Wednesday Play-by-Play Day

7:40 AM – Checked out of Holiday Inn Express, Durham, New Hampshire. Never got my make up on. Wrote Siestas too long. Hair’s gonna need to go in a clip.

7:45 AM – Event team loads into a mighty caravan of minivans. Vans all have signs on them. Event team’s van says “Secret Servants” (i.e. Secret Service, get it?), Praise team sign says “Praise Corp” (press corp, get it?) and ours says (you better know that I didn’t come up with any of this. It was Rich) “Beth Force One.” We are the van with all the baggage. Oh, Lord have mercy. Is that ever an understatement. One of our vehicles is unmarked because it belongs to our coworker’s fiancee who joined us yesterday. Ron’s calling it The Decoy.

7:47 AM – Missed exit.

7:48 AM – Lost.

7:52 AM – In Maine. Not on our event schedule. Turned around.

7:57 AM – Finally made it back to bridge. As we drive up, bridge closes, lifts and lets tug boat through. Making good time.

8:10 AM – Starving. Got a lot of miles behind us. Road warriors. Stop for breakfast at The Friendly Toast…in Durham. That’s right. In DURHAM. We’ve not made it out of the city yet.

8:30 AM – Fantastic menu. Got served one of the best danged breakfasts of our entire lives. Nicest waiter I’ve ever had with a “Teardrops of Satan” T-shirt on. Ate well-done veggie omelet with fried country potatoes and HOME MADE thick wheat toast with a side of gingerbread waffles and pomegranate syrup.

10:15 AM – finally paid out and made it back to vans. Parking tickets on all vans. Went over our two-hour parking meter by five minutes.

12:00 Noon – Tooling down I-84 West well on our way. Looks like we may not make it to the Big Apple by lunch time. We only have 137 miles to go.

Mad at Travis. He’s in other van with praise team and he’s baiting me. I rode in their van yesterday but am in van with Rich and Ron (our team member who does security) today. Trav sent me a cell pic of Dunkin’ Donuts bag. They stopped without me. They only stopped because they know I love it. They’re so mean. Right after that, I saw the Po-Po (Ron’s a former law enforcer and said that’s not disrespectful. I asked him before I printed it. I am a respectful law-abiding citizen who cries when she gets stopped for a traffic violation.) So I texted Travis and told him I hoped they got pulled over by the Po-Po for Dunkin’ Driving.

Sent Trav and team a pic of my open Bible and told them to read theirs.

Rested my eyes a little while. Whole back seat to myself. Heard Ron singing with the Supremes on satellite radio. Way out of character. Made me riotously happy.
Stopped at Tim Horton’s without telling praise team van. Got variety of donuts and fresh coffee which helps make up for the fact that it’s a tad on the weak side. Texted praise team a picture of donut selection. Eating and drinking without shame.


Talked to all three of my family members. I never go to NYC without A&M if I can help it. Miss them so much. We’d shop until we had broken feet and had to soak them in the hotel bathtub. Miss my man, too. And Starzy and Geli. Talked to the dogs on the phone night before last. I think they are pouting at me. Didn’t say much.
Oh, and I forgot to tell you that on Sunday at the ranch, I stepped on a mesquite thorn. Went straight up through my shoe and into my foot. WAY INTO MY FOOT. Keith had to jerk it out. Three toes and top of foot fire engine red by next morning. Sore as heck. Told A&M about it and both of them swore I could get a staph infection and shamed me into calling doctor today. Have to take antibiotic. If, when I get up in the morning and go to the restroom, I look down and any of my toes are missing, I’m to hobble straight to the hospital no matter what town I’m in. The drama never ends.

Rich likes a variety of music. Just a few vocalists we’ve sung along with so far: Barry Manilow (he writes the songs that make the whole world sing), Olivia Newton John (she loves us. She honestly loves us. She’s not trying to make us uncomfortable. Not trying to make us anything at all), Dionne Warwick (she said a little prayer for us), Chris Tomlin (what a relief), the Eagles (good Bible lesson: you can’t hide your lyin’ eyes), Carly Simon (another good Bible lesson: you’re so vain. I bet you think this post is about you), and The Carpenters (good choice: Joseph was one).

12:30 PM – Driving past Hartford, Connecticut and waving to beat the band. Can’t wait to see you Friday!

Thinking about Delaware. DELAWARE. I can hardly believe we get to go there.

12:48 PM – Just saw sign. 98.6 miles to New York City.

1:03 PM – Just texted The Decoy and instructed our darling engaged couple to please go over their memory verses together. I feel they’ve been unsupervised too long. (They are such a handsome couple they could be on the front of a magazine. Nate is our young stage manager and the biggest blast to ever love Jesus. Raised on the mission field in Africa. Cool to the bone. His bride-to-be, Shelly, is active in our blog community. You’d know her if you saw her. If you were at the Siesta Fiesta, we mentioned that they’d just gotten engaged and we made her come up front and get a door prize. Beautiful girl who also totally digs Jesus. Already faithfully serves Him.) They text me back their verses. Clearly they are taking them out of context. I ask them to pull the car over and let me in. They don’t. But they laugh.

1:04 PM – Bored stiff.

1:07 PM – Giving way to vain imaginations. Dwelling on the last time Keith hurt my feelings. I’m getting madder by the minute. Why didn’t I get madder at the time?? Thinking what I should’ve said.

1:08 PM – Rich bored, too. Has now begun to sing really loud and off key (on purpose). It’s so terrifying that I’m startled out of my downward mental spiral.

1:09 PM – I love Keith so much. I wish he’d call me.

1:10 PM – Am now laughing hysterically at myself. Where is my medication? JK. Don’t write me about that.

I fear if I keep this up, I could risk digressing into the trivial (that even made me laugh) so I’ll sign off for a while and catch you up on our thrilling day in the Big Apple later. At this rate, a LOT later. You are a patient people.

10:35 PM – Yes, that says 10:35 PM. HOURS have gone by, People. HOURS!!!! You are not going to believe this but when I got back to my car after our NYC shopping extravaganza my computer battery was as dead as a door nail (it’s one of those long-lasting ones so it shouldn’t have been) and, hence, I didn’t get to give you a play-by-play all the way to Delaware. I think God thought you guys had been through enough. Of course, at this point only 5 of you are still reading the post and you are all related to me…and embarrassed for me.

SO, since God apparently got weary of my drivel, I’ll limit my comments on the rest of the day to a couple of paragraphs:

Our feet hit the streets of Manhattan by about 2:30. I got a hotdog at one of those sidewalk vendors immediately because I just have to. It’s not even good. Just necessary. Mustard and sweet relish. Then we grabbed some Starbucks and got focused. The team and I had no intention of wasting time at expensive stores. We wanted hip and CHEAP. So we hit a little boutique called “Strawberry” and totally scored. Kinda fruity but not seedy. Some really cute stuff and just the right price. All of us girls got something there. Two of us got the exact same pair of boots – I do mean DARLING boots – that had been a hundred and something dollars and they were marked down to $56. I also got a gray sweater and a…and a…let me go look in my bag…oh, yeah, a new pair of fuzzy slippers. That’s another story. I’m obsessed with this one pair of fuzzy slippers I’ve had a long time (I bring them on the road) and they’re nearly worn out. I call them “The Pinks” because, well, they’re pink. I’ve been really upset because I’ve known they’re on their last leg. Or foot. And I haven’t known what to do. I wanted an exact replacement and couldn’t find them anywhere. Well, today I found some in black. The Black Pinks. I’m so happy. I have them on right now. Especially after my thorn in the flesh.

The praise team and I then went to H&M and Zara. I did very minimal damage at either place but Trav, Seth, Stephen, and Nate made some fairly impressive investments in their personal wardrobes. I don’t think they call what they got “outfits” but they should. Well coordinated if I do say so myself.

After walking somewhere around 43 miles, we were famished and decided to seek out a great little Chinese restaurant. The kind NYC is famous for. Well, we didn’t exactly find one. We found more the airport variety where you walk down a line with an orange tray and get your soy sauce and hot mustard in plastic packs you have to open with your teeth. Alas, we were too worn out to resist. I’ll not name names but a character from Seinfeld was working the counter. She nearly scared me to death. I simply inquired with appropriate southern manners as to whether or not the Chow Mein was prepared with white meat. She yelled, “You having chicken broccoli!” So I had chicken broccoli. It was pretty good but I didn’t eat much of it. She’d given me the nervous stomach. She ended up winning us over. You had to respect her work ethic. Move ’em in. Move ’em out.

And the team and I sat at eight tables for two and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed. Duets were sung. Combo dinners shared. Pictures were taken. Delirious. So happy to be together. So happy to be in Jesus. He brings people together who would never have crossed paths. I cannot express to you how much I love these people.

And, then, we loaded up the vans and began our several-hour excursion to Delaware. Checked in and started writing to you. And now I’m about to drop in the bed. This very day we’ve been in – count ‘em – SEVEN States. And every mile worth it.

Oh, Delaware, we can’t wait to meet you. God of laughter, friendship, community, come receive Your praise. And, Lord, thank You for humoring us today. I hope at least once we really got You tickled.


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200 Responses to “Wednesday Play-by-Play Day”

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  1. 151
    Anonymous says:

    This Arkadelphia girl sure loves NYC! My pastor husband and I have long wanted to move our 3 kids there for at least a year just to experience a change from the precious Arkansas mountains and now the Atlanta suburbs!! One day, when the kids are gone we’ll do it!! I loved hearing of your great fun! God is so good to give you this time!

  2. 152
    cindy says:

    Okay, apparently more than 5 people kept reading the entire post. Girlfriend, you really do have a “blast with Jesus” don’t you?? Party on!! Amen….

  3. 153
    Kim, DE native says:

    Awesome day off! Love the play by play. so sorry about your foot, didn’t make it to the blog before the DE event or would have prayed over your physical strength much longer. Good to see you could roll up the jeans and dance for Jesus after delivering God’s Words straight to our hearts. DE was challenged and stregthened by your presence and Word from the Lord. Since DE IS the bedroom community of all those other “bigger” states AND you could see we are a welcoming bunch (by all the other states who joined us)You MUST return and we will fill the house for Jesus work again. Praying for Connecticut and safe travels home and reunion with the FAM! Thank them for all of us for sharing you this past week. And for petes sake, bring them along next time! Love you so much but God more! Thanks for pointing the way!

  4. 154
    Sooz says:

    I love the pictures! Those fall colors are amazing!

  5. 155
    Leslie says:

    One of my favorite posts ever! You are so wonderful. God bless you.

  6. 156
    Betsy Ann says:

    What a day!!!!!

  7. 157
    thedunnshow says:

    hahahahahahaha! Beth, thank you thank you thank you for being so ridiculously normal. THAT kind of honesty gives me energy and makes me want to know God better! WHERE IS MY BIBLE? I MUST HAVE IT NOW!

  8. 158
    Michele M. says:

    Beth, you don’t have to pick the leaves off of the tree, they will fall off all by themselves. 🙂
    That was the funniest post! I’m glad you are having some fun. I live in central NY and very much wanted to come to your event, but couldn’t. Thanks for coming to the northeast and please come back again soon. Praying for more blessings for your team and a safe trip back.

  9. 159
    "Grammy" Sue B says:

    ~* Thanks a bunch *~ for adding the pix to your already-colorful post. I especially love the blur of your shopping trip!

    This weekend is our ladies’ reteat with YOU….”Loving Well”….and I can hardly wait to spend time with you (AND JESUS!!!!!) this weekend.

    (((hug))) … Sue from Arkansas

  10. 160
    Uncanny Colleen says:

    What a blast you must have had! I am glad that you have such a sweet team and to hear that Ron was singing with the radio!

  11. 161
    Elizabeth Smillie says:

    okay, I read this yesterday and LOVED it – ‘specially the part about singing along to the eclectic music – but I have to say, the pics today absolutely MAKE the post for me again today! Too much fun!!! How can you dare make us all so ….. um, so JEALOUS?!?!?! LOL Huge blessings on you today.

  12. 162
    Anonymous says:

    Hi Miss Beth, or should I call you “Miss Drama Queen”, now???

    You are So funny! I’ve never been to NYC, or Delaware, though.

    I wish I could send Y’all some pictures of all of the beautiful trees that God hand-painted for us about 100 miles north of here in a place called Baraboo, WI, where we actually did a little bit of hiking around at Devils Lake State Park. [Yeah, I’m afraid that’s been its name for as long as I’ve been alive]. However, the name may have something to do with the one rock formation that is called “Devil’s Doorway”. So I’ll just send Y’all a link so Y’all can see it. IF you can climb up into this doorway, do not try to “walk through it”, as you will fall going either way… Very pretty, but a bit creepy, too.

    But, we did see Elephant Rock, though… Cool formation… See it here:

    Have a blessed day and some godly fun at your mini LPL in Delaware!

    Love, in Christ Jesus,

    Jennifer O.
    Southern Wisconsin

  13. 163
    Yolanda says:

    I am so happy for you that you can have F-U-N in the midst of sharing what God has taught you with each one of us.

    I also want to share Beth, with you, that your gift of writing blesses me so!

    Every time “Your So Vain” comes on the radio my husband is asking me what that is all about. I enjoyed “you probably think this post is about you”…..way clever, CLEVER!


  14. 164
    ArmyReserveWife says:

    OH my gosh, I laughed and laughed and laughed.

    I wish we were still in Long Island I would have sent you to a great restaurant.

    Loved the pictures!!

  15. 165
    Jolinda says:

    Oh Beth! Looks like you guys had a blast! Isn't it fun to be on fire for Jesus! Loved the Nanosecond picture of you two jumping! Happy belated Birthday Amanda! Beth you have a wonderful way with words! Your an awesome blessing to your family! & all of us out here in siesta-ville!

    God bless!

  16. 166
    Leslie says:

    Just discovered this blog and enjoyed reading some of it. I’ve often wished that I could just chat w/Beth over coffee..guess this is the closest thing I’ll come to that. I would so appreciate your prayers for me and my house guest. Her name is Debra and she is pregnant and unmarried. I’m 50 years old and have never been married or had any children. After all these years, God has placed this young lady in my care and I am suddenly a “mom” who is going to become a “grandmother”. This precious child is starting to find her way to Jesus and out of a very deep pit. I Tivo Beth on Wednesdays and I’m praying that she will watch one of them, either out of curiosity or even by mistake! Thank you for the role you have played over the years as God has done a miracle in my life through His precious Word, beginning all the way back in 1994. It has led me to this place of being able to minister to someone who needs Him more than anything. Blessings and prayers to you.

  17. 167
    Anonymous says:


    Thank you for sharing!

    Made me think: This is supposed to be fun!-Am I having any?

    Thank you for having a blast while serving. I’m getting ready to go help build a house for Jesus on the rez in Central Arizona this weekend. This really put me in the right mind set. We are going to have a blast, also, thanks for setting an example.

    Yuma, AZ

  18. 168
    The Gores says:

    I was laughing so much at this post as it really sounds like something I would write. Then my husband would say “Do you really need to share every detail” I would reply “Yes, women need the details!!” Thanks for your details. It felt like we were with you all the way!. Oh and so jealous of your east coast trip, well I shouldn’t be jealous, but joyful that you get to be in my favorite place. Happy to hear how God is moving in the EAST! Praise HIM! Keep sharing and Blessings on your time!

  19. 169
    Living Life On Purpose says:

    This entire post was so hilarious! LOL. I’m still laughing!!

  20. 170
    Cheryl says:

    Jesus thank you for Beth! She is more awesome than she knows and what a gal you’ve made of her. Jesus may the woman of Deleware be on their knees for you this weekend! In your holy name-Amen

    Beth-you are so much fun! I loved your play by play and felt right there with you all(wishing I was). You are all so dang fun! Have a blast with Jesus and the praise team this weekend. May God be praised!

  21. 171
    Anonymous says:

    I have never laughed harder at one of your posts…a cross between wanting to be there and watch it all unfold, and thrilled that it wasn’t me on a slow journey.especially enjoyed the singers and comments…too funny!

  22. 172
    Rebecca says:

    u are too much! I love u!

  23. 173
    JSM says:

    I can’t believe you non-chalantly threw in here that you had a Tim Hortons…! A “Timmies” if you will…. have some respect! 🙂 {hope you got a dutchie donut, they’re my favourite!}
    This post is absolutely hilarious, loved it!

  24. 174
    Melanie says:

    You are such a gift to my life, Beth. You, your girls, your ministry and your real, down-to-earth, passionate love for the Lord. You all make me laugh out loud, cry sometimes, think always and you challenge me to go deeper in my relationship with and love for our Savior. I’ve been an unofficial Siesta for a long time and have never personally thanked you for all of the above. THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I hope I’ll get to thank you in person someday – maybe in a local Starbucks!

    Melanie in Rogers, Arkansas

  25. 175
    Missy says:

    I’m ROFL!! You are TOO funny! Thanks for the play by play. My friend lives in Hartford, CT, and he’s been sending me pictures of the beautiful foliage! I went to NYC back in August and guess what…I went to one of the Strawberry stores!! I thought I had hit gold! I got the CUTEST pair of shoes there! I get comments on them all the time! Glad y’all discovered that store, too. 🙂
    I hope God blessed the socks off of everybody there at the Delaware event! I pray for good health for all of the event staff and safe travels home.
    And one more thing…I’m gonna say to you what everyone says to me, “how in the world can your little self eat SO much food?!?” Haaaa! It must run straight out your toe (what people say to me, too)! 😀

    Love u Bethie!
    Missy in SC 🙂

  26. 176
    Michele says:

    I wanted to take a quick look at the blog this morning before I did my bible study. The blog took a little longer to read than I anticipated, but that was ok because today’s bible study was short…”To Live Is Christ”, week 6, day 2, ‘A Long-Winded Preacher’. I truly laughed out loud when you wrote about how you relate with Paul. I love your long-windedness (is that a word?) and love studying about Paul. Thanks for the Biblical lessons and comic relief!

  27. 177
    Andreea says:

    Love the pictures!! And your hair looks great! 😉 Thanks for keeping us posted.

  28. 178
    Hupoclo \o/ says:

    Beth…………..SO WONDERFUL to be traveling “with you” through your excellent posts!!! What fun ya’ll are having. God bless you with LOADS of fun as you travel and serve Him.

    LOVED especially what you said about breakfast. Recently went out to breakfast at IHOP with my co-workers to celebrate boss’s day. I was one of two brave folks who got the pumpkin pancakes. YUM YUMMY!!! (Better than that soup commercial on TV!!) In fact, they were so good, I had to go back the next day after work to have some more and make sure they were as good as I originally thought. Yep, good at suppertime as well. YUM YUMMY again!!!!!

    God bless you all with traveling safety, humorous times, and most of all — lots of seed sowing, fruit bearing moments as you minister to His chosen (already chosen and soon to be chosen) ones. Not praying for “kinda fruity, but not seedy” days during this journey — praying for “bucketsfullof seeds planted and lotsa fruities birthed” during this journey.

    Cynthia \o/

  29. 179
    helene says:

    Oh sweet Beth!! Just got home from your CT night, and, oh what an annoiting upon you dear sister!! You spoke so what we needed to hear!! Thank you!! I just want to take you home with me; and be a best friend in Jesus with you…can’t wait until Heaven when I can talk to you and thank you for your faithfulness on this side…praying for you – that you will love Jesus more 😉 and for your safe travels home…I wish I lived in Houston!!!

  30. 180
    Kristen says:


    Oh my word, I am still laughing!!! I loved the “kind of fruity but not seedy.” You are so stinkin’ cute I can hardly stand it!

    Love you,

  31. 181
    Anonymous says:


    Now I know who to vote for President. You already have your transportation, security, supporters, cabinet members, council,VP,….ahhh and the MOST IMPORTANT DETAIL – YOUR ALMIGHTY FATHER!!!!!!!

    Girl, Thank you so much for including your siestas in on your tour through New England. I felt like I was right along, bouncing back and forth between all the cars, and L.O.V.I.N.G. EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!!!! ;0)
    God blesses me so much through you, Wow, I am just speechless!

    Love you Mama Siesta!
    Kate in Charlottesville

  32. 182
    Alyson says:

    Awww, Mama Beth! You are so sweet, and so funny….and so wonderfully wacky!

    And such an amazing joyful blessing to all of those BFFs of yours who have never met you…

    Heaven is gonna be FUN!

    Love you!


  33. 183
    Andrea says:

    I know you are positively amazed that we are so fascinated with the details of your day, but this is the funniest thing I’ve read in a bit. Even though I cringed and hurt at the thought of that thorn, I laughed out loud at your description and the summary – “the drama never ends”. I have to say ditto to what everyone else has said regarding our love for you and the impact you have on our lives.

  34. 184
    Anonymous says:

    You just haven’t been to New Hampshire if you don’t get lost around Portsmouth–did you manage to drive around the illustrious traffic circle at exit 5 south of town? Usually getting lost around there lands you in Maine, but it’s okay, they’re nice folks up there, too.

    In case you all think I’m kidding, go to Wikipedia and search for “Portsmouth Traffic Circle”. I’ve lived in NH for 11 years and I still can’t figure it out…

    P.S. I hope you also had some pure maple syrup while in New England and not just pomegranate syrup!

  35. 185
    Georgia Jan says:

    Beth: Oh my goodness – this is absolutely the most funfilled play-by-play post I’ve ever read – I loved every word! Girl, you are so witty, clever, creative, funny and random.

    Loved – loved: the van signs and
    your quick takes on the oldies song, e.g., “lying eyes = good Bible lesson!) True!!!

    Also loved it that you said Po-Po, the dunkin driving comment was great, and that you had “chicken-broccoli” cracked me up, and the “fruity not seedy” description, oh girl, you are SO HILARIOUS!

    Do you REALLY know how much fun you are???

    Hope your foot is better and that you get some much-needed rest after this whirlwind tour of the North!

    Your Siesta Sister,
    Georgia Jan

  36. 186
    Mercy4Drew says:

    What a great frolic! (The top pic I mean; that is what my dtr calls them.) You are right up there with the Chuck Norris!

  37. 187
    Shellie Paparazzo says:

    “Dunkin’ Driving” That has got to be my all time favorite! You are too funny! You know I have never been to New York. Never been anywhere on the east coast actually. The farthest east I’ve been is Kansas City, Missouri. I know. Sad, huh? I’m just a poor northwesterner with no money or time to go anywhere!! I’ve always wanted to go shopping in NYC.

  38. 188
    Dianne says:

    Love the play-by-play of your journey and so thrilled that you had a blast. Thanks for sharing the blast with us!

  39. 189
    Suzanne says:

    Oh, Sweet Anonymous…

    Thank YOU…Your encouragement to write… hmmm. It’s unexpected, to be sure! And it’s – – – our Lord, Himself, reminding me of a forgotten call and urging me to get with His design program…(with a kind gentle tap on the shoulder and slight squeeze around the heart!), and you landed smack in the middle of what He’s working in me. Thank you, sweet one.

    Hmmm…… Now, how to start a blog…!…? :^) (I’m such a newbie! I just jumped on board to encourage the LPM Gang – and sooo got encouraged back – just like God, huh? – – – I guess I’m gonna have to take this to Him and find out what’s next! Thanks, again, truly.)

    And, in the meanwhile – dearest,do find yourself a quiet spot and let’s pray together. (Remember, you started it!) Would you pray for me for what God is working out in me, will you? And I will, for you, ask the Lord to do something remarkable for you out of His Word too in these next days. I betcha He’s gonna… He knows who you are, and exactly the refreshing and wisdom you need for His design program for you!

    I do, in the meantime have an email – – and you are warmly invited and more than welcome to visit me there. We’ll have ‘coffee’ over a cozy email sometime! Dunkin’ Donuts or Starbucks? :^)

    Really – blessings, the best God-kind ever!
    ~ Suzanne (‘paperclip girl’/Prayer Co-Coordinator, NH)

  40. 190
    kevintessa says:

    You make me laugh til my belly aches. The best part – getting my sweet husband to listen to me read aloud my favorite parts of your post and watching him get tickled, too! I love it when he laughs. I fall in love with him more! What a fun few moments you’ve brought to our hearts. Thanks!


  41. 191
    Erin says:

    Please adopt me.

  42. 192
    Monica Steely says:

    This is a totally geeky question, but what kind of camera was used to get those pictures? They were very artistic.

  43. 193
    Dianne says:

    Ya’ll know how to have a road trip! Laughed til I cried. Love the recap of Rich’s variety of music and grinned about Ron singing with the Supremes! I’m so glad you all had such a wonderful time. Would have loved to see that caravan passing by!

  44. 194
    Anonymous says:

    I think that was the longest post I’ve ever read! But, totally worth it, wonderful fun. I love NYC too. I especially love that first photo leaping for joy!

  45. 195
    Anna says:

    I’m not about to read all these comments, but I sure hope some siesta has mentioned how young jumping makes you look. we should all jump more. Love you Beth!!!

  46. 196
    Siesta OC says:

    I’m Sorry, Beth,
    But did you say po-po?

    You are the CUTEST!

  47. 197
    MIMILEE says:

    BETH, you are TOO FUNNY! I just love you for your candor and for being so REAL!!!!!!

    Love in Jesus,
    Lee <><

  48. 198
    Ashton says:

    Dear Beth,

    I want to tell you again, you are the real deal. I really appreciate that and you and the fact that you are unpretentious. Thank you for this. Thank you for the safe place.

    Love, Allison

  49. 199
    Ginger@From The Cocoon says:

    I absolutely loved the play-by-play! Yes, I’m a little late in reading this, but still found it hysterical! Love you Beth! And the entire LPM Team

  50. 200
    Jon and Lacey says:

    I laughed out loud while reading this! We just did a road trip to New Orleans, 17 hours down and 17 long hours back, with a 2-year-old and a 4-WEEK-old in tow. It was so fun to read your play-by-play thoughts and realize I’m not the only one who could write a book about all the things that go through my head while driving. 🙂 And I did read all the way to the end – we’re not related but I just love you 😉


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