Rowdy in Rhode Island

My Beloved New England girls who attended the Rhode Island Living Proof Live event this weekend,

I have cried with the Lord in gratitude and great joy for you several times this morning (i.e. every time I really think about you again or picture your darling faces). I’m not even kidding. Even now I have such a lump in my throat, but all the while I’m grinning with a deep sense of gladness. A few of many highlights: I will never forget the sounds of your voices when Travis had you sing without the team or the instruments. It was breathtaking. I’ll never forget all those teenage girls who came forward to receive Jesus then, to top it off, at least a half a dozen senior adult women came, too. And will any of us EVER forget (I’m not sure how to spell her name) “Shana” with those darling pigtail braids, matching scarf and dress? She knew how beautiful she was to Jesus. Oh, that the rest of us would be so smart.

I loved every single one of you. It was literally the worst room ever (the arena in the area was under reconstruction. It was all we had) with all those terrible columns but you were patient, gracious and completely plugged in. In fact, you were down-right rowdy. (Hmmmmm. Is that what we can expect out of New England next fall?) I will keep you on my heart forever. Thank you for one of the best times I’ve ever had and for getting the message amid my scatter-brain, all over the place, throw-up “style” that drives even me crazy. God’s power and Presence show all the stronger in weak environments, thank goodness.

New England girls, let’s never forget our theme from 2 Peter 1. Here is the commissioning we did at the end to keep you reminded. For the many of you who were not there, take a moment to first read 2 Peter 1:1-11 and meditate on it and I believe you will still be blessed and challenged.

Rhode Island Commissioning

My Dear Sister
God’s Divine Power
Has given you everything you need
To do life and to do it His way
God has given you
Great and precious promises
Start believing them
And acting on them
When circumstances overwhelm you
Or people annoy you
Turn your faith into action
Dispatch what you need
From the holding tank of the Holy Spirit
And God will blow your mind
With what He can do through you
Never ever forget
You have been cleansed from past sins
Go FREE from this place
And live on purpose
Pour out your life for others
Then one day
When you close your eyes on earth
You will open them and see Jesus
And with arms full of riches
He’ll say, “Welcome Home!”
“Aren’t you beautiful!”
Now, go out into this world
And live like crazy!
Because your God
Is everything you need!


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