Monday Challenge!

Hey, Sweet Things! God prompted me to throw a Monday challenge out on Twitter early this morning and on my way to work it occurred to me that I should extend it to my dear fellow Siestas. Here’s the challenge: to go through this entire day (starting now, in case it’s a little late) until shutting our eyes on our pillows tonight without a single criticism or complaint. Consider it a deliberate exercise in Philippians 2:14-15. What prompted the challenge was my own feeling that I could get cranky today if I let myself. (I didn’t have room to explain it on Twitter.) I’ve told you before about my sleep issue (it runs in my family of origin and, no, I don’t drink caffeine later in the day) and a lot of days I just shrug it off but somehow, when Monday morning follows a short Sunday night, I feel fussier about it. This morning I could see the handwriting on the wall. I made up my mind to choose joy in the power of Jesus’ Name. While turning those pedals on my exercise bike, I told the Lord out loud that I wanted to make it all day long without voicing one single complaint. I could not believe how quickly my mood improved and I feel as happy as one who’s had 10 solid hours of sleep.

Now, let me quickly say this. I’m not a fan of living in denial. Some complaints are legitimate and NEED VOICING! I already had one of those this morning on a good friend’s behalf who is in rough situation. So, what do you do then? Voice it to God! Lord have mercy, don’t think I’m posing as some huge example here this morning. I’m just asking you if you want to join me in being very deliberate about our mouths and our attitudes today. If you have a valid complaint, take it to God and, if possible, say it to Him out loud. It increases the sense that you really did get it off your chest. Sometimes a silent prayer doesn’t carry the same power as one spoken with passion and holy intent. Make some declarations today so even your enemy knows you mean business.

What do we do if we get to noon having already blown it? START OVER!!! How many times we have to start over helps us see how habitual our complaints may be. We may have no idea that some of the people around us think we’re habitual complainers and perpetual nay sayers. We are also part of a culture that shouts from every corner of social media, “If you think it, say it!” and the discipline of self-restraint is circling the drain. Lastly, it just doesn’t help. Murmuring and complaining and dwelling on how much something or someone annoys us only adds to the bad mood.

Think up, Siestas! Let’s choose joy! And let’s choose it out loud. No time to proof this post and write it well. Lots of work to do but I’m doing it with joy. I’m crazy about you guys and think of you every day.

Jesus loves you. This I know.


463 Responses to “Monday Challenge!”

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  1. 51
    Karen says:

    Karen~Laconia, NH
    This is the perfect challenge for me today! I’m in!
    Praise His Name and thank you, Beth!

    • 51.1
      Karen says:

      This exercise was so refreshing for me yesterday, I just have to do it again today! Joy, joy, joy!
      “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Psalm 34:1 NKJV

  2. 52
    Deb, Fargo, ND says:

    As I drove out of my garage at 6:45am this Monday morning, the car’s thermometer read 5 degrees below zero. I decided then and there I would not let it get me down! It’s almost mid-February already! Spring is coming! And believe it or not the sun is shining! Life is good! Thanks for the reminder.

  3. 53
    Tami says:

    I will take the challenge and choose joy today. Getting a bit of a late start and have complained about a few minor things, but I will begin immediately to chose joy inspite of what the rest of the day brings!

    Thank you for the encouragement.

  4. 54
    Summer says:

    Oh, Ms. Beth! Thank you for this today! I just finished my quiet time in David and God has really convicted me about my complaining attitude and how I’ve been unloading complaints on my hubby and on two close friends lately. How unpleasant it must be for them! I need to be bringing those things to Him. I need to learn this in the worst way!!
    My SSMT memory verse this time is Ps 142:2-3 – I pour out my complaint before him, before him I tell my trouble. When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who know my way. Your David study esp this Week 3 has been kicking my hind parts (in a good way!) God is showing me so much and I pray I’m obedient and yielded to what He is teaching.
    Love to you! :o)

  5. 55
    Jeannette says:

    I am just amazed at this post because my day started with a huge disappointment and I had the same “talking to myself” about my attitude and how my day could go south very quickly. I kept saying “Lord I do not want to go there. . .”
    Out came the scripture memory cards and I have carried them with me all day – not saying this to sound super spiritual – just saying it becaused it helps me look up!

  6. 56
    Shannon says:

    If for no one else, I needed this. Newborn baby, 11 days old. Refuses to sleep on her own. Which means Mommy is not sleeping at all. 3 hours last night means I am now writing in sentence fragments. But here’s a sentence with subject and verb: I choose Joy!! That is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and my divine right! Regardless of sleepless nights and postpartum mood swings that make this otherwise sanguine a perpetual box of Kleenex. I choose Joy! in Christ- abundant and full joy. God knows how much sleep I need and God knows His grace is greater than how I feel!

    Amen to Joy!

  7. 57
    Yanna says:

    For a time when someone would ask “how are you” I would reply “I’m blessed”. Interesting the reaction I recommend everyone try it. I’ve recently changed my reply to a very sincere “I am filled with Joy!” hoping to be asked why so joyful…so I can tell them “The Lord has done great things for me and I am filled with Joy!!” Psalm 126:2 I pray that I get the opportunity to share what He has done. Joy to you!

    • 57.1

      Great idea! Recently someone asked my father-in-law how he was. He replied: “I’m covered by grace!” I loved that answer, too. I’m going to try one of these answers as soon as I have the opportunity (assuming I can remember to do it!:)

      • Yanna says:

        Janet I love that “I’m covered by grace” I’m going to mix it up with instead of “good” or “fine”. I am “blessed” “full of joy” or “I’m covered by grace”. Great choices then it will be fun to see the person’s reaction. I’m going to start with my husband he always ask how was my day…”I’m covered by grace”. One day I ansered “I’m full of joy” the wife of the gentleman that asked me explained she just returned from a Beth Moore lesson down in Houston. He replied “Lord help us” hee hee I loved it. I suggested he have a seat and let me tell him all about it….:)

  8. 58
    Jessica (College Station,TX) says:

    Reading loud and clear, LORD! We are in the process of buying our first house and I am beyond frustrated with my husband who has found something wrong with every single house that I have put on my ‘like’ or ‘LOVE’ lists. (To be honest, they have all been legitimate criticisms, but I can still be upset about it! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I have been very whiney and bratty when I should be pulling together with my man and enjoying this exciting new stage in our lives. I was about to write him a nasty email, basically an all out hissy fit, when I saw that you had posted! Thank you for this! You saved me from a sin (and spared my husband too!)

  9. 59
    CJ says:

    GREAT challenge!! Remember “Jumping for JOY is great exercise!”

  10. 60
    Colleen Delbridge says:

    Hello. It is 8pm in South Africa right now so I will take up this challenge tomorrow. I also had a short Sunday night & lately I often have short nights. So I can identify with you, Beth. I don’t like being a complainer but often I am one. But tomorrow I will choose the joy of the Lord! Go for it girls, let’s have a complaint free day.


  11. 61
    Traci says:

    just reading now…so just starting now!
    thanks, beth, for the encouragement. i’m reading one thousand gifts by ann voskamp…learning about the direct correlation between thankfulness(eucharisteo) and joy. being thankful helps nip the ungrateful,complainy side of me in the bud ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. 62
    Gina says:

    I accept. I don’t think I’ve blown it yet, but now I’m praying for the Holy Spirit to nudge me when I do.

  13. 63
    Tara G. says:

    It’s 8 p.m. here, so I’ll make it a Tuesday challenge!

    • 63.1
      Michelle says:

      where are you?! that is so odd to see this at 1 pm and know you wrote that awhile ago and it was already 8 pm…

  14. 64
    God's not-so-little Dutch girl says:

    I’m up for the challenge, but starting over because I’ve already blown it! Have a wonderfully positive Monday, Siestas!

    • 64.1
      God's not-so-little Dutch girl says:

      I was surprised at how much I complain! Yesterday was a day of starting over all day! With your permission, Mrs. Beth, I would like a do over today. Have fun at Bible study tonight! Going to study the Patriarchs with you this morning! joan

  15. 65
    Kelli says:

    Wow, I needed this challenge today! Thanks Momma Beth! I’m 28 weeks pregnant with baby girl #4 and feel like I am a walking complaint these days with every part of my 36 year old body aching in some weird and annoying way. We are beyond thankful for this pregnancy in every way but I am learning how much more challenging pregnancy is for my “advanced maternal age” self- just love having that stamped on my chart! My sweet husband is so patient but I’m sure he’d like a day off from hearing about it all!

  16. 66
    Sarah says:

    Thank You for the challenge!!! Its exactly what I am going to do today in God’s strength!!!

  17. 67
    Ruth says:

    I needed this today. . . thank you! Mondays seem to make it easy to fall in that direction when feeling a little depleted after putting so much heart and energy into Sundays. And I am reminded to not get caught being critical of myself, too. Thanks for always sharing so much of yourself and encouraging us in the Lord! With love and prayers. . .

  18. 68
    Heather says:

    Word in season for me. I will join you as of now.

  19. 69
    Linda Thompson says:

    Thank you, Beth. I woke up this morning feeling incredibly vulnerable, and like the entire world had left me behind, like I was completely forgotten about by those I care about…and it sure doesn’t make for a good morning or train of thought. Add to that my alarm not going off and gaining weight back and…you get the idea. I needed the reminder to force myself to pick my thoughts up out of the bad places they want to go and try to keep them on ground that’s a bit more solid and positive. It sure is hard to rewire the way that you’ve worked for so long…but I know even if I feel alone on Earth, I’m not alone in my heart. And sometimes, that makes all the difference. Thanks for the reminder. ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. 70
    diana says:

    I’ll take that challenge! Thanks for the inspiration

  21. 71
    Robin says:

    Robin, Littleton, CO Thank you, Beth! This is just the encouragement and nudge I needed this morning!

  22. 72
    Valerie says:

    I am so right there with you mama!! I too had a very short Sunday night of sleep and felt the exact same way this morning. But I determined to look up and get happy and so far so good. I just now read your post and laughed how you exactly stated what I was feeling too (that happens pretty often with your posts I must say!) My friend and I have just started our own businesses as independent Arbonne consultants and had our first weekly meeting this morning and decided to make the Proverbs 31 woman (from the Amplified please!) our model. So we’re typing it up and framing it over our desks for inspiration all during the day. That’s how God sees our potential, right! If He sets that mark then I’m going to shoot for it! Thanks Beth for being such a great mama to so many of us!! Love you!
    Val Law

  23. 73
    Sheila says:

    Awesome encouragement! Thank you!

    I pray that you get a restful night of sleep tonight.

    By the way, I’m into week 7 of your study of Paul, To Live is Christ and I love it! ๐Ÿ™‚

  24. 74
    Gena says:

    Well, I’ll try!

  25. 75
    Annette says:

    I love this! I need to get in the habit of first voicing my complaints to God. I believe I would be more convicted over my petty grumbles and more at peace with my legitimate concerns. Thanks Beth!

  26. 76
    Jen says:

    I’m in! And thank you for this challenge! I was kind of slumping around with not getting enough sleep last night either and was reminding myself of what I needed to be thinking on for today (i.e. philippians 4:8)…this is a good reminder of what I need to be letting out of my mouth for today. ;)(instead of whine whine whine)
    have a wonderful JOY-FULL day!

  27. 77
    A Siesta says:

    So far, so good.

    But now I gotta get outta bed…

  28. 78
    Karen Sharman says:

    I’m with ya.

  29. 79
    MiChal says:

    This reminded me of a Baby Blues comic I wish I could post here, but what it says:

    Zoey: “It’s not fair! I don’t know what I’m doing! I’m no expert! It’s too much pressure!”

    Hammie, her little brother: “What have you tried so far?”

    Zoey: “You mean besides complaining?”


  30. 80
    Penny says:

    Oh, Beth. How I long for what you have. It is my deepest desire. I listen to you, read your words, and ache for that same joy you find in Jesus. Instead, my heart is burdened with sadness and sorrow and strangled by fear. I’m praying, constantly; and I’m searching. Thank you for showing me what life can be like. I didn’t get much sleep last night, either. My excuse? A teething eleven-month old princess. Praying for you.

  31. 81
    Casey says:

    Mama Beth,

    Oh how I needed this challenge today! My recent studies and even my SSMT verses have been dealing with what comes out of my mouth. I suspect, no I KNOW, I had blown this already today before reading your challenge.

    Do Over!!! Don’t you just love how God lets us hit the reset button? Even after we have sinned our pants off right in front of him! Oh, how great is His Faithfulness!

    Love to you on this Monday!

    Fort Pierce, FL

  32. 82
    Kelly, Bryan, TX says:

    LOVE this challenge!! It’s so wonderful to know that we have a God who is completely in control of every detail of every situation. Sometimes I think we feel we need to complain to other people in order to get something changed. So much better to take it to God and let Him change it if it’s His will ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. 83
    Becky says:

    I love a good challenge on a monday!!! With this challenge I think of the Israelites wandering in the desert. Complaining all the time and the total un-contentment(is that a word????) they had with God and all he had done for them. I have realized to complain is to complain against God and where he has put me in my life. I don’t want to complain about him I want to worship and praise him and be thankful for all we have and all He’s done. That’s is a great place to start! Thank you for the reminder to not complain/murmur. Godliness with contentment is great gain!!!

  34. 84
    Nicole says:

    I’m with you Beth! God’s really been speaking to me lately about simple obedience. Just doing what He tells me to do in His Word.

    I’m praying for us! ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. 85
    Colette says:

    I am choosing Joy today and was already tempted to lose my joy with my teenage son but with God’s Holy Spirit I chose not to engage in a battle of words with him! This reminded me to continue living with His Spirit in me ALL day!! Thanks Beth! I needed that!!
    Have a JOYOUS day!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  36. 86
    1blessedmommyof4 says:

    Perfect post for me today!!!

  37. 87
    Rebecca says:

    THANK YOU DEAR BETH for this came at just the right time. I am near tears from my own distress and then finding your post made me sit up and realize it is joy I can find. I was just looking on amazon for anything that says “Make me Happy”!! How timely this post is.
    I sure need to know God loves me.
    Thank you Beth! I am so tired and it is just like you said about Monday coming faster than a freight train after a short Sunday night. I need to breathe, relax and know that God is in control.

  38. 88
    Sharon says:

    Funny how you mentioned that you could get cranky today. I had some complaints early this morning in my head and chose NOT to go there because I just knew it would get me on the road to crankiness and irritability. Well, I heard God tell me NOT to go there if you want truth! Praise Him for His prompts to us!

  39. 89
    Colorado Girl says:

    Hey Mama Beth…hope the morning has gone well. Thanks for the encouraging words…had a late Sunday night myself…sort of revolved around Football at my house! Just wanted to say if all else fails (which of course prayer WON’T fail…silly me…)…but anyway…you might just want to try a SNICKERS!!!! Have a blessed day! Love you too.

  40. 90
    Shannon Wilson says:

    Beth –
    You hit the nail on the head. It’s easy for me to complain about how tired/busy/stressed I feel (especially on Mondays), but what good does that do anybody? I had a really bad week last week where I was in a perpetual funk without really knowing why – just grouchy and impatient with EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY. And on Thursday I resolved that I would quit being a grump and be thankful! I don’t have any valid reason to complain, so I need to use my words to praise the Lord for everything He’s given me. I am far more blessed that I deserve! Thanks for the reminder! I hope this sets all of us on a better path for this week. ๐Ÿ™‚

  41. 91
    Andrea says:

    Haha – I just read this after venting to my poor, poor husband about my day yesterday (he was away). Thank you for this reminder – and I will definitely take the rest of the day to be thankful instead of complaining!

  42. 92
    Dawn says:

    You have certainly been reading my mail!! I am praying and working on being a better wife and I was reminded by our Pastor’s sermon yesterday how many times I am critical instead of encouraging. What a great challenge!! Thanks so much Beth!!!! <3

    • 92.1
      Dawn, Pottsville says:

      Hi Dawn. I just read your post and I also want to be a better wife. Do you also have children? What are some of the things you are working on? I need help!

  43. 93

    Love it. I’m in!

  44. 94
    Judy McMillin says:

    I am taking this challenge!

  45. 95
    Kate says:

    Good idea, Beth. Let’s choose to be filled with Jesus-joy!

    Have a wonderful week!

    Love ya,
    Kate ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. 96
    Becky B. says:

    Beth I needed this so much today! God bless you and thank you for reminding where I needed to go to combat this attitude of mine today. Just pull up our big girl panties and get on with it! BB

  47. 97
    Michele says:

    But… what about… :X

    Yes, Mama.

  48. 98
    Pam says:

    Amen, Beth! I am declaring a “Complaint-free, no criticism Zone” day, with lots of gratitude on the side. I, too, struggle with sleep issues, and find it a challenge to operate on less than enough sleep at times. But, let me say, Thank you Lord for Who You Are and what You’ve done for me today. thanks for this post and sharing with us. bless you, Pam in San Diego

  49. 99
    Kathy B says:

    Thanks Beth. I’m pretty sure it was no accident that I jumped on here and saw this. Yes, let’s choose joy. These last few days have amazed me at how many problems could be turned into praises and praises spun into problems. You know, is the glass half full?

    Please forgive me if I’m being verbose, but in order to stay out of trouble this afternoon, I think I’m going to need a proactive dose of praise: Hubby’s out of the hospital! Oh yes he is!
    A difficult phone call didn’t escalate. My teenage son has a thick head of hair, (in case I need to snatch him bald-headed tomorrow).

    You’re right. I need to stop acting like I don’t know what the enemy is up to: discouragement, deterioration, and downright destruction. Please help us, Lord. I think Beth and I are feeling a little bruised today.

  50. 100
    Kathy says:

    Cannot tell you how badly I needed this challenge today. Thank you!!!! Becky B…. you made me smile………I cannot begin to say how many times I’ve used the phrase “put your big girl panties on and deal with it.” I feel like today is the day I’m going to be wearing them all day long!!! Wish I had read this post earlier in the day!! Thanks again!!

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