Calling All You Simulcasting Siestas!

Hi, Everybody!

Saturday is almost upon us! In a little while I’ll zip up my suitcase and head out for my flight to Reading, Pennsylvania. After having this on my radar for so long, I am now in the process of steadying myself in Christ and trusting what He’s given to us for this weekend and thanking Him in advance for His faithfulness. The segment we’re studying is strongly impacting me and I pray God will use it to strongly impact you. I don’t like a lot of hype because I think it sets up expectations in the human realm that mostly can’t be met. But I believe strongly in the power of the Holy Spirit released on a sincere and seeking people through the Word of God and the saving Name of Christ. My hope is steadfastly in Him this weekend. As the psalmist said in the 62nd chapter, my expectation is in Him alone.

The entire team has prayed hard and planned hard and studied hard toward this weekend but that’s not a drop in the bucket toward what we’re really asking. We don’t want a blessing in keeping with our preparation. We don’t want what we deserve or what we have earned. God help us, no. We want a full-fledged visitation of Jesus. FAVOR. The kind that reveals and heals and steals back everything the enemy has stolen.

I am leaving this post for you in hopes that you’ll let the Mama around here know where all the participating blog chicks will be tomorrow. If you’re in a group, tell me where and what general size (small group in a den, larger group at a church), and if you’re participating solo, let me know that as well. Be sure and include your city so that we can place you on our mental map. You’ll see my own staff on there. They’ve already got a screen set up in our board room so picture all your Living Proof servants gathered among you as well! They totally amaze me.

As for you who are participating solo, approach the day and the study with full interaction! I will not forget that you are there for a single moment. (Nor any of the rest of you!) I know first hand that this medium can be tremendously effective. I had to fly back from Atlanta to Houston in January of this year before the Passion conference had ended and I watched the remainder of it from my home via my laptop screen. I sang with them and I turned in my Bible where they did and I totally engaged and at times I was so intimately involved that the tears streamed down my cheeks. I say this to testify that a personal livestream experience can be POWERFUL. God is not limited in any conceivable way here. Fully engage! If I ask you to repeat something, do it out loud and with enthusiasm! Look up every Scripture. Take down your notes. Enter in to every praise and prayer experience. During the commissioning at the end, I will be your partner. Stand to your feet and do the thing. R.E.C.E.I.V.E.

Oh, Sisters, I am so honored to serve you. You are a high priority around here. Pray for me as I pray for you. EXPECT God to speak to you and alter you in a vital, life-giving fashion. That’s what I want, too. Exercise some FAITH toward tomorrow, Sweet Things. And pray for the enemy to be bound from every direction and to be forbidden even an inch of ground. And, one more thing: pray against distraction. Lord have mercy, we’re so distracted these days that we can hardly focus on God long enough to get the full blessing out of an encounter. Set our chins like flint toward Your face, Jesus. We will not let go until You bless us.

You are so dear to me, Siestas. You can well know that you’re on my mind. I love you so. Lindsee will be watching over you all day and moderating. I’m so thankful for her.

Jesus, do this thing. Do it UP. We surrender.




413 Responses to “Calling All You Simulcasting Siestas!”

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  1. 201

    I am the tech girl running our simulcast at StongeBridge Community Church in O’Fallon, MO. We are a small church and have FIFTY women signed up to attend!! It is a huge deal for our church and know God did this! Most attendees do not even attend our church. We are eagerly expecting God to move.

  2. 202
    Pauline says:

    Kearney, Nebraska where I’ll be attending the E-Free church who are hosting the simulcast here. I’ll be going with my neighbour and friend.

  3. 203
    Beth says:

    Solo – sortof – from Roswell (Atlanta), GA. Praying my 12 yr old girl & 15 yr old boy will engage also. It’s the only access to electronics the 15 yr old will have this weekend! HA! No, really, please pray that he hears a word straight from the Lord – that all of us do. Thankful for this opportunity!

  4. 204
    Christen Juhnke says:

    At The Father’s House Church in Walla Walla, WA

  5. 205
    Tabitha says:

    My mom and I are heading out to a small country church close to our town called Merlin community baptist! Not sure how big their group is, but I’m looking forward to some good word and fellowship with somenew sisters!

  6. 206
    Amy says:

    Solo from Orlando, FL. I’m so excited! My church is having the simulcast there, but my husband is in full peak season at his work and is coming home very late Friday night (or early Sat morning really). I’m so thankful to have the opportunity to engage at home–in my yoga pants, sipping pots of coffee at home. Otherwise I’d have truly missed out!

  7. 207
    Malinn Saxe says:

    Kingwood, Texas (suburb of Houston) – I invited about 15 women to host in my home – and noone could come. I will be watching solo in my home and can’t wait!

  8. 208
    Zee Dean says:

    I’ll probably be watching solo at my home (Madison, MS) or a the hospital with mom (Jackson, MS)

  9. 209
    Laura Steele says:

    400 sisters in Christ will be joining you from Colonial Heights Baptist Church, Colonial Heights, VA

  10. 210
    Cathy Mathis says:

    About 21 DOTKs (Daughters of the King) will be gathering at a “siesta’s” house in Irving, TX. We are ready to see our Jesus!

  11. 211
    Dawn says:

    My daughter & I can’t wait to join you all with plenty of coffee from our living room in Beavercreek, OH. Blessings to all!

  12. 212
    Jennifer says:

    Attending with my daughter-in-law at Grayson United Methodist Church in Grayson, GA. Very excited!!

  13. 213
    Tanya says:

    Solo in body from Raleigh,NC, but all there
    with you in spirit!

  14. 214
    Kari says:

    Will be watching in my pajamas over a plate of hot cakes out here in denver! Can’t wait!

  15. 215
    Becky says:

    Flying solo in Norfolk, VA!

  16. 216
    Jennifer says:

    My mom and I will be attending Istrouma Baptist in Baton Rouge, LA. Anxiously anticipating a fresh word from God to fall on every heart present. Praying for you. Thank you for giving so much to us all in Jesus’ name and in His power!

  17. 217
    Janie says:

    I’ll be watching, with about 400 other ladies, at Green Valley Baptist Church in Henderson, NV.

  18. 218
    Emme says:

    I’m a solo watcher from Johnstown PA. Laid up with 2 badly sprained ankles. Thanks for remembering us on our own!

  19. 219
    Kim says:

    Kim (solo) in Nebraska. Speak a Word over us, Lord! Make us ready to receive it!

  20. 220
    Gina says:

    We’ll be watching at First United Methodist Church in Mansfield, Texas — over 500 registered and counting! We can’t wait!! It will be hard to sleep tonight!!!

  21. 221
    Sherry says:

    I’ll be attending along with 250 ladies at Concord Baptist Church in Jefferson City, MO. So looking forward to a fresh renewing through the Word you bring!!

  22. 222
    Renee Swope says:

    Sweet Beth, I can only imagine what you have been praying for us, and what you have gone through on our behalf as you have studied, poured over and now prepare to pour out. This heart of mine is so in need for a fresh Word and a personal encounter with Jesus. It’s been a hard week so my soul is almost panting for the breath of His spirit.

    I’ll be watching from home in Charlotte, NC.

    Side Note: I didnt get to post after your event in Charleston, SC, but I was there and WOW!! Jesus rocked my world that weekend through your teaching and TC’s worship. I hadnt been to a conference iike that in 10 years but oh how I needed it. That’s why Im coming back for more so soon!! It was one of the most unusual times of revelation from Jesus as He began to mess with my mess and make me a more honest version of myself. He showed me changes I need to make at home and in ministry to be more honest with myself and others about what is realistic and healthy for me in this season of my life. Then I came home and my mess got messier. Layers of prayer, obedience and just feeling turned upside down is where I am.

    So, tomorrow I’ll be leaning in, asking Jesus to keep showing me how He wants to complete what He’s started. Thank you for the gift you are to us – for the way you pour your whole body, soul and spirit into your study and teaching, It’s so obvious and I know it must take a huge toll on you. Thank you to your team too. I can’t wait to hear some no-nonsense-truth,and loving admonishment tomorrow from my favorite Bible teacher!

    • 222.1
      Amy says:

      Loved this, Renee! Makes me wish I could watch it with you, then talk & pray…I’ve thought the same thing, about how much Beth pours herself into each teaching she does – incredible! How she can keep doing it, not of her own ability, though she is CERTAINLY extremely gifted, but only through the Holy Spirit’s strength in her. And how she LOVES the Father, Jesus, Spirit, His Word. Sooo thankful to be living in this generation of Believers w/teachers like her! Cannot wait to hear from God tomorrow…NEED this…SO blessed. Thank you Father, for your Servant, Beth.

      Anyway, just wanted to pop in and tell you how I appreciate your honesty & realness. It spoke to me for some reason. Maybe because I know what it’s like to feel turned “upside down” and shook up like a bottle of salad dressing. Thankfully we at least aren’t running around with the blood rushing to our heads wondering who or what in the world to turn to. Been there, done that.

      JESUS. He’s everything, especially when we know we are nothing without Him. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I can tell you wouldn’t either!

      Blessings to you tomorrow and the days to follow!
      Amy in Hawaii

  23. 223
    Sam Caruso says:

    I am sooooooo crazzzyyyyy excited for a word, Beth!!!!!! We will be a church host site First Baptist Frisco in Texas!!!!!! We have 120 registered, and I am praying for 480 more ๐Ÿ˜€ Thank you for being sooooo faithful……allllll of you ๐Ÿ™‚ ” But take heart I have overcome the world”!!!!!!! John 16:33
    Praise GOD!!!!!!

  24. 224
    Sherri says:

    Solo, Germantown, TN!

    My in-laws live in Reading, and though they wouldn’t darken the door of a Living Proof Live event, my prayer is that some way, somehow, this event will impact them for eternity. PRAYING!

  25. 225
    Jenny says:

    A group of 14 will be viewing in Jacksonville, Florida! Looking forward to it!!!

  26. 226
    Karen says:

    Going with 4 young women from my summer discipleship group! traveling from Ardmore, OK up the road to Wynnewood. yeehaw, we can hardly wait!

  27. 227
    Jerri says:

    Watching with a big group of wonderful women at Sully Christian Reformed Church in Sully, IA. SO excited!

  28. 228
    Blair says:

    Solo, in Austin Tx…. So thankful for the OPPTY to do it from home… My son will catch some of it with me as I paint the bathroom… So thankful for a god who will meet me even in the bathroom and lpm for making it possible! ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. 229
    Paige says:

    Excited to be a part at People’s church in Fresno, CA!!

  30. 230
    Lisa says:

    Praying the Lord gives you help this weekend. Can’t wait to hear what the Lord has placed on your heart. We will be listening to you from Newmarket Ontario Canada. Thank-you for all that you put into each and every bible study, you are such a blessing to us.

  31. 231
    Paula says:

    Watching the Simulcast from Ajax, Ontario Canada with over 480 ladies @ Westney Heights Baptist church ~ Wahoo! Looking forward to the message the Lord has laid on Beth’s heart! <3

  32. 232
    Karen M Wilson says:

    At home in my pj’s in Orlando. I can’t wait!

  33. 233
    Kathy says:

    My precious and dear friend, our 14.5 year old Lab died today- I’m doing the “good” grief with so much appreciation for her life at a time that was beyond stressful- I can’t stop crying and I know so many of us have shared grief over a most wonderful furry friend- I believe God sent our CJ the yellow lab to us for “such a season as this” CJ was there during the worst of times and she was the BEST- I am so grateful and celebrate her life and love beyond human understanding this evening, my son was her master and he has survived the “un survivable” we are grateful !!! Lots of love as you begin your ministry this weekend, I’ll be watching and can’t wait to receive the “download” God gives us through you.I am so encouraged that our enemy did not win over your life- WOW and thank you dear sister in Christ for your bravery, we love that God has focused your talent to bless us!!- Lots of love

    • 233.1
      Amy says:

      Oh I’m SO sorry about your CJ…how I’ve been there. It’s AWFUL. They take a huge piece of our heart with them, don’t they? Yet we take the chance & risk loving them, knowing the years will be few, but FULL. They have so much love to give. What wonderful companions they are, what comfort they bring! We have a Golden, Charlie (pictured). He is the third we’ve owned & LOVED. I was marveling recently, with my 12 yr. old daughter (also a dog/animal lover) at how the same God who paints incredible sunsets like ones we have here, also saw it good to make big old loveable, fuzzy, slobbery, wet nosed, goober-sweet dogs like ours. Precious. I believe He hurts when our hearts hurt…even over our animal family members. I personally believe we will see them again! How MY heart aches for you, Sister. Just wanted to tell you that.

      Amy in Hawaii

      • Kathy says:

        You are sooo dear to respond, not sure you will see this- we are many on this blog- you have no idea what a blessing it is to have a Siesta in Hawaii share our loss- this is a difficult time in so many ways, yet CJ has been a JOY that I KNOW was sent to us-

        I love Hawaii and spent a short time there- I’m sending lots of love and blessings your way dear Sister in Christ- hope you get this- Beth is the “Best ” to connect all of us- Kathy

  34. 234
    Beth says:

    Solo from Fort Payne,AL

  35. 235
    Cheryl says:

    Midlothian Va
    Beloved Beth
    At 9 pm I started singing IN Christ alone in my car .. and knew my spirit was getting ready for the message. I am so lucky – my beloved husband will take kids to their soccer games so I can worship and be engaged. He says this annual meeting is life giving not just for us but our family. Ready to RECIEVE. Get rest blessed..excited

  36. 236
    Arianne says:

    Clay Center, KS @ CC Covenant Church!! Excited!!

  37. 237
    Jodi says:

    Hello from Iowa! I will be watching with 55 or so other women in the fellowship hall of our fabulous church in TINY Steamboat Rock, Iowa. Yay!

  38. 238
    Jenifer Blair says:

    Watching with a group at First Baptist Frisco in Frisco, Texas! :))

  39. 239
    Mica Craig says:

    I will be at my church, Grayson United Methodist Church in Grayson, Ga. There will be about 150 women. God Bless.

  40. 240
    Sandy says:

    Sandy, Glendale – visiting (for the second year) the simulcast in Merlin, OR! Going by myself this year as my dear neighbor (who I went with last year, along with her lovely Mom) just had a beautiful baby girl!! ๐Ÿ™‚ She’ll be praying it up as she always does though! Please work through us Father and open our heart to what you want us to hear~

  41. 241

    Can’t wait to “see” you tomorrow Siesta Mama! I’ll be watching from New Life Bible Fellowship Church in Tucson. Not my actual church but one of the ones in town offering your simulcast.

  42. 242
    Cara says:

    A group of ladies from my church will be attending at St. Andrews United Methodist in Brandon, FL (tampa).

  43. 243
    Julie says:

    13 women coming to my house bright and early in the morning! SO excited! Expecting God to move mightily in my heart and all across the world!

    Julie, Granbury, TX

  44. 244
    Heather says:

    With friends at a local church in Tucson, Arizona. We love you Beth! A big THANK YOU to you and your team for your dedication, humor and passion!
    Travel safe!

  45. 245
    Tina says:

    In my pj’s in Orrvile, Ohio.

  46. 246
    June says:

    Driving two hours each way to Brentwood CA since own church is not participating. Bringing sweet daughter-in-law. Hearts are ready to receive. Can’t wait til morning!

  47. 247
    MK says:

    Going solo here in the great NW but won’t be alone – joining you in spirit! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Thank you so much Beth & team for all you do!!

  48. 248
    Berni says:

    Berni, Albuquerque; will be praising and ready to RECEIVE in my jammies. ๐Ÿ™‚

  49. 249
    Patsy McCarter says:

    Looking forward to God speaking to my heart tomorrow!! Praying blessings upon Beth, her entire staff & the church hosting this event!! ‘”The Lord bless you
    and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace. So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.”
    (Numbers 6:24-27 NIV)
    Solo (possibly my sister)

  50. 250
    Jill says:

    I’ll be watching with a wonderful group of ladies at First Christian Church in Chillicothe, MO (Home of Sliced Bread). I can’t wait!!

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