Sparkly Green Earrings – A Giveaway

*Update: Comments are now closed! And I’ve decided that y’all have some of the best hypothetical books around. You had me laughing out loud! Check back soon for our ten winners!


The weekend before last (I know, take a minute to figure that one out. It is Monday after all.), I drove myself to Katy, Texas. (While that may sound like I actually ventured out on a road trip, it really just means I drove 30 minutes across town.) (Also, I’m really into the parenthesis today.)

(I’m currently humoring myself and no one else. I know. Forgive me.)

The reason for my 30-minute road trip was because a sweet lady named Big Mama, I mean, Melanie Shankle, was doing a book signing at the Books-A-Million for her new book, Sparkly Green Earrings. You may have heard of her? Grin.

(By the way, if you’re curious as to why she refers to herself as Big Mama, you’ll be relieved to know she explains her alias in the first chapter of her book. But I’ll leave that story for her to tell. A little suspense is a good thing.)

Melanie has been blogging since before blogging became the thing to do, and her blog was one of the very first blogs I read. (How many times can I use the word blog in one sentence?) It was really love at first sight, or read. A few reasons I’ve loved Melanie’s blog are because she’s hilarious, real, a good writer, sarcastic and she loves Jesus. Need I say more?

Also, she does a really fun post every Friday called Fashion Friday, and I don’t know about you, but my materialistic side is really into fashion, and there is always something she’s finding online that’s adorable that I then put into my mental wish list.

Anyway, last Saturday I got lucky and both she and her equally hilarious daughter, Caroline, signed my copy of the book.

Truth be told, I love to read, but for the past week the book has sat on my bedside table. That is until I picked it up yesterday and devoured the first five chapters before I realized I would be late to church and miss prayer time unless I left right then.

(Y’all. I didn’t set my alarm yesterday morning, slept in, and went to our evening service. I don’t know, but I feel like a new woman. It was heavenly. But that has nothing to do with Sparkly Green Earrings. But I did feel sparkly. Whatever that means.)

You know those books that you pick up and they’re just easy to read, charming and you want to keep going because you’ve entered into their world without even knowing it? That’s how I feel about Sparkly Green Earrings. I realize I’m only five chapters in, but I can guarantee you it won’t take me longer than a week to finish it. Honestly, I was a little skeptical at first, not because I don’t love Melanie or her writing, but because it’s a book about motherhood, and, well, to state the obvious, I’ve not ventured into the land of motherhood, nor am I close, so I wasn’t sure if it would apply to me. But alas, it is so much more than motherhood, it is her story of motherhood and it is a sweet one. In fact, she talks about her best friend from the start, and I really resonated with that as I thought about my best friend, and our friendship, especially since she just walked through pregnancy and has her first baby girl that is my current obsession.

I say all of that to say this, our friend Melanie, and her whimsical book, made it on the NY Times Best Seller list this week. Listen, I’m no author, nor have I published a book, but I say that’s a pretty big stinkin’ deal and deserves a celebration.

Need proof? Here’s a picture.

So, to celebrate, I thought it would be really fun to give away ten signed copies of Sparkly Green Earrings! Through a series of unplanned, or planned, events, we have those copies in our possession and they make me incredibly happy. Thank you, Amanda and Melanie, for making the signed books a reality. I know y’all had nothing better to do this weekend. Grin.

Here’s a look in the book.

How about this cover? I’ve tried endless times to get my ponytail looking like that.

Signed, sealed and (almost) delivered. Grin.

Someone else we all know and love also loves this book and the author!

And here is a picture of Nancy and me at the book signing with Melanie. The only thing I’m regretting right now is the fact that Caroline isn’t in the picture with us. Watching Caroline sign the books brought me pure delight.

(Notice the leg pop both Melanie and I are doing. That makes us cool.)

To win your own copy of Sparkly Green Earrings, simply leave a comment with your first and last name. (Side note: I know some of you don’t like your last name on the internet for the world to see, so if that’s you, your last initial would be so helpful. I don’t know if you realized there are A LOT of names on this blog, and not shockingly, A LOT of duplicates.)

For fun, if you’re feeling super creative, you can also tell us hypothetically what the name of your book would be called if indeed, you were to publish a book.

And I’m not even going to pretend like I know what my book would be titled. I’ll just start with “Lindsee Lou”.

How’s that for original? Catchy?

Okay, enough about my non-book.

I’ll leave comments open until mid-Wednesday morning!

Ready, set, go win a book!


2,322 Responses to “Sparkly Green Earrings – A Giveaway”

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  1. 501
    Whitney English says:

    Whitney English

    I think I would call my book “Be Joyful Always”.

  2. 502
    Lisa M. says:

    “The Dis-Avowed Sister”. Or “Life in the Fruitbowl;)”

  3. 503
    Brenda Van Dusen says:

    From Ruins to Redemption!

  4. 504
    Shalen J says:

    Shalen J

  5. 505
    kuliejellogg says:

    Julie Kellogg! I’ve signed up for 3 different giveaways before this one, and I’m hoping to win this time. 🙂

  6. 506
    Pam Gilbert says:

    Pam Gilbert – I would love to win! I love to read and would love something that would make me laugh (which by the way your blog did above)!! 🙂 By the way, I overuse the smily face emotocon (sp?) waaaay too much. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  7. 507
    Jan Hohulin says:

    “Blonder than I Pay to Be……Most of the Time”

  8. 508
    Annie G says:

    Hmm…a book with a title….wait, my doorbell just rang; so, my title is “Someone’s at my door” 🙂

  9. 509
    Leslie says:

    Leslie Morgan, Spartanburg, SC, “The Crazy Cajun”

  10. 510
    beret c says:

    How thrilling!!!

  11. 511
    BeckyB says:

    Becky Burns
    Thank You!

  12. 512
    Jan Tyner says:

    Hope to win, will share with my wonderful daughter in love(law) who is mom to 5 of my 6 grandchildren!

  13. 513
    nina i says:

    I would LOVE to read that book!!

  14. 514
    jenny says:

    Jenny hey

  15. 515
    Diane Conner says:

    My book would be called “blessed blonde”

  16. 516
    Kelly Anderson says:

    My book: “Healed to Serve”

  17. 517
    Sue Retzlaff says:

    The book I have wanted to write for years is, “The Extraordinary Lives of Ordinary People” (about my parents who were born in 1921 and 1926.

  18. 518
    Betty Holcomb says:

    That Girl That Jesus Loves

  19. 519
    Jenn LaRue says:

    Jenn LaRue

    Bleach Can Do That?!? (Seriously, that’s the title of my book. One day I’ll finish it.) 🙂

  20. 520
    Christine McClung says:

    Christine McClung. Title “Simple Joys”.

  21. 521
    Amy Mahaffey says:

    My book would be called, “Holes on Purpose” after a lesson that my Mom teaches in sharing her testimony of how God shines His light through the holes in life.

  22. 522
    Heather Joy says:

    Heather Joy! Mine would be called “An Inch Deep”

  23. 523
    Karen E says:

    Karen Edlund

    Joy Goes Hand in Hand with Pain

  24. 524
    Jennie says:

    Jennie M. 🙂

    oo, something to read while I feed my newborn! (that is the not the title of my book, haha)

  25. 525
    Alissa Wise says:

    I think my book would be titled: Chocolate – It’s Not Just a Dessert. Alissa Wise

  26. 526
    Amy Cress says:

    Would love a copy of the book. My book title would be Blessed Beyond Belief.

  27. 527
    Melissa Glorioso says:

    Hurry Less

  28. 528
    Sonya Aydell says:

    Sonya Aydell – Does Anybody Know My Name?

  29. 529
    Colleen van Nieuwkerk says:

    Colleen van Nieuwkerk… Joy in My Journey

  30. 530
    Erin West says:

    Erin West
    If I wrote a book it’d be called “A Peach livin in the Evergreens”
    I’m from Georgia living in the Pacific Northwest 🙂

  31. 531
    Laray Mask says:

    Laray mask

  32. 532
    Casey Toler says:

    Casey Toler, RN…..The King’s Daughter:Adventures of a Nurse and a Princess…not real catchy but the story would be a a mix of world traveler/medical missionary/christian girl who is the Daughter of a King escaping her life for adventure in Africa. A little disney-esque princess magic when she unknowingly rescues an tribes injured princess who is undercover and although she takes pride in her place as the people representative she is persecuted/targeted by tyranical militia. They rescue each other from wild animals and escape capture from militia and a few more surprises before the nurse returns the girl to her tribe and learns she is the princess…all while being reminded of a King who once sacrificed much more to rescue thier hearts – they both learn the honor and gift of being the Daughter of a King.

  33. 533
    Vicki Gladson says:

    Sally and the Bubblegum Factory

  34. 534
    Erica says:

    Erica Hostetler

  35. 535
    Dana Nance says:

    Dana Nance

  36. 536
    Amanda says:

    Amanda Mayes, thanks :).

  37. 537
    Melanie Miller says:

    Melanie Miller

  38. 538
    Carrie J. says:

    Hoping to win!

  39. 539
    Diane A. says:

    I can’t wait to read this book!!!

  40. 540
    Carrier says:

    Carrie L.

    “Surviving New England: Southerners guide to relocation.” 🙂

  41. 541
    Tressa says:

    Tressa Mc 🙂

    If mine was a memoir of motherhood, something about being the Monkey Boys’ Mama would work 🙂

  42. 542
    Meredith Jordan says:

    Love the title of the book. Hope I win! Name of my book would probably be: Hold on till the Storm Stops.

  43. 543
    carolyn clifton says:

    My book would be titled – Sturdy Shoes!
    Thanks for the great contest.

  44. 544
    Paula G says:

    My book would be titled (Diamond Girl Shining) (I like parenthesis too!)

  45. 545
    Cathy R says:

    Cathy Reineke
    Book title ~ “I hear HIM singing over me!”

  46. 546
    Karene says:

    Karene Wells

    I’ve been trying to win this book on Melanie’s blog, but haven’t. I would love to win a signed copy! Thanks for the opportunity!

  47. 547
    Mariposa says:

    I too have followed Melanie’s blog for a while and was so excited to meet her in person at the last siesta celebration. I read this book in one evening and my husband kept asking me why I was laughing out loud. It is great book, funny and shows her love for the Lord. I am so happy for her to be on the best seller’s list!!!

  48. 548
    Shannon Meister says:

    I think my book would be called “Abundance of Blessings.” 🙂

  49. 549
    Marilyn Yarbrough says:

    Love you Fine

    Marilyn Yarbrough

  50. 550
    Denise Yates says:

    Hair Confessions…25 years behind the chair