Just a Silly Update on all things Moore, Mainly for You Diehards

Just ramblings here today, my beloved sisters! If you’ve got something better to do, do it! It had just been a while since I’d said, “This is what Keith’s up to, what Amanda and Curtis are up to, what Melissa is up to…”


And a basic little devo at the end.


Felt like putting something up that was mostly just personal and across-the-table-from-you-at-Starbucks-ish. But I couldn’t resist throwing a word in there at the end. That’s all that really sticks to our ribs anyway.


I think about you guys continually and love you so much!


172 Responses to “Just a Silly Update on all things Moore, Mainly for You Diehards”

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  1. 1
    Michelle Baylerian says:


    Loved hearing how your family is doing. Grateful that Jesus is right by their sides through the triumphs & trials! My oldest daughter got a new teaching job requiring her to move across the state line. She’s now settled in her 1st apartment. Youngest daughter is coming up on 1 yr post college, working as a Graphic Designer. Hubby is busy at a challenging job. I’m in a season of changes, not quite sure how to navigate the waters yet, BUT God. Just saw Him (Saturday) bring a friend that broke off the friendship 8 yrs ago back in my path. SHE initiated a lunch date on Friday. Still trying to wrap my head around what happened that day. Only thing that came to mind was He is my REDEEMER. Praise Him.

    Loved the reminder to Do Good & Help the Poor. It’s not one or the other it’s both. I love you too Sister. Grateful for who you are

  2. 2
    Mary G. says:

    Hi Beth,
    Thank you for stopping by today. So nice to hear from you. I’m so glad to hear you and your family are well. I am hoping someday if I’m ever in Texas I get to attend a service at Bayou and soak up the word. I have no doubt that I would be incredibly blessed! You asked us at the end how we’re doing? A tough day. Went to therapy today and my therapist started as she likes to call it – a wound cleaning. Some of them are just too deep, too close to the bone..
    I haven’t stopped crying yet..I’m just like Lord, seriously?! This hurts too much! But He is faithful. I so want to fulfill His purpose for me. Love you Beth.

    • 2.1
      Sherry McClure says:

      Dear Mary,
      Thank you so much for sharing your heart with us! We pray that the Lord ministers deeply to you as you seek Him!
      Much love,

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    Nichole says:

    Hi Beth! Thanks for making this video. I enjoyed the family scoop and the devo. God bless you!

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    Melissa Messer says:

    Love these little chats – makes it all feel so personal.

    I’m writing tonight from the mountains of Western North Carolina, and I wish I could share a picture w/you how beautiful it is with the leaves turning brilliant colors of red, yellow and orange and the skies the richest color of blue. Absolutely my favorite time of the year!

    I wanted to tell you that I’m working through “Children of the Day” for the 2nd time. My workbook has a bazillion coffee stains on the pages, and very little room to write anything more. I’m soaking up more & more this 2nd time around, and can almost visualize everything as it takes place in Thessalonica. As the new Women’s Ministry Leader in my church, I’ll be facilitating this study with the ladies beginning in November; so…if you have a minute to lift up a prayer for me, I’d surely appreciate it.

    Thanks a bunch…Melissa

    • 4.1
      Sherry McClure says:

      Dear Melissa,
      Thank you so much for talking about the beautiful colors in North Carolina! I can almost picture them in my mind’s eye. We will pray for your group beginning in November! May the Lord draw the women in your church to come and see Him through His word!

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    Audrey says:

    I remember well the time you shared (during Esther, I believe) how God took you through the thought process of what would happen if Keith had an affair–and for any siestas who do not already know, he did NOT. Well, ultimately you came to the conclusion that Jesus would pull you through, God would still be good and healing would lead the way to more growth and ministry (that’s a rough retelling 😉
    Well, it’s different than an affair, but this is what the Lord has tied together, with ideas from Psalms of Ascent and Esther and mainly His promises laced throughout.
    For all my life (I will be 34 this December) I have never missed someone. I would visit grandparents for a month of summer break and not miss my parents, go on overseas mission trips in high school and not miss family, leave my own husband and children to go on a sex-trafficking awareness trip and not miss them. I thought of them when we had down time, but as calloused as it sounds, it was “out of sight, out of mind.” And I would visit with the people and do the work that was in front of me. That is, until this year.
    My husband is a pastor and has been away several times this year–all for really good reasons, but still he was gone. On his last week away I told him I missed him. And I really did. He was shocked! It only took 14 years of marriage for me to miss my husband when he’s away–it makes me sound very selfish and unloving, doesn’t it? I was always ready for us to be back together, but it didn’t ache my heart.
    He left at 2am this past Sunday morning to fly to Austria on a mission trip. I began {tearfully} missing him the Friday before he left. I hardly smiled for two and a half days after he left. I thought about making a paper chain to count down the days until he would be home and INSTANTLY the thought that came to mind was “but he may not {come back home}.” What if I cut that last chain link, but never saw him again??? Our boys are 12 and 10–that would be the worst lie ever {even though I know I couldn’t have known otherwise}. During this time I continued to remind myself of God’s truth–that He will always be with me, that He will take care of me no matter what happens, that He knows our days. But the first thought after that would be “He never promised to bring Craig back.” No, He didn’t, so the tears would ensue.
    Now, I have always loved my husband, and we have done ministry together since the beginning of our marriage. I wanted to marry a pastor and be a pastor’s wife. I love the Church. But I also love serving the church with my husband. We’ve seen some difficult times and had some rough days, but he really does love me and I really do love him and God would draw our hearts back together as we submitted to Him. I love him more today than I ever dreamed possible and being apart was literally breaking my heart.
    I couldn’t tell my eldest “Happy Birthday” today without tears falling. I was so sad and though I knew the thoughts could be from the enemy they hung like a hundred pound weight around my neck. And just what if they were a warning from the Lord? I knew the Lord would not send words that could torment without granting the grace to bear up under them…and living in fear is not what He created me for.
    So I did the next thing. I couldn’t get far in my quiet time without the tears just continuing to roll and thoughts going gloomy, and I was feeling led elsewhere, so I headed for my guitar. I needed to practice to prepare for worship band practice anyway, so I began to play and sing. I felt a bit better. Later in the day the Lord led my 2 ½ year old niece to draw me back to my guitar, so I played those songs again. I felt even stronger in my spirit. By the time I sang and played at practice tonight I knew the thanks I had been murmuring and praise I had been singing had knocked this wall down. I can’t say the enemy won’t try to rebuild it, and it does not mean I believe the Lord promised he’ll bring my husband home safely, but this I believe–our God, my God, is faithful and He does not want my head to hang low and He will care for and comfort me NO MATTER WHAT comes my way. I don’t want to do ministry without my husband, but if I must, Jesus will show me the way. I know because He always has. I am trusting in His goodness for today, not worrying about what may come tomorrow.
    All these truths I KNEW before and truly believed, but whatever cloud or weight came over me made it so hard to hold onto them. I have a quote from Psalms of Ascent by my kitchen sink that says, “A true psalmist praises his {ahem, her} way to victory, knowing it will come because the praise itself render’s the first blow to the enemy’s brow.” I will continue to sing and give thanks and by God’s grace I will not let the enemy taunt me and hold me down.

    Thank you for helping equip me with His Word through your studies. Thank you for being real and sharing your heart. Thank you for loving Jesus…and beckoning us to do the same.


    • 5.1
      Deborah S Mott says:

      Thank you Audrey for the reminder that praise is the first blow to the enemy! “A true psalmist praises his {ahem, her} way to victory, knowing it will come because the praise itself render’s the first blow to the enemy’s brow.” Wow, so true! Yet at times it feels like the last thing I want to do, and it’s a sacrifice and a real hardship to keep praising Jesus in the hard times/ horrors of life… it sometimes really takes all I have to stay committed to praise no matter what! But how the Lord ministers to us and inhabits our praises sometimes it’s by faith that we believe He’ inhabits our praises because it feels like it’s a joke at times and it feels like it’s not working but those feelings are lies and we have to go by faith! Always the Lord is faithful and always it blesses him for us to praise him. When I visited Greece the first time and saw the prison where Paul and Silas were in ..reminder…it was praise that broke them out …how wonderful that praise is the earthquake to the enemy! Thank you for your post! Blessed by it much!

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      Susanne says:

      Hi Audrey,

      I love that quote: “A true psalmist praises his {ahem, her} way to victory, knowing it will come because the praise itself render’s the first blow to the enemy’s brow.” It is so true, and is a great reminder to praise the Lord always! Thank your for sharing your story.

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    Missy S says:

    Loved the update and the word about Tabitha! Thanks, Beth! Much love to you and the entire LPM family!

    P.S. Wish I lived in Texas just so I could come to those Greek classes. So cool!

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    Connie Hein says:

    Beth, I love you and thank God for you and your ministry that touches my life and heart daily! I loved the video and devotional tonight! Thanks for praying for me. God bless you as you wrap up Living Proof Live! That was such a wonderful event in my summer!

    In Him

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    Stacey Chambers says:

    Thank you for the video update. I enjoyed it. I recently watched your simulcast online from home and I am currently doing your new bible study at church. I’m learning a lot and am growing in my relationship with God. Thank you for this study.

  9. 9

    So glad to hear that the family is doing great. Much love to you, Siesta Mama. Shelli

  10. 10

    Beth, thank you for the from the heart update and for the lovely devotional and prayer.

    Blessings ~ Wendy ❀

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    Judy Acker says:

    Beth,thank you for sitting with me and sharing your life and scriptures with me. It really touched my heart. I have been praying for you lately more than usual. Love to you.

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    Klazina VanBergeyk says:

    Thanks for the little personal note… I just love your Bible studies..because I know you Love the Bible, as do I…… I would ask that you pray with me for one of our sons. He is a single dad who has his kids living with him… He has recently come into a relationship with another woman who is also a follower of Jesus…. However this woman has BPD and this causes a very volatile relationship….on again…off again…over and over… He is seeing a counsellor and knows that she needs to see one too as she has had an abusive past.. Sometimes she acknowledges it and then not… Sorry I could go on and on but I am hoping you will understand…sometimes I really wish and pray for it to be over but he really feels like God may be calling him to stand by her through this… Admirable to be sure but also very exhausting and hard on the three children… She also has one so there are four kids involved… I ask that you please pray with me for A breakthrough one way or the other to the Glory of Our God!…. May He be Glorified and show His power and deliverance.

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    Sandy Bowers says:

    Beth! Thanks so much for the video-update. I always love hearing about your family! My husband and I are figuring out what retirement looks like — well he is. I’m still substitute teaching several days a week. Which is a good thing because I don’t know how we would do with both of us being at home all the time. 😉 I think we’ve finally found a church home (after his retirement from active ministry.) It’s been a struggle not having that. My son is currently taking a semester break from college, trying to figure out what he wants to do. And my daughter is in her senior year, which is going by so FAST. Both kids are floundering in their church life, but they are good kids and I’m trusting that they are both making good choices and will find their way back.

    I am currently studying Priscilla’s “Discerning the Voice of God”. An older study….but this is when I needed it, so the timing is perfect. I also recently took to Pinterest,looking for prayer journal ideas, some way of changing up my prayer life….hoping to include a devotional in my daily prayer. Someone had pinned your “Whispers of Hope” Devotional Prayer book and it is exactly what I had in mind! I just got it today. I can’t wait to start in the morning. And finally, I have volunteered to lead Children of the Day in January. This is huge for me, so I could use prayers!

    I was at Fort Wayne for my first in-person LPL. What a blessing that day was! Loved “meeting” you for the Siesta picture. Wished there had been time to hug you and express my deep gratitude! I love how you love Jesus….I want to love him the way you do! Hugs!

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    Lisa says:

    Now that was just sweet! Thank you for praying for me on this side of the screen. What an honor to listen to that prayer. I am praying for you as well. May God continue to bless you with good health and a happy family and may His Spirit guide your path each and every day.

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    Michele says:

    Hi Beth, I’m thrilled that you and your family are all hale and hearty. Nothing beats that! I became unemployed in February of this year, and God is leveraging this opportunity to call me back to Him and His Word. I have been praying for my pastors and all those who work and volunteer at at the church. I keep you and your family and ministry in my prayers, as well. I have many family members and neighbour’s that need prayers, and God puts them in my mind to pray for each one. Some days, I feel like a nun or monk (or freak) with all this prayer and worship and scripture reading. Maybe I’m stepping into my calling…or getting prepared for something that is going to need a truckload of prayer. Blessings, Michele

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    kathy says:

    Thank you for the video post, very encouraging after a challenging day and disappointment regarding prayers prayed for decades. May I know your will and receive your wisdom and guidance. I am lost and feel the loss of my loved ones, but grateful. Lord Bless Beth and her ministry. We appreciate you speaking through your talented daughter!! xo

    • 16.1
      Sherry McClure says:

      Dear Kathy,
      I am so sorry to hear about your challenging day and disappointment. Jesus, be near to our dear sister!

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    Kathy says:

    Thank you so much for the update. It was a lot of fun and I was excited to hear that you were including a “word” at the end. Tabitha was quite an example and I pray God continue to raise up many more like her. Lately, I’m a frequent contributor to the Living Proof Prayer Wall and since you asked for an update on your readers, I thought I’d share here as well. I am praying for restoration of my marriage. I relate very well to your description of Melissa. God has put some miles on me with Him. He has been so faithful and has taught me so much and I am so in love with Him. He is my portion. My children are thriving, by the grace of God. I pray the Lord will allow us to stay in our home..so far, He’s stretched our time out here. We just celebrated my daughter’s birthday here and were so grateful for that. I am literally praying circles around this house and believing for the impossible, if it’s in line with His will for us. I would like to humbly ask anyone willing to pray for my family to do so. Thank you so much.
    For His glory and surrendered to His purposes,

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    Kristy says:

    Beth, I loved hearing about you & your family. I’m glad everyone is doing well. We have the 4 generation picture we took with you in Biloxi hanging on the refrigerator, so we have added you as one of our relatives as well. We gladly claim you as a long lost sister or something. 🙂
    I just finished Children of the Day & have so much highlighted. One of my favorite points was that if we have put our faith in Jesus as our Savior, darkness can’t force us to stay there. It can only harass us into thinking we belong there. That really resonated with me. I love re-reading your studies, especially at different seasons of my life. I absolutely love all the Wednesdays with Beth, too! They are so encouraging to me. Keep on keeping on! Much love to you!

  19. 19
    Rebekah says:

    Thank you so much for this, Beth! This is exactly what I needed today. I’m in the middle of a move from California back to my home state, Colorado. So much stress but this was a nice break to listen to you and hear what’s going on in your life. There were several points in your devotion that God knew I needed to hear. God bless you and your family!

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    Betty M says:

    Dear Beth,
    Just got home from a Gaither concert and need to be in bed BUT checked my emails and just could not let this one go without writing afew lines. I get long winded too!!
    Beth, I can sense a tough time for you even I hear rumblings and I won’t go into it but I will say, no matter what I know your heart’s in the right place. Even if I don’t agree with you doctrinally all the time, you love Jesus and it shows.
    I had an ah ha moment while listening to you and it afirmed something I see here. My calling….. When I need to bring food for a pot blessed meal I just hate it and alot of times my food doesn’t turn out especially good. I hate when my stuff gets pushed towards the back cuz noone can figure out if it is a cassorole or a pan of bars!!
    The time I spend preparing by writing devotions or short Bible studies or studying to facilitate a study well, that is my YES moment! I LOVE IT! It is just like you said it energizes me! It is what I would rather be doing than anything else. Trouble is with me living out in rural ND there are so many distractions that vie for my time. I really have to discipline myself to stay on task.
    Thankyou for that post.
    I have some difficult times too ahead and right now but a cousin of mine asked me to come to Billings and take in your LPL in a couple of weeks and that is big!! I am praying I can make the trip. It is 500 long miles one way! Blessings, dear and I will keep the prayers going!
    Betty M

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    Joni says:

    Thank you, Beth! So glad you are in good health and that your family is doing well, too. I’ve often wondered why I feel so drained after teaching Sunday School and after facilitating Tuesday Bible studies when I feel so alive during those times and even feel God teaching me something as I’m teaching my ladies. I was beginning to feel maybe the intensity was too much for me because I’m pretty much wiped out for a few hours afterwards. My husband was too. Your explanation of what it’s like to operate in our gifts certainly cleared that up for me. Thank you, thank you!

    I have a granddaughter who’ll be two years old this month. Sunday my son sent me a short video of her turning the pages in his Bible, pressing down each page with her hand and yelling jibberish in an authoritative voice before turning to the next page. She even leaned in and raised up on her toes a few times. It was precious. I’ve been praying for her to know the Lord since before she was born. I think God showed me a seed of a future harvest to come. You have a part in this because it was your Bible studies that drew me closer to Jesus and taught me how to let Him have all of me at a time I was completely broken by panic attacks and thought He had surely abandoned me. I learned how to pray for my family by seeing how you prayed for yours. I love you, Beth, for so many reasons but mostly for those.

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    karen says:

    Hi Beth.
    Such a nice surprise to see you tonight! I am in kind of a changing season right now but I know it will be okay.
    blessings to you and your sweet family. 🙂

  23. 23

    Dearest Sister loved by God
    He has chosen you this day to encourage us to advance the kingdom of Christ by doing good and helping the poor.
    We need to know that what we do in the name of Christ makes a difference and your encouragement will help us to know for certain that we are working in Gods will. And if we are just wearing ourselves out for nothing then we will seek his will. Thank you for doing what God has called you to do. Your efforts are not wasted.
    COTD was my very blessed Summer Bible Study. Our small group bonded and enjoyed our time together with each other, you and God. It was one of my very best summer studies. One thing that changed for me is to use scripture to pray over my people and ministries I work in. I used several of our memory verses to pray over loved ones. For instance I pray 1 Thes 3:3 over my pastors family who are moving to a new area, that God will establish them in a new church,new home, new schools and a new city. And that God will protect them from the evil one…Gods words are so powerful and he has shown me that people are blessed as I pray his words over them and I am blessed bcz I am really enjoying his words and becoming more intimate with him as I repeat them.
    Your work matters. Thank you for keeping on in your faith.
    My prayer for you is that you will love The Lord with all of your heart, mind and body.
    God bless

  24. 24
    Amy says:

    Loved the update! I sat here with my phone propped up on my breakfast table- thankful for you, and thankful for that word this morning. I’m finishing up the first quarter of my third year of teaching and I am TIRED, but full. This has been a sweet season with The Lord of growing and learning. I’m doing my own version of SSMT this year and have 5 verses left! It has been so hard but God has been so faithful to me through his word. Love you so and lifting you up this morning, sister!

    • 24.1
      Sherry McClure says:

      Dear Amy,
      How wonderful that you are doing your own SSMT! We pray that His Word goes down deep into your soul and bears much fruit!


  25. 25
    DeborahSMott says:

    WOW!l your love and joy overflows and the Holy Spirit is so evident and felt! Thank you Lord for this video ….how it has overwhelmed me with His presence and His fine detail and his overriding sovereignty for life! Thank you so much!
    Loved hearing the update of your family, thank you. Would so enjoy being in Melissa’s class if I lived near by –any chance she could put it on video? Having just been to Greece this summer … would love to speak Greek…the language is beautiful! Hopefully you have received the children’s Greek Bible that I sent you this week?! It comes with a CD so maybe Melissa could incorporate that in her classes? I felt the Lord prompted me to send it to you. The man who is involved in that project I believe is a true disciple of Christ and the key to revival in Greece because he is a bridge between the Greek orthodox church and the evangelicals that truly are “the remnant” and true disciples of the Gospel. PLEASE consider this package and tthe letter I sent carefully in prayer… that seems silly to ask you that because I believe you look to the Lord for everything in prayer! I just so believe it was the Lord who had me send it and I’ve been under such incredible warfare!!!!
    Yesterday, October 1, I headed to back to University of South Florida to the neurosurgeon who did my neck surgery in 2012 when I almost died after surgery to see if I needed brain surgery! I had been told it looked like I had a Chiari malformation from the CT Scan of brain (I had this just days before my mom got sick and entered ICU for eight days followed by two days in Hospice and then she passed!) which might be a birth defect or a result of trauma to the neck. I had many people praying for me and everything came up okay which was shocking! When I listen to your message this morning I am amazed! The first time I went to Texas for counseling for the sexual abuse the Lord showed me I was like Tabitha who died and He would bring back to life!!! I even named the new puppy the Lord gave me at that time Tabitha! You can check all this out with Mark Verkler in Richardson Texas I will give him permission to share with you anything you want to know! I do not think it is by accident that you prayed for the Tabatha’s to be raised up yesterday!!!!! I have made it my life goal to know JESUS,and be a resurrected “Tabitha”!
    I am truly amazed at God’s timing and speaking to me through this blog and your life and especially HIS WORD because your life speaks His Word by His Spirit! Thank you! I had a cuppa coffee this morning and when I do drink coffee I am trying to remember to always lift you up in prayer… you are such a blessing to me! You have helped me come out of legalism and into a HOLY Spirit filled life more and more! I would so love to sit and talk with you someday be at GOD’s will! I am so thrilled for Curtis and Melissa and the way that God is using them to unite and bring forth the true remnant Church in Texas! God’s protection over you and yours especially with this Ebowai situation in Texas! I would love to come to Texas again and maybe this time get to meet some more of your staff and even you be at God’s will! Thank you so much what a wonderful way to start the Jewish New Year in these days of Awe …the day of atonement is Saturday well Yom Kippur… What a wonderful testimony /fulfillment of what Christ has done for all of us in Him! My birthday is Sunday …I’ll be 55. Just given the opportunity to write this on the blog is a birthday gift to me and is speaking life over me through your video!!! My prayers are with you Beth and family and LPM …God bless you all! He has surely done so! You have
    Surely blessed him! Thank you so very much!

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    DeborahMott says:

    PS…Thank you for giving out and living the true gospel of Jesus Christ as Paul taught… not like the traditions of man but the true essence of why Christ came to save us from our sins and it’s His work and His work alone!!!! It is the true apostolic tradition of the Holy Spirit himself transmitted to His body …thank you so very much! I believe you are living out The true redemption story!!!! I loved commentary you gave on Romans 323+ (the cross of CHRIST…) 2Thes. 2:14!!!! Praise JESUS! Yes, O for 1000 tonues to sing our great Redeemer’s praise, the glories of our God and King the triumphs of His Grace…!

  27. 27
    Teri says:

    Thanks Beth for this blessing today!

    Perfect way to enjoy MY cup of coffee this morning (french vanilla), catching up with your life. We have some changes coming up in our family and since I like things to stay just the way they are these times are always a challenge. I continue praying that God will just direct and lead us to acceptance and place us where he wants us. Such a privilege to serve a God who has our best interests at heart even when we don’t know it. We too are blessed with a church here in DC that lifts and honors Jesus and provides us with a church family even when ours is across the country.

    Thanks again for your sharing. Praying blessings on this ministry. It’s a gift.

    Love, T

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    Cindy Power says:

    Good Morning, Miss Beth: Greetings from Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. Thank you so very much for bringing Gods’ word to us today. I pray that each of us listening to this message has a stirring in our hearts to ‘Do some good and help the poor’. Just wanted to tell you that myself and a group of three other dear sisters finished “Daniel” last night. We started in early June and went throughout the summer. Three of us had completed the study with you in 2007, but one of our newer sisters has wanted to do the study since she became a sister four years ago. The end is every drawing nearer on God’s kingdom calendar as we see Babylon at every turn. At the end of last nights’ video session I asked this dear sister if she was glad she had waited to complete the study until now and she assured us she was so very thankful. As a relatively new believer she has had some faith built up in her over the years…God is continuing to work in her life…it is so amazing to see our faith grow through the life of a new believer. It keeps my faith so fresh and new!! Thank you, Miss Beth, for obeying Gods’ call on your life. May the LORD continue to bless you and yours as you faithfully continue to serve Him. In Jesus’ mighty, matchless name, AMEN!!! We love you!!

  29. 29
    Deborah S Mott says:

    Oh so thankful that you have lived the truth of the Word of God!!! I see you and Living Proof Ministries living: WHAT IS OF MOST IMPORTANCE… 1Cor. 15:1-4 you have given out the GOSPEL and lifted before us! Thank you!!!!

  30. 30
    Vanessa says:

    Thank you for updating us on your family. It is great to hear about them and you.
    Being a youth ministers wife is a great joy to me. It does come with many challenges and difficulties, but loads of blessings!
    I have been doing ministry with my husband since we have been married and watching the middle school student grow into high school and then to college students is such a blessing. This year we have an unusual number of seniors so my heart is already aching for them as I will miss them greatly. Four have already joined either the reserves or active duty and will leave for basic training immediately after graduation. Keep them in your prayers.
    Thank you for your words today that have truly been a blessing to me.

    On a separate note: October is Pastor Appreciation month words of encouragement/pats on the back mean more to most of them than people realize. Just the “good job” this year. Thank you for helping me with… this year. Our pastors go under appreciated most of the time. So take this month to remember them and drop a kind note their way.

    • 30.1
      LPM-KMac says:

      That’s a good word, Vanessa. I appreciate my pastor and his wife so much for all the things i imagine they handle, and for all the things I am clueless about. God continue to anoint them in leadership and grace!

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    Nancy says:


    Thank you so much for your video post. I am struggling with a task God has put before me and I was grateful to be able to listen to your video this morning while I got ready for the day. I am currently training for Ironman Arizona which races on November 16. You can look it up at ironman.com if you want to know more about it. Anyway, I have three weeks of hard training left before I start to taper and I am struggling. I had a very difficult day yesterday and cut my workout short from 100 miles to 70 miles on the bike. I need prayers for strength, perseverance, and health. I also know I am not the only woman in this boat right now. Please keep us all in your prayers. Thank you for answering God’s calling when you did. If you didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to ask you for prayer right now. Can you imagine just how many working parts are in God’s plan and each and every one is important? In fact my words here now, might be helping someone else. God is doing amazing things every second of the day and most of the time we don’t see it. Pray that I keep that in perspective. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Thanks for your prayers.

    God’s Blessings,
    Nancy Henkes

  32. 32
    Sarah Robinson says:

    Good Morning Beth! What a joy to see you. I CANNOT wait until later today when I have an opportunity to watch this when things are a bit quieter. If I do not comment on this part now though I will forget and you will never know the following. There may be more companies than Plant Therapy that make a coffee essential oil but they are the only one that I know of. I have only read one independent report on it but the person said it was AMAZING in its smell. It has no health benefits just smells great!

  33. 33
    Joy Cravens says:

    Beth – thank you so much. I love your video chats. I can listen while I’m at work. I was drinking my cup of tea with you this morning. I would love more of these. Loved the family update, and then you sharing God’s word. I’ve had a difficult time the last couple of weeks….not from my personal trials….but from deep trials of family and friends. I know God is working….but wish I could do more than “just” pray. But staying faithful in God’s word is pulling me through this low time. Thank you for being honest and letting us know that happens to you, too. God is faithful! AMEN.

  34. 34
    Ronnie says:

    Thank you for sharing. I have lead Women’s Ministry for 11 years at our church plant in Marysville OH which has grown from a dozen people to over 1100. It has been a blessing to be part of this, but of course has had many challenges. I have done many of your studies in a group setting, but this summer worked through Children of the Day on my own and it spoke to my heart tremendously.
    On a personal note when you have shared about your daughters and grandchildren it has been so wonderful, but I had to guard my heart from being envious since our only daughter, husband and two grandchildren (4 yr. old boy and 20 mo. old girl) lived 8 hours away from us. BUT this summer they have moved “home” and are less than two miles from our home. GOD IS GOOD!

  35. 35

    Beth, what a delight to hear that God is blessing you and your loved ones. I’ve been so blessed and inspired by your ministry over the years. Thank you for washing my feet with water from the Word of God.
    I especially enjoyed the devotional you shared today, maybe you can tell by my name why it mean so much to me. I just had to smile when you said “a woman in Acts chapter 9.” I don’t get to hear my own name very often (unless I’m in trouble).
    You asked us to let you know how it is with us and so I am blessed to say that we are all well, other than middle-aged aches and pains. My husband and son are a blessing to me as I study as an on-line seminary student working toward a degree in Biblical studies. I also teach 3 weekly Bible study classes (2 are doing COTD), and writing a devotional blog. My husband has graciously allowed me to leave the working world to focus on my calling. I am so very blessed and grateful to God for him. My son, has a wonderful job with an electrical company that was a literal God-gift. He has been in a relationship with a young lady which has seriously challenged me and, for a time, rocked my faith, but the Spirit is leading me to pray for her salvation and seek God’s strength to be a conduit of His love to her. The only cloud has been my best friend moving away this summer, but thankful that we still stay in communication.
    Thank you Beth and all the “Tabithas” at Living Proof ministries for your gifts and service to me and all my sisters in Christ.

    • 35.1
      LPM-KMac says:

      Thank you for sharing your update, Dorcas! I chuckled when you said you rarely hear your own name, unless you’re in trouble.
      Honored to join you in praying for the salvation of your son’s friend.

  36. 36
    Michele says:

    Thank You Mama Beth! Can I tell you how precious I hold it when we can “get together” and “talk” and pray? Needed it this morning! Thanks for ‘catching us up’, too! We love you. Praying for you.


  37. 37
    Kay Martin says:

    Enjoyed the update on your family!! Very much enjoyed the devotional about Tabitha (Dorcas) and the points about ministering – doing good and helping the poor!!

  38. 38
    Denise Ciofani says:

    Hi Beth – and ALL the wonderful minister at LPM!
    This was exactly what I needed today! I saw that it was a video and I made sure to get my coffee and sit down to “chat” with you. What a blessing you are. It is amazing to me how God’s Word can be so “simple” and yet apply to every single one of us – meeting us where we are. Thank you for your encouragement and for “doing life” with all of us. My daughter is in 2nd grade, so she is right in that age that your grandchildren are in and it is a precious age as you said. God is working in a mighty way in our lives as well and I took encouragement from your statement that we are good because Jesus is good and even if we’re going through a difficult time, we are doing good because God is revealing Himself to us and refining us.

    Love you!!

  39. 39
    katiegfromtennessee says:

    Beth, you are such an answer to prayer for me this morning. I was feeling like God wasn’t close by this past week and a half, and I wasn’t completely sure why. I prayed that He would show me that He was still there and you said that right off in you video greeting…and I guess it is because it was on my mind, you saying that made me cry-but in a good way! I needed that. I am really glad to hear that everyone is doing ok. I have been praying for you and your family. I understand better now a little of what you all went through last year, and I have been praying for you all…I am excited that you talked about ministry and fulfilling our callings, because I have started to go outside my comfort zone in trying to reach the lost around me. I have some great ideas given to me over the last week also, and I want to start putting them into action. I think because I have been fearful of getting into situations like I have been in the past where I have been abused or hurt, it made me too cautious…but then it gets to a point where I can insulate myself from the world around me too much because I am afraid of what might happen to me, and I DO NOT THRIVE or GROW WITH THE LORD with that kind of mindset! In fact, the opposite happens, I go backward, and that just can’t be happening again. No, not again…I should have discretion, but I shouldn’t be holed up in my house, wasting time chasing selfish pursuits or things, or only spending time in my bubble of Christian friends and church. I hope I am making sense!:) So I am excited that He still wants to use me. I was disobedient in my call to go and make disciples, but I do not want to be anymore. Soo good to hear from you Beth!:) Since you mentioned that you are wondering what was going on with us in your prayer, then I thought I would share…I am also looking forward to better cultivating my relationships with other Christian women God has placed in my life right now. Older women and women my age, and younger ones too. It is a blessing, and I want to be a super healthy blessing to them too:) I love you too, Beth, you know it:) Blessings to you today Siesta Mama Beth:)

  40. 40
    Kaye says:

    Hey Beth! Thank you for giving us a peek into your life today. It’s always good to hear about your family bc they seem like our family to especially since you are our Sister Who Is Loved By God!! Loving Children of the Day study……have 9 ladies in my home each week from different churches and we are so blessed(we have been doing your studies for 5 years now) The group is called Pleasant Sisters (after the name of the church Mt Pleasant UMC). We love you and always look forward to the next study!!!! God’s richest blessings on you and your family!!!

  41. 41
    Mary Watkins says:

    Dear Beth,
    What a joy to hear from you. God never fails to encourage me through your family updates and the Word God put on your heart to share with us.
    A family update from my family. Our oldest son, Bradley, is a GM at hotel in Tulsa. It is a beautiful property and Brad says the crew is a great group of people which makes it a great place to work. His boss lives in Dallas and comes in from time-to-time which is what he should do. However, Brad never knows what to expect from him. Sometimes his boss is in a good mood and all goes well. Yesterday, for example, Bradley was chewed out with expletives and then was hung up on. Brad loves the Lord. He works hard and expects the same from his crew. Please join us in prayer about this. Our prayer is that Brad will be used to show Christ like faith and love in this most difficult position.

    Our younger son, Nathan, is a school teacher. He moved to a new school this year moving up from a kindergarten class to second grade. He loves the Lord and is quite active in church. Please pray that he will so love and kindness to his students and he will be a Godly influence to his fellow teachers.

    Mike and I will be retiring in a couple of years. We look forward to traveling and camping around this great country of ours.

    God bless you, dear Beth.

  42. 42
    MK says:

    Thank you Beth for having coffee with us today. What a pleasure! And what a good word to start the day with. Isn’t that the way with good friends, catching up and some in the Word encouragement!
    It’s a new season, even in this older season, and have been so encouraged by the simulcast and Children of the day. (Had an even older gal in the waiting room of my allergy shots, approach me and encourage me, seeing me with my workbook, to not be doing this by myself! but to get in a group! Sweet concern. But I digress.) I am excited to share with my youngest daughter’s Bible study that meets in our home, the great points of the simulcast this weekend. So important for these young 15-16 yr olds to know the truths of being a woman of God! It was my daughter’s idea after attending the simulcast! Bless you, Beth! We love you.

  43. 43
    Tammi T. says:

    Thanks for the update and the devotion. It was an affirmation of something that God has been trying to share with me. I serve at our church through AWANA. I have been discouraged recently b/c our team line seemed to have a disproportionate amount of unruly kids; however, God started showing me these kids are ones that ride our church vans. Most of them have physical needs that aren’t able to be met by their families. God spoke to me last might that this is a gift. He has given me (and the other leaders on our team) an opportunity to show these kids love …. His love. They need it in all aspects …. emotionally, physically and spiritually. Your message confirmed it. Thanks so much.

  44. 44
    Anonymous says:

    Beth I needed some light heartiness today. Life has been crazy at this house for so many reasons. Some good, some bad. Lately God has been after me to change my eating again. What I should say is to deal with my gluttony issues. I am so disappointed in myself for the weight that I have gain over the last year and weeks. Uggh. Also some relational things going on. So thank you. I love hearing about you and yours. Your marriage is such an encouragement to me. It always has been since the beginning of this blog. Thank you.

  45. 45
    Susan Sarver says:

    Hi Beth,
    Thank you so much for all you do. Although I have been a Christian most of my life, it wasn’t until I did my first study with you (Breaking Free) that I really learned what a relationship with Christ looked and felt like.
    I have recently moved to Utah and have been asking God how to serve Him and reach people here in the middle of LDS country. Your video was a simple answer to my prayer! Do good to them and help the poor. May God bless you for your willingness to open yourself up to all of us and share your journey.

  46. 46
    Denise says:

    Thank you so much for being up close and personal. I have the pleasure of meeting weekly with a group of Kick butt Warriors to do Faithful, Abundant, and True. God Bless you and your family. Thank you for the simulcast last month. Chains of oppression dropped off of me. Praise JESUS!!!

  47. 47
    Carolyn says:

    Thank you, Beth, for this little video and invitation to respond. I’m sitting here in northern Idaho this morning sharing my thoughts and my caramel mocha expresso. I appreciate the devo about raising more Tabithas who do good and help the poor. What a blessing! Thank you for your dedication to your ministry to women and for following Jesus–and leading the way!
    Right now, I’m clinging to Jesus and holding on to belief and faith. A year ago, my husband was diagnosed with bladder cancer and must undergo checkups and treatments on a regular basis as the kind invading his body is a stubborn one. I have a “wild” man, too, but he actually went before the pastor and elders for prayer. (He attends church regularly, but he doesn’t call attention to himself….) The 1st procedure went well, and one of the check ups (this one was 6 months later), revealed a positive test for cancer cells. We continued to pray for healing, and the result was negative. Praise Jesus! Now, another 6 months shows cancer again along with plaque. On Monday, he will undergo the scraping procedure under general anesthesia for additional tests and biopsies. Please keep him in your prayers for physical healing and spiritual strength.
    Regarding Bible studies, I began COTD during the summer and later joined a group of women engaged in the Jesus, the One and Only study. Well, I couldn’t pass THAT opportunity, so I became a Thess temporary dropout and focused on the Jesus O and O. Now, my regular group (that doesn’t meet during the summer) will start Jesus the O and O, and I will facilitate that study. (But first, we are looking at the recent simulcast with the digital pass and are blessed by the Identity Declaration.) I am continuing to meet with the summer study girls who are now studying COTD, so I’m back in Thessalonians!
    Until a couple years ago, I NEVER had read or contributed to blogs. Living Proof changed that! These posts are such a blessing and keep us sisters in community!
    One more thing: I’m rewriting the Identity Declaration for my man of God!

    • 47.1
      LPM-KMac says:

      I love that you are writing an Identity Declaration for your man! Praying his procedure is successful and accomplishes its purposes. Healer, come heal!

      • Carolyn says:

        Praise Jesus, the Healer! Though the initial exam showed cancer cells present, the procedure revealed no cancer cells. My husband was under general anesthesia while the doc examined the bladder and took biopsies. I was at peace during the hosptal and days of waiting, peace that Jesus would minister as we dealt with this, and it’s just wonderful to have the confirmation that He took care of this. This type of cancer returns, so we will need to monitor and undergo preventative meds. Thank you for this community of prayer warriors!

        My Bible study girls are watching the simulcast via digital pass, and we now have a response if anyone asks us if we are pastors or if we have a similar experience to Beth’s airport scene when she prayed with a stranger who asked her if she was a pastor–“yes, we I are women of God!” We appreciate that identity declaration and some are committing it to memory. We refer to ourselves as woGs!

        Well. One more item to share: I replayed session 2 at my house a couple days ago for a woman new to Bible study. And who’d had missed the session,, and she was so blessed by your message, Beth! She prayed the prayer for salvation and told me afterward that she has always wondered if God is real. She joined our group because she lives nearby and someone invited her to. She has never studied the life of Jesus or anything and wants to know Him more! We are beginning Jesus, the O and O in a couple weeks. My heart is full of joy!

  48. 48
    annette says:

    Thank you for the update! You are such a blessing and encouragement to me. I have a greater desire to walk with my Jesus now than ever before! He is good despite whatever circumstances I’m facing. Thanks for that reminder! I have never really studied about Tabitha but I am currently reading thru Acts (on chapter 8) so I’ll be there soon:) What a blessing that God called her a “disciple”. That is my true heart’s desire! Keep serving him faithfully!

  49. 49
    Melissa Ball says:

    Thank you so much for your silly update! The devotional you shared was just what I needed. Even though the 20 minute video took me an hour to watch (kids running everywhere, two year old STUCK.IN.THE.FRIDGE!!!, pastor-husband home early from a horrendous day of work, etc), it was worth every single minute! I am refreshed and inspired to DO GOOD!!! Everyday I get to chose to do good for those I serve. I happen to serve my family as a stay-at-home and homeschool mom and it is NOT easy. Sometimes it takes so much self-sacrifice that I fear I have completely lost myself. I needed the reminder to do good to the poor–those outside of my house. My kids need to see momma serving people other than themselves. It gets my eyes off of myself. You are so right that serving others is exhilarating!!! I serve my family but I have missed serving others. So thank you thank you thank you!!!!!

  50. 50
    Warm in Alaska says:

    Fun to hear the update, Beth. Glad all is well with you and yours. We’re surviving an Alaskan fall – replete with football, x-county running, and hunting (well, now it’s on to trapping as of yesterday). So. I get what it is to marry into the wide world of outdoor activities requiring firearms.

    Loved that Tabitha’s name means gazelle – b/c that seems to be how she functioned in her ministry of doing good and serving the poor: with elegance and effectiveness.

    God has been so faithful to show up and speak. And you’re right. His voice is life to me.

    Hoping you and the Living Proof crew have a blessed rest of Thursday ~

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