How About an Autumn Giveaway?

Congratulations! Below are names of our 10 winners. If you see your name and comment number below, please watch today for an email from LPM.  Reply with your mailing address so we can get your goodies in your hands just as quickly as possible.  We sure had fun with this, and hope you enjoy your sussie!

1352: Aidan
168: Katie Elizabeth
658: Christina
1715: Kim
1390: Regan Vickery
1021: Lea H.
1265: Pam Davis
669:  Janet Simonitch
631:  April H.
1567: Jan Horne


Okay ladies! That was so fun posting your comments/entries!  The comments are now closed and we look forward to announcing the 10 winners on Monday morning.  Have a wonderful weekend!


I LOVE FALL. I love everything about it. I practically grin in my sleep this time of year. And I love y’all. So today I’m putting those loves together for an Autumn giveaway! Your (one) comment to this post will be your entry to the drawing. We will leave the post open for entries until the close of our work day tomorrow (Friday at 4:30 CST). We will then do a random drawing for each of the gifts and post our 10 winners on Monday. How does that sound?


Here is the collective bounty:


And here is each item separately.

Mud Pie butter dish and gravy ladle:


Brighton Bracelet with The Lord’s Prayer engraved on it:

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A framed picture to remind you to smile and  & a pair of swirl earrings handcrafted by my good friend David Lowe:



Sur la Table Pie dish & server:

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Boot socks, an infinity scarf, and another pair of earrings by David Lowe:

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Pewter pumpkin bowl and spreader:


Urban Decay neutral eye shadow palette: (I love, love, love their eye shadows. Wearing some this very second.)



Peony soap, soap dish, and fingertip towels:


Salt cellar and salt:


Pumpkin spice candle:

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Have at it, Girls! So happy to celebrate Fall with you! We will have another giveaway just before Thanksgiving! You are dearly loved and esteemed around here at Living Proof.



2,377 Responses to “How About an Autumn Giveaway?”

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  1. 451
    Jennie says:

    Fall is my fav season!!

  2. 452
    Fareen Tabani says:

    I live in Vegas so we don’t have much of a fall. It’s really hot and then all of a sudden it is cold. Haha! Fall sure in pretty in Texas though!

  3. 453
    Laura M Wainscott says:

    This is such a lovely idea,
    Thank you all!
    God bless!

  4. 454
    Denise says:

    Faithful, Abundant, and True ! What a beautiful way for God’s Love to shine through! Happy Harvest!Thank you for your generous spirit Beth. May God continue to Bless LPL, to be a Blessing

  5. 455
    Keesha Vaughn says:

    So much fun!! Fall is great…especially up here in New England! Just stunning!

  6. 456
    Ann McGinnis says:

    LPM Blogs brighten my day everyday!
    Happy Fall!

  7. 457
    Kim says:

    You have such a generous spirit – how kind! I am beside-myself-excited for LPL in Billings next weekend. Woohoo!!!

  8. 458
    Donna says:

    What a beautiful assortment of things! Sure hope I win. Thank you so much for this offer. :))

  9. 459
    Kelsey Leeman says:

    This is fun! Happy Blessed Fall to your ministry and thank you!

  10. 460
    Deborah says:

    Fall is my favorite time of year too!

  11. 461
    Kathy Jones says:

    This is an awesome selection, you are a blessing.

  12. 462
    Dianne says:

    Thank you for your generosity!
    We are having a beautiful day in Minnesota today.

  13. 463
    Carolyn says:

    Thank you, Beth for helping us to study the Word.

  14. 464
    Karen Todd says:

    Please pick me. Fall is my favorite time of year and today, 10-16 is my 32nd anniversary!!
    Love in Christ

  15. 465
    Pam says:

    What fun… Your surprise giveaways are awesome…. Thank You

  16. 466
    Dena says:

    I love Fall as well! What a fun gift giveaway, hope I win!

  17. 467
    Beth Turner says:

    I just WON a Branson trip for a week, which is incredible, so I’m feeling God just wants to bless me with this little bundle also!!!! hee hee

    • 467.1
      kathypinkbicyclearkansas says:

      Branson….just a hop skip and a jump from me….I’m headed that way tomorrow actually.

      • Beth says:

        Have fun! I hope the foliage has turned spectacular for you. I love Branson, would move there in a heartbeat! I’m an Okie, so it’s close for me too.

  18. 468
    Terry says:

    I love autumn, too! The leaves are turning here in central Virginia and they are simply gorgeous.

  19. 469
    Marsha R. says:

    What special fall give away prizes. Thank you so much. I can tell your love abounds for us ever more.

  20. 470
    Amy B. says:

    I love fall, too. I love the cool weather that allows me to throw the windows open for a while to get some fresh air.

  21. 471
    Julie L. says:

    Fall is my favorite season! There is nothing like that first cold snap that makes the trees turn red and gold. It is time to break out our most loved fleece jackets, gloves, scarves, and fuzzy socks and pick up our first pumpkin spice latte at the local coffee stand. Love it!

  22. 472
    Joy says:

    My 37th wedding anniversary was October 15th. The fall colors are ablaze. I would love to be able to give these gifts to my sister, who first brought me to see Beth Moore.

  23. 473
    amybhill says:


  24. 474
    Lisa Jacobs says:

    Wow! Such amazing giveaways. That’s cool.

  25. 475
    Julie Reynolds says:

    Who knew?? Autumn is a very popular season with Siestas!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  26. 476
    Joy French says:

    Thank you for your kindness and generosity!

  27. 477
    Michele says:

    LOVE Fall, too!

  28. 478
    Meghan says:

    Love all these items. Thanks for the giveaway!

  29. 479
    Janelle Villalba says:

    I also love Fall, Beth! I was so blessed by your presence in San Diego. A very difficult season in my life has been made so sweet by our Father’s lavish love and encouragement. Being able to attend your conference and You Lead with sweet sisters in the faith was one of the many ways. I pray you are blessed and being refreshed in His love and all our love and gratitude for YOU.

    Love you dearly,

    Janelle Villalba
    Tulare, CA

  30. 480
    Theo Gonzales says:

    Montana is just beautiful with a strong mix of both summer and golden Fall! Just a reminder of that last touch of color before WINTER!

  31. 481
    Brooke Weigand says:

    I love fall!! Jeans and hoodies all the time:)

  32. 482
    Joan says:

    What a fun idea Beth. thanks

  33. 483
    chavilla says:

    Just thinking about the fall, Makes me desire to inquire of the Lord, for his presence to fall afresh upon me.

    Thank you LP, for stirring up that hunger within…

  34. 484
    Diginee says:

    Had to do a WHOOT! on the way to work this morning – windows down – who cares about the hair?

  35. 485
    Jana says:

    I love fall too and after today would love one of those to brighten my day! Thank you!

  36. 486
    Bonita Smith says:

    You are such a blessing to me each day. I LOVE your enthusiasm in your bible studies and your love for Jesus. You are an inspiration to so many!

  37. 487
    ellen husel says:

    What a sweet idea! I was just checking in to see what you were onto today and found your lovely giveaway. I’m drawn to start a women’s study in my home and was looking at the Breaking Free book and series. Am hoping to purchase it as soon as I pay bills this month. Thank you for being there for me and thousands of other women. I have memorized the Identity Declaration and start my day with it. Ellen Husel

  38. 488
    Kathy says:

    I love the fall- just in from a walk at a park where I love to praise Him for His colourful handiwork this time of year.
    I fear having an accident while I drive as I am constantly turning my head to see yet another bright yellow or orange tree. Praise Him. By the way, gorgeous collection of goodies.

  39. 489
    Debbie says:

    What a nice thing to do!!!!!! I love the bracelet!!!!

  40. 490
    Vanessa Negron says:

    Such a sweet give away! Just came from the conference in San Diego, so blessed by the community there! “Bravo” to all of your staff! 😉

  41. 491
    Jill says:

    Autumn in Florida , God is Good !
    Love you ,

  42. 492
    Suzanne Yoh says:

    Thank you for this wonderful idea!

  43. 493
    Melandie Matthews says:

    How fun!!

  44. 494
    Carol McCarley says:

    I so love the fall, it is also my very favorite season. I was at the LPL in San Diego this past weekend and already feel that I was given so many gifts of the Holy Spirit through Beth. So, to win this would be an incredible added blessing from a very generous, Godly team!!

  45. 495
    Steph L says:

    I love the fall! The Brighton bracelet is beautiful. Thanks so much for a fun giveaway!

  46. 496
    Amy Perry says:

    Thank you for taking time to give gifts away 🙂 I also want to thank you for your post you are truly a blessing to many people! Happy Fall to Y’all too!

  47. 497

    I luv fall…missing the aura that it holds as we pass the 3 month mark in Côte d’Ivoire as tent builder missionaries!!! 38 souls for Jesus in 1 month…our Jesus is dancing!!!
    Happy fall….

  48. 498
    Jeannette says:

    So many wonderful things are being given away. I would love to win this gift package.
    I have mixed emotions on the seasons. Fall and Spring are my two favorites. I wish I could go walk in the woods and wade through a huge pile of leaves. We just have pine needles around here. And I want to go to a big campfire. But I would have to wear shorts and be sleeveless. Prime target for all the mosquitos!

  49. 499
    Kathrine says:

    Learning what fall is like in San Diego this year. Thank you for all you do for us, Beth!

  50. 500
    allison harper says:

    I love the fall in WY, espeically when i get the chance to drive up the north fork and go into Yellowstone . . . . sigh. I’ve always wondered who you use for makeup because your eyes always sparkle!