me laugh and you make me love Jesus more. That is the highest praise I can give a soul on this earth.

That forty-eight hours in Atlanta were so packed that I can’t give you a play by play in the limited time I have. Instead, I am going to give you 10 highlights (I love that word. It reminds me of my inhairitance) in no particular order of priority. There were so many other things I’d mention if I had time. It was delightful from beginning to end.

1. Seeing Melissa and Colin in baggage claim after I arrived. It was a Saturday morning so she was just in jeans and a t-shirt. She had her bangs straight back in a barrette and looked about 15 years old. And, Lord have mercy, I love that man of hers. He is the sweetest thing ever. We had a quick lunch together then headed to the blessed madness. Melissa worked her tail off all weekend assisting her mom. I am so grateful to her. She never knew it was a weekend.

2. Walking into the sanctuary at the beautiful FBC Woodstock for dress rehearsal late Saturday afternoon. The 300-voice choir was already in the loft and the stage was all set and the lighting perfected and I just kinda had a moment. I knew we were about to be part of something BIG. And I was overwhelmed by God’s gracious goodness to my buddy Travis. We make so much fun of each other and are rarely serious about one another but it hit me between the eyes that moment how really special the dude is. I mean, I’ve known it for 10 years but sometimes you just have a surreal moment where you’re stricken by the extraordinary. I also thought to myself, it’s too bad the boy doesn’t have any friends. When I tell you that his friends rallied, I am not kidding. He honestly has more BFFs than any person in the universe besides Jesus…and sometimes, like when he gets to tape in a place like Abbey Road studios in London, I think he may be Jesus’s BFF.

3. Seeing my whole praise team and many of my other LPL team members who I love so dearly like Paige (she runs women’s events at LifeWay), Rich and Gretchen (she had the cutest new hair cut!), Stephen (the world’s greatest graphics guy) and Nate and Shelly (she’s one of our young and very gifted Siestas. I love her and her man like crazy. They get married in two and a half weeks. Not a moment too soon based on the way they look at each other. That’s all I’m saying). Seeing my beloved Angela Cottrell and also Boomama (Sophie) AND HER MAN and Bigmama (Melanie, whose man is always hunting like mine). I LOVE THEM!

4. Working with Max Lucado. He is such a great guy. Delightful to be around. Very approachable. You’d like him just as much as you think you would. He and I did these little vignettes at various times in the worship experience. You’re going to love what he shared. (For those of you who were there and are totally confused at this point, Max could only be there on Saturday night so his vignettes were taped at dress rehearsal. Two of my segments at the actual event were fill-ins for his. He will be a big part of the DVD.)

5. OK, brace yourself because this one is a huge one: Heading over to the Governor’s Mansion after dress rehearsal where Melissa and I had been invited to have dinner and…are you still with me here?…SPEND THE NIGHT. Yes. A slumber party at the Governor’s Mansion. (Not one word of this has a danged thing to do with politics. I want you to know something about a brother and sister in Christ who happen to hold political office.) Our time in that home was something I will never forget as long as I live. I knew Governor Perdue and Georgia’s First Lady, Mary, really loved Jesus because…

a) I’d heard that, particularly in reference to the prayers over Georgia for the drought a year or so ago, and
b) Mrs. Perdue had come to our Deeper Still event in Atlanta and I could clearly see she was a real, live follower of Jesus and not a nominal Christian looking to make political points with constituents.

You’ll find this little bit of Siesta trivia interesting: Mrs. Perdue and our very own Georgia Jan are very, very good friends. Family friends for decades. Georgia Jan is simply one of the most delightful people you will ever meet in your entire life. She is laugh-your-head-off hilarious. So witty. Digs Jesus like crazy. She was our big connection there and, of course, was at dinner and also spent the night (and the next) there at the mansion. By the way, Georgia Jan’s husband can’t remember the name “Siesta” for us for anything. He calls us the “Salsas.” It made me so happy. We’re a pretty salsy group of God-loving Siestas if you ask me.

We had the most marvelous dinner. Mrs. Perdue (I did call her by her first name face-to-face but I can’t bring myself to do it in print) asked her two beautiful daughters, Lee and Laura, to join us and Lee’s twin 9-year-old daughters, Mary Kate and Sunni, were our extra delights at the table. If you know me well, you know I love little girls! Especially pre-adolescents! They were the cutest things ever. They later took us on a tour of the mansion and, oh, if you could have seen the historical place through their eyes, you would have loved it! The Governor was so gracious to us that he won me forever. He helped clear plates and all sorts of things but where he had me was in his attentiveness to his bride of 36 years. The whole time we sat and chatted after dinner, he had his left arm propped on the back of her chair and he played with the back of her hair. They are flat out in love. It did a heart good.

Would you believe I got to sleep in the president’s suite??? That morning I woke up and said out loud with my head still on the pillow, “Good morning, Lord. It’s me. I’m here in the Governor’s Mansion in Atlanta and I’m in the president’s suite in case you’re having trouble finding me. I know I seem a bit out of place…” And the Lord and I laughed.

PS. Georgia Jan, I’ve nearly hurt myself on that Gevalia Coffee. Ordered 4 pounds when I got home.

6. Church with Melissa and Colin. We went to Buckhead Church where they attend and the whole experience left me bug-eyed. Melissa is friends with their worship leader, Carlos, and his darling wife, Heather, and I loved meeting them so much. They have been so gracious to make her and her man feel welcome so far from home. Carlos is a fabulous worship leader. The congregation was fabulous, too, but, all in all, they stayed remarkably calm while I, on the other hand, was just about ready to run a lap. I had Melissa on my right (blocking the aisle. Actually I don’t really take laps but sometimes I wish I could) and one of my other favorite people on earth, Janet Reeves, on my left. (She’s one of the best things that God has ever done in Jesse Reeves’ life. He’s a big part of the Chris Tomlin Band – bass player, vocals, co-writer – and I love him like crazy, too.) I do not have words big enough for my reaction to Andy Stanley. He is simply one of the most extraordinarily gifted communicators I have ever seen in my life. I was nearly slack-jawed. And, yes, I’ve heard him before but it hits me every time. His message on giving is still rolling around in my head and making me itch to get the checkbook and give some money away. Haven’t had a chance to talk to my man about it but I will.

Dang, I’m running out of time! Meeting at 12:00! Speeding up!

7. Surprising the Southern Siestas at the end of their lunch on Sunday afternoon. They were so much fun! I know I already mentioned it but it was too good not to make part of my ten!

8. Meeting Shaun Groves. Good grief. He’s just so cool and so passionate about the work of Jesus that it’s stupid. (I mean stupid in that really wonderful way.) Meeting Cindy Morgan. She is the tiniest thing you’ve ever seen with one of the biggest gifts God has entrusted to a song writer/vocalist in our generation. Trav had been on the Christmas tour with both of them this year and loves them so much. I certainly could see why.

9. The worship experience itself. It is TREMENDOUS. I can’t wait for it to come out on CD and DVD. You will love the music and it will most definitely do it’s job. Girlfriends, you will be led to worship.

10. Angela Cruz leading out on the Mercy Seat song (can’t remember but I think it may officially be called “Running”. I don’t know. I’m so dumb). The whole sanctuary was nearly overwrought with the Spirit. I’m not kidding. It was so powerful, it was nearly painful. Travis transitioned the song into “Lord Have Mercy” and I nearly had to hit the floor. I felt like God was literally pouring out mercy upon us like a torrent. It was a moment in corporate worship that I may never forget.

Well, that’s my run down and I left so much out! I also don’t have time to edit. I’m just gonna have to pitch it out there as it is! I love you guys so much and wished every one of you were with us. This is my way of hoping you’ll feel just a tad like you were.
