Life Before Noon

Wake up at 6:25 a.m. to my son telling me he’s “scared,” AKA ready to get up. Nudge his daddy to spring into action.

Alarm goes off at 6:45. Go for a run. Realize I don’t feel very good. Walk home.

Make toast for the kids and me. Appreciate that Annabeth can feed herself.

Have “quiet” time. Hide in dining room for a few minutes to pray.

Kiss Curtis goodbye. Thankful that Jackson doesn’t cry today.

Repeatedly send Jackson in the backyard to play. He’s operating at a 10 out of 10.

Put Annabeth down for a nap. Try to keep the house quiet.

Realize I either forgot to moderate blog comments yesterday or a bunch just suddenly appeared in the moderating queue. Yikes.

Comments from last summer and fall keep showing back up. Weird.

Annabeth wakes up happy.

Get the urge for Papa John’s pizza. Order the $10 large, any toppings pizza.

Twenty minutes later it shows up.

Drop the pizza and watch Canadian bacon and pineapple spill all over the entry way and splatter on the delivery man.

Despite my protests, he generously leaves to get us another one.

Sit on the couch and wonder if that really happened. Embarrassed. Frustrated.

Yell at Jackson for climbing on me. Receive imaginary bad mom of the day award. Apologize to my boy.

New pizza arrives. Give a good tip.

Jackson says, “I want to share with my pizza. With Annabeth. That’s what Jesus likes.”

Wonder if that’s a ploy not to have to eat. He eats all his pizza. He meant it. Sweet boy.

Encourage Annabeth to walk toward Jackson. She claps her hands, calls him “Dat dat” for the first time, and takes a few steps toward her brother.

Heart is happy.

Kids get a bath. In the chaos afterward, Annabeth dumps out the wipes. Towel falls into the water. Jackson sucks toothpaste out of tube.

Annabeth takes 9 steps toward her brother. A new record.

She hits her mouth on her rocking chair. Cries.

Naptime #2.

Try to read Where the Wild Things Are to Jackson before his rest time. He says it’s too long. Not gonna argue with that. Pick a shorter book.

Bribe him with candy if he’ll sleep today. Probably should be ashamed but I’m desperate for the stillness.

Quiet now.

And all is well in the Jones home.


301 Responses to “Life Before Noon”

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  1. 101
    Jane says:

    I recall having my toddler help me put away the clean bath towels. As I folded, he carried each down the hall to the cabinet. After 3 trips I went to see how he was doing. All were carefully placed in the toilet.

    Hang in there.

  2. 102
    Anonymous says:

    Amanda, it sounds like u definitely need some quiet time. Enjoy it though, when they are gone from home, it sometimes gets too quiet. I have 5 children all grown and about to have our 10th grandchild(5 and under). So many days are just like urs and some are very, very quiet. Just a quick question for my personal use. What type of Bible would most benefit me with Beth's Bible Studies? U can email me at [email protected] is u don't want to post this. Thanks. Love yall.

  3. 103
    Farmgirl Paints says:

    Oh girl I hear ya. Isn't it fun being a mom?? So much work…but the rewards are forever. Love that you shared your day. We've all been there.

  4. 104
    Beverly says:

    Your story is all too familiar, as I have been there many times myself! My three are 13, 11, and 6 now, so I can just tell them that Mama needs a time-out and go lock myself in the bedroom. lol But, there is no shame in a candy-bribe at that age, sweetie! It's a small price to pay for mom's sanity! πŸ™‚

  5. 105
    a cup bearer says:

    Been there — and now I'm an empty nester. Went by way too fast.

  6. 106
    Ryan and Michelle Wagner says:

    Precious….and I am also so living it…but with TWIN boys and a girl! Imagine Jackson 10 out of 10 times two. πŸ™‚ We are both fully blessed!

  7. 107
    Karen says:

    I certainly can relate! I've had days like that too! Right now, our toddler is back to a fit-throwing stage. Needless to say – it is very draining!

  8. 108
    Beth.. One Blessed Nana says:

    I remember days like this and days that I just couldn't wait until 7 PM for my girls bedtime. I would be utterly exhausted at the end of the day. I had 3 girls 4 and under – quite tiring!

    You sound like such an amazing mother – keep up the good work!

  9. 109
    Amanda J says:

    I don't know why but I find it extremely awesome that you ordered a pizza for lunch….

    naptimes are essential..ESSENTIAL πŸ™‚

  10. 110
    Misty says:

    Feel better soon, sweet Sister! I am a stay-at-home/homeschooling mom currently to one while expecting my second (they are 10 years apart…does God have a sense of humor or WHAT?! πŸ™‚ and have so many days like this lately. You see, I was to have my gallbladder removed only to find out 15 minutes before surgery – I was in bed with IV and prepared to be taken back to surgery – that I was pregnant. JUST pregnant. This leaves me with a non-working gallbladder with severe symptoms day in and day out. It really wears on me. But today it did my heart good to take my son to PE class and visit with a new friend for well over and hour, then take my kiddo and his friend out to lunch and to the park for another hour. Something about two 10-year-old boys having a great time beating sticks together and swordfighting just absolutely overjoyed me. I forgot for a while how badly I have felt and just sat smiling. Oh how I needed that today – thank You, Jesus! πŸ™‚ I will soon know the joy of watching my precious two interact (though it will not quite look like your two ;). I imagine my precious boy feeding (and diapering – he's offered!…but we'll see if THAT pans out πŸ˜‰ and soothing and talking to this new one…it just picks at my Mommy-heart like your precious day. We all feel these kinds of days…but oh the joys mixed in are our reminders that He sees us and He knows exactly what we need.

    P.S. I spilled a glass of ice water EVERYWHERE this morning in my living room; a little old lady got out of her car at the grocery store earlier and dinged my door hard enough to not only rock my SUV but also leave a paint chip and a major scratch; and I am putting together an Easter party for about 30+ kids TOMORROW (decided today)…it's been a rough day here, too. But God's blessings are abundant!

  11. 111
    Erika says:

    Thank you for sharing your day…it is good to know as Moms we are not alone!
    Blessings to you!

  12. 112
    tiggerdaisy says:

    Oh girl, I just love you. I don't feel like it's just me now! πŸ™‚

    My favorite part was getting your quiet time–a couple of minutes of hiding in the dining room praying. Loved it! You so hit my nail on the head with this one.

    I have a 2 1/2 and a 10 month old. I love this age, but it is most definitely trying at times.

    Prayers and blessings,

  13. 113
    Heather - On the Road... says:

    Oh, OH!
    Do I feel for you!!!!! I have been there. The only reason I am NOT there today is that I am working…

    As my friend keeps telling me – it's a season – it will pass! πŸ™‚

    God bless,

  14. 114
    ET @ Titus2:3-5 says:

    These days of little ones can be so long and trying on us mommies. It is SO GOOD to know that we are not alone! Love and prayers with you.

  15. 115
    Anonymous says:

    On a particularly bad day with a red headed two year old, my brother topped it off with the comment, " Wow! you look really tired! and what is in your hair!! Is that blood?? ( it was ketchup) What are those stains on your clothes!!"

    So, I laughed hard when Jackson ate the toothpaste. Laughing with you, not at you siesta!!

  16. 116
    Tonya Ingram says:

    Wow, that's exhausting just reading it. It's happened to moms everywhere at some time or another, or maybe every day… that's no fun. I have had the imaginary bad mom award MANY MANY times… more than I care to even try to count.

    I loved the part about hiding in the dining room to pray! Gotta find it somewhere…anywhere.

  17. 117
    Heiress of God says:


    As crazy as all that sounds… Someday you will look back and think I did it and scratch your head wondering how that happened and now they are all grown up and you would wish for a couple of those days again because the little problems aren't so little anymore. Thanks for the memories… I forgotten what it was like to have a house full of youngins… πŸ™‚

    Hang in there… you are doing great!!!

  18. 118
    Sheri ID says:

    Wow, you could have been writing about my day with just some minor detail changes! It is such a blessing to hear a story that proves I am not the only one with a life like this. You made my day!

  19. 119
    Diana says:

    God told us that "every good and perfect gift is from above", but He didn't tell us that they are perfect nor are we perfect – just the gift from Him is perfect.

    You will hear over and over how time flies, and when mine were wee-ones I did not believe it for a minute. But truth sometimes is hard to swallow, and too soon those wee-ones walk out our door into adulthood.

    Thankfully God's grace is bigger than our feeble days, our tired days, our out of sorts days; and soon you will laugh at your new carpet colour of washed in/out red tomatoe paste; that won't come out until you replace that piece.

    Thank you for a peek into your lovely life, fallen pizza and all and remember God had that in His plan too!!

  20. 120
    Anonymous says:

    Amanda, how precious these hard days are…. just wait until the teen years. Shalom

  21. 121
    Jen says:

    Amanda –
    love the post…no i'm serious…LOVE it. my favorite parts are the little "mommy lies" that try to creep into your head – SO familiar with that… great job pressing on – all BEFORE NOON! hope the rest of the afternoon was peaceful!


  22. 122
    Anonymous says:

    On a day like this, you call on Bibby to help you!
    Bless your heart, my kids are grown and gone and have experienced some of the same things I experienced with them. It is times like this when you just want to crawl in the bed and cover your head. I appreciate you keeping it real!

  23. 123
    lvaughn says:

    At least I know, that I am not the only one! Thank you GOD!!

  24. 124
    Jerry, Kim and Elijah says:

    Been there, done that! Totally get it.
    Kim Feth
    Apex, NC

  25. 125
    Warrior in Training says:

    ahhhhh the memories being made-I remember our younger days.

  26. 126
    Christine Sweet says:

    Girl, I feel ya. The frustrating moments and the precious ones. That just about sums up many of my days. Life with 2 kids is equal parts chaotic and heartwarming. I loved this post. loved.

  27. 127
    Christine Sweet says:

    Oh, and thank you for saying "yell" without trying to come up with a much nicer word or phrase like "raised my voice" or "snapped". Come on, this is what we, I do from time to time. Nope, scratch that, everyday unfortunately. And I receive and happily return the Bad Mom Award far too often. Anyway, I'm with ya!

  28. 128
    Anonymous says:

    God Bless you dear one and for the most important ministry of all "MOTHERHOOD"- Your children will reflect all the love and investment you are making in their lives. Your post inspired me to pray for all the young mothers in our world and for our Lord to impart an extra blessing, an extra dose of energy and a knowing that they are appreciated and valuable beyond words- and as you received today- a moment of delight in their little ones. Blessings and appreciation, Kathy, an Aunt Siesta in Austin

  29. 129
    Paula says:

    In this midst of the frustration and embarrassment of your day, wasn't God gracious to give you some FANTASTIC moments as well. The pizza guy went back and got you another pizza? Amazing! Jackson expressed sacrificial love to his little sister? Amazing! Annabeth took 2 naps before noon? Amazing! What an AMAZINGLY crazy morning you had! πŸ™‚

  30. 130
    flip flops says:

    I remember those days! With almost all my boys grown up and out of the house, sometimes I long for days like that.
    Thanks for sharing your day with us.

  31. 131
    Anonymous says:

    I'm just a teensy bit ahead of you Amanda—home with a darling "4 and 2/3rds" year old, and a newly 2 year old. Thank you so much for posting this. What an encouragement—I'm not alone! : )

    P.s. never considered ordering pizza for lunch….hmmmm…..very good idea!

  32. 132
    Little Steps Of Faith says:

    Oh girl, thanks for sharing that:) I mean you know I'm not a mom or anything, but you know its just sharing our struggles that inspires πŸ™‚ you know!:)
    Hope you have a better day tomorrow:)

    (I wouldn't order pizza again:)


  33. 133
    wondering04 says:

    Hope you don't mind me saying this, but enjoy those days, except maybe the pizza) for they are over all too soon. I would give anything to revisit those years where my kids were little. Once they get older the circumstances change. Praying some peace, joy, and fun

  34. 134
    Melinda says:

    There are so many of us right there in the trenches with you, sister! Your day sounds like many of mine. It's exhausting and wonderful all at the same time. And terrible and precious… thank God for blogs! We never have to feel alone! πŸ™‚

  35. 135
    Edwards Family says:

    *snicker*…I'm the auntie now (my kids are 16 and 12) but my sister calls me with days like this..(she has all boys ages 5,4,and 3)

    The beauty of this is…..down the road…..these will be your favorite days.

  36. 136
    cselvig says:

    This is an adaptation from one of my FAVORITE books… and if you are a will relate!

    Original Author Unknown

    If you give a mom a muffin,
    She'll want a cup of coffee to go with it.
    She'll pour herself some.
    Her three-year-old will spill the coffee.
    She'll wipe it up.
    Wiping the floor, she'll find dirty socks.
    She'll remember she has to do laundry.
    When she puts the laundry in the washer,
    She'll trip over boots and bump into the freezer.
    Bumping into the freezer will remind her she has to plan for supper.
    She will get out a pound of hamburger.
    She'll look for her cookbook ("101 Things To Do With a Pound of Hamburger").
    The cookbook is sitting under a pile of mail.
    She will see the phone bill, which is due tomorrow.
    She will look for her checkbook.
    The check book is in her purse that is being dumped out by her two-year-old.
    She'll smell something funny.
    She'll change the two year old's diaper.
    While she is changing the diaper, the phone will ring.
    Her five-year-old will answer and hang up.
    She'll remember she wants to phone a friend for coffee.
    Thinking of coffee will remind her that she was going to have a cup.
    And chances are…
    If she has a cup of coffee,
    Her kids will have eaten the muffin that went with it.

  37. 137
    shannon says:

    sounds like a good day to me sista πŸ™‚

  38. 138
    Fran says:

    Every day I have something whacky happening….and i'm ok with it. πŸ˜‰

    Hang in there!!

  39. 139
    Mama Bev says:

    Oh, Amanda,
    Though I'm a grandma now, reading your post brought back a memory like it was yesterday. . .
    My son was 2, daughter 1, and I did daycare for a 2-yr-old girl and 9-month old boy.
    my son decided he would "wash" the girls hair with toothpaste (and yes, she had hair down the middle of her back),and the 9-month-old had a diaper explosion. I got the two cleaned up and changed, got my 1-yr-old off the top of the refrigerator (she was a climber) then put everyone down for a nap (even though it was only mid-morning). As I put my daughter in her crib, she touched the mattress, and a huge cloud of baby powder "poofed" up to the ceiling. I didn't even notice with the white crib sheet! "I just wanted the bed to smell pretty for da-ahna, mommy!"

    Now, 27 years later, said son is a pastor; daughter is the wife of a youth pastor. They do grow up, as I'm sure your mama has told you. But it still makes me tired, just remembering . . .

  40. 140
    DigiNee says:

    I am so sorry darlin', but this mamma of one close to your age and near to your same stage in life (grands are 16 weeks and 2 years) – who has had a HORRIBLE time the last two weeks had to chuckle a little bit – and it is SOOOOOO not funny I know – been there and done that and praise God, lived through it —– screaming, fits, teething, growing pains, no sleep, decisions to make, bills to pay, and etc. etc. etc. – I have been beside myself to know what to do to support the daughter —- and seem to have failed miserably!

    Bless you girl and bless her – with peace!

  41. 141
    Kelly says:

    Im so glad my son isnt the only one who eats the toothpaste out of the tube. Mine can suck it dry in no time flat! πŸ˜‰

  42. 142
    Anonymous says:

    As crazy as your day was – and it is OK to bribe once in a while!! – I remember when I was your age and my kids were small my mother said to me, "honey, these are the best days of your life" and I thought "Oh yeah – those are easy words from someone who gets to shave both legs on the same day.." Well now I get to shave both legs on the same day, sleep all night long, eat without sharing my food and/or drink and my house is normally always quiet. But you know what – I miss those days like you just described. Empty nest is fine, but my mom was right – those were the best days of my life. Hang in there!!

  43. 143
    Amanda Taylor says:

    whew i'm wiped just reading this!

    it amazes me the grace that God gives mothers especially mothers with 2 more kids…you guys are amazing!

  44. 144
    DBK says:

    I'm feeling you completely… Been sick for 3 days now and my precious 2 yr old was jumping and climbing all over me yesterday in the midst of chills and fever and I gave myself worst mother of the year, too… Last Sunday I bribed him with a sucker to take a nap before church so he wouldn't cry when we dropped him off in the nursery… AGAIN! It's ok, you're human. Feeling pretty good I'm not the only one who does this! Hope tomorrow is better!

  45. 145
    Diana says:

    These really are the best days of your life! (from a retired "stay at home" mom who is now working after 20 glorious years at home. Wouldn't trade them for anything in the world! Such great memories…those sound like some of the best! (You'll laugh later)

  46. 146
    Traci says:

    Oh, I remember those days and I really thought I would come undone. I remember a mentor mom telling me that the physical demand and exhaustion gets so much better, but the mental and emotional exhaustion takes over when they get a little older. I thought, "Yeah right, I'm tougher than you- I can't wait until I'm not exhausted all the time." Turns out she was right. I miss those days- I remember the tired that was so deep it was palpable, and I don't miss it, but sometimes I have to concede, it was a little easier (I guess because I knew that at 8:00 pm it would all quiet down). Hang in there- you'll make it. Enjoy them while they are little…and make sure you put all of your sharpies away. I'm just saying- it's a good piece of advice. Trust me.

  47. 147
    The B Family says:

    and people have the audacity to say to us stay-at-home moms, "So.. do you work?"

  48. 148
    Melody says:

    Amanda, I know you've heard this a million times, and I honestly do remember what it's like to be in your shoes, but just try to enjoy the season you are in right now. My girls are 16, 18 and 20, and I truly miss those crazy days with little ones. God bless!

  49. 149
    Life Is Crazy Beautiful says:

    ☺ 2 songs came to mind…

    "Mama said there'd be days like this.."
    "You're gonna miss this"
    (and you really will!)

    Yay pizza dude! Motherhood definitely keeps us humble. Thanks for the smile!!


  50. 150
    Uncanny Colleen says:

    Sounds like home to me!

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Life Before Noon

Wake up at 6:25 a.m. to my son telling me he’s “scared,” AKA ready to get up. Nudge his daddy to spring into action.

Alarm goes off at 6:45. Go for a run. Realize I don’t feel very good. Walk home.

Make toast for the kids and me. Appreciate that Annabeth can feed herself.

Have “quiet” time. Hide in dining room for a few minutes to pray.

Kiss Curtis goodbye. Thankful that Jackson doesn’t cry today.

Repeatedly send Jackson in the backyard to play. He’s operating at a 10 out of 10.

Put Annabeth down for a nap. Try to keep the house quiet.

Realize I either forgot to moderate blog comments yesterday or a bunch just suddenly appeared in the moderating queue. Yikes.

Comments from last summer and fall keep showing back up. Weird.

Annabeth wakes up happy.

Get the urge for Papa John’s pizza. Order the $10 large, any toppings pizza.

Twenty minutes later it shows up.

Drop the pizza and watch Canadian bacon and pineapple spill all over the entry way and splatter on the delivery man.

Despite my protests, he generously leaves to get us another one.

Sit on the couch and wonder if that really happened. Embarrassed. Frustrated.

Yell at Jackson for climbing on me. Receive imaginary bad mom of the day award. Apologize to my boy.

New pizza arrives. Give a good tip.

Jackson says, “I want to share with my pizza. With Annabeth. That’s what Jesus likes.”

Wonder if that’s a ploy not to have to eat. He eats all his pizza. He meant it. Sweet boy.

Encourage Annabeth to walk toward Jackson. She claps her hands, calls him “Dat dat” for the first time, and takes a few steps toward her brother.

Heart is happy.

Kids get a bath. In the chaos afterward, Annabeth dumps out the wipes. Towel falls into the water. Jackson sucks toothpaste out of tube.

Annabeth takes 9 steps toward her brother. A new record.

She hits her mouth on her rocking chair. Cries.

Naptime #2.

Try to read Where the Wild Things Are to Jackson before his rest time. He says it’s too long. Not gonna argue with that. Pick a shorter book.

Bribe him with candy if he’ll sleep today. Probably should be ashamed but I’m desperate for the stillness.

Quiet now.

And all is well in the Jones home.


299 Responses to “Life Before Noon”

If you'd like your own pic by your comment, go to Click the first button "Get your gravatar today ->", and it will walk you through a simple process to select a picture.


  1. 151
    Jane says:

    I recall having my toddler help me put away the clean bath towels. As I folded, he carried each down the hall to the cabinet. After 3 trips I went to see how he was doing. All were carefully placed in the toilet.

    Hang in there.

  2. 152
    Anonymous says:

    Amanda, it sounds like u definitely need some quiet time. Enjoy it though, when they are gone from home, it sometimes gets too quiet. I have 5 children all grown and about to have our 10th grandchild(5 and under). So many days are just like urs and some are very, very quiet. Just a quick question for my personal use. What type of Bible would most benefit me with Beth's Bible Studies? U can email me at [email protected] is u don't want to post this. Thanks. Love yall.

  3. 153
    Farmgirl Paints says:

    Oh girl I hear ya. Isn't it fun being a mom?? So much work…but the rewards are forever. Love that you shared your day. We've all been there.

  4. 154
    Beverly says:

    Your story is all too familiar, as I have been there many times myself! My three are 13, 11, and 6 now, so I can just tell them that Mama needs a time-out and go lock myself in the bedroom. lol But, there is no shame in a candy-bribe at that age, sweetie! It's a small price to pay for mom's sanity! πŸ™‚

  5. 155
    a cup bearer says:

    Been there — and now I'm an empty nester. Went by way too fast.

  6. 156
    Ryan and Michelle Wagner says:

    Precious….and I am also so living it…but with TWIN boys and a girl! Imagine Jackson 10 out of 10 times two. πŸ™‚ We are both fully blessed!

  7. 157
    Karen says:

    I certainly can relate! I've had days like that too! Right now, our toddler is back to a fit-throwing stage. Needless to say – it is very draining!

  8. 158
    Beth.. One Blessed Nana says:

    I remember days like this and days that I just couldn't wait until 7 PM for my girls bedtime. I would be utterly exhausted at the end of the day. I had 3 girls 4 and under – quite tiring!

    You sound like such an amazing mother – keep up the good work!

  9. 159
    Amanda J says:

    I don't know why but I find it extremely awesome that you ordered a pizza for lunch….

    naptimes are essential..ESSENTIAL πŸ™‚

  10. 160
    Misty says:

    Feel better soon, sweet Sister! I am a stay-at-home/homeschooling mom currently to one while expecting my second (they are 10 years apart…does God have a sense of humor or WHAT?! πŸ™‚ and have so many days like this lately. You see, I was to have my gallbladder removed only to find out 15 minutes before surgery – I was in bed with IV and prepared to be taken back to surgery – that I was pregnant. JUST pregnant. This leaves me with a non-working gallbladder with severe symptoms day in and day out. It really wears on me. But today it did my heart good to take my son to PE class and visit with a new friend for well over and hour, then take my kiddo and his friend out to lunch and to the park for another hour. Something about two 10-year-old boys having a great time beating sticks together and swordfighting just absolutely overjoyed me. I forgot for a while how badly I have felt and just sat smiling. Oh how I needed that today – thank You, Jesus! πŸ™‚ I will soon know the joy of watching my precious two interact (though it will not quite look like your two ;). I imagine my precious boy feeding (and diapering – he's offered!…but we'll see if THAT pans out πŸ˜‰ and soothing and talking to this new one…it just picks at my Mommy-heart like your precious day. We all feel these kinds of days…but oh the joys mixed in are our reminders that He sees us and He knows exactly what we need.

    P.S. I spilled a glass of ice water EVERYWHERE this morning in my living room; a little old lady got out of her car at the grocery store earlier and dinged my door hard enough to not only rock my SUV but also leave a paint chip and a major scratch; and I am putting together an Easter party for about 30+ kids TOMORROW (decided today)…it's been a rough day here, too. But God's blessings are abundant!

  11. 161
    Erika says:

    Thank you for sharing your day…it is good to know as Moms we are not alone!
    Blessings to you!

  12. 162
    tiggerdaisy says:

    Oh girl, I just love you. I don't feel like it's just me now! πŸ™‚

    My favorite part was getting your quiet time–a couple of minutes of hiding in the dining room praying. Loved it! You so hit my nail on the head with this one.

    I have a 2 1/2 and a 10 month old. I love this age, but it is most definitely trying at times.

    Prayers and blessings,

  13. 163
    Heather - On the Road... says:

    Oh, OH!
    Do I feel for you!!!!! I have been there. The only reason I am NOT there today is that I am working…

    As my friend keeps telling me – it's a season – it will pass! πŸ™‚

    God bless,

  14. 164
    ET @ Titus2:3-5 says:

    These days of little ones can be so long and trying on us mommies. It is SO GOOD to know that we are not alone! Love and prayers with you.

  15. 165
    Anonymous says:

    On a particularly bad day with a red headed two year old, my brother topped it off with the comment, " Wow! you look really tired! and what is in your hair!! Is that blood?? ( it was ketchup) What are those stains on your clothes!!"

    So, I laughed hard when Jackson ate the toothpaste. Laughing with you, not at you siesta!!

  16. 166
    Tonya Ingram says:

    Wow, that's exhausting just reading it. It's happened to moms everywhere at some time or another, or maybe every day… that's no fun. I have had the imaginary bad mom award MANY MANY times… more than I care to even try to count.

    I loved the part about hiding in the dining room to pray! Gotta find it somewhere…anywhere.

  17. 167
    Heiress of God says:


    As crazy as all that sounds… Someday you will look back and think I did it and scratch your head wondering how that happened and now they are all grown up and you would wish for a couple of those days again because the little problems aren't so little anymore. Thanks for the memories… I forgotten what it was like to have a house full of youngins… πŸ™‚

    Hang in there… you are doing great!!!

  18. 168
    Sheri ID says:

    Wow, you could have been writing about my day with just some minor detail changes! It is such a blessing to hear a story that proves I am not the only one with a life like this. You made my day!

  19. 169
    Diana says:

    God told us that "every good and perfect gift is from above", but He didn't tell us that they are perfect nor are we perfect – just the gift from Him is perfect.

    You will hear over and over how time flies, and when mine were wee-ones I did not believe it for a minute. But truth sometimes is hard to swallow, and too soon those wee-ones walk out our door into adulthood.

    Thankfully God's grace is bigger than our feeble days, our tired days, our out of sorts days; and soon you will laugh at your new carpet colour of washed in/out red tomatoe paste; that won't come out until you replace that piece.

    Thank you for a peek into your lovely life, fallen pizza and all and remember God had that in His plan too!!

  20. 170
    Anonymous says:

    Amanda, how precious these hard days are…. just wait until the teen years. Shalom

  21. 171
    Jen says:

    Amanda –
    love the post…no i'm serious…LOVE it. my favorite parts are the little "mommy lies" that try to creep into your head – SO familiar with that… great job pressing on – all BEFORE NOON! hope the rest of the afternoon was peaceful!


  22. 172
    Anonymous says:

    On a day like this, you call on Bibby to help you!
    Bless your heart, my kids are grown and gone and have experienced some of the same things I experienced with them. It is times like this when you just want to crawl in the bed and cover your head. I appreciate you keeping it real!

  23. 173
    lvaughn says:

    At least I know, that I am not the only one! Thank you GOD!!

  24. 174
    Jerry, Kim and Elijah says:

    Been there, done that! Totally get it.
    Kim Feth
    Apex, NC

  25. 175
    Warrior in Training says:

    ahhhhh the memories being made-I remember our younger days.

  26. 176
    Christine Sweet says:

    Girl, I feel ya. The frustrating moments and the precious ones. That just about sums up many of my days. Life with 2 kids is equal parts chaotic and heartwarming. I loved this post. loved.

  27. 177
    Christine Sweet says:

    Oh, and thank you for saying "yell" without trying to come up with a much nicer word or phrase like "raised my voice" or "snapped". Come on, this is what we, I do from time to time. Nope, scratch that, everyday unfortunately. And I receive and happily return the Bad Mom Award far too often. Anyway, I'm with ya!

  28. 178
    Anonymous says:

    God Bless you dear one and for the most important ministry of all "MOTHERHOOD"- Your children will reflect all the love and investment you are making in their lives. Your post inspired me to pray for all the young mothers in our world and for our Lord to impart an extra blessing, an extra dose of energy and a knowing that they are appreciated and valuable beyond words- and as you received today- a moment of delight in their little ones. Blessings and appreciation, Kathy, an Aunt Siesta in Austin

  29. 179
    Paula says:

    In this midst of the frustration and embarrassment of your day, wasn't God gracious to give you some FANTASTIC moments as well. The pizza guy went back and got you another pizza? Amazing! Jackson expressed sacrificial love to his little sister? Amazing! Annabeth took 2 naps before noon? Amazing! What an AMAZINGLY crazy morning you had! πŸ™‚

  30. 180
    flip flops says:

    I remember those days! With almost all my boys grown up and out of the house, sometimes I long for days like that.
    Thanks for sharing your day with us.

  31. 181
    Anonymous says:

    I'm just a teensy bit ahead of you Amanda—home with a darling "4 and 2/3rds" year old, and a newly 2 year old. Thank you so much for posting this. What an encouragement—I'm not alone! : )

    P.s. never considered ordering pizza for lunch….hmmmm…..very good idea!

  32. 182
    Little Steps Of Faith says:

    Oh girl, thanks for sharing that:) I mean you know I'm not a mom or anything, but you know its just sharing our struggles that inspires πŸ™‚ you know!:)
    Hope you have a better day tomorrow:)

    (I wouldn't order pizza again:)


  33. 183
    wondering04 says:

    Hope you don't mind me saying this, but enjoy those days, except maybe the pizza) for they are over all too soon. I would give anything to revisit those years where my kids were little. Once they get older the circumstances change. Praying some peace, joy, and fun

  34. 184
    Melinda says:

    There are so many of us right there in the trenches with you, sister! Your day sounds like many of mine. It's exhausting and wonderful all at the same time. And terrible and precious… thank God for blogs! We never have to feel alone! πŸ™‚

  35. 185
    Edwards Family says:

    *snicker*…I'm the auntie now (my kids are 16 and 12) but my sister calls me with days like this..(she has all boys ages 5,4,and 3)

    The beauty of this is…..down the road…..these will be your favorite days.

  36. 186
    cselvig says:

    This is an adaptation from one of my FAVORITE books… and if you are a will relate!

    Original Author Unknown

    If you give a mom a muffin,
    She'll want a cup of coffee to go with it.
    She'll pour herself some.
    Her three-year-old will spill the coffee.
    She'll wipe it up.
    Wiping the floor, she'll find dirty socks.
    She'll remember she has to do laundry.
    When she puts the laundry in the washer,
    She'll trip over boots and bump into the freezer.
    Bumping into the freezer will remind her she has to plan for supper.
    She will get out a pound of hamburger.
    She'll look for her cookbook ("101 Things To Do With a Pound of Hamburger").
    The cookbook is sitting under a pile of mail.
    She will see the phone bill, which is due tomorrow.
    She will look for her checkbook.
    The check book is in her purse that is being dumped out by her two-year-old.
    She'll smell something funny.
    She'll change the two year old's diaper.
    While she is changing the diaper, the phone will ring.
    Her five-year-old will answer and hang up.
    She'll remember she wants to phone a friend for coffee.
    Thinking of coffee will remind her that she was going to have a cup.
    And chances are…
    If she has a cup of coffee,
    Her kids will have eaten the muffin that went with it.

  37. 187
    shannon says:

    sounds like a good day to me sista πŸ™‚

  38. 188
    Fran says:

    Every day I have something whacky happening….and i'm ok with it. πŸ˜‰

    Hang in there!!

  39. 189
    Mama Bev says:

    Oh, Amanda,
    Though I'm a grandma now, reading your post brought back a memory like it was yesterday. . .
    My son was 2, daughter 1, and I did daycare for a 2-yr-old girl and 9-month old boy.
    my son decided he would "wash" the girls hair with toothpaste (and yes, she had hair down the middle of her back),and the 9-month-old had a diaper explosion. I got the two cleaned up and changed, got my 1-yr-old off the top of the refrigerator (she was a climber) then put everyone down for a nap (even though it was only mid-morning). As I put my daughter in her crib, she touched the mattress, and a huge cloud of baby powder "poofed" up to the ceiling. I didn't even notice with the white crib sheet! "I just wanted the bed to smell pretty for da-ahna, mommy!"

    Now, 27 years later, said son is a pastor; daughter is the wife of a youth pastor. They do grow up, as I'm sure your mama has told you. But it still makes me tired, just remembering . . .

  40. 190
    DigiNee says:

    I am so sorry darlin', but this mamma of one close to your age and near to your same stage in life (grands are 16 weeks and 2 years) – who has had a HORRIBLE time the last two weeks had to chuckle a little bit – and it is SOOOOOO not funny I know – been there and done that and praise God, lived through it —– screaming, fits, teething, growing pains, no sleep, decisions to make, bills to pay, and etc. etc. etc. – I have been beside myself to know what to do to support the daughter —- and seem to have failed miserably!

    Bless you girl and bless her – with peace!

  41. 191
    Kelly says:

    Im so glad my son isnt the only one who eats the toothpaste out of the tube. Mine can suck it dry in no time flat! πŸ˜‰

  42. 192
    Anonymous says:

    As crazy as your day was – and it is OK to bribe once in a while!! – I remember when I was your age and my kids were small my mother said to me, "honey, these are the best days of your life" and I thought "Oh yeah – those are easy words from someone who gets to shave both legs on the same day.." Well now I get to shave both legs on the same day, sleep all night long, eat without sharing my food and/or drink and my house is normally always quiet. But you know what – I miss those days like you just described. Empty nest is fine, but my mom was right – those were the best days of my life. Hang in there!!

  43. 193
    Amanda Taylor says:

    whew i'm wiped just reading this!

    it amazes me the grace that God gives mothers especially mothers with 2 more kids…you guys are amazing!

  44. 194
    DBK says:

    I'm feeling you completely… Been sick for 3 days now and my precious 2 yr old was jumping and climbing all over me yesterday in the midst of chills and fever and I gave myself worst mother of the year, too… Last Sunday I bribed him with a sucker to take a nap before church so he wouldn't cry when we dropped him off in the nursery… AGAIN! It's ok, you're human. Feeling pretty good I'm not the only one who does this! Hope tomorrow is better!

  45. 195
    Diana says:

    These really are the best days of your life! (from a retired "stay at home" mom who is now working after 20 glorious years at home. Wouldn't trade them for anything in the world! Such great memories…those sound like some of the best! (You'll laugh later)

  46. 196
    Traci says:

    Oh, I remember those days and I really thought I would come undone. I remember a mentor mom telling me that the physical demand and exhaustion gets so much better, but the mental and emotional exhaustion takes over when they get a little older. I thought, "Yeah right, I'm tougher than you- I can't wait until I'm not exhausted all the time." Turns out she was right. I miss those days- I remember the tired that was so deep it was palpable, and I don't miss it, but sometimes I have to concede, it was a little easier (I guess because I knew that at 8:00 pm it would all quiet down). Hang in there- you'll make it. Enjoy them while they are little…and make sure you put all of your sharpies away. I'm just saying- it's a good piece of advice. Trust me.

  47. 197
    The B Family says:

    and people have the audacity to say to us stay-at-home moms, "So.. do you work?"

  48. 198
    Melody says:

    Amanda, I know you've heard this a million times, and I honestly do remember what it's like to be in your shoes, but just try to enjoy the season you are in right now. My girls are 16, 18 and 20, and I truly miss those crazy days with little ones. God bless!

  49. 199
    Life Is Crazy Beautiful says:

    ☺ 2 songs came to mind…

    "Mama said there'd be days like this.."
    "You're gonna miss this"
    (and you really will!)

    Yay pizza dude! Motherhood definitely keeps us humble. Thanks for the smile!!


  50. 200
    Uncanny Colleen says:

    Sounds like home to me!

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