Sopapilla Cheesecake

I hope you girls feel loved because as soon as I post this, my secret is out! I teased my gourmet chef sister about this having all kinds of exotic ingredients that I couldn’t pronounce. Does “crescent” qualify as a hard-to-pronounce word? This is a really simple, yummy recipe that is more impressive than it should be. It’s a favorite fellowship dinner dessert from First Baptist Irving. Thanks, Janelle, for supplying me with the recipe! In fact, she may be making this tonight for her bunco group.

Sopapilla Cheesecake

2 (8 oz) packages cream cheese
2 (8 oz) packages refrigerated crescent dinner rolls
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract or almond extract
1/2 cup margarine or butter, melted
1/2 cup cinnamon sugar (combine about 1/2 cup sugar with 1 TBS cinnamon)

1) Using a 9×13 baking pan, unroll one package of refrigerated crescent rolls and line the bottom of the pan.
2) Flatten.
3) Mix together the cream cheese, sugar, and extract.
4) Spread over the crescent rolls.
5) Unroll the other can of crescent rolls and place on top of cream cheese mixture.
6) Pour one stick of melted butter or margarine over the top and sprinkle with about 1/2 cup of the cinnamon sugar mixture.
7) Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.

Makes 12-20 servings. My recipe provides the fat and calorie content, but I promise you don’t want to know! Enjoy, ladies!


124 Responses to “Sopapilla Cheesecake”

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  1. 1
    Christina L says:

    Sounds really bad for you, but tasty. Thanks for sharing.

  2. 2
    Anonymous says:

    My daughter recently told me that she had this at a friend’s house one weekend and loved it. Thanks for sharing and I plan to make it this week to welcome her home from college.
    Hope you had a happy Mother’s Day!May God continue to bless you, your family, and the LP Ministry!

  3. 3
    Dori says:

    Oh, Amanda!

    I’ve been making this for YEARS but without knowing what to call it!!

    Leave it to you Texas Gals to give it some fancy schmancy name!!

    Love it!!


  4. 4
    Jolinda says:

    Oh good! Thank you Amanda! I was so wanting the recipe after reading your Mom’s post yesterday! Thank you so much! Yum!

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    Lucy says:

    One of the guys (yes, I said guys) at church made something like this, but didn’t put the cinnamon and sugar on top. My husband accidentally got some on his forehead and almost beat himself to death with his tongue! I kid you not. It was that good and I bet the cinnamon and sugar will make it that much better.

    Thanks for the recipe!

  6. 6
    Melinda says:

    Praise God from Whom all (high calorie) blessings flow…:o)

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    Anonymous says:

    Love sopapillas, this sounds even better!!mmm

  8. 8
    Pam says:

    My precious MILove gave me this recipe a couple months ago. I’ve been trying to make it ever since. We’ve bought several rolls of crescent rolls and the cream cheese . . . only to have my children bake the crescent rolls and eat them before I can make the cheesecake.

    They also liked using the cream cheese on bagels.

    Now that you’ve described it here, it makes me want to make it even more. Hopefully this time I can do it before the ingredients get hijacked.

  9. 9
    Anonymous says:

    Sounds yummy. I was looking for a dessert to take to a Women’s Ministry planning meeting this weekend. Thanks for the recipie and a big thank you for not posting the calorie and fat content.

  10. 10
    Kristwoo10 says:

    Yeah…my friend Denise made this for our Home Church group a few years back, and I made it several times after she gave me the recipe…it is very good!
    Like Dori, I never knew what to call it. I haven’t made it in years, but maybe I should. (or maybe I need to get back to my daily trips to the YMCA before I make it again) Thanks for the recipe!

  11. 11
    connorcolesmom says:

    I can’t wait to make it
    Thank you for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. 12
    BEBE says:

    Thanks Amanda,
    I was thinking about asking for it – but hadn’t gotten through reading all the responses to Beth’s Mother’s Day tribute! This sounds sooo good and we have an eating event I plan present it at!!!

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    bethany says:

    Thanks for the recipe Amanda-my doctor will love me to eat these-I’ll gain a pound a week if I’m eating these ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. 14
    Angie says:

    Awesome. I love tricking people into thinking I’m a gourmet chef. (Which I am FAR from. FAR.) Can’t wait to try it!

  15. 15
    Hillary says:

    I love this recipe! My former roommate made it and I was hooked. I could probably eat the whole pan. Sickening, but true!

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    Big Mama says:

    That sounds like heaven in a 9 x 13 pan.

  17. 17
    Patty says:

    Thank you Amanda!! I wanted this recipe and it sounds really good.

    I hope you are having a great Monday!!

  18. 18
    Stephanie (Ocean Mommy) says:

    OH THANK YOU!!!! I’ve been trying to come up with something with the ingredients you listed, but I’m so “chef challenged” that I just gave up!! This will give me something new for my daughter’s sleepover on Friday!

    The stomach of a few nine year old girls thank you…

  19. 19
    Julie says:

    Thanks for sharing Amanda – I can’t wait to get home and try this out on my bunch.
    Hope you had a glorious Mother’s Day, Showers of blessing on your week. Julie

  20. 20
    3girlsmom says:


    And my favorite part of this recipe is “flatten.” I think that might be my first recipe with “flatten” as a direction.


    Thanks for the recipe.

  21. 21
    Anonymous says:

    Sounds delicious and I can’t wait to fix it!!!!

  22. 22
    kctibs says:

    Ohhh this is a really good recipe. Very sweet and goes great with a tea and coffee crowd. Thanks for sharing. It is definitely a keeper recipe.

    Kelli in Colorado

  23. 23
    Mary Watkins says:

    Amanda, this sounds yummy!
    I’ll make it for my family soon!
    Thanks for sharing.

  24. 24
    Anonymous says:

    I make the same thing but glaze the top with powdered sugar/milk icing; and call it cream cheese danish. It is so tasty!!

  25. 25
    girlmomx3 says:

    This is our Christmas morning dish. I make it the night before and put it in the fridge. It bakes while we open gifts–and smells yummy!

    Thanks for sharing,

    BTW-I like to pray for the person that shares a recipe whenever I cook it. Kind of a double blessing! ;0)

  26. 26
    Ashton says:

    my mouth is watering….mmmm
    got to try it and bring to work!

  27. 27
    Anonymous says:

    You read my mind!
    I wanted recipes!!!

  28. 28
    Rebecca says:

    Yummmmmmy! It sounds so good!

  29. 29
    Rachel in Louisiana says:

    Yummy! One of my favorite memories about coming to south Texas to visit my mother-in-law is getting to go out to eat at this authentic Mexican place and getting warm sopapillas for dessert. We poke a hole in the top of them and drizzle honey inside. I’m excited to try this recipe. Thanks!

  30. 30
    Julie Anne says:

    If you want to save some calories, just skip the stick of melted butter (or use less). I make it all the time and have never used butter. I also add nuts to the sugar/cinnamon mix on top.

    We call it Breakfast Cheesecake. You always need a good dose of calories to get started in the morning.

  31. 31
    Isaac's Mom says:

    I am gonna try it Amanda. How sweet of you to post it for us today.

    Isaac’s Mom

  32. 32
    Karen says:

    Thanks for sharing. This looks like it’s not only yummy but pretty easy!!! That’s what I like!!!

  33. 33
    Tabitha says:

    I can’t wait to try this…I am in need of a recipe right now, but I think this is not going to convince my spanish class it’s authentic mexican…I wish. I’m still going to try it- Soon, very soon! Gracias Amiga/hermana/siesta.

  34. 34
    kristin says:

    I can see why you didn’t want to bring it home from your moms!!! I would have eaten it all in one fell swoop!! Interestingly enough my mother bought me a cookbook for mothers day (family joke about cookbooks we read them like novels and rarely bake anything out of them…boy do we love reading them) and she pointed out the cresent roll pizza made with cream cheese and veggies…that sounded yummy too…lots you can do with crescent rolls (or as the french would say croissant..) Be blessed you wonderful siesta.
    Camden, Alabama

  35. 35
    Kendra says:

    My Great Aunt Billie has made this for as long as I can remember, but my family calls it Cream Cheese Bread. Love it!

  36. 36
    Tara says:


    Yummy! When I saw the list of ingredients, I knew it would be good. Nothing is better than crescent rolls, cream cheese, and cinnamon sugar. I’ll have to make it when we’re having company over…because otherwise I’d probably eat it all!

  37. 37
    Pam B from SC says:

    Thank you, Siesta Amanda! How about a little whipped cream with a cherry on top with each serving? Oh, yeah!

  38. 38
    Anonymous says:

    Ask and it shall be given… Yahoo! Thank you~!

  39. 39
    annette says:

    I will make this for my Bible Study group tomorrow or maybe save it for the last lesson next week.

    Thanks for the recipe.

  40. 40
    Anna says:

    I was hoping you’d post this but didn’t want to ask LOL

  41. 41
    kellybollman says:

    We call this a part of breakfast in South Carolina… not dessert. No seriously, it’s been an addition to many of my “brunch” encounters.
    It’s the bomb, though. Everyone loves it!

  42. 42
    Anonymous says:

    Hi –
    I got this recipe after a ladies’ potluck several years ago from someone who called it a cream cheese cobbler. I’ve thought it might taste good with sliced apples in the middle!

  43. 43
    moldableme says:

    Hey Amanda!

    This sounds so yummy! I didn’t know what a sopapilla was until moving to New Mexico. Now my husband and I are getting addicted to anything Mexican! This will be a hit when our families come to visit us from Georgia! It might even impress some of our neighbors out here in New Mexico! I’ll keep you posted!

    Thanks Again!

  44. 44
    Anonymous says:

    Any other chefs out there think it would work to lower the fat/calories by using reduced fat cream cheese and reduced fat crescents? Not the non-fat kind, I hear that does not bake well at all. Not changing the butter though-there is NO substitute for that ๐Ÿ™‚

  45. 45
    HisTreasuredPossession says:

    cannot wait to taste it! Thank you!

  46. 46
    hisfivefooter says:

    Thanks for posting your “secret” recipe! After hearing your mom wax eloquent about it, I was hoping you would “feel the love” enough to share it! Hope you had a terrific Mother’s Day! I know now, why God allows some of us to have kids when we’re young- by the time you get to my age (42) you are so tired you don’t have the energy to chase them like you did!
    Love to all of you=
    Lisa in Kirkland, WA

  47. 47
    DigiNee says:

    This sounds like a yee-ha recipe! Can not wait to try it!

  48. 48
    Fran says:

    Oh my gosh! This is heavenly!!
    I cannot wait to make this. Off to the store soon!! This will cause me to go an extra mile won’t it?!

  49. 49
    Melanie says:

    Thanks for the recipe. It seemed so easy and since I only had to pick up a couple of the ingredients, I decided to make it tonight for Bible study. It was a big hit! Thanks again, Amanda. Delish.

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    Sooz says:

    Yummy! I am making this for our Graduation potluck at church Sunday. Thank you so much for the recipe! You know us Baptist love our potluck desserts.

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