2013 Siesta Summer Bible Study Gathering 3!

Hi Sisters! Way to hang in there with Bible study for the summer! As usual, I’m putting the bare bones of instruction for your gathering here in writing for those of you who aren’t able to watch the video. If you do watch it, you may quickly note evidences of a ample technical difficulties, all of which were caused by yours truly. For instance, at one point, I got out of my chair to grab my car keys on a side table for an illustration and nearly tore my mic off and my shirt with it. That is why it will appear that I have done a magic trick. Other technical difficulties arose when, suddenly, the cold that I’d caught from my darling Annabeth lapsed me into certain phrases that sounded exactly like I was holding my nose. Only on words with the letter “b” was it most apparent which made the words “Bible” and “humble” particularly intriguing. We are a slick group of filmmakers around here. You’re a patient group and I love you! I am so honored to serve you guys and I know that God is really speaking to you through this study journey. Let’s persevere to the last page for the joy set before us!

The following interactives are based on Weeks 3 and 4 of your Gideon homework:

1. We can get no further than p.70 to stumble on something we could talk about all day. My small group and I loved the whole portion on weakness being a key. Glance at the bottom of the page and talk about the effect that your weakness tends to have on you when you focus on it.

2. Turn to p.75 and discuss the first paragraph and your answers to the second question: How have you seen misdirected credit lead to misplaced trust or unhealthy desires for you or someone else?

3. Turn to p.97 and share which answer you chose in response to the following question and explain why you tend to lean that direction: If you are in a season of life in which you feel insecure or doubtful about God, His Word, or His calling on your life, how do you honestly feel God is responding?

4. I so loved the teaching on p.101! How did the 4 Steps in Giving Our Gifts to God resonate with you or open your eyes? Conclude with the quote Priscilla gave us in the middle of p.107 – “honest doubt in which faith lives.” Give an example of honest doubt that you have had at a time when you were still full of faith. A time when those two things were not at odds but part of that same stretch of journey.

OK, Sisters! Finish your last 2 weeks of homework for our final gathering on July 23rd! You guys are fabulous! Thank you so much for participating. You are dearly loved here at LPM.

Siesta Summer Gideon Study – Week 3 from LPV on Vimeo.


227 Responses to “2013 Siesta Summer Bible Study Gathering 3!”

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  1. 101
    CherylAnn says:

    CherylAnn, Florida, solo
    1. My weakness is a buried belief that I am not worthy of goodness or success. When the weakness starts to surface, if I focus on it I become discouraged and unsure. I stop taking care of myself and become paralyzed with fear. When I do move forward, I am so weighed down with doubt that I do not give people a true representation of myself, and I definitely do not glorify God in my life. If God would totally remove this weakness from me, I know my life would be entirely different. However, when he removes this weakness from me I am better able to glorify him in that moment.
    2. This is definitely something I can identify with from both sides. There were times when I was put on a pedestal and it was a bad position to be in. I felt pressure to be superhuman. I forgot God was the one who accomplished his work through me. I let people down and was a stumbling block to some when I was unable to live up to their expectations. On the other side, I put church leaders in the same position. When I remember that anyone in a position of leadership is simply human the relationship is smoother and God gets the credit for what is happening through people.
    3. I feel that God knows me, understands my weaknesses and is patient with my uncertainties. I also think he is trying to work out those uncertainties out of me. He is also trying to drill into my heart and soul with that he is in control, he will provide and if I let him, he can work through me. Saying I surrender control is one thing, being in a position where I have no control and have to live out my faith is a different story.
    4. The four steps made sense to me, but at this point, I exhaust myself with the thought, “what gift do I have to offer?” I strongly dislike this part of me that thinks internally I have nothing to give. I know that is a lie from the very pit of hell. Currently, I have been unemployed for 13 months and the money is running out. Each job interview I have ends with some type of bizarre circumstance or ambiguity. Through it all, God reminds me that he is with me and I believe. I may not understand all that I face or the struggle I see to be going through, but I believe. And I know that he is working in my heart. Today I found this beautiful verse that I am sure I have never noticed before, but I love, “They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them” Psalm 112:7.

  2. 102
    Gloria says:

    1.fearful and paralyzingly.

    3. He is showing me signs more than once on howntomuse my gifts, I am slow in responding. He is patient and sends me another sign!!!!!

    4. Hard to share your gifts while afraid of failing. I do have faith he is working on me slowly but surely. I did take a step todaynandnwill follow though with it.

  3. 103
    Helen Wall says:

    1. When I focus on my weakness I become very discouraged, feel worthless, am insecure and unable to move forward. And if I keep moving. . .it ends up being in my flesh.
    2. I have misdirected credit-which then led to misplaced trust-on information and knowledge and assumed that that was what I needed or found helpful. One example is parenting. . . and when things went well. . . it was because of the good info. . .
    3. In this season of doubt and insecurity I know that He knows me, understands my weaknesses, and is patient with uncertainties. I feel very affirmed in His love for me but have just come through a season of opposition. . . especially in the area of what is my calling. . . and am wondering if maybe I need to literally put it down and pour it out. I am at peace and trusting that He will lead me, but concerned that I am holding on to something that belongs to Him.
    4. I have come to the place that I have great confidence and faith that God will show me what I need to know and provide what I need to accomplish what He has called me to do. In the moment I am waiting to hear what the next step is. . . I have prepared and presented it and now I am waiting to find out whether I will put it down and pour it out. So I feel at this time I have doubt while full of faith. . . doubt about what to do and faith that He will show me at the right time!!

  4. 104

    1. Like Peter looking at the waves. If I keep my eyes on the Lord, I can do anything.

    2. It makes us irrational and fearful to depend on things other than God because we were not made to do that. It’s unnatural.

    3. Patiently…and with Great Care.

    4. Put it down. Really? That is so contrary to life in this world. Put it down? But I’m supposed to do…do do do! 🙂

    For some reason, the term “honest doubt” is a problem for me. It’s lack of trust. I think it will cause problems if coddled.

    GOD BLESS YOU ALL! I am really enjoying this study. Thanks, Beth!

  5. 105
    Missie Ables says:

    Missie, Marble Falls,TX Solo

    1. It causes fear and anxiety!! I like to know how things are *going to work out*… but God is very sweet NOT to let me control any of it!!! : ) But if i focus on all i can not do, or the mountains of tangible impossibilities…i could hyperventilate my way through life.

    2. i agree with what Beth said about putting people in our lives up on pedestals. It leads to disappointment.

    3. He still loves me but is frustrated and impatient with me. i guess i feel that way since i keep asking Him for the same thing, and although He does reassure me…the circumstances haven’t changed (yet)…so i keep asking and doubting and needing reassurance… and that would frustrate me if i were God : )

    4. i think the time is right now. i feel like the Lord has brought us to a new season of life (or more correctly is bringing us to a new season)… i feel He has given me Scripture to memorize in the midst of it, as we are headed there… everything He surrounds me with repeats it over and over… and yet nothing in the physical realm has changed. So i question whether those verses were actually for me… or was it just me wanting them to be (although at the time i knew they WERE assuredly from HIM – but since nothing is changing i wonder if it was just me). i think it is the delay in timing (of course it is my time frame)that causes my doubting. i want it now… and yet i’ve never know God to do things in my time frame!! : )

  6. 106
    Marsha R. says:

    Marsha R. Lexington Park, MD/solo
    1. When I focus on my weakness of my ability of moving forward…I tend to blame others. If it’s someone else’s fault or problem, then I don’t have to deal with me.

    2. misdirected credit leading to misplaces trust. I’ve seen this in church splits and clicks within the church. They both usually go hand in hand.

    3. feeling insecure or doubtful about God, His Word or His calling….I honestly know that God knows me, He understands my weaknesses, and is patient with my uncertainties…even if I still don’t understand why we were sent to where we live now. Why I feel this way…because so many negative things have happened since we moved here (job, finances, health, lack of close relationships).

    4.p. 101…steps in giving my gifts to God. Honestly I think I still struggle with all 4 of them. Maybe because I’m having a hard time finding where I’m to worship and use my gifts.
    p.107 honest doubt….moving to where I am now. I knew it was God’s plan but I didn’t plan it or want it. Only knowing God does not make mistakes is where my honesty came in.
    WOW…a lot of stuff has come out about this…seems like it may be time to work on it. Thank you Lord, and Priscilla and Beth.

  7. 107
    Gwen Waxhaw NC says:

    1. I get really defeated and depressed. It feels as if I can never be victorious. Maybe I am holding on too tight and not giving our Father God access to use this weakness. Sometimes I have progress but mostly I stay stay discouraged.
    2. A church who put a pastor on a pedestal and then he fell……how very hurt this congregation was.
    3.i believe God is being very patient and He is slowly but surely taking me where He wants me to be. I always marvel at the WONDERFULNESS of His patience.
    4.so many times when I find myself in desperate need of Gods intervention or an answer to prayers…I just wonder if I am important enough to take notice of…..then I realize how wrong that attitude is. Gods power provision care love patience is always dependent on Him and not me. Then I am able to stand. Why does doubt always assail us?

  8. 108
    Debbie Weaver says:

    Debbie, Cumming, GA, group of 2:
    1. When I focus on my weaknesses it affects me in every way. I become anxious, feel defeated and overwhelmed, leaves with me with little or no confidence and keeps me from moving foward. I become paralyzed and get nowhere.
    2. When I put someone on a pedestal I will eventually find that their feet are made of clay, just like mine. The only One we should put in that place is Jesus. It is so easy to think more of yourself if others exalt you to a place where only God belongs.
    3.I feel that He gets frustrated with me for taking so long to know for sure what He wants me to do. We are in the process of moving and changing churches. It is so much after 20 years of being in the same place, that I want constant reassurance. I know He loves me, but I feel like He wishes I could move on and trust Him. In my heart I know that He is patient, but I forget sometimes that He is not like us – His love, mercy and patience are forever.
    4. I love how she broke it down into steps we can follow in giving our gifts to God. We have to take the time to prepare it, then present it to Him as an offering; put it down, which means let go of it, and pour it out, which tells me to give it all to Him to do with as He pleases. I am in a place now of “Honest doubt” where I clearly saw God’s hand in selling our home (through a flyer in the mailbox, no realtor, etc.) and His leading us to a new place to live and worship. But, because these are drastic changes for us I still need confirmation from time to time that we are doing the right thing. “I believe, help me overcome my unbelief.” Mark 9:24.

  9. 109
    Amy Coxhead says:

    Amy Coxhead, Fort Collins, CO, sola
    1) Focusing on weakness is debilitating, spiritually, physically and mostly mentally. Great reminder to “keep looking up” for God’s next work through my weakness.
    2)Pretty hard to avoid when we are so used to telling kids and others, “great job”, need to remember “God really worked through you!”
    3)he knows me, understands my weaknesses and is patient with me.
    4)Hinest doubt, always waiting, trying to find joy in everything, the joy of The Lord is strength.

  10. 110
    Karen says:

    Karen, Martinsville, NJ

    1). When I focus on my weaknesses, I “shrink back”, feel insignificant, and afraid. I feel small, even unattractive…Confidence: not so much…”Stuck in Loser Land”…All lies!!!! Shame on YOU, satan!!

    2). In the past, I’ve felt let down by church leaders. In my recent past, I think I most relate to the “unhealthy desires” in a relationship with a younger sister, where I took way too much responsibility for her and tried to be “too much” in her life. This lead to misplaced trust of her in me, and huge frustration on my part of neither of us measuring up to one another’s expectations. It was not good at all.

    3). When I did this, I answered “He knows me, understands my weaknesses and is patient with my uncertainties.” That He sees me with eyes of tenderness and mercy. Since then, another big disappointment in a long series of disappointments occurred. It has brought up feelings that “He really isn’t interested in the smaller details of my life”…that He’s really “frustrated and impatient with me.” I see I need to go back to the place of His loving compassion. It amazes me how quickly I can get off track…may I get back on right now, O Lord 🙂

    4). I have tried to be so strong in my faith as I’ve journeyed with my adult son (who lives alone in another state) and has been through many big hopes and then disappointments is his job search over the past 11+ months. If I’m honest, there have been/may even still be elements of “honest doubt in which faith lives.” I feel relieved when I believe that’s OK with God. Honesty and growth but also my human frailties…He doesn’t forget our frames…He made them and loves us just as we are right now 🙂 Halleluiah…((deep cleansing breath))

  11. 111
    Heidi says:

    Heidi~Lindale, TX Solo
    1.When I focus on my weakness it tends to incapcitate and defeat me. It is almost like I freeze. It usually happens when I compare myself to others instead of resting in who God has made me. I had a “divine encounter” recently. At a time when I was especially discouraged God reassured me that I was exactly the person that He wanted to accomplish a specific task. He made me realize that I had something unique and special to offer and that He would use me. It radically transformed my attitude and gave me hope to keep going. My weakness was an opportunity for God to be glorified.
    2. At times I have put a person up on a pedestal. Each and every time something has happened to hurt and disillusion me. These instances have been great learning experiences that God alone will never disappoint me or let me down. It helps me keep my expectations of others in check and look to God for my needs to be met.
    3. I seem to be continuallly in a season where I feel like I can’t reach up to the bar. I struggle to stay faithful in having a daily quiet time because of my demanding job. At times I think God is getting frustrated and impatient with me. But this section was especially reassuring that God does not react like a man does. I am so grateful He continues to understand my weakness and woos and draws me to get in the Word and seek Him. He is so kind and merciful and loving to me inspite of my lack. I am such a “Martha” and the demands of life have such a strong pull. Having this avenue available to do Bible study is so helpful in getting on track spending time with the Lord! First and foremost He is calling me to spend time with Him.
    4. I guess my area of honest doubt is more doubting myself than Him. Putting my eyes on Jesus helps me have faith. I know His character is reliable and to be trusted. I know He is a good God. I just struggle to be reliable and faithful in return. I so want to HEAR His still small voice more often. My heart resonated with Beth’s prayer after the last blog post where she prayed that God would give us a “mindset to hear His voice and recognize it.” That is my deepest heart’s cry right now. Give me eyes to see and ears to hear, O Lord.

    • 111.1
      kathy says:

      Hi…just reading through the comments since I was posting so late. Yours resonated with me so much and I thought I would say hi, in case you read back. My deepest heart cry to God is also that I would hear him. I will pray for you….and may your ears (and eyes) be opened.
      xo Kathy


  12. 112
    lori says:

    I can hear the introduction music bet than when Beth speaks I cannot hear her.

  13. 113
    Jen says:

    Jen (Prosper, TX) – Solo
    1. When I focus on my weaknesses, I feel inferior and not good enough. I feel silly for thinking I can accomplish anything great, and I become paralyzed and I try to forget about whatever it was that I had wanted to set out to do. But how foolish, and disrespectful toward God! He made me. He has work for me to do with His help. On page 107, I realized that when Moses doubted his ability to do the task God had given him, the tragedy was that Moses was doubting GOD’s ability to work through him, and doubting GOD’s creation (or Moses, himself)!!
    2. When we five people credit, we want to be like them (rather than ourself). We can become jealous and envious of their abilities and position. And most importantly, we look to those people rather than to God for things like direction, love, and hope.
    3. I know that He knows me and is patient with me. My issue is that I focus more on whether or not people will understand me and become impatient with me. Then, I operate out of fear of upsetting them.
    4. I LOVED this “4-step plan.” I am struggling to understand, though, how this fits in with Gideon. I don’t see where he did this in relation to action/fighting the Midianites. I know God can do anything with anyone, whether they have put in the work or not. I’m having a hard time reconciling “preparation of a gift” with getting into works of the flesh.
    In relation to what I feel to be my gift, I have faith that God is capable of using me to do anything, big or small, but I’m going through some honest doubt about whether or not this is really a gift I should be focusing on. It’s one I WANT to focus on, but I don’t know if my WANT TO is getting in the way of my discernment of God’s intentions.

  14. 114
    Mimi of Six in Al. says:


    1.Glance at the bottom of the page and talk about the effect that your weakness tends to have on you when you focus on it.
    Emotions- They can take me down the road of me thinking I am not good enough, not worthy, incapable and depressed. Then I lose sight of God’s strength.
    2.Turn to p.75 and discuss the first paragraph and your answers to the second question: How have you seen misdirected credit lead to misplaced trust or unhealthy desires for you or someone else?
    Thinking other Christians are so much better than I am. Watching people I know who seem so much better in their walk with God. Then when they are human and fall off that pedestal I put them on it makes me doubt and pull me down.
    3. Turn to p.97 and share which answer you chose in response to the following question and explain why you tend to lean that direction: If you are in a season of life in which you feel insecure or doubtful about God, His Word, or His calling on your life, how do you honestly feel God is responding?
    He still loves me but is frustrated and impatient with me. I think God is tired of me asking questions over and over again. I feel like I am bothering him and that their are people out there that have bigger needs than mine. Then there goes my self doubt, not worthy, shame etc. God has shown me many times that he is always there for me. God’s love is unconditional. I have to start remembering scripture. Pray. Not let any of those negative things inside.
    4.! How did the 4 Steps in Giving Our Gifts to God resonate with you or open your eyes? Conclude with the quote Priscilla gave us in the middle of p.107 – “honest doubt in which faith lives.” Give an example of honest doubt that you have had at a time when you were still full of faith. A time when those two things were not at odds but part of that same stretch of journey.
    It gave me a new perspective. They all hit home. You have to prepare it,then give it,put it down..don’t hang on to it. Pour it out..gladly. When I pray for a loved one for a certain situation and God has shown me nothing is to big or great for him. He lets me know he has it. I keep wanting to see just one more sign God..please.

  15. 115

    Stephanie Volkmer, Tulsa Ok, solo.

    1) The effect that weakness has on me when I focus on it is that I tend to really be weepy and emotional (so much so that I even get on my own nerves, grin), I have a very low regard for myself during those times, and while I can manage to remind myself that I can do other things really well, I tend to focus mainly on the weakness, either real or supposed. I really have no ability to move forward, it’s very paralyzing.

    2)The paragraph really hits me hard because I know that there are times when I really think that I did this, when in reality, I had very little (usually nothing) to do with it coming about. I like to think sometimes that I’m more important then what I actually am, and God gently reminds me usually with Job, was I there at the beginning? Nope, so therefore I need to learn to give all the glory back to Him…even if I don’t realize what I’m taking credit for. I think that we all like to hear a “good job” or “wow how cool that you did this” but my problem comes when I hear that over and over and begin to think that I need this. That this affirmation and congrats is really what I need to survive and to be better then others. It’s something in my own life that I am constantly working on.

    3)I honestly am not in this season right now, but when I am, I usually feel option 3, He still loves me, but is frustrated and impatient with me. And there are times when I do feel that, even when I’m not very insecure or doubtful, where I have to remind myself He doesn’t have those pesky human emotions like that. He doesn’t get frustrated, or irratated that it’s taking me longer than most to get what seems common and taken for granted. I have learned that I have to be listening to His voice, not my own inner workings.

    4)I actually am living in this place right now, where I just lost my job and my car, got a new job but am still kind of wondering what I am supposed to do, and where I am supposed to go. I know that God will provide but I am questioning when and where and how I am supposed to pay off my bills when I took a major pay cut. But even when I am looking at the waves, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God led me here, He is right beside me and I will be ok. Honest doubt in which faith lives.

  16. 116
    Lou says:

    Lou, south Florida, solo
    1. Seeing my own weakness makes me stop what I’m doing out of fear of making mistakes and having others recognize my frailty. I want to do things right and well, so I freeze up if I feel something subpar is coming out. What an eye-opener to think of those moments as opportunities for God to pour out His power!
    2. I have often been guilty of taking credit or giving credit where it doesn’t belong. To God be the glory, and only to Him.
    3. I fear that He is impatient with me, frustrated with my lack of progress in my faith. But I know that He loves me, he loves me, he loves me.
    4. I love the 4 steps, especially putting it down and pouring it out for Him. I am too much of a control freak, so that is hard.

  17. 117
    Valerie * Houston, TX * small (skype) group says:

    I found the “weakness is a key” concept very helpful. I don’t think I focus on my weaknesses as much as I focus on covering them up. This is tiring and usually leaves me feeling anxious and precarious. I am thankful that God wants to show His strength through my weakness. He is so good. I want to cooperate with Him in that. He is so good.

  18. 118
    Vicki says:

    Murfreesboro, TN (small group)

    1.When I focus on my weaknesses, it tends to cause me to have worry/anxiety/fear, irritability, and a loss of joy emotionally. It also causes me to have diminished confidence and impaired self-image.

  19. 119
    Dorothy says:

    Dorothy, San Diego, CA/solo

    1. I tend to get sad, then frustrated. Focusing on my weakness stirs the pot of comparison and jealousy, making me feel like I don’t measure up and that God could never use me since there are so many more gifted and talented people out there than me!

    2. I’ve seen misplaced credit lead to pride, both in myself and in others. It’s exactly as Priscilla said, as long as we can even remotely explain it by our ability, we will try to own what is His. I’ve also seen how misplaced credit can harm relationships, where one person develops an unhealthy dependence or reliance on someone else.

    3. “He still loves me but is frustrated and impatient with me.” Even though I KNOW and BELIEVE God loves me with all my heart, sometimes I feel like He gets impatient with me when I don’t get the lesson or the thing He’s trying to teach me after a certain number of times. I imagine Him reprimanding me saying, “I don’t understand! How is it that you don’t get this yet?” (Even though I know that thought it ridiculous — God knows that I am human, fallible, so my failures don’t take Him by surprise. He is long-suffering and patient!)

    4. Of the 4 steps, what most resonated with me was the first step “Prepare it” and the third step “Put it down.” I feel like the two steps kind of go hand-in-hand with me. Oftentimes for me, when I don’t see something happening quickly (or on my timeline), I tend to give up and put the dream or gift He’s given me aside instead of working hard to prepare it in faith and believing that God will use it when He wants to use it. I feel like I am currently in a season in which I am experiencing “honest doubt in which faith lives.” Even though I am still at odds in terms of knowing what God wants me to do after I finish graduate school, I have this deep sense that everything is going to be just fine – that I don’t need to be anxious about anything, but that He will confirm things in my heart and lead me to where He wants me to be.

  20. 120
    Jane says:

    Jane ~ Missouri ~ Solo

    1. Focusing on my weakness starts the snowball effect into depression and a flat out pitty party! In the past, it could go on for days. The older and more spiritually mature I get (work in progress), I can stop it before it gets to that point by scripture and prayer. NOW I know that my weakness is the key to unlocking Gods strength!
    2. Misdirected credit is everywhere! My first thought is hearing quotes that are very positive and motivating yet puts the glory on the person who does the accomplishing. I think Nike should change their slogan to “To the Glory of God, Just Do It!:)
    3. He still loves me but is frustrated and impatient with me! As a Mother, I can get frustrated and impatient with my kids when they are not listening or making the wrong choices but I still LOVE them. I am a child of God and feel He would feel the same parental frustrations as I do.
    4. The steps were a totally new concept to me. I am still struggling with what my true “gift” is. I look at the four steps and think that maybe preparing to meet Jesus will show me clarity on what my gift is.
    Honest doubt always comes when thinking of suffering, tragic deaths, etc. It’s hard to process the greater plan. Sometimes I think my prayers fall short because I know His will will be done.

  21. 121
    Pam Seipp says:

    Pam In Texas: Going Solo

    1. When I focus on any of my weak areas, my confidence and strength seem to slip away.

    2. Without a doubt, misdirected credit leads to misguided trust in me and others.

    3. Insecure about my immediate future and retirement, I feel that with patience and love God is directing me.

    4. With full faith, I have doubt for the future. So the four step process is helping me prayerfully talk to God.

  22. 122
    stephanie solomon says:

    Stephanie Solomon from West Virginia. Solo
    1. My weakness ignites fear and shame in me. Fear of living with it and without it. I haven’t surrendered this part of myself fully to God. I’m presently trying to give Him access to this part of my life. I’m listening to His voice really for the first time. In the past I’ve only been partially obedient. I think I hear His voice then I question it. I want to know so badly the direction He wants me to go.
    2. My son is going through a season of either discipline from God or a spiritual attack that God is allowing to humble his pride, I’m not real sure which it is. He’s only 16 so I’m very involved in his life. But as I read some of the other answers, I believe I’m trying to do God’s job. I’m not trusting Him enough. Instead, I’m down and I don’t understand why He’s not protecting Steven. My biggest fear is Steven’s faith is being shaken so I’m trying to speak for God. Father forgive me.
    3. I’m in this season right now. I think I hear God then something happens that is contradictory to what I believe I heard. I know He understands my weakness and I know He’s once again being so patient with me. Patience and love is how God has dealt with me always. I’m in a season of doubt right now, I’m confused about hearing His voice verses my own.
    4. I’m having honest doubt right now. I thought I heard God’s voice and I thought I would get confirmation regarding what He said and I didn’t so now I’m confused about what I heard. I know my faith is strong and growing especially where my weakness is concerned. I’ve let God have more ground but I’m still hanging on to that last chain. I believed He spoke about the next step but now I’m not so sure. So I’m having some honest doubt. All of my answers center around the weakness.
    Thank you Priscilla for your obedience in writing this study and thank you Beth for choosing it for us. It is speaking to my present situation so much. I thank you God for never giving up on me.

  23. 123
    Mary S says:

    Houston, TX
    1. the effect that your weakness tends to have on you when you focus on it – self-pity
    2. How have you seen misdirected credit lead to misplaced trust or unhealthy desires for you or someone else? Envy and jealousy
    3. If you are in a season of life in which you feel insecure or doubtful about God, His Word, or His calling on your life, how do you honestly feel God is responding? I do believe He knows me,understands my weaknesses, and is patient with my uncertainties, but I also think He is wispering “ok, get up take that step, you can do it!”.
    4. How did the 4 Steps in Giving Our Gifts to God resonate with you or open your eyes? Her comment on page 102 “too steeped in doubt or fear to bring them to God. So they’re left holding good gifts that are not being used for God’s puposes” really hit me. I don’t want to live with regrets or be ashamed because I didn’t use what He gave me. Give an example of honest doubt that you have had at a time when you were still full of faith. A time when those two things were not at odds but part of that same stretch of journey. I have no doubt about my belief in God and I believe I hear from him through His Word, Bible Teachers, sermons, prayers, etc. but in regards to specific things I think He is telling me I have doubts about if I have heard Him right so I totally understand Gideon asking God for confirmation more than once.

  24. 124
    Lisa Curtis says:

    There is so much to be learned in this study and up to this point I have felt extremely overwhelmed by it all. Funny, I have had intense feelings of doubt, unbelief and insecurity and really until Week Four of this study had I allowed myself to listen to what God was telling me or putting before me. Beth hit me on the head with her words this week and as I prayerfully consider leading a women’s study again this fall He prompts me months ago to study Gideon. How can my unbelief continue and my insecurities get so out of control? I have actually been telling myself surely no one else has unbelief. Snap out of it. So comforting this week. Press on dear Siestas and thank you Beth. AGAIN.

  25. 125
    Lauren says:

    Lauren, Kentucky, going solo
    1. When I focus on my weaknesses, I can become overwhelmed and depressed, anxious and unsure, and often paralyzed Thank God that I don’t have to stay that way!
    2. Too often I can make other people (my husband, my son) or other things (my job) my Saviour… and that is not fair to them. Undue expectations can crush anyone that is not meant to achieve them. I am trying to focus on the ONe who gives the blessings.
    3. I truly believe that I am in a season where I know that He knows me, understands my weaknesses, and is patient with my uncertainties… today, at least. I have always been blessed to believe God loves me… just questioning why. Now I know it is by grace alone, because of who He is.
    4. I am all about preparation,, but the last three steps I struggle with. I want to cling to those gifts in my stubborn hands, mostly out of fear and self-doubt

  26. 126
    Linda says:

    Linda, Johnstown, Pa., solo
    1. I get discouraged. I compare myself with others. I tend to think less of myself (that I am useless). I lack confidence. I resist moving forward because of fear of failure, or at least of looking foolish or incompetent.
    3. “He knows me, understands my weaknesses, and is patient with my uncertainties.” I know God’s character and that He could never be angry with me if I am sincerely seeking His will, even if I am slow in getting there. He wants me to know His will. I know that He is interested in every detail of my life. He is always patient. Sometimes I am mad, frustrated, or impatient with myself but God is always loving, kind, patient, and long-suffering.

  27. 127
    Johnnie says:

    Johnnie, Wake Forest, NC – solo
    1. Effect of weaknesses—lack of confidence or overly sensitive can hinder service
    2. I agree people disappoint – God is the only One who never lets us down. We need to guard against pride—it is an easy trap to get caught in.
    3. I chose #4—God has had much patience with me over the years and I know He understands my weaknesses. I still struggle but not quite as much as I used to in the past.
    4. Preparation resonates with me. God takes the time to bring us to spiritual maturity so we can in turn pour our lives out in service to others. Our gifts are to edify the body, not us so they do no good if we keep them to ourselves. Example of time of honest doubt but still had faith—a couple of places we have moved for my husband’s job….I wasn’t sure if they were the right places for us, but I trusted God they were where we needed to go.

  28. 128
    Janet, Simpsonville says:

    Small group

    1. I become fearful, full of doubt, and shameful.

    2. In church setting: giving a man too much credit for the Lord’s work which lead to unhealthy admiration and authority which no man could handle. This is dangerous ground for all when we misdirect credit.

    3. At this present season, I feel He knows me, understands my weaknesses, and is patient with my uncertainties. Praise Him!

    4. The 4 Steps in Giving Our Gifts also resonated in my heart. Prepare it – how this does take time, effort, and energy to prepare. It just doesn’t happen on it’s own!

    An example of honest doubt with faith would be on the subject of Mentoring. The promoting, educating, and leading ladies to see the great need for this in our churches and how this has to be intentional on our part.

  29. 129
    mary from jonesborough tn says:

    I go solo (still can’t get a good time w/my daughter who is already in a small group but concerned about her mom)
    1. when I focus on my weaknesses I get fearful, low self-esteem, lack of confidence & paralyzed
    2. when young Christians (not chronologically but young in their faith)are thrust into the forefront because of some celebrity status they have, many expect them to use their influence for Christ before they have a chance to grow up spiritually
    3. when I doubt God’s calling on my life, I honestly feel that He knows me & loves me & understands my weaknesses and is very patient w/my uncertainties
    4a the hardest step in giving my gift to God is #2: having the courage to present it to Him
    4b the example of honest doubt that came to mind when I had doubts at a time when I was still full of faith was when I needed to leave my siblings (whom I had been caring for for the previous 3 years) in order to marry the godly man I loved.

  30. 130
    Cindy says:

    Studying with 1 other.
    1. Rejected, depressed to the extent it paralyzed me into inactivity and brings despair.
    2. Thinking I can do great things for God instead of God doing great things through me. The first is pride and leads to a fall. Te second leads from glory to glory.
    3. He knows me, He understands my weaknesses and is patient with my uncertainties. I have experienced His long-suffering and patience with me in the past and I know He is God who does not change!
    4. Pour it out – once it is poured out I cannot get it back. After the other 3, I still have control. I can keep it after I’ve prepared it, I can take it back after I present it. I can pick it back up after I’ve put it down. But after I’ve poured it out (I thought of water being poured out and there is no possible way to get it back) I can no longer retrieve it.

  31. 131
    Debbie Watson says:

    Debbie, Birmingham, AL, solo

    1. Focusing on my weaknesses makes me doubt the ability God has given me and makes me keep putting off what I know I need to do.

    2. It makes me compare and then miss what God has called me to do in my life with the gifts He has given me.

    3. I feel frustrated with myself when I keep trying to find reasons why I cant do what God seems to be encouraging me to do! And even with that, I feel God’s continued patience, presence and reassurance that He is here and in control.

    4. I’m all in to preparation! But then the wheels begin to fall off! I want to use what God has gifted me with and I see others used in mighty ways. But there’s a part of me that thinks I would never have the confidence that so and so has – even though I have poured out my life to Jesus. I also know that those feelings are not from God. Stepping out in faith that the One who placed these thoughts and desires in me will surely lead me to where He wants me to serve must prevail over any fears.

  32. 132
    Keri Penaherrera says:

    Keri, Toms River, NJ, solo

    1. Focusing on my weaknesses causes me to become anxious, inadequate, paralyzed, overwhelmed, and hopeless. In some instances the adjective of “replaceable” may even apply. Ouch!

    2. I loved what Beth said about this – (paraphrasing) People might not let you down if you don’t put them up (on pedestals). I would say that I have done this with my mentor and have recognized that it’s unhealthy. I try to rationalize that she is like Purah (a person that lifts me up and reminds me of God’s grace in my life), but I’ve had to admit that it goes further than that. An unhealthy view or trust in another person can surely lead to disappointment when they don’t live up to your irrational expectations. I have to love her for the woman of God she is and not expect more.

    3. I chose “He knows me, understands my weaknesses, and is patient with my uncertainties” because I know in my head that that is true. In the doubtful moments, however, I can easily think that He is frustrated. So great to know that He IS patience and long-suffering.

    4. I definitely was impacted by “But you cannot expect God to use what you have not taken time to prepare.” I’m guessing that’s because you would normally not prepare something if you already have it to present… but oh how much greater an offering it would be if I took the time to truly prepare what He has gifted me to present, put down, and pour out back to Him.
    I think I’m currently in a state of “honest doubt in which faith lives.” I know (or think… there’s the doubt) that I am hearing (repeatedly) what God is calling me to, but like Gideon I doubt my ability to do so. I find it unbelievable that God would choose me for such a calling… but there’s that key… weakness to open the door to His strength. 🙂

  33. 133
    Dawn says:

    Dawn, NC Solo
    1. When I see my weaknesses I get a little uncertain about what I’m about to do or my self esteem will bottom out.
    2. I am learning day by day to rely on God. That He will never disappoint, He is always faithful.
    3 & 4. Presently working on that right this minute. Have had a few ppl from the church come up to me and ask to help teach a few classes. This is what I’ve been asking God for the whole time to show me my place in ministry and sharpen my gifts. That ugly doubt wants to show its face. I keep believing He is faithful.

  34. 134
    Beth Beutler says:

    Beth, Fountain Inn, Going solo

    1. One of my weaknesses is an overactive, weak conscience along with an overactive imagination. When a “trigger” thought comes into my head, my weakness can lead me to believe that it is my responsibility to spend time worrying over the scenario, whether I have all the facts straight or not.

    2. I’m not sure I can think of something specific for this so I’ll take it a bit of a different direction. I have struggled (more in the past than now thankfully) with not receiving credit or thanks when I felt I should get it. This leads to misplaced trust in my works and the appreciation of others to bless me rather than in God to shower His love on me.

    3. I am currently in a season where my calling is changing a bit at a time and I don’t know if I should continue to move forward in it. In some ways it doesn’t make logical sense to, which may mean Yes, I should!

    4. The step of preparing resonates most with me. I tend to move into things quickly without spending the time to ponder, prepare, and polish. The Lord is working with me on this and while I’m in some uncertainty about my calling, I am spending more time pondering and preparing things that may be used when it comes about.

  35. 135
    Tina Huffman says:

    Tina, Zalma, small group, #3 He knows me, understands my weaknesses, and is patient with my uncertainties.

  36. 136
    Ashley Lawrence says:

    Ashley, Minot, North Dakota, Small Group of 2

    1. Glance at the bottom of the page and talk about the effect that your weakness tends to have on you when you focus on it.
    Fear of failure causes my emotions to run high, self-image to become negative, confidence to lower, and make my ability to move forward nearly impossible. I completely avoid areas in which I am weak out of fear of failure.

    2. How have you seen misdirected credit lead to misplaced trust or unhealthy desires for you or someone else?
    There are times when God provides me with the means (whether financial, emotional, or physical) to help out family and friends. But those few times that I am at a loss of words and have nothing else to give, I become the biggest disappointment.

    3. If you are in a season of life in which you feel insecure or doubtful about God, His Word, or His calling on your life, how do you honestly feel God is responding?
    I become frustrated and impatient with myself when I am feeling insecure and doubtful, but what brings me back to reality is knowing that God understands my weaknesses, and is patient with my uncertainties.

    4. Give an example of honest doubt that you have had at a time when you were still full of faith. A time when those two things were not at odds but part of that same stretch of journey.
    I have all the faith in the world that God will do work through me; however, I constantly find myself asking for reassurance when any and every opportunity arises to help someone else. I want to make sure that He truly presses it upon my heart to get involved in someone else’s affairs so that I am not interrupting some other plan He has in place.

  37. 137
    Monica, NY says:

    1) Shame, Defensive, Angry, low self esteem.
    2) Pride & Unrepentant hearts will destroy Gods work. I’ve been guilty of putting people on pedestals. I find it very true that people that we do, may not let us down so much if we didn’t put them up so high. Ive also tried to share Gods glory & God has humbled me. I’m learning to just go straight to my knees…sometimes the difficult way, unfortunately. Lord help me!
    3)He still loves me, but impatient with my weaknesses. iI honestly could answer all those feelings to this question. Loved what Priscilla said about..Restraining Power==Gods patience.
    4) family’s salvation, health issues,

  38. 138
    Tangila Webb says:

    Tangila, Pearland TX, Duo
    1.Weakness produces fear and anxiety, decreases my confidence and I tend to stay stuck when I focus on it.
    2.Misdirected credit brought Godly discipline in my life because I tended to ascribe credit to the “mother” figures only to have them let me down when I “needed” them the most. I had to tear down the idols I made in this area.
    3.I responded that I feel that God is frustrated and impatient with me. I tend to lean in that direction because I am a “recovering” perfectionist and I grew up with someone who criticized more then they encouraged.
    4.After my now ex-husband left me and our two boys, I had many doubts about how to go on but I was full of faith in the fact that God was going to see us through and He has proven FAITHFUL!!

  39. 139
    Krystal says:

    Krystal, Taylors, SC, solo

    #1- When I focus on my weaknesses, I tend to wallow in self-doubt and get stuck in a place of discouragement, paralyzed and afraid to move forward, second guessing every move

    #2- I think a time when I experienced this was at a previous job and I was credited with a lot, which was really God’s blessing, and I was given credit for it, which led me, I think, to desire that sort of affirmation which I took to then an unhealthy process of overworking to try to keep up, which led to unhappiness on all sides

    #3- I feel like God still loves me but is frustrated and impatient with me

    #4- The part of the 4 steps in giving our gifts to God that really stood out with me was almost the encouragement that all the preparation was leading somewhere. Sometimes I get lost in the refining and forget that God is doing it to use it and me to help bring glory to Him and help draw others to Him. A time in my life where I experienced honest doubt in a time of faith was at a time when my child was younger and was dealing with some health issues. I really felt God drawing me to Him during that time and reminding me of His care and love, but I did bring to Him some very honest doubt when it would seem as if things weren’t improving or we would face an issue that would repeat or wouldn’t improve after some tries to remedy the issue.

  40. 140
    Katherine P. says:

    Katherine, The Woodlands, TX / Solo

    1.When I focus on my weakness, I am crippled by circumstances in my life that seem hopeless. It feels like there is no way that things could get better, and I sink back into depression.
    2. When I give a person or program credit instead of God, I become too dependent on the person or on a certain way of doing things. When I give God the credit that is His, He is the focus of my worship and attention, and I am much less rigid about thinking ___ (fill in the blank with any person or program) is the only answer.
    3. He knows me, He understands me, and He is patient. Praise God!
    4. I know that I am supposed to help a specific person right now. I have complete faith that God placed me here for that very reason. But the situation is messy and many times I am uncertain about what is truly helpful and what is enabling. So I have doubt about the specifics, but complete certainty in the overall mission.

  41. 141
    Cindy B. says:

    Cindy B., West Palm Beach, FL
    July 1 verse – #13
    “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1 NIV

  42. 142
    Lauren says:

    1. The effect that my weakness tends to have on me when I focus on it is fear and concern that becomes all encompassing and turns into anxiety. I loose focus on what God can do, how big and capable He truly is and how loving He is toward me even when I’m fearful and don’t trust Him the way that I should.

    2. When I have too much confidence in my own abilities or gifts apart from God, I’m usually due for a “big fall” and humbling experience. I know that ultimately serving God and others in my own strength is not glorifying to God and doesn’t bring the fruit that He desires. He can’t use me as effectively from that “high position” and therefore He does whatever it takes to re-focus my attention away from myself and toward Him–sometimes in very public and embarrassing ways if I’m not quick enough to humble myself before Him!

    3. When I am in a season of life in which I feel insecure or doubtful about God, His Word, or His calling on my life, I feel like God is frustrated and impatient. I know He loves me, but when the difficult circumstances don’t change right away, I find myself wondering if He’s mad at me and/or “punishing” me for not “getting” the lesson He’s trying to impart or not trusting Him enough in the midst of the trial.

    4A. I sometimes struggle with giving my gifts back to the Lord and/or trusting Him with how/when they are used, but, honestly, my main struggle is offering my desires to the Lord. What if they aren’t His desires for me? What if my longings don’t ever come to pass?

    4B When my infant son was having many health issues, I struggled with doubt about whether or not God would choose to heal him and the discouragement of praying that God would heal him and getting a “not yet” response. However, I did grow in my faith in significant ways during that time and trusted that God would lead me and guide me no matter what happened to my baby boy.

  43. 143
    Sandy Hay says:

    Sandy Mt Holly NJ solo

    1. I don’t think I focus on my weaknesses. Maybe I should 😉 i know I allow my emotions to get in God’s way. but it’s almost like I can compartmentalize them. When they really kick in is with my husband. Within ministry somehow I’ve taught myself to breathe deeply, pray and move on.

    2. We sheep can so easily give credit to leadership instead of God. there’s so much false teaching out there in this reguard. I’ve seen this tear a church apart and many fall away because their faith was in man and not in God. The people didn’t understand because they were such babes in Christ.

    3. I chose the last one: He knows me, understands my weaknesses, and is patient with my uncertainties . Because of the circumstances in which I ran to God, the first 3 choices were worked through almost immediately. Now 30+ years later I’ve been seen LOTS of God’s grace.

    4. I’ve learned to use these 4 steps through trial and error over the years. It’s great to see them written down.
    “Honest doubt in which faith lives” This actually makes me really smile. Just this past spring I was asked to help write a women’s study for my church. Inside i was screaming NOOOO. Old patterns of thinking had me doubt that I could do this. Then after FINALLY talking to God He reassured me of His promise from past years. Now I knew with God’s certainty to move forward. Faith in Him and not in me.

  44. 144
    Schel says:

    Small Group

    1. When I focus on my weaknesses instead of God’s strengths I feel unworthy and such a failure. I am so thankful that God reminds me how precious I am to him.

    2. Anytime I try to take credit for overcoming something, God reminds me that it wasn’t me that overcame anything. It was Him in me.

    3. I know God loves me, knows me and is patient with me. I at times feel unworthy of this, but I do believe this to be how God is.

    4. In my current position, I almost daily ask God why I am here. I know he gave me this job when I desperately needed it but there are days I really struggle with why this job. I fully believe there is a reason and that he is leading me but I struggle with the understanding.

    Love to you all!

  45. 145
    Sheryl says:

    Sheryl, Rocky Mount, NC, solo,
    1.Makes me feel hopeless at times because if it has not changed by this age will it? In Jesus name it will!
    2. When credit is misdirected onto humans, trust is in that human the next time we have a need, which will ultimately give us great disappointment. Humans are imperfect vessels that God will use at times but our ultimate help comes from God and credit should be given to Him
    3.I have for many years felt all of the first three choices at sometime or other, but God in His mercy has taken me to several Bible studies, including this one, and is beginning to reveal to me the fourth choice “He knows me, understands my weaknesses, and is patient with my uncertainties.”After studying this I have written on a note card I keep on my desk “God is never impatient with me. The impatience I feel is my own.”
    4.Preparing my gift, to me is the easiest step because I see myself alone doing this. But to present it is to put it out there for others to see and that is where it does not feel good enough, bringing out my insecurity. I have recently been working with God on presenting it and then letting go and let the responsibility of it accomplishing any good be His, which is where it will come from anyway.
    I have sought God for deliverance in a situation in my life for several years. Last year He brought deliverance in a way that challenged a strong doctrinal belief I have had all my life. It was very obvious it was from God in the way it came about but because of it challenging a strong belief I had, at times I doubted. But once again God in His mercy eventually revealed through His Word that the doctrine was flawed. In times of doubt and confusion I still had an unexplainable peace.

  46. 146
    Melissa says:

    Melissa, Boston, solo
    Oh! I’m so late in posting- but I have been thinking about it all week since I watched the video.
    1. Focusing on my weaknesses makes me feel incredibly insecure and incompetent- I become self conscious and nervous. Not a pretty sight and I HATE feeling like this. I’ve battled it for a long time.

    2. Giving misdirected credit to people in my life has caused me to look to them for way too much- I’ve put people on a pedestal and it doesn’t end well. I’ve also been the one that had misdirected credit placed towards and I ended up disappointing other people. This is a painful but needed lesson I need to remember. Only God gets the glory and the credit. Boy, does it take the pressure off when we focus on the one who deserves all the credit anyways.

    3. When I doubt God’s calling on my life I feel “less than” like a child who knows their parents love them in an obligatory way, but they are secretly disappointed in them. Then I find myself shying away from God instead of honestly bringing him my concerns. I start acting like he doesn’t like me- when all the time its my own doubts and unbelief that is the blockade between us.

    4. I really liked this teaching as well. And honestly, I think I’m going through this right now- I’m not really sure how to lay my gift down. I’m going through a lot of fear and doubt and hiding my gifts. I won’t go on with a long story (lol) but I’ll just say this is “now” issue in my life. I just want to bury them under a rock- I know that is not right- but it’s what I’m working through.

  47. 147
    Kristin A. says:

    Kristin A. in Cheney, WA (solo)

    1. When I focus on my weaknesses I feel angry and jealous for those who can do better. Just plain old ticked that I can’t do whatever that thing is well and ticked and jealous at those who can. Focusing on my weakness brings down my emotions, my self-image, and my confidence.

    2. I am struggling to come up with an example about misdirected credit and misplaced trust, but absolutely agree with Beth that sometimes people let us down because we were the ones who put them up in the first place.

    3.I honestly feel (honestly know!) that God knows me, understands my weaknesses, and is patient with my uncertainties. He is so good to me and I don’t ever doubt His love, care, and concern for me.

    4. I’ve got two examples coming to mind and don’t really even know if either one fit. I think I’ll go with our move across state. Just six weeks ago my hubby, our kids, and I moved across the state and bought our first home. Many times as this move was percolating I prayed that God would guide us: shutting and opening doors according to His will. I continued to pray that prayer over and over again throughout the process even up to the closing of the house we bought. Absolutely full of faith in God and maybe doubting my own ability to fully see and hear if He was saying “yes” or “no” to the whole move. Asking Him many times to intervene if we were heading down a path that wasn’t His will. My faith in God was (and is!) alive and strong and my faith in His ability to open and close doors was (and is) also strong, but what I guess I was really doubting was my own ability to hear Him if He wasn’t just right in my face making things absolutely obvious. I want to live in His will and be pleasing to Him. I don’t want to go down the wrong path (and certainly not across the entire state!) if that isn’t where He wants me.

  48. 148
    Ruth says:

    Beth my heart is so aching and I was wondering if you could recommend scripture or a book that you or someone else has written about being unequally joked. I have prayed for 30 years for my husband to be the spiritual leader in our home and he rarely reads Gods word and forget having any kind of deep spiritual conversations. The hardest part is that he is a wonderful man and has a servants heart and serves tirelessly at church but no one would guess he doesn’t function in a spiritual leader way at home. We have 4 adult children who love and respect their father but my daughters have expressed deep sadness that their hero isn’t what he seems to be at church. I love him I’m just so lonely. I thought we would grow together in the Lord but it seems that isn’t happening. I will contnue to pray but I wondered if you could offer any other resources.

  49. 149
    Dawn says:

    Dawn, Mankato, MN, solo

    1. Main effect when I or someone else focuses on my weaknesses is to first become outwardly defensive with that person while inside I’m launching a major attack. Then I retreat. Lastly, I reflect on what really happened and I generally get to the conclusion that there may have been something valid to examine, but not obsess about.

    2. Misdirected credit has usually led to me either getting a temporary big head about my ability to do something or feeling extra burdened to keep performing at the credited level and then I resent the thing or activity that I was enjoying before someone pointed out “that it was good”.

    3. I chose the last one – God is patient with my uncertainties. I may not have answered that same way 10-years ago!

    4. The 4-steps immediately brought to mind cooking. And, I dislike the preparation. Then I realize that I don’t view cooking and gift giving (from me) in the same breath. I do enjoy the steps involved in giving gifts to others — especially the preparing. “Honest Doubt” happened to me leading up to sitting in a voting booth last November. (It’s still happening) Our state had a marriage amendment on the ballot and I was and still am partially in knots and partially frazzled by it. I prayed and pray about it.

  50. 150
    Lynn D says:

    Lynn D, Kentucky, Solo

    1. My weakness freezes me. I feel overwhelmed and can’t decide which way to turn or how to move forward. I tend to end up shutting down. I have to really fight this or I withdraw from everyone and everything. It is hard.

    2. When I take credit, or when someone compliments me with flattery I can get the big head. I have actually said to church members when they went on about my voice that it isn’t about me it is about God. I don’t want to be puffed up. I’ve seen it happen in others and it isn’t pretty.

    3. I chose “He loves me but isn’t interested in the smaller details of my life,” because I haven’t seen the Lord move in my life in quite a while. I have a completed degree in religious education but can’t find a job or a way to use it for the kingdom. I keep waiting.

    4. Of the four steps I think concerning my degree I haven’t put it down or poured it out yet. I’m prepared and I think I’ve presented it but I am unsure how to do the other two. I used to think it was wrong to have doubts about God or faith but I read a book on apologetics a few years ago and learned that faith grows when we doubt and seek answers to our doubts. Several years ago during a time of financial difficulty I prayed about going back to work full-time. With two pre-teen boys as home I struggled with it, feeling that there had to be another way. I prayed and fasted for the Lord to provide something other than me going to work full-time. When He didn’t I began to doubt – Him, his will, his plan and even his love. Now I see that time as a test of my faith that I failed in. I’ve grown since but it cost me and I am not sure I am even back to the faith I once had.

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