Deepening a Father’s Heart: A 25 Day Journal for Men

Siestas! We are so blessed to announce the availability of this brand new 25-day devotional journal for dads, written by our own Curtis Jones. We were delighted when God began to give him this vision and knew that the timing was perfect for Father’s Day. You’ve asked us a thousand times for something for men. Well, here you go! Our first offering! May God be praised! Each entry consists of a daily Scripture and devotional reading, suggested passages for further reading, application questions, and space for journaling prayers.

This devotional journal is our special offer for June and July with a donation of any amount. We want anyone who wants one to have one. If you are interested in grabbing hold of Deepening a Father’s Heart for a man in your life, follow this link.

We love you and desire to serve you faithfully! May God use every effort from this ministry to, in some way, glorify His Name and edify His people. It is our driving passion to see God’s people in God’s Word. We love you, Siestas!


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94 Responses to “Deepening a Father’s Heart: A 25 Day Journal for Men”

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  1. 1
    Anonymous says:

    This is wonderful ! I think an encouraging resource is just as (if not more) important for men. In this day we live, having a strong godly man isn’t far-fetched, but is hard to find sometimes.
    Bless you all for your hardwork and obedience.

  2. 2
    Anonymous says:

    Thank you for the strength in obedience and LOVE for our God.

  3. 3
    Anonymous says:

    Hi would this be for a guy that been married for a year?They are a very sweet & Christain couple & my neice is his wife.Thanks God bless love sister in Christ Victoria

  4. 4
    Deidre says:

    Wow, how exciting to see a devotional from Curtis! My husband will LOVE this for Father’s Day. Thank you!

  5. 5
    Courtney says:

    Thank you so much for offering this wonderful gift. I wish I could have given more for it because your ministry means so much to me personally. Thanks for all you do! You are very appreciated and loved.

  6. 6
    Jolinda says:

    What a great idea! Way to go Curtis and congrats! My daughters will add this to their dad’s day gift! He will just love it! Especially when it comes from his girls! I am always doing studies of my own . . . Just maybe he can turn off the T.V. & join me! I’m sure he will! Thanks for your obedience! Looking forward for more in the near future! God Bless!

  7. 7
    jen says:

    How neat! And what a blessing to offer it to everyone! I’ll definatly be snagging a few. 🙂

  8. 8
    Anna says:

    That’s awesome!! I’m on my way to snag a copy! Think it would get here by father’s day?

  9. 9
    Rebecca says:

    Im gonna be geting thid for my dad and my step dad! Thanks Beth ans thank you to Curtis!

  10. 10
    Pamela (MrsJoeB) says:

    Beth-I have been playing catch-up on your blog. I am so so sorry about Sunny. My heart goes out to you. I also love your posting about letting God be in control as out life is obviously too large for us to steer by ourself. How true. You are such a blessing!!

    In His Graces~Pamela

  11. 11
    purefire says:


    This could not come at a better time! My husband has been struggling in his faith; wanting to grow but not able to see any progress. God is so good to bring us just what we need, when we need it. I’m so thankful for your family and the many ways you make my life better. I’ll be ordering this today.

    Love ya’

  12. 12
    Holly says:

    Wonderful! I just did that yesterday. I know my Chris will love it for Father’s Day!!

  13. 13
    amberburger says:

    CURTIS!!! that is so awesome! We are so excited! Vernon, Victor and I we standing here at the computer with our jaws open…we are sooooo excited for you and all this will accomplish in the Kingdom! amen friend!

  14. 14
    HisTreasuredPossession says:

    very, VERY exciting! Ordering mine (well, *his*) now!

  15. 15
    Dori says:

    Beth, my dear friend…

    Tears welled up as I read this post and I can’t wait to get my man one for Father’s Day!!!

    Long, long ago several friends and I prayed that somehow, some way, God will allow our men to have someone who would love them enough to lead them in the Word as you have done for us.

    Answered prayer, I’d say!!! And it was just yesterday that I was catching up with A Woman’s Heart and in the Week 3 Session you said something like sometimes standing in the gap is not just standing in the space, but in the time between the petition and the revelation.

    This one of those moments for me — the petition being lifted a long time ago and now seeing the revelation!!

    Sorry for the heavy comment, just wanted to thank you!!!


    P.S. See you in Atlanta in just a little over 3 weeks!!

  16. 16
    Emmy says:

    Oh yeah! I am going to order a couple now! Thanks!

  17. 17
    Regina says:


  18. 18
    Marc and Charity says:

    Would you be able to ship overseas?

  19. 19
    Rose says:

    Cant’ wait, will go order now, to get it by Father’s day 😉

  20. 20
    Anonymous says:

    Thank you! My husband has been waiting for Godly written material to come his way. He has been jealous of all of the Bible Studies available to women and been desiring for years to have some written specifically for him! I have already gone to the site and ordered it for him!

  21. 21
    su says:

    Very exciting! Thank you Curtis.

  22. 22
    Longmeadow Mama says:

    You must’ve been snickering as you read all the comments not so long ago about wanting a book for our men! Little did we know you were already working on it! Isn’t that how it is with God…as we’re asking He’s working! Love it!

  23. 23
    ocean mommy says:

    THIS IS GREAT!!!!!

    Blessings to you all!

  24. 24
    Heather says:

    Just ordered mine for the father of my boys and soon to be girl! can’t wait to give it to him!

  25. 25
    tulip girl says:

    I love this idea. It seems as Mother’s Day is made a big ta do, Father’s Day gets a little shafted. Mother’s Day at our church, all events were canceled to give the weary mothers a rest. There was hemming and hawing to get the same privilege for Fathers. I am reminded by this that my words and actions towards my own husband if aimed at me from him would be…well, hurtful. I humbled and encouraged to change that.

  26. 26
    Kimberly says:

    This just made my day! After that post Curtis wrote a while back, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on whatever else God would use him to produce through your ministry and pass it on to my husband! I am so excited (and I know my husband will be too!) Thanks so much!

  27. 27
    Tabby/ Tabitha says:

    Praise the Lord!!! Hallelujah~~… Can you hear the music?

    What a great idea! I’m soo – happy!

    …May many be sold for the glory of God the Father and for the many Dads all around!

  28. 28
    Lori4squaremom says:

    Oh what an awesome resource! Just what our men need!

    Beth, I have a question for you, and hope that you can address it in a future blog post. In the follow-up post to the prayer request for the Chapman family, you had mentioned your prayer journal, and to go through our prayer journals and mark on random days a reminder to pray for the Chapmans. My question is this…how do you set up a workable prayer journal? And how do you use it? I have a book that I write prayer requests in, and I call it my prayer journal, but all it is is a list of prayer requests. I hear other Sisters in Christ talk about their prayer journals, and they don’t sound like “lists” like mine does. If you could share how to do this, it would be such an awesome resource for your bloggy-world siestas!

    Thank you!!!!!!

    Lori in Visalia, CA

  29. 29
    LynnSC says:

    I saw it on your website yesterday… but didn’t know what the required donation was… Yeah!! I am glad that you linked it to your blog today. I wish that I could have sent more. Your Ministry means so much ot me. Thanks so much for blessing us. Lynn

  30. 30
    aggiejenn@ReflectingHim says:

    This is just perfect for my husband for Father’s Day! I’m so glad you are sharing this with us.

  31. 31
    Linda says:

    Thank you so much!! I just ordered this for my husband for Father’s Day. What a blessing this will be.

  32. 32
    Wencked says:

    This is perfect! I needed one more something special for my husband for fathers day. He is a Daddy to one, soon to be 2 boys.

  33. 33
    His princess says:

    How great to have something just for guys. My husband probably gets tired of hearing Beth Moore this Beth Moore that and Beth Moore’s daughter… Now I can pass something along to him that is just for guys.
    Thank you Curtis!

  34. 34
    Alyce says:

    perfect timing!
    how wonderful..

  35. 35
    Alyce says:

    Beth and girls and Curt..
    When I followed the link, I didn’t find the new devotional book. Is it the featured item of the month??

  36. 36
    Lisa says:

    I’m so excited!!! I’ve grabbed it just in time for my husband’s birthday and Father’s Day (only five days apart) and it will be very happily and gratefully received, I assure you! Thank you, Curtis, and thank You, Lord, for working so powerfully through him.

  37. 37
    screamofcontinuousness says:

    perfect timing ya’ll. and even more so for me because we are matched to adopt a precious baby in November so my man will really BE a father now.

  38. 38
    Patty says:

    This is awesome!! I am so excited. Thank you Curtis! I have been excited since Curtis joined the LPM staff because I knew God was opening a door for the men in our lives!
    Praise God.
    Have a great day!

  39. 39
    Kari says:

    Wow! Perfect timing! Love you guys!

  40. 40
    Anonymous says:

    Yeah! How very exciting! Just ordered one. My husband listened to Curtis online and loved him. He is going to love this. Thank you so much for your obedience to Him.

  41. 41
    Tallent Family says:

    I am so excited!!! Thank you Curtis and Beth. I just donated to receive one for my husband! I can not wait to see what else is to come. The summer Bible study idea was just awesome. I might do it solo because of a prior commitment to leading a 12 step group for Celebrate Recovery at my church. I feel at home bible studys are key for doing life together as believers! Doing Breaking Free, Believing God and then a 12step in celebrate Recovery has changed my life. I know God put them in the right order for me to see my need, to believe God, and then the action part through 12step. Through Christ,CR and you Beth teaching Gods Word so Spirit led I am free!!

  42. 42
    Krystal says:

    Go Curt! We are looking forward to more from you soon!!!

  43. 43
    Nesha says:

    This is great timing! Just ordered mine for my husband. He can do the devotional and I will be doing the online bible study, perfect! Thanks Curtis!

  44. 44
    Kat says:

    I am so excited about this and for the way that it will encourage my husband. Thank you for this! Yet again, you guys Rock my world 🙂

  45. 45
    Isaac's Mom says:

    I just ordered my copy!! I am always looking for something to give my man for any occasion. This is perfect to go along with our Father’s Day gifts.

    Thank you for this offering.

    Blessings to you all,
    Royana (Isaac’s Mom)

  46. 46
    Glo says:

    My husband and I are expecting our first child, a little girl, in August. I have been deliberating about what to give him for Father’s Day and this is perfect! Thank you for providing a great resource for the men in our lives!

  47. 47
    Redeemed says:

    Thank you!! Such a perfect Father’s Day gift!

    (Sorry if this gets posted twice. The word identification didn’t seem to work the first time.)

  48. 48
    Shellie Paparazzo says:

    Awesome! I am definitely thinking about getting this for my husband. I’m just not sure if he would even use it. I hope so.

  49. 49
    Nancy says:

    Yippeeee! Doing the happy dance for all of us who have been waiting for something like this!

    Already anticipating the next one, whatever it is!

  50. 50
    Lelia Chealey says:

    Perfect for my Gene for Father’s Day! How awesome!!
    Thank you!

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