“A Word From My Pastor” Got One??

Happy Wednesday, you lovely things!

Today I thought we’d do something that could really build us up as women of faith as well as charge us on as members of a local body of believers. If you have been around here a while, you know how strongly we believe in the investment of our lives in a local church. Oh, I know, I know. I’ve heard the whole “they’re just a bunch of hypocrites” thing a million times but I can tell you that some of the loveliest, most genuine Christians I have ever known, I met at my local church amid all the flaws and occasional dysfunction. We can get over thinking we’ll ever find a perfect church and, anyway, I always think to myself that, if I could find one, I’d mess the thing up by walking in the door. I am convinced way down in the marrow of my bones that we cannot grow up into full-throttle effectiveness in our callings without being in the framework of a Word-oriented body of believers. This is true even if you and I often minister outside those walls. My home church profoundly affects what I do in ministry on the road and I rarely make a really big decision outside without running it by the leadership inside. This segment of Ephesians 4 is probably the biggest reason why I believe so strongly in the framework.

11 And He gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, 12 to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, 13 until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, 14 so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. 15 Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, 16 from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.

The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. 2001 (Eph 4:11–16). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.

That’s a powerful segment, isn’t it? Listen, I know some of you have been badly hurt by a grossly unhealthy church. In case nobody ever said it to you, your sisters here are so sorry that such pain came to you within a local body. It shouldn’t have. But, Sister, there’s another one out there for you. Don’t shut yourself off. You need a community of believers and not just your small group Bible study or accountability group. For it to function as the assembled church Christ ordained, it needs to be one that operates with leaders and shepherds and teachers like Ephesians 4 describes. Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying! I love communities of women in small group Bible study! You know I do! I’m just suggesting that they don’t replace a functioning assembly of believers where the broader gifts are practiced for the growth of those members.

Anyway, I’m just here to say that I really love my pastor. And, yep. He is my son-in-law but I told Amanda and Curtis recently that, this far in, I would have wanted to go right there to that church even if I didn’t know them from Adam. I am growing and meeting many new people. I’m being stretched. I’ve been kicked way out of my comfort zone. I love ministering to the children and helping hold doors and give hugs. And, Sister, I GET A WORD. Some of the most powerful things God has done in my life in the last year came from a seed sown in me through one of Curtis’s messages. (If you were part of the simulcast, that whole message about the Widow’s Oil and the jars developed from a question Curtis asked us the day he taught from 2 Kings 4.)

SO, this is what we’re doing today! We’re going to share ONE (just one please!) of the most important or memorable words God has ever spoken to you through your present pastor in a sermon. If you can do it succinctly, you can also tell us why, but it’s perfectly fine if you simply share the word. If at all possible, please give the text reference. You don’t have to write the verses out. Just the address is fine.

Here’s what I’m going to do for my entry. I want to share with you a recent sermon of Curtis’s that really ministered to me. Many of you probably won’t have time to listen but, for those of you who do, stay with it all the way to the end. His wrap up left me in tears. Perhaps it will be meaningful to you, too. To get to the sermon, click the following link. It will bring you to the Bayou City Fellowship podcast page. Look specifically for the title “What is to Come.” It will be the second one listed there, I’m almost positive. It’s free, of course. I’m not trying to get you to buy something here today. I’m also not selling churches. Laughing. Just hoping this might bless somebody.

Click here to download the podcast on iTunes. Remember, the title is “What is to Come.” If you have any  problems connecting with the link provided, you can also search for “Bayou City Fellowship” in iTunes either online or on your computer if you have iTunes loaded there.

Your turn!!! Let’s share some words we’re getting, Sister! I love you dearly. I mean that. You are on my heart every day.




325 Responses to ““A Word From My Pastor” Got One??”

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  1. 1
    Laura S says:

    Good morning! This past Sunday our minister had everyone put their hands on the shoulders of the person next to them…I thought we were gonna have a conga line!…and we repeated 3 times loudly “WE ARE THE BODY OF CHRIST!” It felt good!

  2. 2
    Deb says:

    We are in Matthew. January 20th lesson was from Matthew 4:1-11 – the testing of the King. “Your life will be defined by what you do when you don’t get what you want.” Powerful stuff!

  3. 3
    Cheryl says:

    At the beginning of the Christmas season, the pastor preached on I John 2 (text below) and encouraged us simply to purpose not to sin over the Christmas season. Those words stuck with me.

    I John 2: My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 2 He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world. 3 And by this we know that we have come to know him, if we keep his commandments. 4 Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him, 5 but whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of God is perfected. By this we may know that we are in him: 6 whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.

  4. 4
    Lavonda says:

    from my pastor, Johnny Hunt
    First Baptist Church Woodstock, Ga

    1 John 4:7-11
    If God so loved us, the we ought to love each other.
    We live our lives in the real world. We must love the real people in the real places where we live. They’ll know we’re Christians by our love.
    God’s love is a love of self-sacrificing service. It’s extended to us even when we’re unGodly/unloveable. God loves me as much on my worst day as He loves me on my best day. Even when you can’t find love in your heart for someone, let the love of God flow through you to them. HIs love validates your salvation. If you can’t find the love of God in your heart, then you must question if you even know Him.
    The love of God is poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, who He’s given to us.
    Isolation rebukes God. He created us to be relational.
    A lot of people know God intellectually in their mind, but not in their heart. Many will miss Heaven by about 12 inches… the distance between their head and their heart (v.8)
    Mercy = God didn’t give me what I deserve, He gave Jesus what I deserve. The purpose? That we may LIVE through Him. You don’t have the capacity to love until you’ve experienced it from Him first (v.10-11 Agape Love)
    God tells me in the Bible what Jesus did for me… He also tells me what He expects of me: I am to love others. Sinners and Saints alike.
    Even people who make me angry.
    If God can love me with my wicked heart, I should be able to love ANYONE.

    **taken from my sermon notes that Sunday (I flagged this sermon in my notebook as a favorite)

  5. 5
    Amanda E says:

    Last Wednesday, God knew I needed to be there because Bro. Steve Swofford’s message hit me hard. He was honest and said he’s been down about the state of our country and world. I am too, when I see all the sadness on the news and innocent lives being taken. It’s hard not to get down when you see that but he reminded us that God knows all that is going on and is in control. We read from Luke 18 and verse 8 stuck out to me. “I tell you, he will see that hey get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” When Jesus comes back, will he find faith on the earth?? We’ve still got to keep the faith friends. I’ve got to keep the faith. We can do it! Let’s support each other and lift each other up in prayer! God hears it and knows all we need!

    Thankful to serve with a wonderful church family at FBC Rockwall, TX.

  6. 6
    Michele says:

    I am so thankful for my church and our pastor. I guess right now I would say this past weekend’s message.

    Our pastor said that the main reason our church exists is to bring people to Jesus. All other things are secondary.

    The reason this was so important at this time was because my best friend came to church with me Saturday night. He does not know God or usually want to hear anything about God, but last week they found a 13cm (5+in) tumor in his abdomen. We do not yet know much about it, but he is scared and anxious.

    I have tried to just be there for him and not preach, but I did take the risk and invite him to church, so I was glad that he came and that he heard the plan of salvation again.

    And after two busy days when my friend mentioned again I could be done with helping him, I turned and said to him, “You are not a bother,” and we talked about him hating any help because he feels indebted. I am hoping that my actions are spreading seeds for him to someday accept the one thing he really needs- God’s gift of salvation.

    And I am thankful that when my best friend came to church, my pastor gave the wise message that nothing else matters – only Jesus.

  7. 7
    Mary says:

    Just this past Sunday, Pastor Jeff encourage us to be praying for specific things in our own lives. Sometime we get so wrapped up in praying for others and friends and family that we miss praying for ourselves. If we don’t pray for ourselves we miss seeing God answer that prayer right in front of us so we can share His GREAT works right there in our own lives!! AMEN I needed that reminder!

  8. 8
    Nikki says:

    CALLED – Ephesians

  9. 9
    Hilary says:

    Oh, Beth. So thankful for this blog post today.

    I am part of the leadership at our church and so I am often not in big church for the sermons, and often – like now – I am involved in the ugly underside of church ministry. Wherever there are people, it’s going to be messy.

    One thing my pastor taught me – not in a sermon, but in a meeting where we were dealing with some issues, namely, mine – is that to be an authentic, effective leader, you must be a servant first. Like Jesus, in the washing of the disciples’ feet, and in laying down his life for the salvation of his people. I cried buckets in that meeting because I had been prideful, not selfless, in my leadership. And now, especially with what I am going through this very week, I identify so much with Jesus’ selfless sacrifice and I even count it a joy to be figuratively crucified for righteousness sake. So thankful for my pastor who directly pointed out my sin to me, and then lovingly restored me. And now I can serve that much more effectively, thanks be to God!

    • 9.1
      Carol Hulin says:

      Dear Hilary: I don`t know if you`ll see this post or not bu:
      I read your post earlier in the week. And it`s stuck with me. I`ve been praying for you girl.
      Wish I could give you a hug!!!

  10. 10
    Julie Salva says:

    One (of many) words my Pastor has shared that I’ll never forget has to do with evangelism. At one point, I felt very unsure of my “bible knowledge”….what if I don’t know enough and mess the whole thing up! During a sermon, Poly said….”Just tell your story. People may argue with your theology, but they can’t argue with your story. Just tell what knowing Christ has done for YOU.” From that moment on, my perception was changed….evangelism is about using the story God gave me, to point people towards Him!! Thank you Poly Rouse!

  11. 11
    Ashley Honea says:

    MORE! Ephesians 3:20

    Something my pastor says regularly is that God has more for you. More than you can even imagine. There is always more.

  12. 12
    Lindsey Crawford says:

    I am part of a local church, but to be honest, I am really struggling there. God has placed us there and we are being faithful to stay there. Recently, I was convicted of my disobedience toward God. Even though I am outwardly doing what God has called me to do, many times my heart is not in it. I am not fully engaged. I am just going through the motions. In my heart, I am rebelling against the place in which God has planted me. Not good. That is disobedience!! 🙁 I listened to Curtis’ entire sermon. I wept at the end. WEPT! Praise God, this life is just a tent. Longing for Home, today. But am asking the Lord to use that longing as overflow into my current life, my current temporary home. Thank you, Mama Beth for sharing. You are loved!

  13. 13
    Lisa Krumm says:

    Our Pastor Ken shared his pet peeve – when people say God won’t give you more that you can take. God always gives you more than you think you can take so you will turn to Him. This changed my thinking about life and have quoted it MANY times to others.

  14. 14
    Elizabeth says:

    Hi Beth! My pastor is my husband, and I believe his life message, maybe even more by actions than words, is, “If you don’t quit, you win.” Through the many valleys in life, we just keep walking, and eventually we walk out on the other side!

  15. 15
    Dawn says:

    We were going through a very rough road with one of our children and I was so anxious, uptight and just did not feel God was any where at that point. Our pastor preached on Luke 8:22-25.. The story familiar but where he sat on was the part that Jesus had stated to the disciples “Lets cross over to the other side of the lake”..Not maybe we will get across, not I hope we get across, But that Lets cross over to the other side. Our Pastor then went on to say the disciples could of enjoyed that stormy ride like a ride at Cedar Point if they had the faith needed, they could of rode those waves in awe… Jesus is always their in the storms and will get us to the other side of the lake, no matter where that is for us we just have to rest in His word and have the faith needed to weather and enjoy the boat ride along the way.. (even if it is tough) we have still have issues with this child, but I know that my God the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob will get me across the lake.

    Jesus calms the sea Luke 8:22-25

    22 One day Jesus and his disciples boarded a boat. He said to them, “Let’s cross over to the other side of the lake.” So they set sail.23 While they were sailing, he fell asleep. Gale-force winds swept down on the lake. The boat was filling up with water and they were in danger. 24 So they went and woke Jesus, shouting, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” But he got up and gave orders to the wind and the violent waves. The storm died down and it was calm.25 He said to his disciples, “Where is your faith?”Filled with awe and wonder, they said to each other, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him!”

  16. 16
    Betty M says:

    “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves” Our minister used to hammer on that when I showed up sporatically for worship years ago when fighting the mood disorder. I did not realize it is in the praising God in song, singing with gusto your fav hymn. The hugs shared with others the fellowship is so vital to faith.
    Matt 10:34&35 They tell how Jesus said he does not come to bring pece but a sword. These words are hitting home so much right now. Our minister read these afew weeks ago at a Bible study and we talked about the division we will see as these last days are upon us. I am still grieving losing a friendship with a gal who facilitated our Bible studies in the neighbor hood. This gal started embracing a very liberal movement which runs opposite of God’s Word. Requiring both me and the study hostess to call her on it. She revolked our friendship and coming to Bible studies. Sometimes His Word does not unite! It divides! Somehow I know we will be blessed for taking this stand but it is still difficult to understand. I pray she will understand the error of her ways and come back. We have prayer on our side.
    Thanks Beth for stretching us as well!!!
    Love, love,love you!
    Betty M

  17. 17
    Lissa says:

    Thank you so much for doing this! I also love the local church, but since my husband has become a pastor at our church, I feel more than I ever have before, feel the attack of a critical spirit, and I have to rely on Jesus’ strength to give me His eyes for his body. Like a previous poster said, sometimes we see the ugly side. After complaining about something recently about something at church, my godly husband stopped me and said, “I’m sorry we have sinners at our church.” His statement was so simple and so true. We’re all sinners who need a savior, and thank God he lets us walk through that in community!

    Just this past Sunday one of our pastors, Pastor Chris Williams at StoneWater Church in Granbury, taught over the parable of the pearl and how valuable is the kingdom of heaven. So many of us feel like we’ve sold everything for the pearl, but in reality we want Jesus and his kingdom AND something else. We’re pursuing other fine pearls. Like, Jesus AND health. Or Jesus AND happiness. Or Jesus AND the perfect job, kids, spouse, house, bank account, etc. The other pearls we are chasing after don’t bring joy or satisfaction or peace. Jesus IS THE GREAT PEARL. When He rules & reigns over your life, you’ll sell out everything you own to say “I’m all in it for you, Jesus!”

  18. 18
    Jamee says:

    In reference to Luke 8:9-15 (The Purpose of the Parables), where it explains the seed is the word of God and depending on what type of soil it is fallen upon, deciphers what happens to that seed.

    Our pastor said just because you feel that you may have not had ‘good soil’ to start with, that doesn’t mean you have no hope for the word to take root. There is opportunity with cultivation for any soil to become ‘good soil’. Prepare the soil of your heart by humbling yourself and regularly seeking God.

    Love that! I needed to hear it that day. Thank you for an opportunity to share.

  19. 19
    Sarah Marion says:

    The most memorable message by Pastor Joshua Brooks, my current Pastor – a study of Nehemiah. Nehemiah spent considerable time seeking God in prayer and planning before “his” great success of rebuilding the wall. A great reminder for life today.

  20. 20
    Alicia says:

    There’s one thing my pastor has taught that has stuck with me for 2 reasons: It’s wonderfully simple and it was taught at my wedding which was a little over 6 months ago:

    “You before me.” He had us say it to each other in the middle of his message and we proceeded to repeat it throughout our honeymoon, sometimes reversing it for humor’s sake: “When it comes to where we eat, it’s me before you!” Then we’d collapse in laughter.

    Anyways, that simple concept has greatly helped me adjust to married life. In fact, I have really enoyed learning how to put myself aside and enjoy the joy it brings to Nick when we choose the basketball game over one of my shows or when we choose to arrange our lives so Nick can pursue his dreams even though that will put mine on hold for a while.

  21. 21
    Shelley says:

    I’m fortunate to attend Brook Hills and receive the Word through our pastor, David Platt. One word I’ve heard from him is one he preaches every Sunday. To be obedient to Christ, you must be making disciples. I’ve learned that it’s not about me gaining all this knowledge. It’s me sharing the Word, teaching the Word, showing the Word, and serving the world. God will work through me as I carry out His plan to others. So blessed to be apart of Brook Hills and all that comes with it!

    • 21.1
      Debbie Watson says:

      Amen Shelley,
      That’s exactly what I was going to write. I attend TCABH too. Stretched every Sunday to use the knowledge we have to bring others to Jesus. Praise God.

  22. 22
    jackie says:

    Our pastor has been recently speaking on showing Grace to one another because the Father has shown grace to each of us. it’s what our little Body of Believer’s needs right now!

    • 22.1
      Angie Sarich says:

      Measure of grace is so foreign to us in this world,
      Grateful that there is grace to help us understand
      it’s measure 🙂

  23. 23
    Lindsey says:

    “What you fear and worry about most reveals what you value most in life…. It also reveals where you trust God the least!” (-Pastor Craig)

    Sermon from Philippians 4:6-7

  24. 24
    Roxz says:

    Each Sunday my Pastor Stands strong and straight and asks us the same question each week, “did you have your bring bibles today? and “did you come expecting Great things from a Great God!! If we answer somewhat solemnly he asks again! Throughout the whole teaching I am expecting a word and never leave without one! Yes I do come expecting great things from a GREAT GOD! HE never fails!

  25. 25
    Adrienne says:

    We just recently moved across country so I haven’t heard a lot from our current pastor. But this past Sunday he preached from Rev 3:14-22 and pointed out in verse 20 that Christ was standing OUTSIDE the door of the church, knocking, indicating there were no believers in that church. I’d never read that verse in context, and it frightened me. Our pastor also stated two dangers in our lives: 1) not being able to see ourselves for who we really are and therefore not being able to turn from our sins; and 2) the comfort of not knowing who we are and not wanting to change. My prayer is that God would show me my weaknesses, who I am when I can’t see it, so I can turn to Him

  26. 26
    Annette says:

    10 years at an Episcopal Church (yes, Episcopal)The Rev. Jack Sheffield preached a powerful sermon on healing in Christ Jesus, the key point that struck me was: Seek the Healer not healing.

  27. 27

    Wow! Now this is a challenge to see what I can remember out of 6 years of sermons… I don’t know what verses, but here is what I remember — When we step up in ministry, we become targets. We wear a bulls eye on our back. Pray for those in ministry. — Don’t say that an illness is their cross to bear. That is not what the cross is. (But I don’t know what it is exactly. Anybody got some insight on what our cross to bear is?)

    • 27.1
      Nicole says:

      Hey Janet,
      Many times our “cross” to bear is considered our “path” that God has planned for our lives and all that “path” entails.

      • Nicole, Thanks for responding to my question. I can picture the cross that way. We pick up our cross and carry it as our way to follow Jesus. That is much better than picturing it as something we suffer through.

  28. 28
    Nicki Bishop says:

    “God is not undone by this.”

    How many times I have heard this statement in my head which has been spoken many times by our beloved Pastor. Just the thought that the Maker of Heaven and Earth knows exactly what is going on with me and He is not undone. He already has the solution. Why are we having a meltdown? How calming! How assuring! How gracious is our Mighty God!

  29. 29
    Janel says:

    Hey, Siestas! I’m writing this with tears in my eyes at the love I have for my church. When we first came, I was a HURTING believer. I’d been hurt by other Christians, family, and yes, a church. I thought I was done with the whole church thing and didn’t even want to go! God has done so much healing and restoration through my local church. Obviously I needed to do a lot of forgiving. I struggled with one (probably common) issue – letting somebody “just get away with it.” I wasn’t looking for revenge, but from what I could see, some of the people who had been party to some real damage in my life were perfectly happy and living without seeming consequence. It felt unfair. Our pastor said something once about God being the righteous judge. He reminded us that when we forgive somebody, we turn them over to the Judge and He will rule fairly and mercifully. It’s so simple, but that truth helped me immensely! I was able to release those who hurt me and receive healing myself. God is so good!

  30. 30
    Jennifer T says:

    My humble and amazingly gifted pastor is John Yates, The Falls Church Anglican. Back in early December he was preaching on “Waiting for Jesus” and touched on Infertility and Faith. Key passages for the week were Luke 1:5-25 and Malachi 3:1-10.

    He preached “Disappointment DOES NOT mean that God has deserted us!” and I traced it twice in BIG RED LETTERS in my notes.

  31. 31
    Susan S. says:

    This was given a few months ago but it’s still with me. It was summed up like this:

    “Too often we live our lives as if we’re on a cruise ship when we’re actually to live as if we’re on a battleship.”

    That can nip my whining in the bud.

  32. 32
    Paula says:

    Pastor Greg on Matthew 5:1-12, the Beatitudes. Here’s the link. The whole sermon is good but in the opening lines he talks about seeing something familiar in a new way that just opens your eyes and stirs something up inside of you. What I heard for the first time, “you will be comforted.”


    • 32.1
      Michelle Baylerian says:

      Thank you Beth for directing us to Curtis message. I so needed to be reminded to make each day here meaningful! As much as I love my husband, daughters & loved ones I long to be trade this tent of tremendous pain for my Heavenly home!! In your timing Lord Jesus.

  33. 33
    Amy Doerwang says:

    I just finished the Isaiah 30 homework and am having trouble knowing where to send it.

    This is my first time on the site (or any blog for that matter:))

    Could you help me out?

    Thanks, Amy

  34. 34
    Sarah says:

    My pastor told us once–“when you hold your life out to Jesus with an open hand, and allow Him to remove from your life what He doesn’t want there, He will always replace it with something far superior.” I heard that as a college student, and I’ve confirmed its truth over and over again since then!

  35. 35
    Carol says:

    Love does not start from us. Loves comes and through God alone!

  36. 36

    My pastor, Gregg Matte, recently said that the reason we don’t pray enough isn’t because we’re too busy. It’s because we’re too confident.

  37. 37
    Casey G says:

    Last year Pastor Craig was preaching through the book of Job. Being on staff, I knew he was walking thru his own Job-like season. It made these words hit me that much more.

    “Nothing…absolutely nothing happens to you, good or bad, that does not first pass through the hands of God.”

    I have had to speak these words over myself and dear loved ones since then. Grateful my God never looks away.

  38. 38
    Dawn says:

    Just before Christmas our pastor preached out of Mark 6. He asked a question continues to resonate with me. Am I choosing survival or revival each day?

  39. 39
    Jean Schlosser says:

    My church has several pastors who all have had sermons and messages that have changed my life, but one message stands out most of all and it was from a visiting missionary who I believe was preaching on Hebrews 11:32-39. This missionary,
    Dr. Gupta, told us to pray about our weaknesses, so God could turn them into strengths to be used of Him. Little did I know then, what a powerful answer would come from that prayer. Fear was my biggest enemy and God has been doing a great and mighty work, in my life, to overcome the fear I had of the enemy. I know now, who I am in Christ. And I know this:

    “…the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” 1 John 4:4

    I’m learning to fight from victory. For there is victory in Christ! Amen!

  40. 40
    Pamela McDonald says:

    Thank you for this post.

    Our dear pastor just gave a sermon Sunday taken from Exodus 14:10-14. The title was “Three Impossible Commands”, which are fear not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord.

    Of course, with all our human frailties, these are impossible. But, thanks to our Almighty God, this is exactly what we can do when faced with seemingly insurmountable circumstances. It is what we MUST do.

    Anyway, it was one of those sermons that just click right away and stick with you.

    Yesterday I found out my very dearest friend is facing a huge battle with cancer. Was it a coincidence that I heard that message Sunday? I think not!!

    I am so thankful to serve a God who knows exactly what we need at the very perfect time.

    Love and blessings,

  41. 41
    Debbie Tenopir says:

    This is from a friend and pastor who is from India and ministers there to the people. He has visited my home church a few times and always has a good word. He wrapped up his message this way: 1. Remember the sufferings of Christ for me – a sinner. 2. Have a strong conviction of my hope (Christ in me, the hope of glory. Col. 1:27). this is not my home. 3. Have a vision for those perishing. Who is going to bring the gospel to them? Pray to be the living gospel.

  42. 42
    Sandra says:

    One Sunday a month our church allows the youth to run the service (under adult supervision). This Sunday I was awestruck at the witnesses these young people are becoming. At one point the music cut off but the youth kept singing and the spirit just filled that place with their sweet voices. The message I took from this Sunday’s lesson was that…if they can do it…I have no excuses.

    I also wanted to say…I just listened to the sermon that Beth mentioned above…it was beautiful…I cried my eyeballs out at the end…just beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing! My day has been made brighter because of that message.

  43. 43


    What a precious reminder of the significance of the local body. When my hubby and I were missionaries in Costa Rica, we spent six months wondering why no one had prepared us for what it would be like without the sweet body of believers we had grown with in the faith.

    We were developing relationships with those on the mission field, but we found that we had to hurdle over every word due to the language barrier. We loved each other dearly, but conversation was painfully difficult.

    We live in the states now and my hubby is a pastor. One who loves the body deeply and is passionate about reaching this generation for Christ.

    We need each other to spur one another on, to press toward the mark, to be faithful when life is hard, to trust that God is good even when our circumstances are not.

    The local body is a need in every believer’s life. Even when things get hard and messy and uncomfortable and frustrating. But isn’t that what happens in families?

    We don’t always agree. We don’t always say the right things. We don’t always listen to each other well. We don’t always meet one another’s needs. We don’t always love well, pray like we should or carry one another’s burdens like we know we should.

    But we are family. A messed up bunch of flawed and diverse people, unified by an amazing, creative and intentional God who loves each and every one of us relentlessly.

    Oh, that our lives would be one as Jesus prayed and the world would look at our unity and our love for Christ and for one another and say, “They are living proof that Jesus is real!”

    ” I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.” John 17:

  44. 44
    Melissa Emma says:

    “The Inconvenience of His Presence” by Pastor Jeff Tarbox @ New Life Church in Biddeford, Maine http://www.newlifemaine.org

    Text: 2 Samuel 6:1-23

    He said, “We Americans are a lot like David. We have become seduced to think if we have the ‘it’ factor-that God is obligated to show up. God doesn’t ride on man-made ox carts no matter how nice they are. God wants to bring His Presence forward. We have parades not Presence. We need His Presence. He is looking for people who are tired of ox cart parades. God doesn’t come because we have a parade. He comes because we want His Presence. We need to connect with the Living God and beware of a mindset of “cultural convenience.” Amen!

  45. 45
    Leslie S says:

    A long time ago I heard a pastor talk about giving our troubles to God even before we try to figure the mess out ourselves. So many times we go to Him only AFTER we’ve tried every earthly thing we know to do. We need to go to God FIRST!

  46. 46
    Tammie Head says:

    Oh Beth! Amen and amen. I choked back tears that Sunday as Erin kept wiping his. One thought stayed so heavy on my mind, “THIS is what I love about church and the public proclamation of the Holy Scriptures through preaching, teaching, and telling–our hearts are beautifully laid bare before a WONDERFUL SAVIOR who desires to forgive and grace us.

    Imagine my shock when Erin jumped up, grabbed my hand, and said, “Come on. Let’s go” RIGHT when Curtis opened the altar for communion. It was a “Yes Sir!” moment. I knew my man wanted more of THAT GOD. Beautiful, so beautiful. Taking the elements, I soberly savored afresh that my God is INDEED ENOUGH.

    We are still so humbled by God’s gracious love in leading us to BCF. Every Sunday I, personally, feel a kiss on my cheek *again* by the beautiful surprise of it all. The Head’s LOVE this house. We love our church family. We love our pastor. And, of course, I have always loved his wife–grin. Did you know THIS SAME DAY, while Curt was leading us, Savannah was testifying in youth group again? That kid has never loved her church or church family more. At 17? When battles rage? MIRACULOUS. What a Sweet Savior to romance Savannah’s young heart by using the sanctuary and the saints. So good, so right.

    Brings tears to my eyes. Makes me love Him that much more.

    I love you! xoxo

  47. 47
    Helen says:

    A comment Pastor Dave made when he shared his testimony that has really stuck with me is, “I always ask what the Spirit is doing in a person’s life before I step in, because I don’t want to mess it up”. It has really challenged me to wait for the Lord to lead me in/into a situation rather than do what I think is best.

  48. 48
    Becca says:

    My hubs is bringing us through Mark at our Tuesday night service. Last week was from Mark 5:1-20: “Jesus’ Power Over Darkness”.

    Being possessed by an army of demons, how dark was that man’s soul that Jesus brought into the light with a word? This is proof that you can’t go too far for God to bring you back.

    (I’ll have my name link to the sermons rather than my blog this time).

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    Kristin K says:

    This is a link to a YouTube video of a preacher on staff at my church! The yoke that must be broken! This message so broke my heart and God spoke directly to my situation through it. Take a few mins to listen if you choose! It will be a blessing, I promise, especially for those who may be bound by something in their life!!
    Victory Baptist Church
    North Augusta, SC

  50. 50
    Vicki Williams says:

    “Here, we serve, then we live.” Matthew 20:28

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