I came across a blog today that asked this question: When you were 16, where did you think you would be at the age of 30? I thought it was a great question and it got me thinking but in a slightly different direction.
I have a friend who is an airline pilot. It might sound ordinary enough but you see, he has ALWAYS wanted to be a pilot. Since he had braces and a buzz cut in the fifth grade. That’s the only thing he has ever wanted to do. And now this is what he does professionally as a twenty-eight year old. How cool is that? I also have a friend who was passionate about American Sign Language in the second grade. How can you be passionate about something so noble in the second grade, you may ask of me. I honestly don’t know- she might be one of the “angels unawares” of which the KJV of Hebrews 13:2 speaks so ambiguously. But seriously the last time I checked she was studying American Sign Language at the graduate level. I marvel at these two friends of mine because of their steadfastness in one direction. There is just something so beautiful and symmetrical about people fulfilling their lifelong dreams.
I, on the other hand, cannot even remotely resonate with such continuity of life. I grew up wanting to be the first woman in the NBA. Basketball was my childhood passion and so it seemed like a reasonable dream. When the WNBA first kicked off you would have thought that I would have adapted my dreams a little. I didn’t. Instead I mocked the women thinking that the entire league was lame and that I would be vastly different- I would play out there with the boys. Yeah, didn’t so much happen. I don’t think I need to explain why that dream wasn’t fulfilled. Then I wanted to be an Interior Designer and took two years of classes at Baylor in this direction. I loved my classes and my professors and I could have easily seen myself as an Interior Designer. Until I took New Testament, that is. Then my world changed. But the truth is I never saw myself going into vocational ministry and certainly never saw myself as a book nerd. If you would have told me ten years ago that I would be doing what I do today I would have laughed shamelessly at your presumptuous foretelling (if I was in a good mood) or I might have slapped you in the face (if I was in a bad mood). Yet here I am sitting behind a desk with my face in a book most of the day and I couldn’t imagine life any other way.
So what about you? When you were a kid who or what did you want to be when you grew up? And what do you do now?
*Hey everyone! This is Amanda. Melissa asked Mom and me to write our answers in the post. When I was 16 I wanted to be a broadcast journalist like Barbara Walters. I remember spending many Friday nights of my young life at my grandparents’ house and we always watched 20/20 at 9:00 on Channel 13. I did go on to major in journalism, but I’m definitely not hosting a news magazine show on TV! Nowadays I work part-time from home as a blog administrator. I never would have imagined when I started working at LPM 7 years ago, much less when I was 16 and didn’t even know what the Internet was, that this would end up being my job. I love what I do and am very thankful for the life God has given me.
When I was in high school I wanted to be a paralegal and eventually a lawyer. I always got jazzed thinking about being in a courtroom and hammering a witness with questions until they broke down. 🙂
I ended up getting a degree in communications and being a writer until about 5 years ago when I decided to become a nurse. I just graduated at the age of 38 with a 17yr old and twin 12 yr olds, but I know this is what God called me to do. I never would have imagined I could be in a profession with so much gross stuff and science background, but I love caring for people.
I wanted to be Carol Burnette, (go figure) I loved how she found such joy in the laughter of others. She seems comfortable in the roll of laughter, like wearing a comfortable coat, tailored just for you.
Me, I am now a bible teacher. And yes, I wear the comfortable coat tailored just for me! (go figure)
Growing up all I could think about was being a school teacher. I can remember my Granny Rose telling me the funniest stories of me playing school for ex when I was little I would get the tide, shampoo/ conditioner bottles, joy, well any bottle I was allowed to play with line them up in the living room floor give them each a name and then give them a lesson. I had a hard time giving up the teaching "dream" but God had other plans for me. I'm not really sure why he didn't open that door but I know it was for my good and besides I love my job. I work at Quality Home Health as a Physical Therapist Assistant. I love spending time with the elderly they are so funny and they have taught me a lesson or two. I also had a patient who was 105 years old!! Can you believe that! She was talking one day about all her friends/ family who had passed away years and years ago and wondered what they were doing in heaven and so on…. I just took her by the hand said well I bet there thinking poor old Mrs Rich didn't make it. She just laughed and said well I'll show them.
Kelly Jo
Albany Ky
At sixteen I had several dreams. I definitely wanted to be a wife and mom, and a teacher and a doctor (I was uber ambitious).
I went to college and got my degree in Business Administration -I was prepared to take the corporate world by storm. God had a different plan.
Four years later I find myself married to the most wonderful man and working in full-time ministry. I spend my days counseling and praying for others…NOT at all what I expected. However, odd as it may seem, I can't imagine myself doing anything else (except one day becoming a mommy – that's still in the works!!).
When I was a kid I wanted to be a nurse and work in the nursery in the hospital maternity ward. (I was an only child and was nuts about babies.) I have been a perinatal nurse for 28 yrs. – first doing post partum and nursery, then labor and delivery. Now I am a certified lactation consultant. So I have been blessed to do what I wanted from way back. I also wanted to teach school and spent a few years (before my nursing career) being a teacher's aide. I am a much better nurse and all because of the grace of God!
Melissa –
I didn't have any dreams of anything. My family was very poor, my dad an alcoholic, some of my teachers and classmates laughed at me and called me stupid and dumb in front of the class and others.
Some of the church people where we attended looked down on us becasue we were poor and Daddy didn't go to church and he drank.
Only the Lord got me through to the 12 grade. c's and d's but baby I made it.
Today, I am a Wife to the same man of 26 yrs, we have 4 beautiful children who profess salvation.
I am an artist of paints, pens, pencils, and collages.
I am a published author of Christian Fiction Romance.
I prasie the Lord for what he has given me, I give Him and only Him all the glory for what He has done in my life.
Thanks for the reminder Melissa, I was having a pretyy crummy evening.
Reba Stanley
I wanted to be Miss Kitty on Gunsmoke. I didn't know she was a prostitute. I just knew Marshall Dillon loved her. I wanted to be loved like that. I ended up with a lot of sex with different men, but I never got paid for it. Then- Jesus!
Now- whiter than snow
: )
Response to JudyBrights post-
Hang in there girl.
WE ALL go through hard times in our marriages. or most of us do.
me and my husband of 26 years just went throught a season and a long one I might add, of thinking it was done. over, nothing good left here. just growing old, tired, fat and not liking each other.
With the Lord's help it is much much better now. We like each other better now. I think we may make it another day.
Your fellow Siesta
I loved sign language as a kid and decided to teach deaf students. That is what I have my degree in and had the priviledge of teaching for 3 years before I had kids. Now I'm a stay at home mom–that was next on my list! Maybe I'll get back to teaching. For now I sometimes sign songs at church. I love to worship in sign!
When I was 16, I wanted to be a singer. Nowadays, at the age of 30, I do sing…at church, and not nearly enough. God convicts me of this a lot and I am working on getting back into it. I've also been a programmer/analyst in the computer technology field…'retired' after 4 years to stay at home with our 3 sons. So now I am a full-time mom and wife. It's funny how life works…when I was in college, I could only dream of wearing heels every day and helping people. I did that, and was fulfilled…but then I felt guilty for having my children in child care in the evenings after school and such. God showed me that I can make a difference at home, and that is the most important difference of all.
My dream — as a really young child I wanted to be a vet. Mostly I just wanted to play with the puppies and kittens (still love doing that). As I got a bit older (maybe 12 or so) and all the way through my …. oh, let's just say older. I wanted to be a super star — make that Super Star.
(I've read through so many of these comments and they are so wonderful — women who wanted to be a wife and Mom. I love that job — love it! But it never crossed my mind until I started doing it. And other incredible callings. I'm just a bit different.)
I can't sing a note or dance a step. I don't play an instrument. I just wanted to be a SUPER STAR — didn't matter if it was Rock Star, Movie Star, TV Star, I just wanted the spotlight. I finally grew out of that, yes I did. Okay, mostly. Now, I'm just blown away by what the Lord calls me to do — I work with abused / neglected children and I speak / write for Him.
He is so incredibly cool! I love how He's taken my desire to be center stage and replaced it with a desire to make Him the CENTER of my life and these days when I am on the stage, you better believe I've spent some serious time before the throne because I NEVER want that stage time to be about me, but only all about Him.
oh, and Beth — I work in the court system with a District Attorney who is a Rountree — and he's from Texas. Small world, isn't it?
And my oldest daughter, she does hair (for all non-deep south folks, that means she's a hairstylist). And it's always been her dream — she works in an adorable shop in a small town. Very Steel Magnolias.
When I was little and plagued with health problems spending much of my life in the hospital from ages 4-9 I definitely wanted to be a nurse! Later on I did think teaching might be a cool job.
The nurse dreams died when I realized I hated science classes! The teacher dreams well…..
I am now a university professor:) Praise God for Him giving me the gift of teaching:)
wow,what a great question. what i have seen reading these comments was how many siestas Godly women are teaching our children Amen and some how they are blessing the children they are teaching and planting the seeds.
Beth, Amanda,Melissa love you and your dedication to your work.you truly bless us all!
Oh, i can't resist posting… though my dreams are all mixed up and i am still trying to figure out what my heart passion is… i have many and tend to get bored if things don't stay challenging yet i totally LOVE simple things and making things beautiful… and connecting with people and growing…
So… when i was younger… i dreamed of being a rancher, traveling, speaking and writing, making a difference somehow… i wanted to fall in love and marry… and have a family and all because we love Jesus passionately…
So… now… i am single still… wish and hope and pray i get to marry… would still love to have kids but realizing my energy isn't what it use to be … but still long to hold my sweet babies someday… and train them up in Jesus w/ my wonderful husband (where is he? patiently waiting) I still love the outdoors… i do travel as much as i can… i am a student AGAIN so hopefully i will get to write and speak more often.. have done that as a teacher and leader…. So… ah, my life is still forming even though I am 35…
I love that we are moving from Strength to strength… glory to glory. Not disappointed but looking forward and Upwards!
I remember wanting so much to be a vet. I wrote all my reports on vets in elementary school. Then bc I love science so much decided a marine biologist would be better and more exciting bc I'd be working with someone very much like Jacques Costeau. 🙂
Then after taking French in high school and doing great, I decided to do something w/that and graduated w/a BA in Int'l Studies and French and went to Monterey Institute of Int'l Studies, Monterey, CA to become a translator and interpreter. I planned to eventually work for the UN and travel everywhere…until I started getting more serious with the boyfriend (who is now the hubby of 13 yrs) and realized that bc I'd need to move abroad for several years to continue perfecting my French, I'd be leaving him behind and knew I couldn't do it. So that dream died. My daughter and son are my delight and I stay home with them full time for now. Even though I love it and them and my husband so, so much, I have not always been the best mom and have made mistakes that w/the help of the LOrd I'm working on repairing and transforming. My childhood was very hard but I am revamping my thought closet and getting the junk and lies out and it is making a differnce in how I mother…I'm working hard on letting Jesus mother thru me and boy, can He do a better job. Anyway, this is my job now and I'm going to do it as unto Him!!
Melissa G., Concord, CA
I wanted to be a nurse but I had a teacher that told me don't go into anything medical because you can't do math. well I didn't but I became a teacher (that did very well in math and science in college) that made sure every day I told my students you can be whatever you want and don't let anyone tell you that you can't. I loved my 33 years as a teacher so I guess the teacher did a good thing for all those students whose lives I touched with God's daily blessing.
Most of my young childhood I wanted to be a singer, but i don't actually have the voice for it! For a brief period, maybe only a month or so, I wanted to be an African missionary which is what I am doing now. Kind of crazy since I didn't really pursue it. It just happened. I actually started out my post college days as an art teacher with no clue that I would end up in Tanzania.
I've always wanted to be a nurse. Ever since I was young and Mom would make us sit in the hospital waiting room while she visited friends. The nurses moved silently thru the halls dressed in their white uniforms and I knew that was what I wanted to do. I loved that hospital "smell". After H.S. I attended Nursing School and after working for a couple years I moved to California and began working in a small hospital Emergency Room. And 35 yrs later I retired from that same hospital. I can't imagine ever working at another career. Mom told all us kids to find something to do that you really enjoyed doing and get someone to pay you to do it. Since retiring I decided to work one evening a week at an Urgent Care because I really like being a nurse
Carolyn RN
I wanted to be a police officer. I worked for law enforcement and just before I was to marry, I was accepted in the police academy. But I was to marry and move out of state. I chose being married and God did not want me to be a police officer. Now all my dreams are completely wrapped up in Him. I am counting on HIM to thrill me and equip me to do what I love most…discipling HIS people. I am now at age 40 and nothing I thought at 16 that I would be has turned out to be so. And that is OK. My life is hidden in Jesus Christ.
Much love to all you Siestas.
Tampa, FL
When I was in 7th grade, I fell in *love* with a 9th grade boy when I heard him sing. I loved him all through high school, from afar mostly. Then he became my oldest brother's friend and he came to my house!!!!
So when I was 16, my goal was to marry him. No, didn't happen, but I did get a kiss goodnight from him when I was a Junior! Be still my heart!
Now, after living in Wyoming for 3 years, I want to ride bulls in the rodeo! In the mean time, I'm a domestic engineer.
When I was little, I wanted to be a teacher and as I got a little older, I wanted to be a singer. As I got older my dream of teaching turned into wanting to be the next Beth Moore, seriously. I went to a conference in my hometown when I was in high school and as soon as I heard Beth talk, I thought, "This is what I want to do!" I know that might show my age a bit (just a mere 25 yrs) but I wanted to be able to reach out and touch women and young girls lives with the kind of authenticity and power of the Holy Spirit like Beth did for me and so many others that day and for all the years following.
I received a degree in Biblical Studies for Moody but the Lord had very different plans for me than what I had imagined. I got married and have 2 beautiful boys that I get to stay at home and train to be, Lord willing, men after God's own heart.
I still have a great desire to disciple women in some capacity, I'll guess we'll just have to see what the Lord does!
Thank you, Beth for your inspiration!!
Oh Wow.. When I was a small child.. just 5 years old, I wanted to be a Nurse(part 1 of my dream). By the time I was 22 years old I fulfilled that dream by getting my degree as an LPN.. then topped it all off by getting my RN degree by the time I was 25! I can not imagine doing anything else. I am now 45 years old… and have worked in a variety of ways as a Nurse. My dream now(part two).. to head to the mission field in some way as a Nurse.
When i was in 8th grade i can remember wanting to be nothing more than a housewife. Stay home, tending to the house,and raising my kids, i wanted 2 kids a girl first and a boy last.. At 16 i can remember changing that dream to first a cashier at a grocery store.. yeah i know, why a cashier? I used to walk down to the grocery store a few blocks from the house after school and sit and watch the cashiers for hours. Loved listening to them registers. Then it changed to wanting to be a child psychologist. Some part of me Still wants that, or to be doing counseling of some sort. Where am i at today? A single mom of a beautiful young lady and young man. God allowed that dream fulfilled in exact order i dont mind telling!I was a stay home mom up til my daughter was 16. Currently , i work as an animal care provider but a new job is opening up as a "cashier" in a retail store… Who knows, maybe that counselor dream is in the making 2. I dont know but i do know this. God is in Control.
Hi Amanda and Melissa,
I got so depressed when I read this yesterday. I relapsed into unbeleif! When I was 16 I wanted to be Anne Wilson of Heart….so a Rock Star among about 100 other things. I was in the Gifted and Talented program at school so my future was secure in success….HA!
Here is where I have ended up after years of Taxi Driver, Busker, Valet/Door woman, Advertising Account Manager, Broker Dealer Trader, Nanny, Shoe Shiner, Fashion Stylist, Car Salesperson, WHEW! I am finally the receiver of my most successful title FAILURE!
It is good to know that God loves a messy heart to clean up! That is my job now…..BELEIVING GOD!
In the Beloved with you,
When I was younger, I wanted two things: to be a teacher and a mother. I am 30 now and neither of those dreams has come to pass. What I am is a wife, a sister, a daughter, the aunt to the most beautiful set of twin babies you have ever seen (boy & girl), the mother of the 3 silliest dogs in the world and of all things, a bookkeeper for the Sheriff's Office. Me who absolutely hates Math.
I have a good life, a husband who adores me, puppies who follow me around like three shadows and a God who is more merciful to me than I will ever be worthy of.
My childhood dreams have not come true, but perhaps it's because those were my plans and not what God had in store. Besides, you never know what He still has in store for the future. I can't wait to find out.
Love to you all,
All I ever wanted to do was be a mom…and a mom I am…unfortunatly I'm a full time working mom and not a SAHM like I would like to be.
Been Thinkin' 'bout…my fabulous careers!
I never thought I'd be
a nurse,
but I'm always on call, even at 3 a.m., yes I am.
I never thought I'd be
a taxi driver through snow or rain or shine,
but I am, yes I am.
I never thought I'd have
the love of a man, a special one, faithful and true,
wasn't pretty enough, chatty enough, sweet enough,
but I do, oh yes I do.
I never thought I'd be
a music teacher,
and hear those random melodies become one with harmony,
and bear a song, a lovely song.
I never thought I'd be an octopus,
and perform with greatest of ease,
as though I had 8 arms and wipe a nose and
scramble eggs, as I talk on the phone and kiss and squeeze.
I never thought I'd be a philosopher,
and understand the lessons I learned as a child that would
serve me so well – now I know why.
I never thought I'd run a laundry,
and iron and fold my client's clothes.
I never thought I'd be a Doctor,
and work tirelessly to heal broken hearts
and mend shattered dreams.
I never thought I'd be a cheerleader,
tall and thin, with platinum blonde all shiny and prim,
but I am – "Way to go girl!" and "That's MY son!"
I never thought I'd be a vet or "bug-o-logist",
and harbor ferrets and crickets and an array of
other creepy crawlie pets.
I never thought I'd be an author,
and write books upon books of cute things spoken or
record memories never lost or broken.
I never thought I'd be a translator,
of tiny sobbing voices, or baby ways of getting a point across, or teenage emotions – some lively, some cross.
I never thought I'd be a famous hairstylist,
cutting and clipping the mane of my men or setting a
bow all perky and trim.
I never thought I'd be an event planner,
turning meals into a banquets and birthdays into an unforgettable bash.
I never thought I'd be a family counselor,
to balance the emotions of siblings that didn't get to choose each other.
I never thought I'd be an architech,
building dollhouse dreams, and making snow forts while
shaping lives and hearts to grow into strong edifices of character.
I never thought I'd be a housekeeper,
and entertain the finest of guests for 18 or 19 years per request.
I never thought I'd be a theologian,
and strive to explain the mysteries of God to my tiny clan.
I never thought I'd be a nanny,
where other children are always welcome in our yard, that's best.
I never ever ever thought I'd be a teacher,
but my oh my the teaching never ends.
I never thought I'd be an astronautical engineer, (is there such a thing?),
making paper airplanes precise or simply upon a whim.
I never thought I'd be a boo boo kisser,
dream catcher, poison ivy scratcher, CIA secret keeper, liaison, miracle grower, bad habit trimmer,
story teller, memory maker, tradition keeper, homework tracker, bookbag holder, paper keeper, bed maker, yucky ucky job encourager, project manager, list maker, hug giver, bottom wiper, wave giver, tireless advocate,
unconditional love giver.
Hhmmm, should I go on?
I never in my wildest of dreams and extreme imaginations
thought I'd achieve such marvelous and fabulous success.
Oh, I LOVE what I do, passionately and true.
For you see?
I'm just a mom! Yep, that's absolutely all I do!
Love, Rachel
Melissa, I love y'all…don't think I've ever left a comment. I read the blog and have loved your mom for years. You got me thinking about my dreams…couldn't rest till I put my thoughts into words. Thank you for the great job you do for LPM. Love, Rachel
When I was a little girl, I either wanted to be a nurse or a teacher. Then in Junior High, I decided to be a secretary. I took all the courses to be a secretary, and wound up being a claim representative at an insurance company. Now, at age 50, I am pursuing my dream of being a teacher.
Ninette G
Seagoville, Tx
I was sure after being on a Mock Trial team in HS that I was destined to be the world's most successful, independent, lawyer.
I took one political science class my freshman year of college and dropped it the next week.
Found the love of my educational life in Psychology class. Exploring the mind became my passion in and out of the classroom.
Now I am a Counselor and a Mom and you need those skills to be married and a parent. I am a SS teacher too, and I use the counseling skills ALL THE TIME there, too. God just knew…
I am one of "those people" who had a dream and am there. From the time I could set up a classroom in the basement of our split-foyer house I did. I taught my younger brother, my stuffed animals, and empty seats. I went to college, graduated with a teaching degree and sit here at my desk during my planning time typing to you. The only thing is that I'd rather be at home with my sweet boys than in this classroom. So, I think sometimes we don't know what to dream for. It didn't occur to me at a young age that I might have a wonderful, hard-working husband and two darling children that I'd love more than my dream. But, we need the cash so here I am. I do love it, but I just love THEM more.
I always wanted to be a nurse. It never really occurred to me to be anything else. It took a while though because my parents could not afford college so I had to work to pay for it, but now at 40, I have been a nurse for 15 years and absolutely love it.
It is also the perfect job for me because I can find work whenever my husband transfers jobs and I can stay home with my children as much as I need and those were not even my reasons for wanting to become a nurse in the first place.
I had no idea, but God did.
When I was a teenager I always wanted to be a worship leader like Christy Nockels. My younger brother was in a band that lead worship for our youth group. I always thought we would be a great team. However, I don't seem to have the song writing talent that Christy Nockels has.
It is funny because my life has turned out totally different from what I had expected it to be. God is SO good. I love the path my life is on. That does not mean it is easy. Actually my life has never been more challenging than it is right now. I find hope and peace in the fact the God has some amazing things in store for me to put me on this path.
Candy Smith
Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a nurse. I never thought of being anything else.I have been a registered nurse for 30+ years.
I truly believe nursing is a calling and I thank God for the privelege of caring for those in need.
After 30 years, I still can't think of anything else I would rather do. It has and continues to be filled with rich rewards.
Hi Melissa I read your post yesterday and I thought about it and thought I don't think I will write a comment well I came back to it this a.m. Well let me tell you something when I was little I wanted to become a airline attentand and a nurse. Well none
of those dreams came true see my family became disfunctional at the age of 5yrs old so I will not go into detail but I currently work in a warehouse for a heating and plumbing company and have been there 3yrs. If I could afford it and did not have alot of other stuff on my plate I would go back to school to learn be able to help abuse women with children. That shoud explain to you my childhood. I love to help people one day God will use me to do that
Love Carol Albuquerque nm
I have dreamed of being so many things and yet my passion is solving problems. Ant that is what I do as a project manager. However when asked today about goals I avow, "I want to help people".
My husband and I have talked about our 33 years of marriage and what we envisioned. We both decided that when we married in our twenties we could never have described what our life would be like today with two wonderful daughters, a fantastic son-in-law and a precious grandson. For the next 30 years we really don't know where that will lead us other than we know we walk by faith. Hallelujah!
I had several dreams growing up – everything from a high-powered attorney (thanks LA Law)to an FBI agent! Strangely enough, my first grade teacher told my mother (and I overheard her) that I would be an author one day. I am now a working writer and I hope to publish a book in the next few years. God put our dreams there to educate us and he also gave us gifts to cultivate. A life spent longing to go in the right direction, in the direction that God intends, will see more fufillment than others.
I always wanted to be a Mommy. In my baby book my mother wrote that I loved anything that was a baby. Whether it was animals or human. I have been a mother for 15 years to 2 beautiful children. It is the greatest job I could ever have. I also get the privelege of babysitting a beautiful 2 year old boy.
From the time I was 4 I wanted to be a zoo keeper. It was everything to me. Then in high school I read "Animals as Teachers and Healers" and watched Mary Tyler Moore host the Animal Assisted Therapy Awards and I was changed forever. That was my goal. So I did some calling (lot's of calling) only to be told that there are no careers in this. At that time (1997) even people who trained seeing eye dogs were volunteers.
I was never one to forge ahead wehre no one had gone before, so I took one year of college and dropped out. I got married and worked in sales until my daughter was born in 2004. She starts school this year and so do I. While she is in school, I will be studying Massage Therapy that I can do part time from my home.
When my daughter is older I plan to follow my dream and take some classes in animal behavior, and phsycology then combine all three for some sort of animal assisted therapy.
Every time I hear a story of an animal touching someone's life I know it is God, because that is how he first revealed His love to me.
I wanted to be the best mother in the whole world.
Well, I had three children but I was nowhere near the best mother in the whole world. I continued having that goal until one day I was visiting a friend's house and she had on her kitchen counter a little figurine with a sign that said "The Best Mother in the Whole World". And I started laughing and saying – "Oh no! You got the award. I can stop trying!" From that moment on I relaxed and just enjoyed being a mother. Such freedom from an impossible goal. It had been a heavy burden.
After I was introduced to Jesus at the tender age of five, I lined up all my dolls and stuffed animals and set my Bible on my little white cart in my room and told them all about Jesus. I wanted everyone I knew to know about my Jesus! It wasn't long after that, that the enemy diverted my path. TV shaped my dreams – I wanted to skate with my arms out like Peggy Fleming (I was the last pick in PE), run and hear like the Bionic Woman (I was not co-ordinated & not the best student ) , sing like Marie Osmond (I'm a joyful noisemaker) take care of painful memories by blinking them away like Samantha (for years I stuffed everything). My life most resembled Gilligan's Island – it seemed I tried everything to get off the deserted island I'd made of my life; but every effort I'd made, kept me shipwrecked.
It was on the pages of Living Beyond Myself that marked a new beginning with the Living, Breathing Word that changed my life. Turning the pages of Scripture, I found what I'd been missing, wanting, aching for and dreaming of. And after Deeper Still this last weekend, the stirring of dreams in my heart of sharing my First Love seems to be re-awakening.
My life had been like the empty looking toothpaste tube I cut open this morning. On the outside it looked like every bit had been squeezed out; but when I cut it open, there was so much more inside. I want the *So much more* of God that He placed on the inside of me, to be brought to the surface and used. Every last bit. Every drop.
At 16…a wife and mom…and now I'm a part-time dental hygienist and a full-time wife and mom…
When I was in the 8th grade, my little sister had a friend spending the night. The girls were talking about how a "mean girl" at school was making fun of my sister's friend because she talked like a baby. (She couldn't say her "r" words right.) That infuriated me, and I said, *I'll* teach you how to say it, and lo and behold, I did. In one evening.
Her mother came to me later and thanked me and said that she had been taking her to a speech therapist and couldn't believe I was able to teach her that in one night, and that maybe *I* ought to be a speech therapist.
I was 13. Now I'm 34. Guess what? I'm a speech therapist. 🙂
A speech therapist who knows "r" is one of the hardest sounds to correct and could NEVER be fixed by a 13 year old in an evening… that experience was totally God, showing me the path I was to take. 🙂
When I was young I wanted to be lots of things, but mostly pretty. Be noticed….
When I got to high school age and excelled in office subjects, typing, shorthand, bookkeeping, etc I knew I wanted to work in an office. Wanted to go to college but parents didn't support that, so just went and got a job in an office. Had a few before I married a military man, got to be a stay at home mom and then back to office work after almost 18 yrs of only hit and miss jobs. I did work a little when both kids were in school, but moving around didn't get me a real steady job. When we retired to MI I went back to work full time and was very comfortable doing office work…(can't take any risks, had to do what I knew). Worked for the same company for 16 yrs, got downsized and then went to work for another company for 9 yrs. Got laid off, so I officially retired. Sort of, now I take care of my grandchildren while my daughter who is going through a divorce tries to start her life over.
I am absolutely AMAZED at how our God works. He is so good!!!
However you can pray for my husband and I because he doesn't have a whole lot of work due to the recession and HIGH unemployment numbers in MI. We obviously need the $$. I don't charge my daughter because she can't afford it and it doesn't sound right to me. Anyway, please pray for work for my husband.
Blessings to all,
Bible Bunny in NO MI
At 16 I wanted to go to Baylor, pre-med, become an OB/GYN and be married with a family. At 30, I did go to Baylor, but English grabbed me instead of science. I'm now a wife to the man I love and the stay at home mother of a little girl that makes my cup run over. God is good! There is no doubt He had plans for my good!
When I was young, I loved to draw, wanted to get married and have 9 dogs. In college I went from Occupational Therapy to Art Education. Got married, had 3 children, stayed at home. Got involved with bible study, became a teacher of the bible, did a retreat for women using the book called, "The Dream Giver" only a few years ago. As an empty-nester, with all my "excuses" gone, I woke up to the fact that God wanted me to paint so I am an artist now finally, and still teach bible study. Love it!
When I was 7, I felt like the Lord told me I was supposed to be nurse just like my mom. I figured I'd end up a medical missionary in Africa somewhere–that is, if I lived that long because Jesus would come back before I hit 30. So, I graduated from high school and started my college career at the local community college. After struggling with organic chemistry and anatomy and physiology, I decided that probably wasn't where I was gifted. I went to Bible college for a year and it was there the Lord answered the burning question I'd had all through my teen years, "WHY am I the oldest of 12 children?" His answer, "Because I want you to use all that experience and be a teacher." The light bulb went on, I stayed at the Bible college, received a degree in elementary education, taught classroom for two years, got married and had 5 girls which I now homeschool. I teach other people's children at our church in VBS, as the Awana Cubbies Director, and in children's choir. I absolutely LOVE to teach children. The current dreams (which are still unfulfilled as of yet) are to get my Master's degree in Children's Literature and write a Caldecott/Newbery winning book or open a tea shop called The Tea Cozy. We'll see how God leads!
Mary Lou Menning
Young America, MN
16…hmmm…I'm now 30, going to be 31 on Monday…eeks! Ok, so I dreamed of being a teacher since I was a little girl. I remember playing teacher with my friends in grade school. I had a big black chalk board and would teach and teach and teach. God bless them for listening to me! However, I am I am now a web developer and have been for 10+ years.
Recently, I have thought alot about teaching and have been helping in our church preschool. I have been praying alot about where God wants me to be in life and I really feel Him pulling me back to the teaching realm. I would love to teach a kids Bible study or preschool! So, maybe I will fulfill my lifelong dream!! If it's in God's will for my life, then I pray that He will help me fulfill this dream.
I just finished Beth's Esther study: It's Tough Being A Woman. Loved it! And I love you all so very much!! This study really got me thinking and taking some action! I've felt God moving me and I just keep digging my heals in the ground, scared to take a leap of faith. Just this last week, I've started inquiring and looking into going back to school! It's been a crazy whirlwind of emotions, but I'm excited to see what God will do!!
Thank you so much for all you do for our Lord, Jesus Christ!!
I always wanted to be a mom to a huge family. I would always play marriage and family.
I have two precious girls, work full time, and still holding on to the dream of "family".
Also, always knew someone was secretly recording me to be the next Gidget!
Love and Blessings, Debbie in Tennessee
I wanted to be Karen Carpenter or Olivia Newton-John. I had the "nevers" too. I was never gonna have kids and be a stay at home mom, I was never moving back to my hometown, and I was never gonna be a Baptist! "never" doesn't really work. I've done all of that and added homeschooling too, and wouldn't change any of it. Now I'm a massage therapist and L O V E it!
I always "planned" on becoming a nurse. I was awarded a scholarship and had enrolled in a northern Minnesota college…then a wonderful "friend" I met in Mexico on a missions trip invited me to come spend the summer at his family's farm in Canada before starting school. I never made it to school…I am now a farmer's wife, married for 15 years, and a mom to 3 great kids. God's plans are always perfect!!