It’s Our Blog-a-versary!

One year ago today the LPM Blog was born! On that first day I posted a welcome message and some pictures from our staff Christmas party. It was fascinating material. Were any of you reading during those early days? It has been a blast getting to fellowship with you in blogworld since then.

I mistakenly told my mom and sister that it is a tradition to post 100 things about yourself on your blog’s birthday. I think it’s actually something you do on your 100th post. Oops! I’m blaming it on my cold medicine. We had already made the list when I realized my mistake (and thank goodness we couldn’t come up with more than 30 things), so here it is!

30 Things About LPM and the Moore Family


*It was founded in 1994 with a one thousand dollar donation that Beth didn’t know what to do with.

*One donation check several years ago was made out to “Living Fruits Ministry.” We never cashed it because we loved it so much.

*A core group of the staff has been together since the days of monthly prayer breakfasts at Beth’s house twenty years ago. They have been through untold hair seasons with one another and are likely still married today because of one another’s encouragement to press on.

*Beth had to give up teaching a Christian aerobics class in order to write Bible studies, a sacrifice she often recounts and sometimes while doing a grapevine left then right, step forward, leap back. She says she’s never kicked the habit of writing aerobic routines in her head when she hears a cool Christian contemporary song.

*Beth’s personal assistant and our senior statesman, Susan Kirby, used to be a caterer, a gift she now utilizes to pick up good to-go food. Sadly, we only have about five restaurants near the ministry but, thankfully, four of them are Mexican food.

*The entire staff also considers Susan Kirby to be our resident authority on everything from recipes to home repairs to Christmas decorations to marriage restorations. Hers is the most sought-after advice in the ministry.

*Everyone on the staff is kind and sweet to each other until we play Bunko (no, we don’t bet) then everyone’s sin nature surfaces alarmingly. We had to give up playing “Spoons” because a utensil shortage once caused us to have to also use knives, to which many nearly lost appendages.

*One of us who will remain unnamed has the strangest sneezes in the free world and they always come in rapid succession of a minimum of eight. Every staff member within ear-shot observes a moment of smiling silence until they pass.

*Diane, our resource department manager, cut off all her eye lashes with an eyelash curler several years ago. As she helplessly watched them fall in the sink, she reports to having said aloud only one word: “Y’all.” Diane says that she does not know whether she was talking to all her eyelashes or to all of her good friends at Living Proof that would care that she lost them.

*Kimberly Meyer, one of our most beloved staff members, did not fully grasp the concept of preferring others when she served at Beth’s product table for the first time at Women of Faith several years ago. The irony of her shameful bias toward Beth was that it was untested. She’d not yet heard a single other speaker on the program. The first woman who walked up to the product table got the full brunt of it. With the enthusiasm of an entire cheerleading squad, Kimberly pointed both fingers at her and blurted out, “Who’s your favorite?” The unsuspecting woman, wide-eyed with surprise, blurted out with equal exuberance, “Patsy Clairmont!” A fact we still celebrate to this day.

*Every single one of the staff members who has gotten pregnant after coming to work here has had a boy. We now have five of them. Not a pink ruffle in the mix. Something suspicious is lurking in the office drinking water.

*Beth and ministry director, Sabrina, ride to Bible study together every Tuesday and worship so loud to Kirk Franklin songs that the whole car shakes.

*The whole ministry staff loves nothing better than a big, corporate praise dance. Uh, come to think of it, we haven’t let loose like that since Melissa came on board. She needs time to grow into it. A lot of time.

The Moore Family

*Most nights that we are all together, we sit on the edge of the bath-tub, fully clothed, and soak our feet in hot bath water.

*On special occasions, we put bath confetti in the water. And afterwards if there was good conversation, we talk about what a great “soaking” it was.

*While we soak our feet in the hot bath water, we drink our “comforts,” which is short for “comfort drink,” which is short for homemade hot cocoa (with real whipped cream).

*Mom and Dad have authored about fifty “sweet-Beanie” songs and can manipulate any song ever written into a “sweet-Beanie” song.

*We eat Jimmy Dean sausage almost every morning for breakfast. It is a small, dainty meal.

*Jackson’s feet often smell just like the feet of a grown man, and he thinks it is downright hilarious for anyone to smell them and gag.

*Beanie (the dog) is fed her medication in a mound of Easy Cheese (which Mom and Dad inexplicably call “cheese-meats”).

*Beth has a phobia of non-fried foods. The revelation recently came to full disclosure last week when she was shocked and awed that the fish in her fish tacos was grilled rather than fried. She even eats fried pickles. Disgusting.

*We love petit fours more than almost any other dessert creation. Wedding cake is a very close second.

*Amanda was the resident evangelist to the pets in our family, leading them to the Lord by holding their paws together in prayer.

*Melissa has the uncanny ability to order the worst and most random thing on any menu. If there is one bad entrée on an otherwise wonderful menu, she will pick it out.

*When Mom goes to work out, she says that she is going to “pump some iron” in order to “meet her fitness goals.”

*Keith has been known to entertain Beth, Amanda, and Melissa on a bad day by doing ballet across the hard-wood floor in his cowboy boots. His pirouette is fascinating.

*Melissa’s first car was a much-desired 1969 Z28 Camaro in midnight blue with white racing stripes. She got it for her 16th birthday from her daddy. He took her out on the road to teach her how to drive it, gave her a little while to practice the four-speed, then said, “Now, try again and quit driving like a girl.” They still share a great love for muscle cars.

*Melissa’s proudest moment for Amanda was the day she got a report card with a “needs improvement” in conduct.

*All Moore’s look to Melissa for fashion advice. There is still distant hope that her advice for Keith will one day be taken. She likes to remind her mother that if her father were indeed both handsome and cool, he’d be dangerous. Better for him to just be handsome.

*Dad brought a live armadillo to mom’s window the night before he proposed. We’re not sure why. Perhaps to test her commitment.

Happy blog-a-versary, Siestas!


202 Responses to “It’s Our Blog-a-versary!”

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  1. 1
    Rebecca says:

    Wow! one year! gesh! i love this blog and all of you so much! that vid made me smile so big! happt blog o verssery! I love the moore fam!

  2. 2
    Toknowhim says:

    I did start with you all a year ago on the blog. Happy 1 year!!

    Thanks so much for sharing all of these wonderful details. I loved hearing all the stories about the LPM staff, and the Moore family.

    You all are so precious to me!!

  3. 3
    Toknowhim says:

    I already posted, but just watched the video…the glasses are great!! I had a perpetual smile on my face the whole time. Love you too!!!

  4. 4
    Debbie in CA says:

    Wow, has it really been a year? I remember excitedly telling my friends about it like it was just yesterday!

    What a blessing it has been to me. There have been MANY times when God has used it to confirm and/or echo things that He was showing me in my life (as he has done many times with your studies)

    Thank you for this wonderfully fun way of hearing your heart, both your heart for our wonderful heavenly Father and your heart for your family. It has been great getting to know Amanda and Melissa as well. (you know after hearing some of the stories it is nice to know they turned out ok!! J/K!!!…but it does make me feel like my family has a chance!! PTL!)

    Love ya just tons Beth!
    Your siesta in CA, Debbie

  5. 5
    Anonymous says:

    I have been uplifted, moved to tears (some of laughter, some otherwise), and challenged by your blog this last year. Thank you so much! The eyelashes, cowboy boot ballet, the armadillo and more will not be forgotten. Cannot wait until we all get to fellowship and worship together face to face with Jesus!
    Angie, WA

  6. 6
    Anonymous says:

    Still waitin’ for the picture…..

    Don’t knock fried dill pickles until you’ve tried ’em.

  7. 7
    Steve and Jessica Otto says:

    Oh my…I can’t stop laughing over the eyelashes! That one takes the cake (wedding, of course!) for the funniest story of the year! Happy Blog-a-versary! Beth, thank you to you and your family for sharing your lives with us!

  8. 8
    Kathy (In Arkansas) says:

    That is great! One year! I can’t believe it!

    My favorite two….the report card and the armadillo….

    Recently an armadillo has taken up in my yard..I have named it Dilly….my dog Lucy barks at it and it ignores her and Lucy has been a good guard dog and done her duty and then goes back to bed.

    Thanks for the blog, it is a blessing.

  9. 9
    Bobbie says:

    Happy Blog-a-versary to y’all! It doesn’t seem like it’s been a year. But I have to tell you it’s been a blast. No wonder we’re all “siestas”, with FOUR Mexican Food restaurants in the vicinity, we can’t help but have that in common!!

    Thanks for the fun facts about the Moore family! I love the idea of soaking and enjoying hot chocolate. I just saw a mug of hot chocolate, topped with whipped cream and mini M&M’s! It looked so yummy!

    I think that Keith should attend the Siesta Fiesta in San Antonio and share his ballet talent with us! He sounds like a great DAD, especially for girls!

    Best wishes to Beth & Keith, Amanda, Melissa and all of LPM (there are certainly no “Fruits” in this ministry!)for a 2nd year of blessings from our Awesome God!

    Merry Christmas to all our Siestas, may your holidays be Merry & Bright.


  10. 10
    Jean says:

    I so love this blog. I love that I’ve been blessed by it for the past year and that you have opened your lives through this part of your ministry. May God bless you and yours!!

  11. 11
    Missy says:

    Happy Blogaversary and Merry Christmas,
    I didn’t even realize that today was the anniversary, and I fixed the famous Moore dish for supper. It was amazing and so is your family and your ministry. I have enjoyed every entry in this blog since the beginning.Thanks for sharing your lives with us and the blessings of God!!!

  12. 12
    Darlene R. says:

    How fun was that! Thanks for the song Beth. I laughed about Keith dancing in the cowboy boots and poor Diane and her eyelashes.

    This blog has made the biggest difference in my life and I have made so many bloggyworld friends through it.

    I ‘m so proud to be a part of it.
    Happy Anniversary!

  13. 13
    Healed By His Grace says:

    Happy Blog-aversary to you, Amanda, Beth and Melissa (now)! What a mighty job you have done, and what a blessing this blog has been to me. May all the Moores have a wonderful Christmas, full of God’s abundant blessings! Thanks for feeding our spirits, our hearts, and our funny bones! Love you all!

  14. 14
    thouartloosed says:

    Beth and Moores,
    Your blog is what motivated me to try blogging myself. Thanks so much for the continuing motivation, the laughs, and the siestahood.
    God bless you and yours!

  15. 15
    Becky says:

    yall have to be the funniest group! i honestly laugh out loud and only wish i could match wits with you! and Beth, we could be best friends thanks to our love of all things mexican and i LOVE a good fried dill pickle!!

  16. 16
    boomama says:

    P.S. There ain’t NOTHIN’ wrong with some fried dill pickles. Dip ’em in some Ranch dressing and be set free of all plain-pickle bondage. In the strong name of Jesus. Amen.

  17. 17
    Marti says:

    I’m going to call my mother now and tell her we’re not as crazy as I thought we were. There are more of our kind.

    Marti Sullivan

  18. 18
    su says:


    Happy Blob-a-versary to you too! I think that I came on board a month later. I have enjoyed it immensely. Thank you for your time and effort.

    I enjoyed this post. My favorite was your last – the armadillo one, to test her commitment.

    Merry Christmas!

  19. 19
    joyful heart says:

    Hilarious. What great fun! Thanks girls, Merry Merry Christmas and happy Blog-a-versary! Love in Jesus, Kim in PA

  20. 20
    Anonymous says:

    Dear Beth and Siestas,

    I love this site. This is my morning computer routine: read e-mail, check LPM blog, check Travis’ blog. Every morning! I don’t often post comments, but I feel as you’re all my best friends!Blessed Christmas to ya’ll and I would love to hug your necks! (We don’t say these things in California!)


  21. 21
    Terry in Tucson says:

    Happy Blog-a-versary Siestas!!!

    Oh, how you make me laugh! It just confirms how “Normal” my life is – The thought of Mr. Keith ballet dancing for the Moore girls in boots – what a picture of normal family life with a good measure of humor!!

    Love this blog community of Siestas, The Moores and LPM!!

    Terry in Tucson

  22. 22
    Tina says:

    WOW how the time has flown. I am so grateful to be apart of this family of siestas. Wishing you ALL a very Merry Christmas and Happy Blog-a-versary. With much love, Tina B.

  23. 23
    Melanie says:

    Happy Blogaversary!!!! I was totally there from the beginning. I love the closeness that it has brought all of us siestas to the whole LPM family and the Moore family. Thanks for all of the days that you guys brighten!!!!

    Love ya!

  24. 24
    Jill_in_AL says:

    So special to get a song and list of fun “days in the life”! I try to soak in a bubble bath nightly and almost as often have hot chocolate….two comforts I fully expect to enjoy eternally!

    Happy Blog-a-versary to you all and to all my siestas. May we love Him more in the next 12 months and be ever encouraged, spured on, lifted up.

    Thank you again, AJ, for making all this possible. Blessngs til next time, Jill

  25. 25
    Abby says:

    Happy Blog-a-versary back to ya’ll!!

    Yep, I’ve been here since the early ‘BLOB’ days! 🙂
    ..From Passion to Please More Spirit, attack-birds to prayers for Africa, Camp Bigs to husband surveys, recipes to Yahoo-jah!, hunting dogs to Major Dad, praise-dancing with granny to a tribute to Melissa’s rock-star quality..

    serious or slap-your-knee silly, there is never a dull moment in Siestaville 🙂 …here’s to another crazy year of our deliciously ditzy family 😀

    can’t wait to hug your necks in San Antonio!!!

  26. 26
    Patty says:

    It’s funny that this is the 1 year anniversary because just the other day I was looking back at the LPM archives and I was reading and posting in the early days! This is such a blast and a blessing from God. This has become quite a family in here and I can’t wait to meet up in San Antonio and meet more of our wonderful siestas!

    The lists were so funny. I am with Beth on the fried pickles !!

    Happy Bloggy Birthday LPM!!!


  27. 27
    Patty says:

    I think I am blonder than I pay to be but I think in my last comment that I said Happy Bloggy birthday and if I did I meant to say Happy Blog-a-versary LPM and Siestas!!!
    Typical me. ;o)

  28. 28
    sammie says:

    I’m surprized you did not put in the time one of you guys called it a blob entree. To funny!! I can’t believe its been a year. What did we do before the blog?

  29. 29
    Little Steps Of Faith says:

    I remember the first bloggin’ time:)
    I remember Amanda was unsure whether or not it would be successful the 2nd time around:)
    I am proud to be a veteran siesta!!!:-)
    Love you all:)

    In Response to God’s Grace,

  30. 30
    Amy says:

    LOVE the list! Happy Blog-a-versary ~ This blog has meant so much and been instrumental to me. About your question, Amanda, I’m happy to say I made the first comment on the first post of this blog, and have been reading ever since. Love you Beth, Amanda, Melissa, Keith & LPM Staff! You all rock!


  31. 31
    Sacha says:

    Hey everybody! That was so much fun! I have only been a blogger since June but I have loved every bit of it. I don’t respond much but I just had to respond to this one! It is so much fun and y’all are such good examples of how to have good Christlike fun in today’s world. Thank you all for everything you do! I love you all and cannot wait to see you in San Antonio! Have a wonderful Christmas and a very blessed New Year!!

  32. 32
    Cathy says:

    Yes, I HAVE been reading the whole time. I don’t often comment, but I do often read other siestas’ blogs and pray for them. I have been linked to the most wonderful women and their stories through this blog. I like to think of myself as a “silent siesta.” Happy Blog-a-versary to y’all. And yes, the eyelash curler was a dandy of a story! Made my day!

  33. 33
    DigiNee says:

    Ah – sweet Monday blog-a-versary . . . what a constant delight and refreshing – and yes, this one has been here from the beginning – I tell every one about it whenever I can and often copy and paste entries and send to my close siesta list . . .

    . . . and fried pickles – my daughter makes some mean ones!

    Keith doing ballet – now that takes the cake – will skip the wedding cake though! When is he going to write his book – it would so be a bestseller as all we siestas would buy it for our men . . . “How to make your Woman smile and reinforce your unbounding love, no matter what the occassion . . . mastering the Godly art of ballet in cowboy boots.” and the by-line: “Wising up for men – a study on Mooreverbs 3:21 – learning to treasure your Treasure.” (3 Moore girls, 2 daughters, and 1 “my woman”!)

    . . . and the ratio to boys and girls —- there is still time to balance that out – Amanda, it’s about time for another one, Melissa will tie the knot in the future and seems most of those LPM girls are rather young —– but I would recommend changing who supplies your water as a just in case!

    Great post —– Happy Blog-A-Versary!

  34. 34
    connorcolesmom says:

    That was so fun and I truly enjoyed reading all 30 of them 🙂
    I have not been a siesta since December 2006 but I joined sometime in Feb ’07. That was when the most comments posted were about 20 and now it gets up and over 100+ -hehe!

    Praise God for all the Wonderful things He has done through LPM, the Moore’s and this blog.

  35. 35
    Princess Casey says:

    oh my goodness…laughing!!!! the eye lashes, the pirouhettes, bad food, fried food , and baby boys. I look each day for new stuff from ya’ll. I get a DELIGHT from it each time! Thanks ladies…we need pictures Miss Beth

  36. 36
    annie says:

    Well, Blogville will never be the same! I never heard of blogs until yours, decided to have one of my own, and absolutely adore the randomness of your posts–some days tears,some days laughter, some days a Godstop that just won’t leave me. Thank you.Love you all, annette

  37. 37
    Anonymous says:

    Oh my! I have the same glasses that I use on unsuspecting targets for plant tours. Most just put them on and don’t realize how funny they are until someone points it out. And I also sneeze in succession (sometimes 20 times)-every day, much to the amusement/stress of friends and coworkers who never know when it’s time to throw in the “God bless you.” —- There is more siestahood here than even we realize. God Bless all of you!!

  38. 38
    mj522 says:

    Happy Blog-a-versary!!! How exciting! I can’t believe it’s been a year! I read everyday, but have only commented a couple. Thanks for all the sunshine this blog brings! I know it has brightened many a dreary day for me!!

  39. 39
    GodIsHuge says:

    Oh My, that was fun! What a wonderful time you all seem to have together. Will we someday see Keith’s ballet on youtube? I don’t often blog, but I always read. I have been ministered to in so many ways through the blog. Thank you.

  40. 40
    Carmen says:

    Y’ALL! How long does it take for eyelashes to grow back????? Fried food must help eye lashes grow back! You need big curly eyelashes so you can blink and wink like mad at the cowboy doing ballet!
    Happy Blog-a-versary, Happy Blog-a-versary, Happy Blog-a-versary, Happy Blogaversary!

  41. 41
    Julie says:

    What fun! I just love hearing about you crazy girls. I wish you would have an open house and just let us all come over and wear tiaras with you some day.

  42. 42
    Anonymous says:

    Happy Anniversary !!! I didn’t even have a clue that this blog existed until mid February, but I am so glad that someone decided to try to create it. It is so awesome to be able to get to know Y’all better, bit by bit, through this sweet blog … Thank you so much.

    In Christ’s Love,

    Jennifer O.

  43. 43
    Longmeadow Mama says:

    And a year of blessings it has been! I’ve been here since the very start and remember the days when I was afraid to post a comment. I felt unworthy to have Beth Moore possibly read anything I might have to say! Then I realized she’s just one of us…this video, case and point!
    I love you all!
    Kelli in Ohio

  44. 44
    Laura says:

    Happy Blog-a-versary! Lots of learning and fun has taken place right here! 🙂

  45. 45
    Lynn says:

    I remember that day a year ago when checking the Living Proof Site and saw the link to the blog. I was so excited. I have checked everyday since then and been blessed more times than I can count by it.

    Thanks for providing this wonderful place to connect with our siestas!

    – Sister Lynn

  46. 46
    CrownLaidDown says:

    Love you, too…you nut!

    One warm summer morning in Texas, we found a poor armadillo in the bottom of the pool–they can’t swim, did you know that? Glad it wasn’t a drowned armadillo that Keith brought, that would have for sure been a NO! eww!

    Thank you for being just who you are–simply mar-velous!

  47. 47
    Dawn says:

    Thank you Beth, Amanda and all the precious ladies of LPM. I have been a lurker since the Detroit conference last winter, but had to come out of the shadows to say Happy Blog-a-versary! Visiting this blog is always a high point of my day!

  48. 48
    Joanne says:

    I just adore those family moments, thanks for sharing. It blessed my socks off (and my feet don’t seem to smell as bad as Jackson’s!)

    I thought I’d share a ‘family moment’ with you… I saw you in San Francisco last year and had one of the best times ever with my sister…she introduced me to Thai food and I had such pangs during the end of the teaching that I had to try and walk around during break. I was in a perpetual bent-over position yelling at my sister (who told me later that she thought I knew that Thai food could have that affect..I DIDN’T!) while walking around the block, she was laughing so hard at my pitiful inability to stand up straight…that she peed her pants. We took the BART train home that evening with my jacket around her waist and laughing in hysterics.

    Thank you for being led by the hand of the Lord. Your Bible studies have blessed me so. I thank you Beth, not only for your teachings but for giving two mothers with a total of seven children a memory they will never forget.

    Happy Blog-a-versary!!!


  49. 49
    Anonymous says:

    I HAVEN’T STOPPED LAUGHING YET!!! Thank you! Enjoyed every word of it! Happy Blog-a-versary!
    Paulette in East Texas

  50. 50
    Calypso says:

    Thank you for so many laughs this past year! I have really enjoyed this blog, and the humour, and wisdom that I have been able to get from it!

    I always look forward to seeing if anything is new on the blog.

    Happy Blog-a-versary!!!!!!!

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