To My Beloved Staff at Living Proof Ministries

My Dear Co-laborers in the great Gospel of Jesus Christ,

As I near completion on this titanic 18 month project and it appears that “It’s Tough Being a Woman: A Study of Esther” will sure-enough become a reality, I am overwhelmed by the gift God has given me in you. And just sit there and take this spotlight for a minute and don’t interrupt me. I keep thinking about how you cheered when I walked into our celebratory lunch yesterday after the last lesson had been written. I now want you to sit down and let me stand to my feet, as tall as I can, and cheer wildly for you and your faithful God.

You are the most excellent band of women-warriors I have ever known in my life. And I am so happy to report that I have known many. You work HARD – especially when Houston Bible Study is in full swing – with so much love for one another and such joy that I sometimes can hear you all the way on the third floor. (NO, DON’T STOP! It makes me laugh with you every single time.) People think it would be easy to work for a ministry but you and I know different. We’ve been called to kindness and graciousness even when somebody we serve has a chronic case of PMS. We don’t get to do business like the world even when we ourselves are simply in a bad mood. Day in, day out, when hard drives crash and toilets overflow, you honor your God. What more on this earth could I say in honor of you?

Thank you for so much prayer, for such hard work, for weekday lunches that tickle me, inspire me, energize me, and keep me – a hopeless sanguine called to the isolation of writing – in constant touch with a whole passel of women. Thank you for being a safe place for me to have a nervous breakdown when I’m right at the end of a project, sleep deprived and stressed,and don’t know if I’ll make it. I will never forget last week. There I was trying to keep a stiff upper lip and lead staff prayer time when, out of nowhere, a sob came up from my chest that I literally could not stop…and we group-hugged. One at a time. Even those who really aren’t into that kind of thing. I am laughing so hard I can hardly type and fighting back the tears at the same time. It wasn’t funny at the time but, somehow, it is a precious snapshot now of how we live our work lives. We serve at all our various posts, but in heart at any given time Monday through Friday, we are a group of very different personalities and backgrounds bound together in a tight group hug. God used your empathetic tears, powerful prayers, and encouragements to give me that last little push to finish a long project strong. And with terrific joy. You are my best friends. Oh, that our porches would be next to one another in Heaven.

Please hear me clapping for you.

Man, I love you so much.



150 Responses to “To My Beloved Staff at Living Proof Ministries”

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  1. 1
    Anonymous says:

    OK – so I have one question — when can we purchase the new Esther study?

  2. 2
    Kimberly says:

    We love you too! Anyone who can help Beth produce the God inspired Bible studies that have led me to break free and grow in the depths that I have is precious to me. Thank you to all at LPM for allowing God to use you. May He pour out His riches blessing on you. I hope someday to give each one of you a big hug! ;o)

  3. 3
    hokiegal23 says:

    since most of us cannot picture the faces of the ladies you just praised, i was wondering beth if you could post a group picture of these ladies on the blog.

    we don’t know them like you do, but we appreciate their work, too. thank you staff of LPM. no doubt you have earned numerous crowns to throw at the feet of Jesus one day.

  4. 4
    Anonymous says:

    What a beautiful tribute to honor your co-laborers in Christ! It’s inspiring how you love those around you and those you don’t even know. Thank you for being the inspiration we need to love well, love strong, and love deeply. What a gift God has given you that your coworkers are your best friends. He knew you would need that encouragement to see His work accomplished. To God be the glory, honor and praise!
    Love, Amy in OK

  5. 5
    Casey says:

    I can’t wait to get to do this study!!!!!!! It sounds like God has his fingeprints all over it. Thank you LPM ladies. We need you in this big bad world.
    Group hug from Murray, KY

  6. 6
    Redeemed says:

    THAT is what unity is all about.

  7. 7
    "Grammy" Sue B says:

    WOW….I want to work for you right here from Stamps, Arkansas!!! Oh yea, I do…because I pray for you and share in your ministry. WooHoo…I’m so glad to be part of the family of God…and LPM!!!
    (((group hug))) from Sue

  8. 8
    Michelle V says:

    Thank you Living Proof Ministries and Beth! You have had such an impact on my life that you will never know this side of Heaven! Thank you!


  9. 9
    Anonymous says:

    Beth and Living Proof Staff,

    My heart is jumping with anticipation of getting to study Esther with you Beth, and your sweet staff. I cannot imagine the challenges Satan has thrown your way as he dreads all God will accomplish through this new study.
    Thank you to each staff member and sweet Beth for every sacrifice, tear, and struggle you pushed through to let God use you.
    He who has begun a good work in you WILL continue to perform it until the day of JESUS CHRIST.
    I can’t wait!!

    Love and Blessings,
    Jacksonville, Fl

  10. 10
    Georgia Jan says:

    Thank you and may God continue to bless all you precious women-warriors that Beth so beautifully honored in her post.

    We thank God for all of you serving behind the scenes at Living Proof Ministries.

    Thank you so much for loving your leader, Beth. We blog siestas love her too. Thank you for blessing her and taking care of her, and reaching out and touching her for all of us.

    (((((((GROUP HUG)))))))

    You serve so well.

    Press on,
    You are loved –
    Georgia Jan

    I hear that clapping Beth – and so does God. I love it when the Word says He inclines His ear toward us. I am so visual, and in my mind (in my mind alone, now I’m not sure if it’s right, but it’s what I visualize) I picture God leaning over and cupping His ear and listening. Praise you, Jesus.

  11. 11
    tiggerdaisy says:

    Way to go LPM staff!

    Prayers and blessings,

  12. 12
    Sooz says:

    Isn’t it wonderful to be blessed and surrounded by amazing women and staff! Congratulations to all of you for finishing such a great project! It will be a blessing to many many other women. We LOVE you all!

  13. 13
    Holly says:

    Clapping loudly and demonstratively in Colorado!! Worrying my company somehwat, I’m sure ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am so thankful for each of you…really, very thankful…and humbled. I want to be just like you all when I grow up.

  14. 14
    Anonymous says:

    Somehow I’ve always known that ALL of yall at LPM are ‘utterly’ special and my heart grew 5 times its size upon reading this lovely tribute from Beth. Thanks from little ole me in Louisiana for your faithfulness and love for our fabulous God; oh, how I hope my porch is just in yall’s neighborhood in heaven!
    Congratulations on finishing another bible study…another wild ride in the Word I’m sure!=)

  15. 15
    bahead(mimi24) says:

    I know each one of these “women warriors” and I can tell you that Beth is not being one bit sappy!! They are really, really wonderful women! There is not a better place on this earth to work and I do mean that sincerely. There might even be a compound in heaven–who knows. I love each and every one of you very much and will continue to pray for this outstanding ministry. YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!

  16. 16
    Toknowhim says:

    Let me stand too, and give you some loud claps, and a hug (I am a big time hugger)…

    Blessings to you all as you continue to pour out yourselves for others through serving God. Love from a Siesta with a kindred heart…

  17. 17
    Anonymous says:

    Only in God’s kingdom is such love possible. And yes, I want my front porch – and my back porches – in heaven to be surrounded by women such as these. Beth and LPL staff, thank you for your ministries.
    Kim in Apex, NC

  18. 18
    lori says:

    Thank you thank you very much!!!
    You are truly an awesome bunch of people!!!

  19. 19
    Dianne says:

    I love you too, Living Proof Staff!! Thanks for being a team that is also such family to each other. I’m one of those crazy ladies who has a song for almost every occasion. Although I can’t think of the name of the children’s program on Noggin network, they sing a song which is running through my head right now . . . “What’s gonna work – team work!” What a great team you all are! Thanks for all you do!

    Hope this isn’t published 3 different times, but I submitted that many times because I never got the message that my comment went through. If it is, just receive it as a triple thanks!!

  20. 20
    Melanie says:

    May God richly bless you all individually and continuously for the love, hard work and sacrifice you do for us. I know I’m not the only who can say that God has used you to fan the flame in my walk with Him. Thank you!


  21. 21
    Kelly @ Love Well says:

    Right now, I feel like a fly on the LMP wall.

    And I love it. What a beautiful snapshot of the sisters bound by Christ.

    (And a big thank you to the staff from us siestas, too. We appreciate your hard work behind the scenes! It blesses us immensely!)

  22. 22
    bethany says:

    LPM staff, you are truly wonderful servants of the Most High! Beth gets lots of accolades (which are much deserved!) but you are working hard right there with her….so here’s to you for your committed service to seeing that the name of the Lord is exalted. Thank you for standing with our Beth through the process of creating studies. You are awesome!
    Beth…thank you for your example of love, appreciation, and commitment to your staff. I have 5aides who work with me toward seeing miracles in the lives of preschool children with autism. I appreciate my staff but I don’t always let them know, so thank you for your encouagement and reminder of expressing thanks to those God has placed to walk with me each day.

  23. 23
    bethany says:

    Hey Beth,
    Just had to say that I am so excited for the simulcast this weekend!!! I’ve never had the opportunity of seeing you “live” so am just tickled! Even though you’ll be live on our screens rather than our stage, I know that it is going to be so great! Glory to God…may His name be lifted high!!!

  24. 24
    Isaac's Mom says:

    Way to go Beth and LPM Staff!!! I have no doubt this Study of Esther will be wonderful. I can hardly wait to get the kit and get started planning our fall and winter study. I read somewhere(dont’ remember where) the study will be out November 1…right?

    I truly hope that one day your staff and co-workers and of course you Beth, know in full measure the impact these studies have on the lives of women all around the world.

    I started doing these studies 11 or 12 years ago beginning with “A Womens Heart”. God lead me to a Bible Study offered at a local church by myself. I walked into a room of 45 women I did not know. I had strayed away from God and I knew he was calling me back. God and I have been on a journey ever since and I love the Lord now more than ever. These days the Lord allows me to lead Women’s Bible Studies at our church. Go figure!!

    Please keep up the “GOD” work ladies….you rock!!!


  25. 25
    Shonda says:

    wow! Congratulations to you, Beth, and the LPM staff that works to make these studies come together. To the team–I appreciate all you do to help the ministry. We dont see you, but know you’re there. I want to thank you too as well as Beth for your service to further the Kingdom of God. I also would like to see a picture.

    I’m praying for this weekend for the simulcast. I’ll be watching from Del Rio.

    Engrated by His Grace–

  26. 26
    Kristin says:

    When does the Esther study come out?

  27. 27
    Traveling Fig says:

    LPM staff,
    What an example you are to the rest of us trudging on in corporate America. How exciting it must be that your daily lives are filled with God-fearing women striving every day to know Him better than the day before.

    All of you are a shining example of servant leadership. Thank you.

  28. 28
    hinesight says:

    Beth is out front, but it never leaves my mind that she couldn’t do what she does as well as she does it without all of Living Proof Ministries. You have all been used mightily of God to raise up women with passion for the LORD.

  29. 29
    lavonda says:

    oh, I want that! I would work for you all for FREE if I could do it from my home in Georgia!

    (well, I just joined your prayer warrior pledge a while back, so I’m doing some from home, I guess).

    Your heart – all of you – blesses this whole country, from sea to shining sea. I clap for each of you right here in my living room right now.

    May God continue to bless you all, and turn your faces toward Him daily as you live life together.

  30. 30
    judie says:

    to the LPM staff…thank you for your dedication to a ministry that touches many thousands of women and their families. I know that working for a ministry is not a glamorous as it may seem…I worked for a ministry for 25 years. You are all real people with real lives and sometimes that just carries over into work!

    Anyway…I am touched that Beth would honor you this way…in front of all of us! When you work in a ministry sometimes the last thing that happens is a pat on the back…it’s just expected that you will give extra. But I know that a pat on the back…a simple thank you can go a LONG way! It validates all the extra hours and extra effort.

    Si from my heart I say thank you LPM Staff…you are awesome!

    Judie in MN

  31. 31
    Shannon says:

    Um, can I have a job with your team?

  32. 32
    Patty says:

    Can I applaud with you? I have had the joy of meeting Diane in Houston a few years back and in Dallas and she was working so hard at the product table but she was so sweet and kind to every single woman who walked up. Truly a humble servant of Christ. I had chills as I was reading about the prayers, and group hug, I love that!! I am thankful that God has given you all to each other to work with, pray with, laugh with, cry with and special times to relax and have fun together!! I also have to brag on Sabrina and was actually talking to Kim about her this week. When I had come for the summer study in Houston, after the first night Beth was walking around talking and hugging the girls and there was Sabrina with 10 cameras in her hands taking pictures for each group of women. Thank you Sabrina. You all are so much fun and a joy to be around when we have the chance and thank you so much for serving us!
    Beth, I can’t imagine your times of isolation as you write books and Bible studies but know that there has to be times of loneliness and I praise God and thank him for surrounding you with the best group of girlfriends that are always there for you and you for them!! My prayer is that God would bless you and your entire staff with a special trip, a girl’s weekend!!!
    Love you all,

  33. 33
    pinkboots says:

    Thank you from this Siesta, too! I am so grateful for your hard work and dedication to the Siestas and everything else you do that makes our lives so much more fun on our journey to follow Christ. May God bless each one of you!

  34. 34
    Girly Girl says:

    Lord, I also give you praise as I think of the hours that these women and man have given to your kingdom. You have richly blessed many because of them. May you be glorified again and again and again!

  35. 35
    Bridgette says:

    Man, I don’t even work for Living Proof and what encouragement! I myself needed to hear that. Just finished a ladies event at church last Saturday, Bible study came to an end, my son played at an event so I was a little emotional myself! Stressed and Pressed for the Lord! I have a group of ladies that help me so much and I am so thankful for each of them. Thank you Living Proof for all that you do! The Bible Studies, the conferences, the BLOG!, the Siesta Fiesta!, I know Beth couldn’t do it all if she didn’t have a wonderful staff helping her in more than just working, but praying and listening and giving her a safe place to cry when needed! Again, Thank you!
    May God bless each and every one of you!

  36. 36
    Leigh says:

    My group of girls and I appreciate so much what ALL of you do through this ministry. May God bless you as richly as you have all blessed us!

    We are praying so hard for you, Beth, in regard to this weekend. We can’t wait to see you (and hear from God) in Kalamazoo via the simulcast!

  37. 37
    coffeeandbiblegirl says:

    Thank you LPM warriors for loving Jesus and wanting to be true servants -even behind the scenes. He needs each one of us in this dark and lost world!

  38. 38
    coffeeandbiblegirl says:

    Thank you LPM warriors for loving Jesus and being true servants. Your behind the scenes devotion brings this all together for everyone! Thank you! Thank you!

  39. 39
    Sheri Lyn says:

    I, too, join in the praise of these wonderful ladies. LPL staff, you are awesome. We know that you all work so hard so that others may be taught His Rockin Truth!!

    I pray that y’all would be blessed beyond measure, that you would continually know His all surpassing joy. Don’t ever think the role you play is insignificant – IT’S NOT!!!! God is using all of you and we are so blessed to reap some of what you are sowing!

    May God bless your socks off this week – We love y’all so!!!

  40. 40
    moldableme says:

    All LPM Ladies!!!
    Thank you for all that you do!
    We see the fruit of your labor, and it is delicious!
    Thanks a million!

  41. 41
    redheadcsm says:

    ClapClapClapClapClap for all the LPM ladies!! Thanks to all of you for all your dedication and hard work! What a special group of God loving ladies you all are. Our women’s study group is doing Esther this fall and we are so excited. We’ll do a short study to start with in September and October and then start in on Esther hot off the presses in November! It’s usually the other way around, with the shorter study coming in the spring – we do one chapter every two weeks. Video one week and then deeper discussion the following week. So excited to delve into everyone’s hard work! And what a great title!

  42. 42
    laughing out loud says:

    For such a time as this…I am eagerly awaiting its release…praying that GOd would even now prepare me for that journey.

    Getting to know all of you through this blog will make this study even better…youv’e got to factor in the Siesta connection.


  43. 43
    Beth says:

    My Sweet Siestas, I should have known you’d react this way. Thank you for loving on my staff. I could bawl. They deserve those applause so much and would NEVER draw attention to themselves. It means the world to me. I love you.

  44. 44
    Lindsee says:

    (I am not sure if my first post went through because some wierd message came through, so, here I go again!)

    Thank you, LPM staff for everything you do. We do love you and are grateful to each and everyone of you!

    To everyone reading this, they DO work hard, especially during Tuesday Night Bible Study! AND, they each greet us with the hugest smile Tuesday’s have ever seen, and with such JOY!

    We love you all! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


    P.S. Special shout out to Nancy! ๐Ÿ™‚ (Because I can and I love you!)

  45. 45
    Anonymous says:

    Your last line about having porches connected in heaven brought to mind something my daugher said to me while out on a walk in our neighboorhood one day, she was about 6 or 7 at the time (now 22!)she said “Mom,I wish everyone we loved lived on the same street!”. Oh honey that we would in Heaven!

  46. 46
    hisfivefooter says:

    I have gone to the website and looked hard into the eyes of every one of your co-workers. I believe that they are Princesses, each and every one. I think Howard Hendricks said something like, ” If you are a leader and look around and no one is following you, you are just out taking a long walk!” I believe The Village is following and therefore able to be the hands and feet of Jesus in undergirding(sp?) you. I have had a vision of me washing their feet- I know, weird, but honestly, …I am just so humbled by their sweetness and servant attitude. I’ve talked to at least 5 different people on your staff personally and every time I felt like they were just such a blessing and kindred spirit to me. God bless all of your staff for being so giving!
    Lisa in Kirkland, WA

  47. 47
    Momma 2 5 says:

    THANK YOU LPM and all who work there! Think for how many families you have touched by your willingness say in and day out to follow Christ. I know in may own life without LPM the whole thing not just Beth, my life would not be where it is right now. God has used you guys in more ways than I can count!

    For serving alongside Beth to chage lives and families! I know your reward will be great one day!!!!

    Love You All!!!
    Amanda in SC

  48. 48
    Anonymous says:

    Dearest Beth,

    The Lord often brings you to mind to pray for and sometimes I’m not sure how to pray for you. We all listen and learn so much from you and while you are the first to say that you have a long way to go in your walk on this earth, many times it seems like you’re at a higher level of maturity in Christ. One I’m seeking for like mad. One that your example causes me to long for more than anything. So, when I pray for you, I pray that our Lord would bless you with great friends to walk along side you and lift you up and make you laugh and encourage you on this often difficult journey. I praise His Great Name that He has answered that prayer. I honor your staff for their obedience and sacrifice and excellence. Unfortunately, that kind of living is too rare in Christian circles. So, it is a wonderful thing to watch “Living Proof” in action (pun intended!)

    May God continue to bless you and use all of you to His great glory!

    We love you,

    Gretchen in Thousand Oaks, CA

  49. 49
    Anonymous says:

    Praise Him for your encouragers and edifiers when it is tough being a woman!!!!! Thank You LPM staff for giving Beth a place to be Beth – a place to Be Still and Know Him – a place to bring Joy and Peace to her Heart and make her Stand Up and Clap for You!!!! Kudos!!!! ( and some good puppy-sitters too!)

  50. 50
    Betty Shoaf says:

    I notice the question has already been asked….when can we purchase the new Study??? Can’t wait to have it.

    Lexington NC

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