For Lives Like Ours

I’ve been sitting here with tears stinging in my eyes. Have really felt like bawling for the last hour or so. Finally went ahead and got on my face and took God up on it. Now I’m back in my chair at my backporch table but still can’t shake the feeling. Nope, it’s not hormones although how would a woman in my season of life know, for crying out loud? I think at least that what moves me this moment is the power of the Cross and all this Resurrection weekend represents to those of us who believe. Who keep believing. And I’ll tell you why. When I asked you how you were doing, I had absolutely no thought of tying these two entries together. I had no agenda at all except to simply know how you are but by the time I’d read the first several hundred, I was so moved by the connection that I could not hold back the tears. I’m not even sure I can explain what I felt but I’m going to try. After all, blogs like mine are not meant to showcase beautifully prepared, deeply deliberated, excellently proofed, and perfectly edited theological treatments. Blogs like mine are more for simply throwing it out there to a bunch of friends. For writing like you’d chat. A place – when it’s appropriate – to say it while it’s raw.

I looked at all 700+ comments and shook my head with love and wonder over what a slice of life was represented there. Many doing great, feeling loved, and sensing God. Others dry, confused, and, as one of our beloved Siestas said, “hanging on by a thread…but at least I’m hanging on!” And either set could trade places in a split second. Many probably have even by this time. One sister’s dad died suddenly of a heart attack and she’s planning his funeral this Resurrection weekend. How perfectly appropriate. Another was taking her teenage daughter for her driving test. God bless her. Another had six kids home for Spring Break. God help her. Another had a three year old with head lice but let’s not nit pick. Another’s nephew was killed in a car accident last night. Dear Sweet Jesus. Another found out two days ago that she’s pregnant. It’s her third pregnancy but she has no children. Lost the first two. Please, Lord. Another is heading with a group of 40+ people to Belize to minister to those with severe needs in the name of Christ. Another will spend Easter weekend on the other side of the world from her deployed husband. Another is hearing the voice of God through His Word like never before in her life. Another is a school counselor trying to help elementary children deal with the death of a 3rd grade girl killed by a van while checking the mailbox. Another is at her wit’s end trying to know what to do with an unrepentant, unapologetic teenage son with a pornography addiction. Another and another and another is in financial distress. Another is five weeks pregnant with her first child and spotting some. Another is “cleaning toilets and changing diapers to pay rent.” I loved that. Another is a 49 year-old bridesmaid. We’ve gotta all love that. Another is sitting in Southern Indiana surrounded by flood waters. Another is celebrating at a Pizza Inn with a group of 75-90 year olds who have just finished studying “Jesus the One and Only.” And another is “tired and deflated and ready for this dry season to end” for her.

And Christ is watchful and active and overflowing with unabashed, unbridled affection over every single one of them. As Present in one as any other. As purposeful in the life feeling the least purpose. The most exhaustion. He still raises the dead. Saves the lost. Heals the weak. Sets prisoners free. He never misses a tear. Never let’s us go. He was lifted up so we could be drawn to Him. Killed so we could live. Beaten so we could win. No matter what stone seems to have you entombed, He can roll it away. Nothing can stay in the grave when God has resurrection on His mind. And, Sweet Thing, God has resurrection on His mind right now.

He had it on His mind with every beat of that hammer on the nails penetrating Christ’s flesh. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” Death never gets the last word. Not even the death of relationship. Respect. Well-being. Health. God cannot – will not – leave well enough alone. His business is life and life at its liveliest. Loveliest. May He roll away every last thing that is stifling His effervescence in us. He never promised that life here would always be fun but He mighty well promised that life here could always be full. Every single ounce of power expended on the Cross is yours in Jesus’ Name. Ask Him what that means. How you draw from it. That’s what I’m doing today. Like you, I’ve had innumerable blessings and unforgettable moments of late. Like you, I’ve also had my own heartbreaks, disappointments, and worries. Felt weary to the bone. Frustrated to the core. I’ve cried, too. Thought I was fed-up with some things, too. Wondered if I’d ever change, too. Then comes Good Friday. The violence that says something’s about to be different. That causes our earths to quake. Then comes the Saturday wait that seems an eternity long. Then, finally, FINALLY comes Sunday morning…long before dawn. By that time the Father has waited long enough. And stones begin to roll.

“When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us ALL our sins, having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; He took it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” Colossians 3:13-15

Some of us are burdened and weary because we never have allowed ourselves to feel the full and free forgiveness of the Cross. What if today you believed it? What if today you believed Him? What if you finally let it go? What if today the deadness in us could no longer resist the sound of Christ calling us forth from the tomb? What if we decided to get up and really live?

I love you so dearly. Blessed Friday of all Fridays and Happy Easter Sunday.


200 Responses to “For Lives Like Ours”

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  1. 101
    zoom says:

    I bawled when I read this. It touched me deeply. Thank you.

  2. 102
    "Just Me - NC Beth" says:

    I cry as I read this post…as you tell of other siestas that are happy, hurting, confused, unsure, needing love….
    My heart hurts for each one…yet there is Hope…to see us through the good times, the rough times, because you see, Jesus is real and He loves us so!
    Because on a Sunday morning, He arose!! Praise God! He is alive! He is our Hope!

  3. 103
    I'm Sadie says:

    Your words are precious. You have me in tears. I love the whole Easter weekend, and you put so much more into it! I appreciate your blog more than words can understand. Thanks. God Bless You!

  4. 104
    SHELL says:

    WHOA… Did I just get goosebumps after reading what you wrote—yup–they are still there. Wow. I have had such a time Beth-infidelity by my spouse, a baby boy in ICU—financial problems etc. I missed the blog the day you asked how we were and I’m glad because I was praying that day about divorce. No was the response on that question so I’m still pressing on in that area. I’ve never been so moved and so connected to my siestas and to you in the name of Jesus. Thank you for showing us the fact that we all have scars. Thank you for encouraging and refocusing me this Easter weekend, Love to all, SHELL

  5. 105
    2trueboys says:

    Thank you, Beth, for your words today. They were the dam-breaker for some tears I needed to shed but couldn’t. Tears are such healers, aren’t they? Glory to my Redeemer, the Resurrection and the LIFE! Blessings onya’, dear Siesta ~E

  6. 106
    Sherry says:

    Thanks for sharing your heart.
    Shalom, sweet Beth!

  7. 107
    Valarie says:

    Sweetest Beth and all my darlin’ Siesta’s I thank each of you for layin’ it out there and for being so real!

    I too have been at the edge of tears all weekend but mostly it’s just out of pure gratitude. I still am amazed – even after serving Him for 20+ years – that He died for ME! For YOU! For all of us!! Praise His name!!

    He is risen – Hallelujah!!!

    Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus!!!!!

    Love to all this Holy Weekend!

  8. 108
    Bewildered says:

    Pouring my heart out like I have never done before, in all honesty…sorry. I know I am horrible. I believe in Jesus, I believe in his death & ressurection but I am so angry at God!!!
    I decided to do what I have never done and that is read the Bible from front to back this year. It has been enlighening but also so confusing. I hear it said all the time, “it is God’s will” or “it is God’s plan”. Why would a loving, forgiving God plan for the people he created to sin & slaughter one another? Free will? It is all so conflicting in me & I know my focus right now should be on the Cross & it is but WHY, WHY did God feel it necessary to go that far? Why did he tempt Adam & Eve when he KNEW they would fail? That all the generations after them but a few here & there worship man-made gods & idols?
    I want to understand, I want the kind of compassion & love you know but the harder I search, the further into the pit I fall.

  9. 109
    HIS Child says:

    Thank you for HIS truth through you. Sweet siesta’s I am so blessed to be a part of your lives. To celebrate your victories; to cry with you over your hurts; to pray over you and ask HIM to bless and expand your borders. My heart is full of love and my spirit is joyful. May each of HIS daughter’s feel the presence of the one who has proclaimed “every spiritual blessing, over you.” I love you all, have a blessed Easter Sunday.

    In HIS Powerful Love,

  10. 110
    mburkum says:

    Amen! Amen! and Amen! The Lord loves each of us where we are. He is concerned with what I see as piddly problems in my life when compared to the death, destruction, and desolate places that pepper this earth. He still loves me and is concerned with my distress in my life, and He delights with my accomplishments, no matter how small they seem to me and those around me. He probably sees the little things much better than I see them. What a comfort! What joy to know that my God loves me so much that He’d dirty His perfect self to make sure that I would never be soiled by death and sin again. Let me not take that for granted, and let me take every advantage of His offer of life, love and freedom in Him!

    How forgetful I get about how much my Father loves me! I remember when I see my little 3-1/2 year old hollers, “Mommy! Watch me!”, and she proceeds to do something new, like zip a zipper, or get all 5 fingers in her glove at the same time the first try, or when she can finally peddle that tricycle by herself, or when she says, “Mommy, I sure love Jesus. He’s so good to me” just out of the blue…I feel the pride swell in my heart, and I know you all must see the light from my face wherever you are in this world. How much more the pride in our Father’s heart and the light from his face when we learn something new about His world!

    You, Beth, have caught me at a contemplative time, too. I am in a rough season right now, but I know Sunday’s coming soon! 🙂 Thank you for chatting with us today and each day. What a blessing to come together as sisters in Christ and just talk, whether it be about the weather, shoes, or our Lord and the life He brought with His death, burial, AND resurrection.

    As I journaled today, “God I just want to rest up on Your shoulder, to be near to You, to feel the rise and fall of Your breath.”

    I love Easter! Friday’s bad, but Sunday’s coming! 🙂 Glory!

  11. 111
    Nicole says:

    A wise christian woman once told me to surround myself with christian girl-friends to keep myself on the right path…but I only have a few. However, when reading this blog and the many responses, I feel as if I am chatting with the christian girl-friends that I so desperately need in my life; Keeping it real and straight from the heart. Today was one of those days when I needed to hear from my girlfriends…
    Thanks Beth and blessings to you all~~~Nicole

  12. 112
    Kimber says:

    Just had to share this… Last Sunday (Palm Sunday) our beloved Rector, Pastor Linn, preached on Jesus’s triumphant entry to Jerusalem on a donkey, just as was prophesied. I learned 2 things that I did not know that I just loved:
    1) Palm leaves were a symbol of the House of David (Israel) and a not to subtle message to Rome that the Messiah King had come.
    2) It was lamb selection day for the Jewish people for their Passover feast — a lamb that must be without blemish.
    Isn’t God just AMAZING!? I’ve been in church all my life and I’m still learning of the majesty of this Holy Week and His perfect sacrifice for all of us. Hallelujah (a little early yet, for my denomination — we lose the “Hallelujahs” during Lent, but bring them back with gusto on Easter morning). I can’t wait to hear Pastor Linn shout to begin our Sunday celebration, “Hallelujah, Christ is Risen!” To which the congregation will respond, “The Lord is Risen INDEED! Hallelujah!” Blessings to all!

  13. 113
    gigetgirl says:

    Happy Easter Sweet siestas
    Blessed Be The Name of The Lord!

  14. 114
    Womack says:

    Thank you Beth. I didn’t comment on the previous post, but I was encouraged yesterday by your devotion from “90 Days with the One and Only”. It was day 30 “Falling Forward”. At times I feel like I’m close to stumbling for “perceiving the inactivity of Christ”. My husband and I have been praying for a change in location for the last year and nothing has happened. Anyway, your words in that and in this post have blessed me.


  15. 115
    Honea Household says:

    Love you, Beth.

  16. 116
    Anonymous says:


  17. 117
    Rhonda says:

    I was thinking earlier today about the sorrow that Mary, the disciples and other followers must have been going through after Christ’s death and entombment. They had believed, yet here they were with seemingly nothing. Not knowing what was coming very soon! I’ve been there this past year…having believed…yet faced with having nothing. At least so I thought. I am still struggling, but am finally back to believing! I am looking forward to a celebration tomorrow! So grateful for what He has brought me through. Have a blessed Easter!

  18. 118
    Shonda says:

    I’m getting it! Let the power of God through Christ Jesus resurrect my dead life! Hallelujah!

    May you be blessed this weekend in Christ Jesus our Savior!

  19. 119
    Kristib says:

    I am crying and it feels so good to just let go!

    Praise You Lord for your work on the cross so that prisoners can be unshackled and set free!

    Thank you Beth for your beautiful words!

    Our Redeemer lives!

    Much love!

    P.S. Wanted to let you know that I was part of our Easter drama at church where I was literally chained and set free by Jesus. I was portraying a women filled with bitterness and anger toward her father that abandoned her. (which is my testimony) I couldn’t help but reflect back to your study of Breaking Free where I first let go of so much bondage. Thank you so much for letting the Lord use you so powerfully through that study!

    I am free!

  20. 120
    Miss Paula says:

    I just looked out my window before getting on here and my 70 year old neighbor and his 80 ish friend were praying by the curb, by the busy street. They were holding hands in a circle with my neighbor’s new grandson in law who has got a mouth on him. But, to me, it looks like a miracle happened. Then I read your words. Praise God!

  21. 121
    Anonymous says:

    I just want to thank you for your words. I have had trouble this weekend connecting to Jesus. I am visiting family in Denmark – not much “church” or holy weekend here. We are going to a service tomorrow, in Danish, but I know I will fell His presence. But in this short moment that I can actually connect to the internet, I went to your site – what a joy to read your words about this weekend. Thank you for the surge of feeling you have started for me! HAPPY EASTER

  22. 122
    Melana says:

    Sometimes life overwhelms me. Then, when I least expect Him too, Christ overwhelms me. It’s not like all the problems left me or a bag of money appeared on my doorstep…I just feel so WITH Him. I can’t explain it, but I just feel His love. After I went to bed the other night, before my husband came to bed, I started singing “Father, I Adore You”…in the dark. Today I have had the song “Oh How He Loves You and Me” in my head and my heart.

    I sat teary eyed reading many of the comments from the last entry. I stopped to pray over many of them.

    Thank-you for your words today, Beth, and your faithful ministry to me and the Siestas.

    God’s immeasureable love to all of you this Easter!!

    Melana in snowy Wyoming!

  23. 123
    beckyjomama says:

    Oh, Beth…
    I am speechless. I am humbled. I am awed by Him – and the way that He uses you to bring the Word alive for me. Thank you

    I tried to put things into words, but surprisingly – or, ya know – NOT so much! – you have done it so much better.

    I love ya Beth.
    Have a Blessed Easter
    Becky Jo

  24. 124
    Darla says:

    Honestly I did think you were MIA, and then I missed the last post! but after seeing the number on it..all I could say was My My!

    to your questions-“what if” -we will experience the love of our souls, dancing, laughing, and romancing us! And like you once said..”HE will look to HIS right hand and tell the son…look at her thats my girl, she believes me today!” Hallelujah!! HE IS ALIVE, FOREVER AMEN!!!

  25. 125
    Anonymous says:

    just an observation…Bible Study on Col 3:13….”When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your sinful nature…” If we unpack this one and refer to the original greek I think the easiest way to comprehend the intent here would be to render this passage as follows: “I’m so sick of myself I could throw up”(Senior Siesta’s Previous Post).Praise Him for delivering us from ourselves into His World!

  26. 126
    The Olson's says:

    I’m at my parents’ place with my family for Spring Break. I am sick so I can’t join them in their Easter weekend church retreat. Feeling lowsy & achy. But after reading this post I am encouraged to look beyond my aches and swollen glands and remember the significance of this weekend. Even if I can’t join my parents’ church retreat I can still meditate and celebrate this Easter weekend.
    Thanks for the encouragement!
    ~ Leanne

  27. 127
    Busyx3 says:

    Thanks so much for your encouraging words and for being real and honest!

  28. 128
    Mocha with Linda says:

    That was beautiful.

    When I survey the wondrous cross. . . .

    Blessings to you!

  29. 129
    Ang baylis says:

    I’m Believing God!
    You continue to inspire all of us and give us what we so long to hear! You always point us to Him and I am forever grateful! Love you, Angie xoxo

  30. 130
    Melanie says:

    I didn’t get to read all the comments on the “How Are You?” post, but in this post I read about the Siesta who is pregnant with her third baby, but still has no living children. I just wanted to say to you, dear Siesta, that I will be praying for you. I was in that same position five years ago. By God’s grace I carried my third baby to term and she is a happy, healthy four-year-old. She is truly our miracle child.

    I know that God doesn’t work in the same way in every situation, and His ways are higher than our ways, but I am praying for a miracle for you this time. May the Lord bless you, help you and comfort you one day at a time.


  31. 131
    Anonymous says:

    hi beth,
    i have been reading your blog for almost a year now and it has been inspiring to a christian of 25 years. thank you for your continued ministry.
    i have such a troubling question for you and would so appreciate any advice you may give.
    last evening in our good friday service, the pastor was talking about how jesus bore all of our sins. he said the worst sin is “unbelief”. i struggle with unbelief. i just don’t have a passion and love for jesus like you do BUT i pray for it every day. i pray just like they did in the new testament “i believe lord, help me overcome my unbelief.”
    why is this unbelief so strong? why can’t i “pray it away?” does this mean i am not saved?
    ahhhhhhh! i want the passion and i want to believe, i just have a hard time believing that God cares so deeply about me and every detail. please help me make sense of this. i am so frightened for my salvation and for lacking complete joy in the lord.
    thank you.

  32. 132
    Anonymous says:

    Tears are stinging my eyes from reading your lovely easter excerpt – thank you also for your awesome insight and way of describing the last days of Christ in Jesus the One and Only , the 90 day version. Becuz of you my 51 yr walk with the Lord is filled with a new passion and love for His Word and Him and His awesome resurrection power. I now know why even as a little girl
    I loved and felt so moved at hearing the Easter hymns sung at church – like “Up from the grave He arose”. With renewed Love for Him i t now sends goosebumps all over me but a huge smile and a heart literally jumping for joy – hands almost raised and wanting to be (we are quite reserved in our church ). !! Praying the Lords richest blessing to all on this Easter Weekend.

  33. 133
    Zoe's Splendor says:

    He is Risen Indeed! Praise god He still moves stones! Love ya, Beth and covering you in prayer!

  34. 134
    Beth says:

    Thanks Beth.I have been so preoccupied with another close call with my stepdaughter, to even think at all. Twice in 6 months she has been hospitalized. First with malnourishment from anorexia and a couple of weeks ago from a suicide attempt. On the respirator and in critical condition for a few days. She has recovered but don’t know what will happen next. She is 24 but still hasn’t figured out that Christ can set her free. He is her only hope. There is a major stone to be rolled away if only she would allow Him to do it. But she chooses to hang on to the lies Satan throws at her. I am numb to a degree because if I allow myself to feel, it will still hurt so badly to watch. Thanks for the prayers in advance and for the wonderful Easter message. Love you dearly, Beth

  35. 135
    Pilgrim Mom says:

    “Then, finally, FINALLY comes Sunday morning…long before dawn. By that time the Father has waited long enough. And stones begin to roll.”

    YEEEESSSSS! Oh, come quickly Lord Jesus! Titus 2:13

  36. 136
    Angela says:

    Dear Beth,
    Thank you for being available to us…to remind us of GOD. It hasn’t felt much like Easter this year…long story, but you helped bring it alive.
    God bless you Beth, thank you for being His vessel.

  37. 137
    Lena says:

    Oh Beth I have been on the verge of tears all week.

    I have talked to my kids to remind them that tomorrow is not about the Easter Bunny or candy or eggs. Its about what God did for us.

    My youngest son got up this morning asked me to answer some questions about God for him. Oh how excitied I was. I did the best I could and hope I did our Father justice.

    Yesterday he took his Bible to school for silent reading time. I am loving it:)

    I would like to ask that all of our Siesta’s pray for my son(he is 9 years old) and that God will continue to touch his heart and keep him asking questions. I would also like to ask you all to pray for my oldest son. He believes in Christ but does not show as much interest as my younger son. I want this so badly for him. I just want him to know Christ better. Also for my husband that God would touch and soften his heart to Gods word.

    I thank you all and sorry this is so long

    Happy Easter!!!

  38. 138
    Anonymous says:

    Dearest Beth,my first comments to your blog, although I read them faithfully. You crack me up one minute and an endless stream of tears the next. HOLY! HOLY! HOLY! is the Lord God Almighty. May you, your precious family, and each Siesta be saturated in the peace & love of our Risen Saviour this Easter Sunday.
    Keep Looking Up!
    Soddy Daisy, TN

  39. 139
    Emily says:

    Thankyou Beth for your wonderful words of hope, understanding and encouragement. You are a wonderful friend! I am so excited about Easter Sunday and reading your words today added to the anticipation, thankyou!

  40. 140
    Dedra says:

    I do love you gals so… and the LPM family.. I cried at Maundy Thursday service, breaking bread and sharing wine with my church family. I was humbled and silenced at our Good Friday service.. and have cried like a baby and tendered like no other year. Humbly, I am so grateful for His love and unbelievable gift for my poor soul. I hope to please my Pappa wildly this year.. by my love and obedience to Him.

    Love you Ms. Beth.. thank you for loving me and bringing it home once again. Won’t we just have a blast together in Heaven?

    Praise God! Happy Easter! He is risen indeed! 🙂 WOOO HOOO! (That’s Texan speak for Hallelujah!)


  41. 141
    Angela @ Refresh My Soul Blog says:

    Happy Easter to you. You are so precious. May your day be great!
    Because of Him all things can be resurrected. Bless you for those words.
    Much love,

  42. 142
    Anonymous says:

    Mama Beth, thank you for blessing us with your caring and your posts and for helping us learn to love Him more and more. I am praying that your Easter will be especially wonderful. You must listen so well, to bring posts that hit home with so many siestas at the same time!

    Bless you!

  43. 143
    Mariel says:

    Amen, dear Beth, Amen!

    Have a glorious Resurrection Day!

  44. 144
    Fallingforward says:

    I stayed up last night reading all of the comments from the last post until my eyes wouldn’t stay open anymore. What an awesome community we have here! To the sister who asked how to “join the siestas,” all you have to do is come as you are. You are a siesta already. I hope that you all have a blessed Easter.
    Our church had a night of worship and drama last night. They reenacted the last supper then showed a video of the last days of Christ on earth. It always brings me to tears. We are so unworthy, but I am so thankful because there is no greater love!

  45. 145
    Chris says:

    Oh sweet Beth, thank you for reading every one of our posts. Thank you for understanding us. And thank you for bringing Jesus to us, right where we are and need Him to be.

    I feel stuck on “Saturday”, grieving, waiting and enduring. This is what I will hold dear: “His business is life and life at its liveliest. Loveliest. May He roll away every last thing that is stifling His effervescence in us.”

    Thank you, and Happy Easter. I love you.

    xo Chris

  46. 146
    Cheri-Beri says:

    I don’t know what to say other than I feel connected to everyone. I so feel the presence of God between me and thee.

    And I have tears in my eyes that my children are going to roll their eyes at!!!

    Many, many blessings to everyone celebrating Resurrection Day.

  47. 147
    puzzlepiecesista says:

    Oh Beth, Thank you for calling us your friends, for you are most certainly thought of as one of my dearest friends!!!

    Tonight I too sit reflecting on the Cross and all that it means to me. I think I too need to lay prostrate before my King and just share with Him all that I am feeling. I am also watching the Ten Commandments right now on T.V. and again and again I am moved deeply in my spirit for all our Great God has already done for us. Every detail of my life and every step I take has been ordered and directed by the Lord Himself.
    This year I have learned to trust Him more than ever before.

    I may weep before Him tonight, but I know I will rejoice before Him in the morning.

    “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning”

    Our Risen Savior Jesus….He Lives

    I pray you and Keith and your entire family will be blessed beyond anything you could ever imagine!!

    I love you guys,
    Angela in Redmond, WA

  48. 148
    Mommy Dot Com says:

    Well, it’s after 2 am. I got the children’s baskets finished. I’ve got tomorrow’s food prepared (somewhat). I still need to lay out Easter clothes and find all the Easter shoes (what a job). I am thinkin’ I may need some of that resurrection power come 7:30 if I am going to make it to church. My husband has to work so me and the little ones will go alone. I was tempted to simply not go but then I remembered this post and decided to read it again. It has my name on it and God has put it out there for a reason. And a reason is a mighty strong thing to get a tired out momma going. A reason and some of that resurrection power.

  49. 149
    Anonymous says:

    Happy Easter!What a wonderful day!My favorite holiday…it just oveflows with His love. As I sit here reflecting on this just overwhelms me. In the silence of the crucifixion (Matt.27:26)…God was doing His greatest work… the redemption of mankind. This is a perfect example of His priceless, unfailing love for His children. So pure…so powerful! His Resurrection…gives us hope in a new day. Hope that a financial breakthrough is around the corner …hope that healing will come…hope for stongholds to be broken…hope for a troubled marriage…hope for a child…hope that singleness want always be and hope that a loved one will be saved.

    And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirt,whom He has given us.


  50. 150
    Anonymous says:

    This morning my heart is full of praise to our Risen King! Here are words from a song that say it so well:

    My God is mighty to save…He rose and conquered the grave…Jesus shine your light and let the whole world see. Sing for the glory of the RISEN KING!”

    Thanking the Lord for your beautiful ministry, Beth, and for each one of you precious siestas!

    God’s richest blessings to each one of you as we celebrate this great day of victory!!!! HE IS RISEN INDEED!

    Susan from Pa.

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