Throw Your Burden

Good Saturday Morning, wonderful blog community. I’ve thought of you so many times this week and knew that some of you really active ones were wondering where on earth the Mama was. Sabrina told me a few weeks ago that I had a week off coming up and I knew in that moment what I wanted to do with it. I did not take it off but I did stay home each day this week – out here in the country – and gave my full attention to a personal project. I normally still would have blogged at least once but, for the life of me, I could not think of anything to say. I’ve just had a quiet of sorts fall on me. Have you had times like that? Times when a stab of pain was personal enough and stunning enough to somehow cause you to put your hand over your mouth and keep it there a while? Times when you want to scream, “What is going on here? What is this madness? How did this happen??”

If you’re like me, you find it much easier to talk about a storm in its wake. In the middle of it, you’re just trying to hold on tight to the edges of the boat and keep from throwing up while it rocks to and fro. I’m still in it so I’d rather not even speak to it directly and once again ask you to resist conjecture as well. This is such a public format. I don’t want anyone involved in the challenge hurt by any words here. There’s enough hurt. But I want to be able to minister here and serve here and share with you even in the middle of a hard situation. Please let me leave it at that. Staying general invites more people to relate anyway.

One reason I have a quiet come over me in a season like this is the pure length of time that can be involved. Yesterday someone I’m crazy about shot me a very loving text that included, “How is it all going?” and I never answered it because it’s going the same as it went last week. Anybody understand what I’m saying? This dyed in the wool sanguine likes to say, “SO MUCH BETTER!” I don’t like to burden people long term. Oh heck, I don’t like to be burdened long term either. Who does?? In our humanity, we all wear out eventually. But sometimes the fact is, we’re not quite at the point of so much better yet. We will be. Make no mistake. Those of us who are willing to let Jesus minister to us in the deepest parts of our souls and knead the crushed grain of brokenness into break will indeed be so much better. It’s just a matter of time. Satan will indeed be defeated. And God will make sure he’s sorry.

I decided I had the words to write to you this morning – not because I felt talky all the sudden but – because Charles Spurgeon supplied them to me. They landed on a sore spot in my soul and brought some comfort and insight. I thought I’d just share the whole thing with you then make a closing comment or two. From Morning and Evening, today’s date…


“Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee.”
— Psalm 55:22

Care, even though exercised upon legitimate objects, if carried to excess, has in it the nature of sin. The precept to avoid anxious care is earnestly inculcated by our Saviour, again and again; it is reiterated by the apostles; and it is one which cannot be neglected without involving transgression: for the very essence of anxious care is the imagining that we are wiser than God, and the thrusting ourselves into his place to do for him that which he has undertaken to do for us. We attempt to think of that which we fancy he will forget; we labour to take upon ourselves our weary burden, as if he were unable or unwilling to take it for us. Now this disobedience to his plain precept, this unbelief in his Word, this presumption in intruding upon his province, is all sinful. Yet more than this, anxious care often leads to acts of sin. He who cannot calmly leave his affairs in God’s hand, but will carry his own burden, is very likely to be tempted to use wrong means to help himself. This sin leads to a forsaking of God as our counsellor, and resorting instead to human wisdom. This is going to the “broken cistern” instead of to the “fountain;” a sin which was laid against Israel of old. Anxiety makes us doubt God’s lovingkindness, and thus our love to him grows cold; we feel mistrust, and thus grieve the Spirit of God, so that our prayers become hindered, our consistent example marred, and our life one of self-seeking. Thus want of confidence in God leads us to wander far from him; but if through simple faith in his promise, we cast each burden as it comes upon him, and are “careful for nothing” because he undertakes to care for us, it will keep us close to him, and strengthen us against much temptation. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee.”

Spurgeon, C. H. (2006). Morning and evening : Daily readings (Complete and unabridged; New modern edition.). Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers.


I think I’ve told you before that I like to do my early morning reading out of a different translation than the one I use the rest of the time. Different wording often has a way of stirring up a different response in me. So, a couple of translations sit on my desk where I have my quiet time. One is always The NET Bible because Melissa gave it to me several years ago and it has (literally) “60,932 Translators’ Notes.” If I’m not presently doing a Bible study in my quiet time like the one I just finished of Kelly Minter’s, then often I’ll open up a devotional reading like Spurgeon’s. Because many of the daily devotionals don’t have longer Bible readings assigned with them, I check the verse they’re using then turn to that chapter in my Bible and read it. (True to form, I’m making this explanation harder than it has to be. I’ll try to cut to the chase.)

SO, this morning I opened up The NET Bible and read a large portion of Psalm 55. When I got to verse 22 – the verse captioned in the Spurgeon devotional –  I sat tight on the NET translation:

“Throw your burden upon the Lord, and he will sustain you. He will never allow the godly to be upended.”

Maybe you’re visual, too, and right about now you’re picturing throwing. Like hauling off and throwing something as hard as you can. And maybe getting a little frustration and madness out of your soul while you’re at it. Maybe crying while you’re doing it. Even out loud.


Before you’re tempted to hold it to your chest and suffocate yourself nearly to death with it.


Then something else spoke to me. It was one of those 60, 932 scholars’ notes. The comment footnotes the word “you” at the end of the phrase “Throw your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you.” I’ll just cut and paste the note from my Bible software so you can see it for yourself.

“The pronoun is singular; the psalmist addresses each member of his audience individually.”

Biblical Studies Press. (2006; 2006). The NET Bible First Edition Notes (Ps 55:22). Biblical Studies Press.

Individually. We EACH have the invitation to throw our burdens upon the Lord and let Him sustain us. Not the “we” of us. The “you” and “me” of us. We also each have the responsibility. In other words, no one can throw our burden on the Lord for us. We can’t call in a relief pitcher. Don’t misunderstand. We can certainly call upon people to pray for us and with us and the New Testament adamantly tells us to carry one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2) but listen. There is a difference between a burden that is entrusted for us in a season that we are to partner in sharing and carrying. Say, for instance, a long term illness or thorn in the flesh. But the part of the burden that we are inadvertently – even accidentally – playing God over needs to be THROWN, Girlfriend. The part we’re suffocating under because we’re no longer walking, we’re laying down with it on top of us, needs to be…


When we keep trying to figure out what would fix it, then we try that, and it doesn’t work so we wring our hands and go to the next fix, we need to throw it. We cannot be Savior. We know that because, Lord help us, we cannot even save ourselves.

I so don’t want to be depressing this morning. Forgive me. See? That’s why I’m not as anxious to write while I’m right in the middle of something. But, after this morning’s reading, I don’t feel as depressed about it. I feel a little lighter. A little less weight on my chest. My hope is that you do, too. And if you do, it won’t be this post. It will be Jesus.

Oh, you guys. I love you so much. I care so much. Don’t grow weary. God is working. Jesus IS Savior. HE WILL SAVE.



477 Responses to “Throw Your Burden”

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  1. 1
    Tess says:

    Siesta Mama….You ARE LOVED.

  2. 2
    Tara G. says:

    I very much enjoy the old devotionals by Spurgeon and Chambers. And I appreciate you taking time out to share with us. Rejoicing with you that we have a God who perfectly cares, loves, and sustains each one of us! {hugs}

  3. 3
    Patti says:

    Wow! What timely encouragement!! As I read Psalm 55:22 it reminded me of Psalm 60:12 (esp. in the NIRV – my child’s version). Just read it last night! Thanks for sharing. I didn’t find this post depressing at all. I found it to be very inspirational!! I love the part of Psalm 55:22 about “throwing our cares”. I’ve done it a little, but after reading this post, I realize I need to do it a whole lot more!

    Praying for you,
    Patti, Kissimmee, FL

  4. 4
    Michele says:

    This does speak to me, thank you.

    Still praying for you.

    We love you! 🙂

  5. 5
    Carol from Coopersburg says:

    I’m with you there, Sister, about not having much to say and being in “a thing”. I know satan doesn’t read minds so I will be careful not to give him any ground for attack, and words can do that sometimes when our world “seems” to be on shaky ground. My Tuesday night small group is doing one of your studies now and I am even careful not to answer certain questions as I feel knowing some of my personal answers would delight him in showing areas for attack.
    I’m also with you in knowing we stand on “the Rock”; that our Jesus did everything we need and the victories are ours in Him!

  6. 6
    Janice says:

    Beth, this was where I was earlier this week and that was the verse God gave to me. I woke up worrying about something I don’t have any control over whatsoever. I am so glad we have a Savior we can throw those burdens upon! And yes I felt lighter too! Thanks so much for sharing this.

  7. 7
    Sarah says:

    Dear Beth, Thank you for sharing that you are in the midst of a strong storm. We don’t need to know the details but we can still be praying. One of the many beauties of our Lord and Saviour. I am grateful that the times have been few in my life that I have had to cling to the words, “It is well with my soul.” Such beautiful few words that get to the crux of the matter when all else is swirling and ugly. I hope you have had an enjoyable or at least restful time working on your personal project. I will continue to be praying.

  8. 8
    Tammy Minnick says:

    Oh how I need to THROW this burden. Thank you for always sharing your heart. I’m learning to not “fix” things myself. But it so hard for a mamma to let go.

  9. 9
    Martha Helen says:

    thank you so much beth.. needed this desperately this morning, and so do a number of my dear loved ones who are all in the middle of such incredible family pain. i connected with so much of what you said and am drawn to repentance by Spurgeon’s words. praise the Lord that He is able.

  10. 10

    Better to throw our burdens on Him than to be thrown by them! Sweet words and a great reminder. Thanks, Siesta Mama!

  11. 11
    Peggy says:

    Thank you Beth for sharing and not being silent this A.M.

  12. 12
    Fran says:

    Oh Beth….thank you. I am walking alongside a dear friend through a season of such devastating loss. I am going to pass truth and hope to her believing God to lighten this load for her as well. It’s such a word of hope when you can’t even find the air to breathe. Thank you.

    You are loved always and praying for all of you. This life is indeed hate, but our hope is in Christ alone. Amen? Amen!

  13. 13
    CC says:

    Thanks, Beth, for the reminder. I’ve been wondering how you’re doing, so much so that you were in my dream last night! Still praying for you and your fam. And working on my throwing arm. 🙂

  14. 14
    emilee hall says:

    Thank you so much for that.
    Praying for you and your family
    I love you
    P.S… I sent you a surprise this week, but since you’ve been home you probably didn’t get it.. hopefully you will when u get back (the post office said it should have gotten to you yesterday). 🙂

  15. 15


    the word that keeps coming to my mind is .. ONGOING. Several of us were praying for each other and we each had “ongoing” situations. Things that don’t change, they are just there. I’m in one too. It is draining me in every way. I’ve struggled with this, whined about it, cried about it, and wrestled with it. finally I’ve learned to accept that HE is in control. But he sure has been there for me. When I’ve asked for help I’ve gotten it… INSTANTLY! He’s given peace when I’ve been overwhelmed with anxiety. And yes, I’ve THROWN the thing to him.

    He gave me the picture in my head do Peter out on the waves. when Peter kept his eyes glued to Jesus face, he was walking on the thing, but as soon as he took his eyes away, he started to sink. My verse is: ONE THING I will ask of the LORD, and this is what I seek… YOUR FACE! to gaze at your beauty… Eyeball to eyeball. Psalm 17:8 says “keep me as the apple of your eye”. It really means “keep me as the little man in your eye”. Meaning you are standing so close to Gods face, you can see your reflection in his eye. THATS the place I’m standing. Sometimes I’m not saying a word… I’m just letting him look at me. And it’s enough.

    Love you Beth.

  16. 16

    This met me at my point of need this morning… a healing balm and a readiness to throw my burdens to the Lord. Thank you!!

  17. 17
    Diana says:

    Beth, This is absolutely NOT depressing. This is freeing! It’s exactly what I needed to read today. I can apply this to the situations in my life. I can see where I’ve been trying to fix things in my own strength instead of giving it completely to the Lord. I’m so thankful you were lead by the Holy Spirit to share these wise words today.

  18. 18
    Missy Q says:

    Thank you for this. This morning a good friend is delivering her baby boy who is already in heaven with Jesus. Our hearts are breaking and we are throwing this burden to Jesus. Thank you.

    • 18.1
      Fran Mccurry Plott says:

      Missy, prayers for your friend and for you who loves her.

    • 18.2
      Julie says:

      Praying for your friend, her family, and you-her friend…

    • 18.3
      Sarah Marion says:

      Taking it to the throne and interceding for one in so much heartache.

    • 18.4
      Diane says:

      I’m so sorry to hear of that heartbreak! If it’s of any help for sometime down the road: Christian singer/musician Phil Keaggy’s wife, Bernadette, wrote a book called “A Deeper Shade of Grace” -they experienced 3 miscarriages, two of them she had been carrying twins, she talks candidly about what they went through as well as their healing journey. Reading her book was a part of my own grief and healing from multiple miscarriages. I will keep you & your friend in my prayers.

  19. 19
    Renee says:

    This is a wonderful word! I so love the visual. Thank you so much for sharing with us right in the middle of your…whatever 🙂 I surely understand the quiet that comes when hanging onto the boat! I’ll be praying for you this weekend.

  20. 20
    Sherrie Rodriguez says:


    Thank you for sharing your heart this morning. I can definitely relate, and it was good to be reminded about the importance of throwing my burdens on the Lord. When it is a long-term burden, it is especially difficult for me to just let go. It helps if I envision myself being thrown into His loving arms and then asking Him to pry my fingers loose from the burden I am clutching. It’s hard to let go, because it always involves someone I so dearly love. I have to remember that He loves this person even more than I do, and He knows best. I have to let go; otherwise, my little fingers just get in the way of the beautiful work He is doing. He doesn’t need my help. That’s a difficult lesson for me to learn, but your blog helped bring that to my attention. We will not grow weary, because God is our strength and our joy.

    “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.” Psalm 28:7

  21. 21
    Denise says:

    Yes, I completely understand having a quiet come over you during the storm. There is no update…we’re just taking it day by day (sometimes moment by moment), praying, hoping, and eager to be on the other side of the storm. But, God is still working through us and teaching us during the difficult times.

    Thank you for sharing this today. I like the visual of throwing our burdens…just heaving the whole mess right off us! Sweet Beth, please know that you and your family are in my prayers.

  22. 22
    Pam McDavid says:

    Seek, knock, ask. I am smiling just knowing that He knows. For Him to give you that Spurgeon message from His message TODAY- It’s just plain fun to feel The Lord nurture us, even if the circumstances aren’t fun, it’s fun to feel God so close and personal. It’s like being on a roller coaster and knowing that something else surprising is on the way, and it’s going to be GOOD!

  23. 23
    Ang says:

    mama beth-

    In this season which has been hardest for me was HOW MUCH can
    happen all at once. I had a dream a few nights ago that I was reading Phil 4:13,
    to a group of people. I woke up remembering and realizing how much I needed to hear
    that. We can’t even try to attempt dealing with so much on our own,
    We have to let Him handle it, when we don’t…we have an utter breakdown.
    Been praying for you too…As rough as this time has been which I will
    write in detail off the blog, God showed me so much, not just knowing Him,
    but seriously seeing his face. I recognize Him in my everyday life now more
    than ever before.


  24. 24
    Sherri says:

    I can’t tell you how much I needed this word to start off my summer! God used it to kick me in the pants! Thank you for being a willing vessel.

    I am praying for you.

  25. 25
    Gretchen says:

    Just finished the Stepping Up Bible study this morning. You said something that really ministered. I’m obviously paraphrasing, but you said that when it is all said and done and when we are finally with our King face to Face, we will have our time with Jesus one on One, and we will KNOW that every bit of suffering and every single bumpy road was exactly the right way for us.

    Standing with you spiritually shoulder to shoulder and praying for you during this silent time.

    With love and hugs,


  26. 26
    Patty says:

    I can’t thank you enough for writing to us today. This was something that I needed to read today. I know exactly what you mean because I am in a hard season and I have kept it dear to my heart except for sharing with immediate family and a few very close friends.

    I like the verse you shared from Spurgeon. It was the same verse God gave me when this all started except that I read it from the Message.

    Pile your troubles on God’s shoulders-he’ll carry your load, he’ll help you out. He’ll never let good people topple into ruin.

    I am clinging to that, especially the last part.

    Love you and praying for you!

    • 26.1
      Valerie says:

      Praying for you, Patty! You are one of my first blogging friends and one I was so blessed to meet in person at the Siesta event in San Antonio. Plus, you and my daughter share a birthday! 🙂 {{{Hugs}}} from Oklahoma! Love ya!

  27. 27
    Hilary says:

    This is exactly where I am at today! I just finished a blog post about my own struggle with a difficult decision and I was doing exactly what Spurgeon explained. And now I have thrown. 🙂

  28. 28
    Debbie says:

    I love reading these posts. Im sure most of us have been there at some point in our lives and could be again at any moment. Just to see the weaknesses of fellow believers in different walks of life depending on being strengthened by Jesus is so powerful. Thank you Beth for being faithful to this community – being real and urging and encouraging us on as we walk through this life together! To God be all the glory.

  29. 29
    Mary W says:

    Such true words of wisdom! Both from you and Mr. Spurgeon. Praying for you and your family!

  30. 30

    Oh praise Him…He will…Oh YES He will!!!!

  31. 31
    Sandy Bowers says:

    Oh darling Siesta Mama! We love to hear from you whenever you are able to post. Who among us has not gone through those times when we do not know what to say…..can’t find the right words to express what we want to say…..just feel better keeping our mouths covered??? You encourage and inspire us by showing your siestas that you are just like us. We know your ministering and teaching come from Jesus and we glimpse Him in all that you say and do. You and yours continue in my prayers and please know that I love you dearly. Your posts and tweets are a blessing all the time. Whether it is to make me laugh out loud, or a gentle reminder of something I need reminded of. Have a blessed weekend sister. Your siestas love you! Your God loves you!

  32. 32
    Jill Shonk says:

    I read this scripture this morning. I thought that I would share it with you in your difficult time.

    2 Corinthians 4:7-10
    But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard-pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

  33. 33
    Joelle Roibal says:

    Thankyou. I need to throw. I need to stop grieving The Spirit by anxiously caring. It’s awesome you can even put words down during your difficulties. Thank you Jesus for helping us see and for allowing us to throw these burdens to you.
    Much love In Him

  34. 34
    Donna says:

    Exactly what I needed today. Thank you. I have a long-term health problem that I believed I had “fixed” on my own that came back with a vengance and a renewed determination to “fix it” again. The Lord had whispered to me yesterday, “you are not the Savior, I AM”. Great reminder this morning as well. Praying for you and your family. He is with you all.

  35. 35
    Donna Jo says:

    Thank you Beth! I SOOO needed that this morning!!! I was up for hours in the night petting my worry over my daughter. It seems like its the right thing to do- to worry & be anxious about hr decisions! If I don’t worry & pray, who will?! This post gave me permission to relax. It won’t be easy though! My pet has been my constant companion but i think I’ll throw him behind me! (if I fling the wrong direction I’d just trip over him later!) 🙂
    With love & gratitude,

  36. 36
    Beverly says:

    Dear one and fellow sojourner, my heart was beating in sync with yours as I read today’s blog. I have come across that same word from Spurgeon before and can tell you, I, too received a lifting…as I, too, wait…you are in my prayers and thank you for lifting your voice to still encourage others while in the midst of the storm. So much love for you dear one and may you know the warmth of the Father’s arms around you today.
    Shalom, shalom,

  37. 37
    MiChal says:

    I’m on part IV of the Precept study on Revelation, so I’ve been steeping in lots of hard-to-wrap-my-mind-around stuff. Your post reminded me of line in a movie trailer I’ve been seeing lately that I often think of as I’m working through the Revelation study.

    “It’ll be alright in the end. If it’s not alright, then it’s not the end.”

  38. 38
    JanellS says:

    Thank you, Beth. As one who keeps her arms tightly grasped around some issues, I love the image of throwing my burdens -with passion,frustration, desperation, hope, and relief – to God. I needed to hear this message this morning, and it has inspired me to spend some real time today letting go and throwing some things to Him. Things I keep asking Him to help me with but that I clutch to my chest through worry and stress.

    Sending you much love and prayers.

  39. 39
    Catherine says:

    Praying for you! <3 you

  40. 40
    Michelle says:

    Siesta Mama,
    Thank you for these words. I have a burden I’m holding onto for unexplained reason, maybe a sense of control ?? I can’t even hardly waste my time thinking of fixes because I CAN’T fix it under any circumstances, yet I don’t let it go. I have recently recognized how it is pulling me down into a pit though and STILL I am not even sure I want to let go. It makes no sense. I am encouraged by your words this morning. Precious Jesus tries to speak to us through whatever means, including blog posts. I just need to listen and trust Him. Thank you so much!!

  41. 41
    Julie Ratcliff says:

    Thank you for this post. I think that even if we are in the midst of something overwhelming right now we will be sooner or later. This is a great reminder for when we are in the thick of it. I am reminded by something you said in one of your Bible Studies. You said that our problem may be over our heads but it is under His feet! I’ve never forgotten that and have encouraged myself and others with it. You are loved and I’m praying for you and your family!

    In Him,

  42. 42
    robinmac23 says:

    Siesta Mama – tears streaming as I read this morning. I totally identify with your silence and things not resolved. I’m sure our situations are different but feelings and emotions are similar. I too, am oh so weary of not being able to say things are any better. The desert is a hard place to be … longing for the promised land.

  43. 43
    jodie says:

    Thanks for that! I needed that. A take I havn’t thought about before on caring. God has shown me this verse lately: Psalm 22:3a, YET You are holy.

  44. 44
    Marjorie says:


    Ohhhhhh how I needed this WORD this morning. See, I am struggling with worry over a situation and it is consuming me. I just graduated nursing school on May 6th (after going back to school at 42 – now 46 yrs old). And, after I take my national boards in a week or so – I need desperately to obtain a position. Unfortunately, where I live there are few options. I may even have to drive up to 4 hours away to be able to get work. There are a few small hospitals here, but all want experienced nurses. And, my question is, how in the world do I get experience if I never get a job?? Anyway – with two kids in college and a husband who is a self-employed builder, I certainly feel the press of need in this situation.

    But, as the devotional and God’s word so eloquently stated… I WILL THROW my care/anxiety/worry/need at Jesus’ feet. I WILL trust Him in my hour of need. And I will NOT allow myself to be overcome with the cares of this life.

    Seeking Glory in everyday situations, I press on toward the prize.

    From a little corner in NW Colorado,

    • 44.1
      Debbie says:

      What a HUGE accomplishment! I’m a nurse…well a retired one…I cant imagine nursing school at 42. Congratulations! You go girl! Your post really touched my heart. I know the stress of boards. Please know I prayed for you this morning. That you would successfully pass the boards and that the Lord would make His way clear where He wants you to serve Him as a nurse. May you have peace during this journey!

  45. 45
    Jennifer T says:

    Siesta Momma –
    That first highlight: the very essence of anxious care is the imagining that we are wiser than God, and the thrusting ourselves into his place to do for him that which he has undertaken to do for us. WOW. Throwing here in Virginia – because “he has undertaken to do for us.” “me.” And you’re right. “It’s just a matter of time. Satan will indeed be defeated. And God will make sure he’s sorry.”

    LOVE to you individually and to YOU ALL!! 🙂

  46. 46
    Shelly says:

    Thank you, Beth, for sharing this. I can relate on so many levels. I love how you phrased it all. I, too, am trudging through the muck and mire of a challenging time and I often want to speak to no one because I’m so sick of the sound of my own voice at the end of the day. Does that even make sense? I have much to be grateful for and I know it. Yet there’s this one area of my life that continues to rear its ugly head and it about turns me inside out.

    I’ll continue to lift you in prayer and would ask you to do the same for me, if you read this. Life is all kinds of messy. I’m ready for the blood of Christ to wash over me afresh and make me clean. I’m grateful for His tender mercies that are new every morning. May both of us be released from tthe heaviness in our hearts .

    I treasure the words you write on this blog. Thank you.

    With much affection,

  47. 47
    Ada - Lovin Him says:

    Thank you so much for sharing Spurgeon’s inspiring and so applicable devotional Beth! Continuing to lift you up in prayer and feeling lighter with you:) The visual of throwing also reminded my of the visual of trampling under our feet as we walk in faith that you gave in “He IS” My notes from session one were:

    Peace: health, wholeness, to be complete, to be satisfied, to be emotionally prosperous.
    Not only can we have a perfect peace in our present, we can have a present trust for our future. Do I have an anxious expectation of His arrival in every circumstance in my life?
    When I’m in a situation where I’m oppressed and my feelings and vision tell me one thing I have to remember what the truth of God’s word says, He is loving, He is good, He is light and in Him is no darkness! Every step I walk in faith of who He is and trust Him in my situation, He is trampling down the lofty and arrogant and high places around me. Can I say “Yes Lord” and no to the double-mindedness that causes me to lose the battle? Am I walking in His ways with His name and His fame the desire of my heart? I WILL and YES! Throwing and trampling all burdens under my feet for “God IS working. Jesus IS Savior. HE WILL SAVE.” AMEN

  48. 48
    Becky says:

    Good Morning Beth,

    I don’t find this depressing as much as I find it inspiring. Just because you can’t say that things are going great, that there hasn’t been a major turn of events that wipes away all the yuck, you are still able to minister.

    Within the Christian community, stories are typically shared once the storm has passed AND much more often than not, the outcome of the storm is a “happily ever after” ending. Even in Gay’s story, I am sure that we all wanted to hear that she and Tut had reunited after he found her that night. But, as she reminded us…THAT’S NOT REAL LIFE.

    I have been living in a storm for many years with no wonderful, happy, feel-good end in sight. AND THAT’S REAL LIFE. My life is not terrible-it has many wonderful aspects, but the storm rages on no matter how much I pray that it will magically subside with a happily ever after ending. That may never happen in my lifetime. But that doesn’t mean that God is not working in me and those around me. He is! Our stories just may not have a nice, tidy, story-book ending. God is in the middle of it anyway. I still experience joy and I experience God’s love in amazing ways.

    It took me a long time to realize that even though every area of my life is not perfect, I am not disqualified to minister to others. As a matter of fact, sometimes I think my long-term storm carries a gift along with it-the gift of humility. It’s hard to be prideful when the storm is always at arm’s length.

    Beth, I think of and pray for you and your family often as you all continue to live REAL LIFE.

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    Diana says:

    There is so much FREEDOM and PEACE in KNOWING that God is TRULY in control

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    Kris A says:

    I host a Breaking Free study at my house every other Friday night. I’d done this study many years ago, and I know God was both healing me from old stuff and prepping me as He knew what was to come in my life. When we shared personal prayer concerns at the end of the night, I had to admit that things were going well and so I had no specific “burden” to ask others to pray with me over, but I did ask for prayer because I tend to not fall on God for everything when I seem to be managing it all myself, as if I don’t want to burden Him with little stuff. So this morning, reading this, the message seems especially important to me. Big or little, I’m to cast them all on Him. Thank you, Beth, for not being silent about this reminder.

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