As of yesterday, it has been two weeks since I’ve been a part of what they lovingly call “The Village”. In other words, I’ve been at Living Proof Ministries for an entire two weeks. I am certain that if I had a penny for every time I’ve heard the words “The Village”, whether referring to the LPM staff, or in the phrase “It takes a village!”, I’d be one wealthy girl.
But if I’ve learned one thing these past two weeks, I’ve learned that it certainly does take a village. And that The Village is very easy to love. I may not be wealthy in pennies, but I am certainly wealthy in sisters.
I jumped into what I like to refer to as sanguine land.
I myself am quite the sanguine, but have noticed the past two weeks that I’ve really toned it down a bit. I have been a top notch observer, just taking everything in moment by moment. Quite honestly, the other night I sat down to journal and I couldn’t think of one thing to write down. Not because I have a lack of words or thoughts, but because I didn’t know where to start.
Even as I started this post, I uploaded pictures then decided I had nothing to say. Thankfully, I regained consciousness and came back to this post shortly after my loss of words and this is what you’ve got. What is it I’ve got, you ask? A list of observations from a week of working with the village.
1. This may disappoint, but my first observation? The phones never stop ringing. Ever. LPM is a hopping ministry. Praise God!
2. These ladies are hilarious.
3. They know how to pray. And they do it often.
4. A lot of laughter is heard all day long.
5. LPM knows how to eat. Let’s be honest, we like food around here. The workday pretty much revolves around lunch. I’m a-okay with that because I consider myself a food junkie. It might not be that endearing, but it’s true.
6. There is nothing you do alone at LPM. It really does take a village. For instance, it took four of us to connect my computer to another screen so I’d be double screening it. I don’t know the technical term for that since I’m not technical, but let me tell you, it is a blessing.
7. You won’t get to work or leave work without getting approximately ten hugs.
8. Personal? What is that? The village needs to know all personal matters. But at least you know they’ll keep it to themselves. At least that’s what I’m told.
9. Skype is a must. As is email. As is HeyTell. As is text messaging. Communication is flourishing.
10. They love Jesus. For real. I want to love Jesus more because of them.
11. With their forces combined, along with the prophetic dream Amanda had, I’m sure I’ll be married in six months. Except I’m totally kidding. Maybe.
12. You know your boss is legit when she sends you a picture text message of the yogurt you’d been discussing earlier. She wanted you to make sure you knew exactly what it was so you wouldn’t have to go on a wild goose chase. I’m thankful.
13. I need to get used to eating a bigger breakfast on Monday mornings. Instead of the workday revolving around lunch that day (see #5), it revolves around Bible study and prayer. We skip lunch and feast on the Word of God. He is good, y’all. And He does satisfy. Needless to say, however, I go home with quite the appetite.
14. The UPS man could probably drive to LPM with his eyes closed. From my office I see him pull up everyday and I watch in amazement at all the boxes he brings in. LPM might just be his second home.
15. We may or may not meet frequently at the reception area on the second floor for the most interesting conversations you’ve ever heard. And by interesting, I mean we discuss what we had for breakfast. It’s pretty epic, y’all. I have heard, but have yet to experience the 3:00 stretches. I’ll let y’all know how that goes.
In all seriousness, I’ve been there a week and I can say I sincerely love it already. I’m still slowly taking everything in, but really enjoying learning the ropes and getting to know everyone there. Yes, I’m tired and adjusting to a new job and bed time, but I feel beyond blessed to get to serve alongside these incredible ladies.
Here are some pictures from my first week.
My old boss JJ and his wife Anna sent me flowers my first day of work at the office. It was so sweet and they were beautiful. Thank you so much, JJ and Anna! It meant so much to me.
I have literally taken zero pictures with my real camera, but here are some of my office that I took with my phone. I share an office with Jenn, our Tuesday Night Bible study coordinator, but she is a mama of three youngins’, so you can imagine that her office hours are more flexible and different than mine. We’ve only shared the office for two hours! The desk on the left is hers. I can take zero credit for how adorable this office is. Everything was already done, I just simply moved in.
This is the view looking out to the balcony. Not too shabby, eh?
Just a cute corner of the office. Don’t you love those pillows? At 3:00 everyday I’m tempted to take a nap.
This is my side/desk of the office. So far, I love it.
This is what the double screen looks like. It has been such a tremendous help when you stare at a computer all day long!
We hosted our volunteers at the ministry for the simulcast. It was really fun getting to know them and also getting to be with my co-workers soaking up God’s Word. We had the best time! I am so glad I went. And boy did I get a Word! Amen.
Beth came up to work one day when she planned on not actually being there. That day she worked at the front desk with Kimberly and although we may not have gotten a ton of work done, we sure had a lot of fun. And yes, Beth is wearing a tiara. This is women’s ministry after all. We may or may not have a few of those around here.
Here is Kimberly, Sabrina and Susan. They are known as the three stooges. We meet at this very countertop for conversations throughout the day.
I got to experience my first LPM birthday celebration yesterday and it did not disappoint. I had heard they were quite the big deal and I have to say, LPM knows how to celebrate. Of all people, we got to celebrate sweet Nancy in the middle. We love her!
In case you were wondering, yes, I still pinch myself every morning. I don’t deserve to work here with these incredible ladies, but believe me when I tell you I thank the Lord (very often) for this sweet gift.
And that, sweet Siestas, is my first list of observations. I am sure there are plenty more to come. I can tell I’m going to really love it here.
Awww! That was so much fun. It felt like “take-your-daughter-to-work” week, only I’m old enough to be your mama
We can just call it “take-your-mama-to-work” week. It seemed as if I giggled at the counter with the “stooges”, enjoyed Nancy’s cake (surely there was fabulous cake involved), took a catnap in the pillow-palooza, and of course, WORKED! Bless you, Lindsee Lou for rollin’ up those sleeves and working hard on our behalf. Well, just back from a vaca so, speaking of work, off to the laundry trenches! Blessings on you and your two-screened-computer.
Fun, creative office. Where can one find those XXL buttons on your wall? Those would be so fun for my guest/craft room. Thanks.
So happy for you, Lindsee!
I also want to say THANK YOU LPM!!!!! I was at a weekend women’s retreat for my church when my Travis Cottrell CD came in the mail. So, I came home feeling refreshed from wonderful worship and sessions and noticed my new CD! I love it, love it, LOVE IT!!!! I had my 14 year old son help me put it on my MP3. Now I can take it everywhere.
ok i REALLy want to know where those “wall” buttons came from. i know someone who would love them. please DO TELL! thanks cindy
I love to read this blog. I am so excited for you, Lindsee. And, I have to admit very jealous
It sounds wonderful there with all those great ladies. It makes me even more excited for the day when we will all be together forever. You girls are truly a blessing to all. I thank God for ya’ll daily.
Love ya,
I have not commented in FOREVER. But I just wanted to say that I am so happy for you. There is nothing like that feeling you have when you know you have obeyed God and He is blessing you beyond what you could have asked or imagined. From what I have seen on your blog over the years and heard baout you from other siesta’s I have met, I know you are going to ROCK at your position.
Charlotte, you are so, so kind. Thank you so much! I am slightly intimidated, scared and anxious, but have loved every minute here and am so excited to see what the Lord has planned. Blessings to you, sister!
Sanguine to the core of my being! I don’t care what anybody says that wants me to be defined by depression! When I am not depressed I am totally sanguine! (That’s not often right now :() And Lindseeeeeee….ur just making me more jealous!!!! I so want to work there. I’m working on trying to figure out a position for myself:) I’ll let you know when I’ve figured it out:) Personally, I think cheerleader would work, but I have a feeling you already have one of those:) But has she actually taken lessons? I could teach her to do herkies! That’s it!!! I can train the cheerleaders at LPM! My family was determined to make me a cheerleader and taught me the skills from a very young age! Unfortunately by the time I was old enough to try out, I was so scared to death of everything, especially myself that I could not get up in front of anyone to try out! But I have the skills! I did a fairly successful herky for my daughters just the other day! (They think their mommy is the most amazing person on the planet. Clearly, they don’t get out enough!) So, I could train the cheerleaders! Let me know what Beth thinks
Love the tiara. I’m telling you the people around here do NOT know how to do women’s ministry! They all think I’m a freak. I went to Women of Faith a couple of weeks ago and their were (duh!) women that wore tiaras there! One of the ladies I was with asked if those people with the tiaras were part of the team, and I said, no, they were just there for the conference, just like us. They wear the tiaras because they’re children of the King, princesses. She looked at me weird, and like surely I was wrong, and then I told her I own a tiara myself, and almost wore it. She didn’t talk to me much after that. You could totally tell she thought I was the weirdest person on the planet! I get that a ton around here! I’m telling you I seriously need to get out of here!!! I do not fit, at all!!!! The reason I didn’t wear the tiara was because this reaction is exactly what I figured I’d get! Definitely wearing it to SSMT, though! I cannot wait!!! There is where I BELONG!!! Wow! What a wonderful word! Is it possible I belong somewhere?