So, how do you balance your prayer life??

When God first drew me to Bible study curriculum, I had no thought of ever having an office or even a “ministry.” I fell in love with Scripture at my old dining room table in my late twenties after taking a Bible doctrine class. Over the course of weeks, months and then years, that table was bow-legged and piled halfway to the ceiling with resources, pages, colored pens. It hardly ever had an actual meal set on it. If folks needed to eat, I reasoned, they could eat at the breakfast table. My man got so weary of book-tyranny that he practically did a cartwheel in his cowboy boots when I found a tiny office space at a nearby building that we could (barely) afford.

Over the years and one wonderful person at a time, God built a true team and led us from that office building to our own (house-like) ministry building. (Only about 14 of us work in-office, in case you’re trying to picture the size.) One of my very favorite parts about working here amid these fine women of God is lunch conversation. We have staff prayer time on Mondays at noon so, between the other four workdays a week and my travel schedule, I usually average about 2-3 lunches a week with these dear sisters, ranging in age, in background and denomination. But those times are highlights for me and we talk a hundred miles an hour and, many times, laugh a creak in our necks. Occasionally at lunch I throw a topic out on the table and hold a mental bucket wide open to catch what tumbles out of my coworkers mouths. If Curtis happens to be at lunch that day, it’s even better. He is man enough and opinionated enough to provide a welcome shore for this sea of estrogen. Today there were only 6 of us girls so, late in the lunch, I said to them, “OK, I have a question for the table.”

I told them about one of my LPL praise team members showing me some writings that his new wife had done (with her permission, of course). They were psalms, really. Gorgeous outpourings of love and need and wrestling and waiting that she’d written to God over the course of what I’d suppose was a decade. The book was compiled from portions of her prayer journal and, as I read them, I marveled at the beauty and almost blushed at the intimacy. One thing was certain: Jesus was and is the uncontested love of her life. And, from her husband’s point of view, he was twice as loved and blessed because he was second to God (and God alone).

Reading her journal stirred up a fresh longing in me. I know a woman who poured out pages and pages and pages like that. No, not as beautifully most of the time, but often as intimately. Jesus has been life to me. Redemption from wreckage. I know He has been the same to many of you. But here is the conflict her journal whipped up in me. In many of those extended periods of time when I’ve poured out my heart like that days-upon-end, I was going through extreme crisis and marrow-deep healing. (One season was as recently as nine months ago so, certainly, not all of these are in the past.) In my normal practice when I’m not in complete crisis mode, my sweetest and dearest relationship in life is still with Jesus. Even in all my frailty and fallenness, He is how I start my day.ย  I always make confession of sin toward the beginning, get into His Word then pray for myself for several minutes right at the end but, in between, Girlfriend, I HAVE A LIST! I mean, mature believers are meant to have healthy intercessory lives, right? The New Testament summons us over and over to pray for one another. I keep a prayer journal of intercession with multiple people on it everyday. And, then, all these natural disasters! We have to be on our faces, don’t we? And, what about the spiritual condition of this country?? It needs prayer, doesn’t it? “If My people who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face…”

Yes and yes and yes and yes and yes, yes, yes, yes, YES. BUT, we will miss out on the new wine of life if we do not also spend time in the presence of Jesus just simply being present with Jesus. Most things don’t fix on their own. We don’t automatically forgive on our own. Or heal on our own. Or put others first on our own. Or discern between good and evil on our own. Or comprehend the Scriptures on our own. We are the children of God and our hearts need tending and mending that only He can bring. And, in our intercessory roles, we’re also wise to come to grips with the fact that we’re not in control and our whole worlds won’t fall apart if we don’t get through our lists today.

SO, here’s the question! How do we balance both kinds of prayer: for others and for ourselves?? How do you grapple with this dilemma? Most of the time, I let crisis be my guide and when I need more personal tending, I spend more personal time with God on matters concerning my own heart. I think that’s a good plan and it’s worked fairly well for a long time. But, then, I read something like that young woman’s journal and I long for that level of personal intimacy with Christ every single day. Anybody else?? I know there’s no getting this thing down pat but I think I need some shifting and sifting in my prayer life.

We had the richest conversation over it at lunch time and now I’d love to hear your take on it. So far from our conversation, I think I’ve decided that I’m going to stay with my usual early morning prayer-practice with the primary emphasis on intercession for most days a week, but, at least for a little while, I’m going to take two mornings back a week, primarily just for Him and me. Times just to bring my own needy heart before Him with concentration andย  complete transparency for fresh intimacy and revival. More than the few minutes I spend on other days. Needless to say, this is all subject to the daily leadership of the Holy Spirit and He can turn the whole thing upside down any time He wants but I think I’m about to get that pen back out and write some new love letters to the dearest Love of my life.

Anybody else struggling with how to pray? I’m not talking about formulas here nor doing the same thing the same way every day. I’m just talking about some basic balance. Anybody found some?? Let’s hear it! (Not too long, ladies! Think succinct!) Scripture tells us to encourage one another and stimulate one another’s hearts and minds toward the Lord Jesus. That’s what Siestaville is all about. Don’t freak out if it’s morning before we post many of your comments. Keith just called me and wants me to go somewhere with him this evening so I won’t be able to bring in comments much tonight. I’ll bring in a few this afternoon then K-Mac and I will get the rest of them posted as we can. You are dear to us around here! I missed you at the lunch table today.

P.S. Make me a promise that nobody falls into condemnation here. I am well aware that some of you moms of young children (and some of you caring for elderly parents) are doing well to get ten minutes alone with the Lord.ย  He meets us where we are.ย  Let’s stay healthy here. Let’s also encourage one another to grow in our intimacy with Christ.


683 Responses to “So, how do you balance your prayer life??”

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  1. 201
    Shelly says:

    This is an area that I am painfully failing. My heart wants to give God not just a prayerful day, but the first fruits of my day. Requirement? No, a desire! Yet I DO NOT DO IT! I pray throughout the day but I am talking about that intimacy with the Father when the world around me is still sleeping. I feel I am missing out terribly on intercessory prayer and not only that, immediate needs I have that only God can fill. So sisters, if you are reading this, I selfishly ask to please pray for me in this area! I teach, I sing, Im a mom, etc etc etc..but none of that compares to intimacy with Jesus.

    Love you girls and praying for you LPM often. I hear a “Quick Word with Beth” on radio and I send up a quick prayer FOR you Beth!

  2. 202
    Rhonda says:

    Thank you Beth, for stirring our minds again……..

    My “prayer life” has been “all over the map”. After giving it some thought, my conclusion is……that I must never lose my desire to “fight” for this time. It may change it’s time/location/direction and much more, but I must never lose sight of this precious relationship… with all relationships, we need to invest time to not only keep them, but to grow. Having said that, I understand “time crunches” or rarely being alone. I’m a “stay at home” mom of 5, now ages 12-24. I’m also a “home educator” mom and my husband’s work is here on the farm. So, “alone time” is almost always intentional ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m also a pretty “feelings” orientated girl, so could hang out in my emotions too long, so God has shown me balance there too……time to study/pray………time to work…..and praying for others keeps things in perspective…… “it’s NOT all about me.” ๐Ÿ™‚

    Just some first thoughts………again, Beth you are the one God used to ignite my love of God’s word. Bless you this day!!

  3. 203
    Marie says:

    This has been on my heart so much lately. I KNOW I need to spend more time with Him in prayer but every spare moment I get I would rather be doing a bible study. So I end up praying in the middle of the night when I’m awake and when I’m showering in the morning and then throughout the day as I’m walking or in my car. And most of my prayers have to do with thanksgiving, confessing, my needs and my immediate family needs (and He has done awesome things in response, I might add). I want my prayer life to change and to involve more intercession type prayers. I love what others have posted as ideas. I am SO GLAD you brought this up!

  4. 204
    Becky Bell says:

    I’m not an organized person by nature and it tends to show in my praying. Using a journal is essential as it keeps me somewhat on task as well as being a way to go back and see God’s handiwork. I probably should be more systematic to keep from conforming to my own self centered nature but as it is, I just start with whatever is most on my heart that morning. Some days it’s all about me (be it request or need for forgiveness)sometimes all about a loved one, our nation, sometimes mulling over a scripture, a sermon, a (much loved) Beth Moore study.. Often it’s a conglomeration of all the above. I’ve consoled myself over the years that God treasures it as I would a letter from my children and that the Psalms in many places seem to jump from topic to topic as if they are a stream-of-consciousness outpouring of the writer as well. I would appreciate any suggestions for bringing every thought and prayer captive..

  5. 205
    Kathy W. says:

    As I’ve gotten older I start each day with a prayer of thanks, for life, hot water, a job, health, my memory (questionable), flowers, sun (we get alot of that here in Florida)..the basics. I pray each day for my immediate family, my Compassion child, little Kate, those who my heart are burdened for. I have a notebook and I list each day of the week. I assign others a day of the week and on that day I pray specfically for them. I pray all day, I start in the morning and when I am driving or typing or whatever and something comes to mind I say a prayer. I like it this way because it is like talking to my best friend all day long and well we know how we siestas do like to talk!!

  6. 206
    Paige says:

    I had discovered an awesome book – Jesus Calling by Sarah Young – In my quite prayer time I love to start with my Bible, write a scripture and then just start writing in my journal my prayer. I have found that the words just flow straight from my heart. I will later go back and am suprised at what I wrote! True intimacy with God is beautiful. If I awake in the middle of the night I am learning, someone needs prayer. Through the day I am constantly lifting people up. There are times you get a call or bad news and I go prostrate before the Lord. In our daily lives I am thankful for the freedom to have so many different ways to talk to and then to sit and listen to our God. You have taught me so much Beth through your studies on how to draw closer to God through study, prayer and just being still with God. Thanks for being His vessel.

  7. 207
    B says:

    Hey B
    About a month ago I was fishing through my old journals looking for something specific. I did not find what I was looking for but something else caught my attention. Love letters. My journal was full of simple sweet words to the Lord. I was not journaling like I used to or writing notes to Him just because He was/is everything in my life. I was crushed inside. The Lord missed me, the one who wrote letters to Him. He still heard from me about my ‘lists’, trials, and troubles but He wanted the simple adoration of my heart to be out of balance for Him. My gushing produces overflowing rivers. Thats the balance I need.

  8. 208
    Linda says:

    i am in the midst of several trials and tribulations going on at once, and this very topic has been on my mind. I wake up and read several devotionals, Jesus Calling, My Utmost for his Highest, Streams in the Desert and scripture. I repeat strong prayers that bring change from Kimberly Daniels book. I have been feeling so broken lately that when the fear and anxiety swirl around me, all I can do is just whisper hiis name, Jesus, over and over again. I know He knows my heart and my pain. I still don’t understand this intimacy that many talk about. Beth mentioned almost blushing at the words written by another’s self-penned psalms as they were so “intimate”. Someone please explain this to me. I guess I feel I am so entrenched in the flesh I am just not there.

    • 208.1
      Jo Ann says:

      This is interesting because just yeasterday I listened to James McDonald on the radio and he was talking to people who are asking what the intimacy with Jesus is about. It was the 3rd of a series called “Making the Gospel Your Own” and it aired May 25. I wouldn’t have responded to your blog entry with this if you hadn’t asked if someone would tell you what that’s about. It reminded me immediately of that message. Here’s a link.

    • 208.2
      Cheri says:

      I’m right there with you Linda – I so desperately want that intimacy with God – but although I DO see Him working in my life and have even experienced “sweet” surprises from Him, the “intimacy” eludes me. I then tend to get real discouraged thinking that perhaps I’ve either done something wrong or don’t have the right “formula” or am so unworthy to receive that. Hope someone can shed some light.

    • 208.3
      cindy says:

      Linda, don’t beat yourself up when you are going through a series of trials and tribulations, girl. You are doing all the ‘right’ things now – reading Scripture and other devotionals and praying. There is nothing more intimate than saying someone’s name over and over again and you are saying the sweetest name there is – Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. He knows that sometimes in the midst of brokenness we feel like He is far away and we will never be ‘normal’ again. He is especially close at times like that and these hard places won’t last. You will recognize that intimacy when you get on the other side – you will see how you have grown & how He met you here. You are more ‘there’ right now than you realize! Hang in there sweet sister – all of us who have been in your shoes are praying, too!!!!

  9. 209
    alice says:

    Can I just say thank you for that p.s. you added? Not only am I raising my little girls, I am caring for my elderly dad simultaneously after my mom has recently died. My prayer time often is me standing in the shower in the morning, saying, “When I am weak, You are strong. Please help me get through this day.” Praise Him, He’s never let me down yet. I have to say thank you too, for this past weekend in Minneapolis. I drove 5 1/2 hours to be there, never having been as tangled up as I am now. I know God invited me there to get untangled. He is good.

  10. 210
    candifer says:

    i am a single mid-twenties lady. i should have plenty of time to pray, but i often choose to fill up my days with other things. no condemnation here, more like conviction and another reminder: hey girl, get your head in the game!

    one thing that consistently gets me on my knees (or flat on my face…) is working with high school youth. there are so many hurting young people, and i know i can do NOTHING by my own strength. i know i need wisdom that comes from the holy spirit, and extra compassion to give when i’d rather be at home sleeping ๐Ÿ™‚ these things don’t come from an endless source–i have to be filled so i have something to pour out & lavish on others.

    it seems i could do well to readjust my prayer life as well.

  11. 211
    Shari says:

    I just want to thank you for the PS part of your post. Yes, that is where I am (5 year old and 12 month old). And it is WAY easy for satan to sit and whisper in my ear that I’m a failure for not praying for an hour like so-and-so. I KNOW my heart and mind are trying to keep focused on the Lord, I just have very little time to get actually get to be alone with Him these days.

    Thank you so much!!


    • 211.1
      Jackie says:

      I’m right there with you. An older lady at my church gave me this wonderful tip. She said she never made her kids make their beds. She always did it for them. And she used that time while making the beds in intercession for her kids. Mine are still little but I try to remember that.. when I’m cleaning up their messes, I intercede for them. It helps me not get frustrated too.

      • Dendy says:

        I love this idea! Thanks for sharing it! ( I spend a lot of time being frustrated about the messes my two little one and one big one[husband,grin] make!)

  12. 212

    Hi there
    I had to ponder this for awhile to come back to comment.
    My prayer time I use to devotionals by Sara Young one is called (Jesus Is calling) the other one is ( Jesus Lives)
    I start my quiet time usually with my scripture verses and pray those over family and others as well, sometimes not all the time I journal my prayers, then I will say my prayers as I journal them and usually I have my quiet time when I am just waking up or I start saying my scriptures as I am waking up then come to my living room and start reading my devotionals and then start to journal.
    I am so thankful for this blog and thank you Ms. Beth for being faithful to your calling that Jesus has placed on your life and always keeping is seistas in the word and keeping us accountable
    Love you

  13. 213
    Hillary Humberson says:

    Oh my dear sweet siestas, how I resonate with Miss Beth and too, with so many of your posts. The Lord has delivered me through so very much…but that’s for another day! (Wait, Praise, Praise, Praise You Lord!!)

    The very first “Spirit” given words placed on my heart after reading these posts late last night were Psalm 46:10…”Be Still and Know I Am God.” Yes, yes, yes we so need to take time out of our days…and my goodness am I in agreement with Beth that it needs to be when we first rise (even if that means setting the alarm to get up before the family…oh my do I have to!!), to say “Good Morning” to our Abba Father!

    However as long as our lists have become, and as difficult as this may be at first, it is we that need to find quiet, to first be still and allow His Voice to penetrate the noise of our busy lives. For me it is my garden. For you it may be right there is the coziness of your warm bed before the kids ask you what’s for breakfast, but no matter where it is, He will meet you there! For those Siestas that are in dark places right now, oh sweet friends, please, please allow yourselves time to listen once again to our Wonderful Savior. He-Is-With you! Deep breath, coffee cup nearby, and head bowed, give yourself time…that’s all, just time to hear His Voice. Our lists will be there. The business of life will be there. Are struggles will be there. He knows.

    Be Still and Know He Is God.

    Yes Lord, thank You for taking the pressure off. Let’s take a walk in the garden today!

  14. 214
    Lynn says:

    At this time in my life I’m not spending the concentrated time with the Lord that I have at times in the past. I pray all day as things come to my mind, driving to work in the morning, when I wake in the night whenever the Lord brings something to my mind. I miss the concentrated time of just sitting in His presence. I need to get back to that. I told my brother not long ago that I could just stay home and pray all day when I think of all the things happening in my extended family, with my friends and in our world! I often pray for everyone but myself so I need to concentrate more on my own walk and need of intimacy with Him. I like what you said Beth about spending a couple days a week focusing on our own walk. I think I will start that this week. I crave intimacy with Jesus, it brings a stillness to my heart and life to just BE with Him.

  15. 215
    Linda says:

    I like to be in my car with the windows up and the air conditioner on and I take a drive in the country. Or I go to the nearest park and sit in the car. I have Christian music playing low…and I look to the sky and the clouds…or to the ducks on the pond at the park…or to the trees swaying in the wind…and I simply talk to God out loud! I smile, I cry, I sing…I pray…I feel His presence. I love it…and I just let my love for Him pour out of me. I love alone time with the Lord like that.

    I have other times of prayer of course. And my husband and I have our devotion times too…but those special alone times with just me and God are so needed.

    Thanks for posting this. I think we all need to be reminded to have that kind of sweet communion with Christ.

    On Thursday nights I meet up with some women to do your Patriarchs series on DVD. We are all LOVING it Beth. And we love you!

    God Bless!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  16. 216
    jenn says:

    i start my days at 3:45a in order to be at work as a barista at starbucks by 5. getting up earlier than that just seems unholy! i pray in the car on the way to work, and i pray throughout the day as opportunities/needs present themselves–for customers who mention something, for friends who come to mind, for whatever and whoever. it’s not structured, but it’s a habit.

    on the days i’m off, i try to not rush into “my” day, because that always leads to disaster. these days, i just try to be quiet and see what comes.

    i’ve wrestled with feeling like i’m not living up to what He wants with me/for me, but i’m trying to reject that.

    all i know is that intimacy with Him for me comes through quiet, stillness, and time.

  17. 217
    Linda says:

    I wrote the previous comment…and I just wanted to add that I don’t have enough of those special times with the Lord alone. I need to set aside more personal times with the Lord. I was just saying that when I do…they are fantastic.

    I know it is so hard for busy women to find that kind of time. But perhaps even the working women could take a short ride to a park on their lunch break and find the sweet peace and times of renewal.

    And also I wanted to add that I often cry out to God when I am in the shower. Everyone takes a shower! I sing, pray and confess my sins in the shower and just “talk’ to Him.


  18. 218
    Siesta OC says:

    I love that you brought it up. I’ll be frank. Mornings are extremely hard to get ready on time let alone have time. I wish I could say that is b/c I have 9 kids. I don’t. Im single. I just struggle with ‘morning time.’ The title of morning time, when I don’t have it I have struggled feeling like a failure. I realize now I am not. Priscilla Shirer brought up a great thought, put on praise music that you love, and just sit with HIM, GIVE HIM THE TIME. And rest in it.

    I have a Mary heart. I live in a Martha world. And I fight the tendency to not sit and read, because once I do, I don’t know how to relate to the outside world again. IT is a balance. But thankfully HE’S got it. And I am blessed!

  19. 219
    LuAnn says:

    Beth – I am always amazed at how the Lord is doing something similar and yet still intimately individual in each of the Siesta’s lives. I am in a season of less time & more hurriedness(caring for and elderly parent – who has gone to a nursing home after a stoke 6 months ago yesterday….managing all the Doctors appts etc.)but I am so longing for this intimate relation ship with the Lord again. I often keep a thankfulness journal to help me keep my thoughts on track. Also – I am convicted that once again, I need to start a new (yay – I love new office products)journal. My mind wanders so with all the things that I must do, the people that need prayer coverage, our nation & it’s spiritual state, my own needs and the needs of my dad, as well as the other family members I constantly feel I’m neglecting too. A Journal helps me to focus, but I’m not very good at the practice of journaling other than a list of needs. This post has inspired me to work more on praise and “love letters” to God.
    As for balance, I can’t seem to find it but I long for it and I believe it’s an attainable goal, and I’m going to keep striving for it.
    Thanks to all you siesta’s for the encouragement always found here in siestaville.

  20. 220
    Sarah says:

    God is teaching me about fasting. Since I am single lady and mom of a 6 yr old little girl, my days are busy. I find that God can reach me when I fast. I am currently on one now and find that this is also a form of prayer. He knows all our needs as well as the needs of those around us. Trust and be obedient is what I strive to do one minute at at time.

  21. 221
    Sister Lynn says:

    Sweet Beth and my dear Siestas,
    I don’t have anything wise to add but perhaps a word of consolation. I feel so blessed because my vocation has lead me to a place where my day is centered and ordered around times of prayer. Our mission is to pray for all people, of all places, at all times. Just know my dear Siestas, when you don’t have time to pray for yourselves – we are praying for you and when you don’t have time to pray for others, we are praying for them.
    This is our joy, our privilege, and our service to the Body of Christ. We love you so.

    Sister Lynn

  22. 222
    Cindy says:

    I am in my early 30’s with small children, but in the last several months the Lord has been whooing me to spend more intimate, alone, undistracted time with him. And thats exactly what I have done,I tell my little ones that I am going upstairs to pray and read my bible,they are only to interupt me if it is an emergency and the Lord worked it out they are completely compliant. That is a miracle in itself!!! And I can I tell you I can hardly wait for the morning to come! I also feel my spirit tugging to intercede for so many people in situations. So once my cup is full, I spend 5 to 10 minutes crying out for people and situations the Lord has laid on my heart.

  23. 223
    KaRetha says:

    Thanks Beth for once again causing me to stop and reflect on my prayer life. I can say at this point in my life, I tend to pray every morning before rising and then as the day goes on I stop and pray if there’s a need. There was a time when I thought I was too busy and just knew that God understood. Now, after raising my children (and enjoying grandchildren) and surviving cancer treatment, I know the power of prayer and make it a priority. Instead of telling someone “I’ll pray for you”, I now ask “can we pray for that right now?” I’m amazed at how many times people will say “yes”. My pastor has recently brought this same matter to our church – how is your prayer life? I’ve also had the privilege of seeing him in public do just that – pray over a need right there. I think the balance is what you closed with – allowing the Holy Spirit to direct our days and trust Him for the outcome. All the while, seeking Him through His word and communing with Him there. Isn’t it wonderful He’s full of grace and mercy when it comes to our walk with Him?

  24. 224
    Joyce Watson says:

    I have to share this: In Piedmont, Oklahoma the three-year old Ryan Hamil, who was lost in the tornado was not found alive. The family also lost another child during the storm. The mother Katherine is in the hospital and has surgery. She is pregnant. She has one other child who is okay, but has some injury from the storm.
    This mother was in the bath tub with her children, holding them when the winds blew. Please keep them in your prayers this week. It really is heartbreaking for that family.

  25. 225
    Julie says:

    Oh yes! I, too, have journal after journal, FILLED with my God conversations. My ramblings and (sometimes) rantings, praises and confessions. Like you, some of those were the most terrifying and lonely times, but looking back, they were wonderful times of just being with Jesus. Now I’ve entered the 50’s, work full-time, and I do struggle with the whole thing!! Seems like taking good care of myself (spiritually, physically, emotionally)takes about 22 hours a day, and a 52 year old gets in real trouble in 2 hours sleep!:)I praise God for His constant presence, but I long for those extended times of just “hanging out” with my Savior.

  26. 226
    Angie Call says:

    I pray off and on throughout the day, but most times I find myself too “busy” to think about talking to God, like I forget he is even there…I don’t mean to I just do it unaware. I have slowly been getting better at my bible reading, and I am always asking for a hunger for more of God, but I just find it so hard to sit for even five, ten minutes and pray…is there something wrong with me?

  27. 227
    Candy Smith says:

    At the end of your post you mentioned young moms, and I am one of those. You also stated that God meets us where we are. Even though I only get 15 to 20 minutes each morning before my daughter wakes up, God meets and speaks to me all day long. We are in constant conversation. As a teacher, He is constantly reminding me to be focused on Him. He was speaking to me as i was reading your post. Thanks for being His instrument.

  28. 228
    MaryAnn says:

    I have the tendency (natural to my personality) to read about God, to research His word, to talk to others, to consume vast quantities of information about Him. Many times I fill up my ‘quiet time’ with these activities. None of those things are bad or wrong…. but without pursuing HIM and spending time talking to Him and LISTENING to Him…. they are not enough. I have recently been focusing on enjoying His presence, being still and quiet… and Oh, how He has spoken into my life! Praise You, Lord, for we find You when we seek You – for our own lives, not just the lives of those we intercede for!! I love You, Lord, with ALL my heart!

  29. 229
    Dianne says:

    I was just thinking about prayer this morning! I really don’t take the time that I should. I, too, am single and time shouldn’t really be an issue, but I work two jobs, so there are days where I’ll get out of bed in the morning with just enough time to get ready and go to work. Or I’ll just get sidetracked with chores, trying to get everything done before I leave for the day because I’m working both jobs on that particular day. I know I need to be so much more consistent than I am. My days (read: attitude) are so different when I spend time in prayer and in the Word.

  30. 230
    Denise says:

    I journal every morning, or, I should say, MOST every morning, and that is my time with God, praying, pouring out my heart to Him, seeking His guidance and wisdom, asking Him to reveal anything lacking in me or any agreements I have made with the enemy. My days just do not go as well if I neglect to take the time to sit down and spend with Him. Last Summer, I walked early in the mornings, then did my Bible study/journaling/prayer time out on my swing, enjoying His creation and letting Him refresh my soul. I, too, sometimes notice a waxing and waning in my letters to Him, but, like I’m sure everyone else here, my day is sprinkled with constant contact with Him. I do find my prayer life is better if I am involved in some type of actual Bible study, I’m more apt to truly and ruthlessly examine myself before Him. It’s easier to spend times of deeper intimacy with Him during the hard times, but I’m so thankful for the intense refinement and time of healing that came after that I’m still bubbling over with joy and thanks for what He’s done for me! I am most interested in seeing how others manage finding a balance with time alone with God with working, family, etc. After being home for a couple years, I just recently started working on a short-term project, but it’s been hard to get a good schedule going, with time for everything, including me! ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. 231
    Kay says:

    Something I have been considering as well, Beth. I get up every morning before the rest of the household to spend time in the Word and prayer. But my list is sooo long! I have decided to divide my list and pray for different people/situations each day. It feels more manageable that way – not so overwhelming. I have more “me” time with Him as well.

    Seems there are lots of prayers lifted during shower time! We are certainly “bare” before Him then. ๐Ÿ™‚ The water always reminds me how He washes my sin away. Praise Him!

  32. 232
    Jo Ann, Philadelphia area says:

    After a crisis in 2005 I threw myself into prayer. I was going home from work and praying all evening! By 2010 I wasnโ€™t praying that much anymore. I found my prayers had become anxious pleadings and I learned to begin with thankfulness. Then I started getting me up early to pray and read the bible. That was new for me. Now it’s a bit harder to get up at 5:30 and seek Him but it’s better, it seems firmer. Then I started to read the daily prayers in the back of “Get out of That Pit” and it was amazing that I read them nearly a year and not one day without tears! But then I was kind of sad and thought I used to say those things from my own heart and now I’m reading someone else say them, but it’s been a blessing. I’ve read a couple of your books where your thoughts are word-for-word mine. It’s helped me get up from however it was I had tripped. Now, my prayer life is something that happens all day really but my own personal seeking and reading time is in the morning. I also spend more time on myself when I have an issue but I pray for others more during the day in spurts. I want to develop a more purposeful intercessory prayer effort. I don’t keep a journal. I just pray as I think of people, but in that way I’m not consistent on a daily basis.

  33. 233
    Kari McClain says:

    I am not very good at the moment in my prayer life, in fact it has been lacking for quite awhile. I desire to spend more time in prayer for others and with my Lord and Saviour but yet I don’t make it a priority. I am going to start making this an integral part of my life instead of just sending up the quick prayers when I need something.

  34. 234
    Redeemed says:

    I’m blowing it in this area…all the way around. Could be why I’m struggling so……

  35. 235
    Kelly Bollman says:

    I’m a working single Mama with 7 & 9 yr-old babes. I wake at least an hour before they do, grab my coffee, and go to my chair. My Bible, journal & any book that I might be doing are waiting on me. Some mornings… I’m so exhausted before I read, that I just ask the Lord to speak to my little heart. I pray for forgiveness for it’s ugliness and the specific sins that rush to my mind
    AND then I read… usually my heart responds in prayer to what I read and I write it down! Often I read something that grabs my soul and I have to get my pen out and write “OH ABBA Father!… and what He’s taught me and how dear He is…”

    I’m soooo thankful to hear a mentor question this. I’ve often felt that I couldn’t balance it. I tend to not intercede enough.

    Praise Him for Grace!

  36. 236
    Heather says:

    This is something that I struggle with myself. And I’m scared to ask God to teach me how to pray b/c I don’t neccessarily want to go through a trail…..I feel like I just got out of a 2 year struggle. But I’ve spent so long praying for others that I don’t know if I know how to lift up myself. I try to wake up at 5am so I can have 1 hour of quiet time with God. I read His word and pray. Some days I listen to preachers on podcast. Some times I get a lot out of it….other times, not as much. I just continue to ask that He open my eyes and ears to see and hear Him in all that I do and every where I go.

  37. 237
    Michelle says:

    Thank you for asking about prayer! I have been struggling with both prayer and reading the Word. I want a deep desire for both. Lord knows I have plenty to depend on Him for!!!

    I am still trying to wrap my head around your “untangled” message from last weekend. I have spent most of my time this week trying to hear His voice. I NEED to know how this fleshes out in my life. It scared me to the bone to think that “Those untangled once can be well entangled again.” LORD, please don’t allow this to happen.

    It was a delight to meet you on Saturday. I love and respect you so much. He used you through Breaking Free to forever change my life!! Thank you for being so precious and kind. Keep following hard after Him ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. 238
    Karla Carrasco says:

    Hi I am Karla Carrasco, and I recently subscribed to LPM blog. I have a prayer request: I am currently pregnant with my second child. My fist pregnancy resulted in a miscarriage after trying to get pregnant for 2 years, this happened last October. A couple of weeks ago I had my first sonogram, I was supposed to be 9 weeks along, but there was nothing there. Only found a small empty sac in mi uterus and 3 large fibroids. After more sonograms and blood test, my doctor told me that once again I was loosing my baby, that she wanted to do one more sonogram to confirm and that I was going to have a D and C to complete the miscarriage. I had that sonogram this past Tuesday and glory to God they saw something inside the sac, too little so know if itโ€™s a healthy baby or not, but there is something there. The D and C was canceled and I will have another sonogram next week (May 31, 2:45pm). PLEAS PRAY FOR A MIRACLE!!!!!! Matthew 18:19, I all I want is Gods will, and my God is a God of miracles (Luke 7:12-14). Nothing makes sense, my dates, the blood test, the sonograms, but God is God and science is not. I know my God can save my baby. Please pray for us.

  39. 239
    Melissa in Alabama says:

    My coffee seems to taste better early in the morning when accompanied with prayer. God seems to be impressing one word on my heart lately…..Revenge….. Ten years ago, I sought revenge on someone for a wrong they had done to me. That revenge took me to a place I never intended to go. It resulted in a decade of mixed emotions, indecision, sin, darkness, anxiety, depression, resentment, tears, hatred, bitterness, anger, and finally a divorce. During that season, I was debilitated and my soul felt black. I was finally released from my own self-inflicted prison. I was able to let go of these things through God’s help. This morning, my heart is overflowing and my eyes are near tears at the lessons God has taught me through the last decade. Any human man will fail you eventually in some way. God is the only unfailing love. Never seek your own revenge. God is to be my daily companion. I talk to him first-thing everyday. Insecurity that developed as a result of an emotionally abusive relationship is fleeing. I still have lots of areas to be worked out, but I’ve given them to God to take care of. I’m planning to attend my first Beth Moore conference in NC this July. I’m expecting a blessing. Yes, my prayer life is stronger, and my coffee is sweeter than it was ten years ago.

    • 239.1
      Michelle says:

      Jesus is so proud of you Melissa. You are allowing Him to make all things new. Keep following hard after Him!! You can count on the fact that He will speak to you at the conference, He always does!!!

  40. 240
    Gina says:

    Hmmm…I guess in my mind, I have changed the word “prayer” to “constant communication”. Through the help and inward training of the Lord God, I continue to learn to practice His presence “constantly”. I wanted to always be “on call”.

    *Personal: I often asked for the gifts of wisdom, knowledge and discernment and the wisdom to use these gifts. These gifts have become survival life tools for me.

    *Others: When I hear people requesting prayer, I try to listen for the Lord God’s heart in the matter and pray right then…otherwise, I will either forget(busy life) or I lose that moment of compassion. When I remember the request or hear the person’s name…see their face in my mind, I pray again where I am.

    I want to have a “walking/breathing” prayer life…to always be available to serve the Lord God on behalf of others and myself.

    • 240.1
      Siesta OC says:

      I try not to say I will pray, without praying right then if even to myself. Because I know I will forget and then what, I have said I would pray for motives of being known for being a prayer, but not in reality. No way!

  41. 241
    Jackie says:

    I agree that balance is hard to find. I long for time to spend with the Lord in deep intimacy like you describe. I wonder if maybe that desire is a revealing of how our hearts hunger for eternity? I know that I don’t have that time today but for all of eternity, I get to share a relationship with God. Not to say it’s not important to think about building that relationship now, but I think there will always be a “hunger” that is desiring eternity with Jesus.
    Ps. Usually I just lurk on this blog but I’m finally chiming in. I get so caught up reading the other comments. It’s truly a blessing to me!

  42. 242
    Heather B. says:

    This post makes me just wanna go into an ugly cry. Especially the last few sentences. I am a young mom of 3 busy ones and can completely relate to the cries of my fellow mommies on here. I so desperately want more time with Him, but have to hardest time making that time happen. Then I get down on myself for not doing it. I have struggled with this for years. While I do seem to talk to Him on the go throughout my day, I long for a more focussed time for prayer of any kind.
    This year has been a tough one for me and my family. Much sadness and heartache over a loss of a loved one so unexpectedly. And I struggle more than ever knowing that at these times I should be fighting harder to be with Him. But sadness zaps energy and not understanding why this loss happened seems to make my prayers harder to form. My head and my heart are in constant conflict these days.
    I do have to say, through all of this mess of mommyhood or devistation, the Lord continues to show his love for me in ways that keep me going. Regardless of the state of my spirit, I do know He never changes and will ALWAYS be there whenever I do talk to Him. So thankful for that. And thankful for all you gals who are so honest in sharing your hearts on this blog.

  43. 243
    Cindy says:

    How I long to find where God wants me in this area of my life. I must spend my time with the Lord in the mornings. My days just do not go well when I try to put this off until later. I used to journel and after today plan to pick up the pen and see what happens. Crisis mode has always called for the pen, now I wonder what I will find when I write from a place of feeling healthy, a place of acceptance of who I am becoming in Christ. Interesting to just ponder the possibilities.

  44. 244
    elvira says:

    Thanks Beth, for this post. This question has been on my heart for the last few weeks. I want my prayer life to be more! All I can do right now is pray that God will show me.

  45. 245
    Stacy Minor says:

    I’m not so sure I have ever had an intimate prayer life. During my quiet time I do bible studies and I know it’s not the same as one on one time with Jesus, or just allowing Jesus to speak to me, to love me and for me to love him back. I’m not sure how to change it. I have tried only to feel frustrated in the end. The only time that I have come close to the intimacy that you are describing is when I read “Come Away My Beloved”…but only that can still leave me dry. I want more but don’t know how, or what exactly. I just know I have a longing for more of Jesus…

  46. 246

    Prayer is something I have been talking to God about lately!:) It seems like the Lord recently laid on my heart that I have been talking too much during prayer and not listening to Him enough. Also, He suggested to me that I’m dwelling too much on people and their problems instead of focusing on Him and His power. So, I’m trying to focus more on Jesus and spend more time listening to Him. Sometimes it’s hard to be quiet and it’s also hard to find enough time to “listen.” I’m working on it, but if anyone has any suggestions in this area, I would really appreciate it. Thanks, Beth, for bringing this subject to our attention!

  47. 247
    Jennifer D. says:

    I absolutely love the idea of eating lunch with you!! Oh the wisdom! I am not sure that I have balance, but since Christmas I have felt a calling from the Lord to spend more time with Him. In that calling I keep feeling the urge to see how big He is with a conviction that I try to put Him in a box. As a teacher, I am looking forward to extra time this summer! I love sitting outside in the morning at my patio table and a cup of coffee. My little guys is now big enough to play while I am reading (well at least sometimes.)
    I just finished reading So Long Insecurity and LOVED IT! Each day I ask the Lord to help me see the strength and dignity that comes from Him. With that said, I would LOVE to know your recommendations on readings for marriages. I could relate to the statement that the main reason your marriage has survived is the determination not to quit. I have realized my battle with asking my husband with be my security and the power of seeing him just as a man.
    I would just like to learn more about healthy GODLY marriages – neither of us come from this being modeled. Your wisdom is so cherished and respected!

  48. 248
    Shannon Roberts says:

    Frustration…that’s the word that describes my prayer life right now. Not frustration towards our faithful Father, rather frustration towards myself. I feel trapped in a life that requires my attention all day, every day. I have to hide in the bathroom stall at work just to get a few minutes to myself and to pray. I have no balance. I pray in the shower. Pray sometimes during the day. I pray at night as I battle exhaustion.

    I look forward to hearing what everyone else’s ideas on how to find balance.

  49. 249
    Amanda says:

    Thank you for this post this morning Mrs. Beth! Just last night, I felt a quickening and yearning in my spirit for prayer time with the Lord!!! I don’t know how to balance! I am struggling! I got home from church last night (working with our youth) then an amazing discipleship group afterwards. I love both of those! Plus my young married Sunday School class my husband and I teach (and by the way we are doing your David study ๐Ÿ™‚ But in my “free time” with my two young children and a part-time school counseling job, I use any minute I get with the Lord to jump into my Bible studies, discipleship book, and prepare for lessons to teach with the youth and SS class. Then, I feel a calling the Lord is showing me to write…but I ask when Lord? When can I devote time to writing? SO… I miss this deep prayer time between my Lord and me, and often it’s just a conversation during the day…ALL Day with quick breaths of prayer here and there. How do I balance? I need your encouragement and this post this morning Siestas!!!

  50. 250
    Pam says:

    I am thankful God hears even the sighs of our heart. In this rough and tumble thing called life- I tend to be a 911 prayer. At times I reverse my amen to add thanks for all he has done. How can I forget to be grateful? How many times has someone asked for prayer and I forgot to pray for them? I have started many a prayer journal only to find them later with one or two pages written. I shoot darts of prayer up all day- as thoughts come to mind. a Sentence here, a request there. I think I need to get more organized about my prayer life.

    How sweet it is…I was praying with my 3 year old grandson the other night. “should we say our prayers now?”
    his reply was “No Grandma, you say it I will just say yes.” I started to pray and kept one eye on him. Every few seconds he would nod his head and add “yes,yes..” I tried hard not laugh as my heart melted.

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