LPL Simulcast Responsive Reading

Responsive Reading Final from LPV on Vimeo.

Hey, Dear Sisters!

Many of you who participated in the simulcast asked for the responsive reading we did at the very beginning of the last session. Here it is and I have left it in exactly the same form. I compiled these Scriptures to serve as a focused call to worship for a gathering of believers that would lead straight into songs of praise led by our worship team. My hope in posting it here as a response to your requests is that many of you will not just view it but, instead, will actually take part in it by allowing God’s Word to speak over you, then responding with words to Him comprised of Scripture as well. Where it calls for congregational response, you’d simply respond individually.

You are a joy for us to serve, Sisters. We are honored to bring you anything we possibly can that might be of benefit to you. Our deepest hope and commitment here at Living Proof is to encourage women to love Christ Jesus more and more through the study of His Word. Pray that for us as well!

I will post the commissioning we did at the very end of the simulcast on Friday. Dearest love to you all!




92 Responses to “LPL Simulcast Responsive Reading”

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  1. 1
    Diana A. says:

    Breath In Word- Exhale Thanksgiving!


  2. 2
    Sandy says:

    Thank you so much for this! I needed to hear and say those words out loud. My son’s dad tried to commit suicide last night and lives far away. I could only talk to my son on the phone and pray for him as he convinced his dad to give the gun to him. Thank God, he gave my son the gun and is now in a mental health facility getting help. Please remember my son in your prayers as he deals with this now.

    • 2.1
      Karen says:

      Sandy I am praying for your family. To have mentally ill family members is a burden I know all to well. Praise God the angels were with you to speak to this man so he would not do this heinous act. God bless you beloved.

      • Tammy H. says:

        Sandy, I am thankful your son’s dad is getting the help he needs. I pray for his healing and also pray for your son for going through this scary time.

    • 2.2
      Anita Howard says:

      Sandy, I am praying for your son and his father, as well as for you. My son-in-law committed suicide July 5. My sister and I had just attended Beth’s LPL in Duluth just before this. She had this responsive reading at that event and I cannot tell you how precious and holy those moments were. I literally felt God speaking those words to me. She had us write some things on paper and hold up to God after this and my son-in-law was so heavy on my heart. We fought so hard for him in our prayers when we couldn’t do anymore to get him help. He would agree to get help and then back away again. I am thanking God also that your son’s dad is getting help. So thankful. I will uplift him in my prayers. I am profoundly sad over my Scott, but know God even has a plan in this. Thanking Him that my daughter’s faith is strong and praying this strong faith over my young granddaughters.

    • 2.3
      Angie says:

      I lift you up to OUR Gracious Father in Heaven and send prayers of strength and comfort to all involved. My daughter’s father did the same thing and succeeded when she was 15. May God bless you also as you assist and deal with this along side your son.

    • 2.4
      Aimee says:

      Oh Sandy,
      I prayed for all involved. What a testimony to the power of the Holy Spirit that this life was spared. Only last month a friend shared a similar story, but with the opposite ending, tragically (the father had his ex-wife AND two kids on the phone line when he pulled the trigger). Only our faithful and gracious, merciful Father can restore such pain-filled hearts. We’re all praying for restoration, healing, renewal, peace, comfort, and strength. What a precious gift for you to be used so powerfully by the Spirit to help spare this life, so that God could intervene. What amazing things must lie in store for all three of you. Praise God!

      • Deborah Mott says:

        Blessed to see the prayerful and kind support for one another on this blog. So sad so many have suffered w/suicide situations. Grateful for prayers of the saints and promises of the LORD…Thx for the testimony you all are on this blog and for the LORD’s Promises! Agreeing with the prayers written above. IN CHRIST, Deb

  3. 3
    Lynne Henkel says:


  4. 4
    elaine says:

    Many thanks for posting this. Saturday was a powerful experience. I was at the Shreveport LPL and appreciated the update on the altar call. We serve an amazing God!! Thank your for continually answering His call to feed the flock. You are truly a blessing to Siestaville.

    May God Bless you mightily! Amen!

  5. 5
    BARBARA JEAN says:

    What a Blessing! Through tears, I thank you. Thank you Lord Jesus for your Word that never returns void.

  6. 6
    Darla DenHerder says:

    I watched the simulcast on Saturday as well and would love to have the list of true or false questions she asked to determine whether we were living under law or grace. Any chance of getting a copy of those questions?

    • 6.1
      Mitzi says:

      me too!! 🙂

    • 6.2
      Judy Hollers says:

      My friends and I watched the simulcast on Saturday from Travis Cottrell’s hometown, Boone, NC! We were blessed with this opportunity by Mount Vernon Baptist Church. If possible, can you post the responsive reading in typewritten form? I, too, would appreciate your posting the true/false questions. Thank you for considering these requests, and thank you for a wonderful day of Bible study, praise and worship.

  7. 7
    Bev says:

    Powerful, powerful.

  8. 8
    Jennifer says:

    Nearly cried at my desk doing this! I need this reminder daily. So powerful, Thank you so much!!

  9. 9
    Denise B says:

    Thank you so much for God’s word spoken through Beth on Saturday. I am still contemplating what I heard. Thank you for posting this responsive reading as well. Many blessings to you for your dedication to Jesus!

  10. 10
    Joela says:

    I want to thank you for the message that I feel was brought straight from God to us the viewers. I was convicted to write my obituary which I posted to my God Blog, you can find it here.

    Thanks again for the blessings that you brought to me and all the other viewers around the world.

    God Bless!!!

  11. 11
    Joni Woodward says:

    I wish we did more of this in my church. We used to back in the 60s and 70s.

  12. 12
    Penny says:

    Breath-taking. I have no adequate words to describe the moment I just had as I read those words aloud. It was like I could hear His responses inside me, and feel Him speaking just to me. Tears streaming down my cheeks, I wish that moment could have lasted just a little longer.

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    Becky says:

    What a beautiful experience. All alone with God, tears of gratitude streaming down my face. Oh how I love Him.

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    shelley says:

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!

  15. 15
    Katelyn says:

    When the last session started, everything was black on the screen, and the trumpets began to blow… Let me tell you! I thought Christ was returning! I took a deep breath and as I let it go, ready to leave this world behind, I looked around and everyone was still there and my feet were still on the ground.
    There were so many thoughts that went through my head and even now, the flood is returning to my mind. I’m thankful for more time to reach my lost loved ones, but still longing to see my Maker, face to face.

  16. 16
    Sandy Bowers says:

    Hey Beth! Glad to see you have recovered from your weekend! At least enough to enjoy the man serenading you outside of your window! LOL.

    Any chance we can get the pop quiz questions? That’s an area I’d like to re-visit on different occasions….to see how I’m doing!

    Thanks again Beth, for being faithful to your calling. We are all blessed to have the chance to hear what God has to say, through you. Praying I’ll be able to come in January. Big hugs sweet thing!

  17. 17
    Sheila says:

    WOW – what a blessing to my soul……….Thanks for sharing.

  18. 18
    Alyssa says:

    Beth, Lindsee, and the other Living Proof staff, I have gotten to know y’all through SSMT and God has used this blog to minister to me in the most difficult season in have thusfar experienced. You have continually reminded me of how much He loves me and have pointed me to Him- even through silly posts about shopping lists and grandmotherhood! I love you ladies more than you can know. Keep serving Jesus– cuz I need you! 😉 God bless!!!

  19. 19
    Patsy says:

    Thank you, Beth.
    That was so very uplifting to me this morning.

  20. 20
    Kathy S says:

    Thank You for posting this!! I loved how it was silent when the words God spoke to us were up, and how we all got to reply in unison using words of Scripture.

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    Denise says:

    Thank you.

  22. 22
    Jan Bach says:

    Thank you for the Grace poem and the responsive reading. I am wondering if it is possible to have the 13 true false questions posted as well. That would be wonderful. Thank you!!

  23. 23
    Anna Colglazier says:


    Would it be possible to have the list of questions you asked us to think about and answer during the live simulcast on September 14th, 2013. I would really appreciate having them.

    Thank you,


    • 23.1
      Katelyn says:

      Yes, Beth, please! It was very convicting and I would like to have those questions on hand to remind myself when I begin to lean to the side of law.. “No one misses a pharisee”

  24. 24
    Anita Howard says:

    Beth, Thank you!! You did this in Duluth Ga. and I have wanted a copy ever since. Such holy moments of God speaking to me. Thank you for your obedience to His leading.

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    Diann Davis says:

    Beautiful!! Thank you Lord for your Word and Your Promises! Thank you for Grace! Praising Him through tears of joy!

  26. 26
    Susan Thomas says:

    Loved this sooooooo much on Saturday and have been anxiously waiting for you to post it! I’ve passed the link on to my husband, sister, and sister-in-law as well as posting the link on Facebook. Such a wonderful thing for my quiet time! Hope it blesses others as well!

  27. 27
    Viviana Prata says:

    I am sorry but I did not feel comfortable with this style of praise and worship. I spent many years studying and living as a Hindu and this “responsive reading” reminded me of the “Person of Steady Mind” in the Bhagavad Gita. Also, not to be whiny, I dissociated when having to repeat words into the eyes of a stranger. I have no memory of anything I said to that minister’s wife, all I remember is seeing her eyes. From my experience and understanding, this activity can be a dangerous practice for women with PTSD from sexual trauma. This is just my arrogant opinion so don’t start hating! 🙂 and I loved the rest of the simulcast. You are definitely a servant of God!

    • 27.1
      Beth says:

      I surely am sorry it bothered you, Sister. Then you did the right thing to refrain. No judgment here. For those of us who have no experience with the Hindu practice you describe, it is just the joy of God’s own words straight from the Bible. May He bless and encourage you today. Honored to serve you.

      • Viviana Prata says:

        No need to apologize sister, but thank you! No judgement…we are on the same side! The Lord blesses and encourages me daily! May he keep you at peace and love all day today!

  28. 28
    colette says:

    Thank You so much Beth!! I love you! You inspire me to seek Jesus more and more with each new day! I pray you ALWAYS keep the Faith and thank you for helping us in our walk with Him! 🙂

  29. 29
    Cherry Jones says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your creative writing on Grace. God amazes me everyday. My family is in such a mess.(to put it mildly) my husband of 42 years and I are separated for almost 4 years now but I stand on Gods promises of restoration. My prayer is for his heart of stone to soften. My youngest son spent 2 tours in Iraq and suffers from alcoholism. He has a calling on his life to serve God but does not feel worthy. In a recent conversation with him he said” you know mama I’m not like Jonah in the belly of the whale” I said yes son you are. You have to be obedient to God and surrender your life to him. Later on he said its like i cant catch my breath. For you to write that Grace is the air to draw a breath in the belly of a whale was a God thing . As mothers we feel so helpless when our children are hurting and all we can do is Pray. My oldest grandson is so angry and lost again all I can do is Pray. Pray for Gods hand upon my marriage and family. Cherry

  30. 30
    Lisa says:

    Thank you so very much, I copied all of the scriptures, I hope thats ok, I would like to print it and have it framed… I cried almost through the whole simulcast…thanks again.

  31. 31
    Kristi says:

    Thank you so much for posting this video. I loved doing it at the simulcast and it felt even more powerful reciting it this am in the quiet of my home. You do good work, Beth Moore. Kristi

  32. 32
    Terry Bobbitt says:

    When a question was asked, “Who needs encouragement?” I once heard it said…”If a person is breathing, they need encouragement.” (Victory 91.5)…To that, I say bless you my sweet sisters for your encouragement. Thank you for posting this message. Thank you dearly for your ministry to grow in the graces of Jesus Christ. You make it such fun! I loved the simulcast!

  33. 33
    Annette says:

    Most powerful and moving to me this morning. Had a rough day yesterday and reading this reading was a balm to my spirit. Thank you Beth for allowing this to be posted. Thank you from this humble spirit.

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    Fran Harris says:

    SO POWERFUL! God is Awesome! Thank you!

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    Tammy H. says:

    I started my day with this! What a blessing!

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    Kari Blackmore says:

    Very Powerful! More of this should be done in churches today. I remember doing so as a kid and it blessed my heart every single time! Thank you for sharing!

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    Mitzi says:

    I have never participated in responsive reading before where the “leader”, in this case the Lord in His Word, was silent. I can’t begin to tell you the impact that had on me during the simulcast…it overwhelmed me…in my spirit to hear the voice of the Lord speaking directly to me. Tears flowed freely…it was wonderful! thank you for doing it just that way.

  38. 38
    Cindy Whitaker says:

    Thank you for posting this and the other resources; I too would like a list of the T/F questions.
    It was one of the best teachings I’ve heard The Lord give to you!
    Thank you, thank you, Praise God!

  39. 39
    Judy says:

    Thank you for posting. This was such a powerful way to begin worship Saturday… and an amazing way for me to begin my quiet time this morning.
    Can’t say enough about the message, the worship, the entire day. He was there!
    Praying for all that heard that we would walk in the grace that Christ died to provide for us. That the seed will be nourished and protected and not stolen by the evil one.
    Also praying for Beth and the entire team that the Lord will strengthen and pour out His blessings on you all for giving so to so many through your ministry.
    God’s Blessings from Cleveland OH.

  40. 40
    Beth says:

    thank you

  41. 41
    Aimee Crane says:

    Thank you so much for this. I, too, cried tears of joy through my responsive reading. Thank you for sharing this; it was a tremendous blessing to me. I shared the Vimeo on both my Twitter feed and on Facebook. Imagine the lives that could be refreshed as our Lord’s words of hope, and abundant life, and love pour over and into the hearts of all who will hear. May the hearts of all who open this video be opened and touched, and may their ears hear, oh Lord God.

  42. 42
    Alice says:

    Wrote these Scriptures down to help remind me, praying for walls to be torn down so that I can be poured out to love on others.

  43. 43
    Rachel Meisner says:

    I have enjoyed the reminiscing of a very blessed weekend. I was wondering if Beth could post the questions that she asked about Law vs. Grace – 10 questions with one bonus. I want to see where else I need a little more freedom … Thanks again for a very blessed day! Rachel

  44. 44
    N.J.C (Jcee) says:

    As wasn’t able to attend simulcast, didn’t know
    what to expect. Inexpressible tears… Wordless.
    “Thank you.”

    P.S. praying for all of you on here that have
    been struggling w/burdens–personal or otherwise.
    “I am sorry.” None too prideful to say, “We all have them!”
    Praying our God’s
    immeasureable peace, grace, unmerited mercy, favor,
    His armies of giant angels, Spirit-filled discernment & revealing
    affirmation towards (MHO) a God ordained teacher of Christ Jesus,
    inspired of the Holy Spirit, to exalt the Lord above all
    in the pure worship of Spirit & Truth.

    (Tears 4 unspeakable beauty & 4 so many.)
    Jesus, our Abba, bless each one on this blog.
    Thank You.

  45. 45
    Cheri B, Fresno, CA says:

    Thank you so much for this! I’m sitting here at my desk at work teary eyed and ready to burst into song!!! Reading God’s Word like that was just healing balm for my soul! I actually physically felt – I can’t really put it in words – warm, peaceful, oil being poured over me in a gentle way. Thank you Father God for loving me – loving us so much!!!

  46. 46
    Donna in Asheville NC says:

    I loved your simulcast, my very first one, I have started to lead my very first Sunday School class, our church let me choose — I chose Breaking Free! I have never attended Sunday School let alone lead one.

  47. 47
    Sue Matrunola says:

    Call me a cheese ball but I begged God to put this on your heart to post. This was such a treasured time I had with God durning the simulcast. These are not merly words, they are the very Word Of My Living God and I own it, believe it and live it!! Thanks for being an answer to my prayer today!! Xo

  48. 48
    Joyce Watson says:

    I love you, Lord. Praise and Honor go to You. Thank you for all you are and for this ministry.
    Dear Beth, I have been studying and reading out of Isaiah and Jeremiah for the last few months, if God leads you…I hope you do a Bible study on Isaiah. It is long, but oh, how I love it.
    I just wanted to add on to what was on here. I thought of some many things like, who God is and what He does.
    from Isaiah:
    His hand is stretched out still.
    That we may see and know, And consider and understand together. Redeemer, Mighty One, Savior and our Strength.

  49. 49
    Dana Nichols says:

    Thank you so much!! It was all so wonderful! I shared a bit of what I learned about living under grace last night with my youth group. We were talking about repentance and the comment was made that we need to “do” something good in addition to our repentance. Well, God gave me words to say to those young people and I explained GRACE VS LAW to them as best I could. I want you to know that was one time that I had their complete attention. I thanked God for the opportunity to hear His Word on Saturday so that I was prepared to teach on Wednesday! I told them the younger they were when they “got it”, the better their life would be…Thanks be to God!!

  50. 50
    Deborah Mott says:

    Thank you. Yes having a motive to bring forth more LOVE FOR CHRIST JESUS is sure to please GOD and bring His Blessings, Anointing, Presence and LOVE manifest…. Thank you for leadership that lives out LOVE FOR JESUS and is solidly on the Way TRUTH ,and LIFE: JESUS is worthy of our love and praise. May these Scriptures be living WORDS to bring growth, increased faith and devotion to The LORD. Thank you again for this beautiful arrangement of TRUTH.

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